

单词 脑出血

See also:


head n
mind n



blood n

External sources (not reviewed)

专业领域 : 脑中风、痴呆、脑肿瘤、退行性脊椎疾病 脑出血 、 头 部外伤、末梢神经损伤等。
Specialized Fields : Stroke, dementia,
[...] metastatic brain tumor, degenerative spinal disease, cerebral hemorrhage, head injury, [...]
peripheral nerve injury, etc.
太远插入一个缝合穿孔导脑出血, 大 脑 前 动 脉。
A suture inserted too far can perforate the anterior
[...] cerebral artery and result in brain hemorrhage.
脑出血,降 低血压非常重要,同其他形式的脑卒中一样, 采用脑卒中单元管理模式也是理想的。
Blood pressure control is very [...]
important for this type of stroke and management in a stroke unit is also desirable as for other forms of strokes.
它包括出血性中风(“血管”、 脑出血 ) 和 缺血性中风(脑梗塞),包括颅内和颅外动脉、静脉及静脉窦的疾病,但以动脉疾病为多见。
The term covers hemorrhage strokes (burst blood vessels, cerebral hemorrhage) and ischemic stroke (cerebral clot).
脑出血和脑部血 液急性感染造成脑肿和昏迷,并因其他慢性疾病而恶化。
A brain haemorrhage and an acute infection of the blood in the deceased’s brain resulted in a [...]
cerebral swelling and coma,
aggravated by his other chronic illnesses.
他 死于一颗子弹造成脑出血。
He had been killed by a brain haemorrhage caused by a bullet.
2003年5月13 日在该医疗中心急救部死 亡。根据卡尔希市检察官办公室开展的调查和正式法医报告,提交人的儿子因高 血压引脑出血死亡
According to the investigation conducted by the Prosecutor’s Office of Karshi City and official
forensic medical report, the death of the author’s son
[...] was caused by hypertension, which resulted in brain haemorrhage.
小脑幕疝是创伤性脑损伤后运动功能障碍的主要原因,其可伴随弥漫性轴索损伤、深 脑出血 、 局灶性皮质挫伤、缺氧缺血性损伤。
Transtentorial herniation is one of the
causes of motor weakness in
[...] traumatic brain injury, along with diffuse axonal injury, deep cerebral hemorrhage, focal cortical [...]
contusion, and hypoxic-ischemic injury.
脑淀粉样血管病(CAA)相关性自发 脑出血 ( I C H)严重危害人类健康,在对我国手术治疗的CAA相关ICH患者的研究发现,高龄、重度病理学改变、非脑叶 出血 、 合 并 脑 室 出血 ( IV H)和/或蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)严重影响预后;此外,既往有脑缺血史的患者往往预后不良。
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) related
[...] spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) usually leads to poor outcome. We studied the outcome of 367 surgically treated ICH patients with proven CAA in China mainland with the conclusion that advanced age, CAA pathology severity, non lobar hematoma, presence of intraventricular hemorrhage [...]
and/or subarachnoid hemorrhage
are the risk factors to poor postoperative outcome.
[...] 判断你是缺血性脑卒中(由堵塞引起)还 出血 性 脑 卒 中(由于脑内血管 的破裂引起)。
These tests will show whether you have had
an ischaemic stroke (caused by a blockage) or an intracerebral haemorrhage
[...] (caused by a burst blood vessel in the brain).
出血性脑卒中 通常根据CT或MRI扫描诊断。
When strokes due to intracerebral haemorrhage occur, the diagnosis [...]
is usually made on a CT or MRI scan.
中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年9月 27 期 出 版 的 一项研究应用统计概率脑图谱获取终末期肾病抑郁患者脑SPECT图像,以分析症状群、疾病严重 脑血 流 的 关系。
A study reported in the Neural Regeneration Research Journal (Vol. 7, No. 27, 2012) adapted a statistical probabilistic anatomical map of the brain for single photon emission
[...] computed tomography images of depressive end-stage renal disease patients to investigate the relationship between symptom clusters, disease severity, and cerebral blood flow.
死亡的主要原因是:恶性疟疾、非镰状细胞性贫血、心血管病、高血压 病脑膜炎、其他消化系统疾病、急性呼吸道感染、 出血 性 腹泻、外伤、营养 不良。
The main causes of death are: malaria, anaemia (not including sickle-cell anaemia), cardiovascular diseases,
[...] [...] hypertension-related diseases, meningitis, digestive diseases, acute respiratory infections, non-bloody diarrhoea, injuries [...]
and malnutrition.
我们排除进一步研究老鼠如果在手术过程中发生出血过多,手术时间超过90分钟,小鼠从麻醉在15分钟内未能收回, 出血 是 在 大 脑 切 片 或Willis环的基地在尸检发现。
We exclude mice from further studies if excessive bleeding occurs during surgery, the operation time exceeds 90 min, mice fail to
recover from anesthesia
[...] within 15 min, or hemorrhage is found in the brain slices or at the [...]
base of the circle of Willis
during postmortem examination.
从2012年4月开始,凌锋教授将在北京和睦家医 出 诊 并开 设 脑血 管 疾 病防治的健康宣讲,如果你或者你的至爱亲朋正在经历病痛或者有脑血管疾病的困扰,请随时联系北京和睦家医院,国内最顶尖神经外科的专家——凌锋教授将为你诊治。
Beginning in May 2012, Dr. Ling Feng extended her consultation circuit to Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU) to further promote awareness about cerebrovascular disease control and prevention.
会议出了许 多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界 脑 会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children [...]
and adults; and
to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
在国家一级举办了下列与特殊疾病有关的一些会议和研讨会:与地中海贫血 病国际联合会合办的地中海贫血病患者的牙病问题会议(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、 肺癌治疗新发现(2008 年 6 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病治疗新发现(2008 年 4 月,德黑 兰)、管理特殊疾病患者的治疗费用(2007 年 11
月,德黑兰)、糖尿病研讨会(2007 年 4 月,德黑兰)、诊断和治疗特殊疾病新发现(2006 年 11
[...] 月,德黑兰)、糖尿病 中的脑血管疾 病(2008 年 8 月,德黑兰),以及遗传病高级诊断国际讲习班(2007 [...]
年 3 月,德黑兰)。
Some conferences and seminars held at the national level related to special diseases are as follows: Dentistry Problems of Thalassaemia Patients, in cooperation with the Thalassaemia International Federation (Tehran, March 2008), New Findings in Treatment of Lung Cancer (Tehran, June 2008), New Findings on Treatment of Diabetes (Tehran, April 2008), Management of Treatment Costs of Patients with Special Disease (Tehran, November 2007), Seminar on Diabetes (Tehran, April 2007), New Findings in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Special Diseases (Tehran, November
[...] 2006), Cardio-vascular Diseases in Diabetes [...]
(Tehran, August 2008), and International
Workshop on Advanced Diagnosis on Genetic Diseases (Tehran, March 2007).
会议回顾,缔约国在卡塔赫纳脑会 议上 指 出 : “ 有必要在事故发生之后立即提 供心理支持,包括同伴支援,而且可能在幸存者一生的不同阶段都有必要提供此 [...]
It was recalled that
[...] at the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties recorded that “psychological [...]
support, including peer support,
is necessary in the immediate aftermath of (an) accident and may be needed at different times throughout the lifetime of the survivor.
由于菲利普公司不能供应两个扫描仪的备件,哈瓦那市的 Ameijeiras 兄弟医院无法对 5 000 多患者做成像研究,特别血管-电脑 断 层 ,这脑血管疾病的研究非常重要。
The Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital in the city of Havana is unable to perform CT scans on more than 5,000 patients, particularly CT angiograms, which are vital to analysing cerebrovascular diseases, owing to the failure of the Philips company to provide spare parts two CT scanners.
此类管制不适用于与出血性大 肠埃希氏菌 O157 和其他产生志贺样毒素的 血清型相关的核酸序列,但志贺样毒素或其亚单位的核酸序列编码除外。
These controls do not apply to nucleic acid sequences associated with the pathogenicity of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, serotype O157 and other verotoxin producing strains, other than those coding for the verotoxin, or for its sub-units.
在加沙城,阿尔希法(al-Shifa)医院的产科病房主任哈桑.阿尔罗赫博士说道,在暴力冲突那一周里,许多孕妇发生 出血 或 胎 动增加现象。
In Gaza City, Director of the al-Shifa hospital maternity ward Dr.
Hassan al-Louh says that many pregnant
[...] women experienced bleeding or reported that the [...]
baby moved a lot during the week of violence.
优翔为中国顶级客户提供的健康产品都是尊贵顶级,独一无二,无法复制,包括前往为总统服务的瑞士静港中心医院恢复青春;前往日本圣授会接受早期防癌综合检查和无创 脑血 管 综 合检查;前往遗世独立在世界尽头的避世静修之所释放压力;前往欧洲私密独享的医疗SPA收获身、心、灵的健康;......这一切都根据个性独特的需求,由资深专家设计,并提供24小时私人管家服务,让您以普通人难以知晓视角或深度去享受非凡的旅行体验,感悟生命之美,生活之美,世界之美。
All L'AVION’s medical travel products made to its exclusive customers are top level, unique and unduplicated, including the anti-aging tour to Switzerland Biotonus Clinique where medical service has been made for presidents; early stage
comprehensive Cancer prevention examination and
[...] comprehensive cerebral examination [...]
tour to Seijukai Japan; Relaxing tour to the
places on the edge of the earth to release pressure; Medical Spa tour to European private site to make body and spirit healthy… All these products are designed according to special needs, by expert designers with the help of 24 hour private butler service, allowing you to enjoy extraordinary travel experience, learn the beauty of life, of livelihood and of the world.
商业印刷现由Acrobat 4.0与PDF
[...] 1.3支持,对于商业印刷而言,其他十分关键的特点在于颜色混合过渡,页 出血 , 网 点 拷贝或预先加过网的二值图像,镶嵌加网及双色版。
Commercial printing by Acrobat 4.0 and PDF 1.3 support, for the commercial printing, the
other key features of the transition is
[...] of mixed colors, bleeding page, copy or pre-plus [...]
points over the net value of the
two images, mosaic screening and two-color version.
非传 染性疾病是造成死亡的主要原因,其中包括:缺血性心脏病 脑血 管 病 、高血压 性心脏病、肝硬化、肺癌、下呼吸道感染和乳腺癌。
Non-communicable diseases are among the leading causes of death and include: ischemic heart diseases, cerebral-vascular diseases, hypertensive heart disease, cirrhosis of liver, lung cancer, lower respiratory infections and breast cancer.
最后,我愿重申,斯洛伐克仍然充分致力于增强 安全理事会透明度、效力及效率的事业,这一进程是 在 2005 年世界脑会议上作出的各 国国家元首和政 府首脑的决定所发起的,并由说明 S/2006/507 和随 后的各项说明所启动的。
In conclusion, I wish to reiterate that Slovakia remains fully committed to the cause of increasing the transparency, effectiveness and efficiency of the Security Council, a process initiated by the decision of heads of State and Government at the 2005 World Summit and put in motion by the note S/2006/507 and subsequent notes.
最近在哥 伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的关于国际金融危机的 20 国集团脑会议是迈出重要 的 第一步,但也只是为加强国际经济决策的包容性的第一步。
The recent G-20 Summit in Washington, D.C., on the international financial crisis was an important first step, but it was only that, a first step towards raising inclusiveness [...]
in international economic decision-making.
大会在第 66/71 号决议第 19
段中,请委员会继续作为优先事项审议维持外层空 间用于和平目的的方式和方法,并就此向大会第六十七届会议提出报告,还同
[...] 意委员会在审议此事项时,可继续考虑采取一些方法促进区域和区域间合作, 以及在执行可持续发展问题世界脑 会 议 提 出 的 各 项建议一事上空间技术可发 挥的作用。
In paragraph 19 of its resolution 66/71, the General Assembly requested the Committee to continue to consider, as a matter of priority, ways and means of maintaining outer space for peaceful purposes and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session, and agreed that during its consideration of the matter the Committee could continue to consider ways to promote regional and interregional cooperation and the
role space technology could play in the implementation of
[...] recommendations of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
正如安全理事会第 1559(2004) 和第 1680(2006)号决议以及安理会主席的相关声明 所确认的那样,在黎巴嫩恢复称为全国对话的政治进 程以及黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间关系最近 出现的各项发展,特别是在黎巴嫩和叙利亚两国总统 的脑会议之后出现的 发展,包括在建立外交关系方 面取得的进展以及建立常设外交使团的决定,都是与 负责执行安全理事会第 1559(2004)号决议的秘书长 特使的任务有关的问题。
His delegation believed that positive developments had occurred since the adoption of General Assembly resolution 62/238 V. The resumption in Lebanon of the political process known as the national dialogue, as well as the recent developments in relations between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, especially following the summit meeting of the Lebanese and Syrian Presidents, including progress achieved in the establishment of diplomatic relations and the decision to set up permanent diplomatic missions, were issues that related to the mandate of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004), as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1680 (2006) and the related statements of its President.




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