单词 | 能演 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 能演 noun —dramaturg n
调解过程可能演变成 一个客观的评估机制,由第三方经管(按和平进程中商 [...] 定的,分阶段进行),确保和平协议的实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mediation [...] process could evolve into an objective [...]assessment mechanism administered by a third party or parties (by stages, [...]as agreed upon in the peace process) to ensure that the peace agreement is implemented. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,仍可解释说,可能此影响的时间有限,即最初只产生 轻微的影响,而如果冲突继续下去则 可 能演 变 为 重大影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nonetheless, it was explained that it could be that the effect was one limited in time, i.e. that it could initially be a minor effect which could become significant were the conflict to be extended. daccess-ods.un.org |
抗议粮食价格上涨或失业率高有 可能演变成更大规模的政治动乱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Protests over food prices or unemployment can spread into larger political unrest. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于武装游击团 [...] 伙大量滋生,而且往往分为各个交战派别,内部动荡越 来越有可能演变为 规模更大的区域战争。 daccess-ods.un.org | With armed guerrilla groups proliferating [...] and often dividing into warring factions, internal instabilities [...] increasingly tend to evolve into larger regional wars. daccess-ods.un.org |
裁判員應依本來可能演變的情況判斷,而在球被碰觸地點判給達陣或挽 球。 irblaws.com | The referee judges what would have happened next and awards a try or a touch down at the place where the ball was touched. irblaws.com |
她指出,这一进程在很大程度上是演 [...] 变性的进程,并表示她希望东盟政府间人权委员会将不需要花太久的时间 就 能演 变成为有效的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | She noted that the process was very [...] much an evolutionary one and expressed her hope that AICHR would not [...] take too long to evolve into an effective [...]mechanism. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将可能演变成为一场贸易战,因为亚太经济体可 能会采取报复性措施,致使世界经济复苏之路更为艰难。 daccess-ods.un.org | This may escalate into a trade war as Asia-Pacific economies might take retaliatory measures that would make the recovery of the world economy even more difficult. daccess-ods.un.org |
他們預期 Final Cut Pro X 的全新剪輯模式及超卓效能,能演化 出 更快速並更靈活的的全數碼化工作流程。 mammals.org | He was betting that the new editing model and superior performance of Final Cut Pro X would translate to an even faster and more flexible all-digital workflow. mammals.org |
大家可以瞭解,無論是本港或深圳發生的突發事故,均有可 能演變成 為一些區域性的環境災害,影響兩地。 legco.gov.hk | Members could then understand that any emergencies occurred in Hong Kong or Shenzhen might possibly turn into some regional environmental disasters and affect the two places. legco.gov.hk |
理事会还欢迎关于木槿花行动的筹备计划 [...] 工作方面的进展,可能将该行动演变为一个非执行性能力建设和培训行动;并强 调关于该行动可能演变的 决定需要考虑到政治事态发展,包括欧洲联盟特别代表 [...]将来的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | It welcomed further progress with the preparatory planning work for the possible future evolution of Operation Althea into a non-executive capacity-building and training operation; and [...] reiterated that a [...] decision on the possible evolution of the operation [...]would need to take political developments, including the future role of the European Union Special Representative, into account. daccess-ods.un.org |
总之,中国移动应该默默让这一纠纷消失,努力发展与腾讯更具建设性的关系,这在未来 可 能演 变 成 为友好的收入分享交易。 youngchinabiz.com | At the end of the day, China Mobile should quietly let this dispute disappear and try to develop a more [...] constructive relationship with Tencent that [...] could potentially evolve into a friendly [...]revenue-sharing deal in the future. youngchinabiz.com |
至于在表达公约与建议委员会立场上的用语,尤其是其各项决定的用语,主要的考虑 是公约与建议委员会不是一个法庭,而且也 不 能演 变 为 法庭。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The wording used to express the CR’s position, in particular the wording of its decisions, takes account of the essential fact that the CR is not a court and cannot become one. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于目前超过 100 [...] 万流离失所者在临时的条件下生活 以及过渡住所可能演变为 “新一代”贫民区,持续需要制定明确、深思熟虑和全 [...] 面的战略重新安置地震受害者和城市穷人。 daccess-ods.un.org | With over a million displaced currently living in [...] makeshift conditions, and the risk of [...] transitional shelters evolving into a “new generation” [...]of slums, there is a continuing [...]need for a clear, considered and comprehensive strategy for the resettlement of earthquake victims and the urban poor. daccess-ods.un.org |
其次, 將來行政長官是不經普選產生,而廉署如擁有現在這麼廣泛的權力,只向行政長官負責, 則可能演變為 ㆒個特權或專制的工具,用來打擊將來與行政首長作對的㆒些商業或政治㆖ 的對手。 legco.gov.hk | The ICAC, with such extensive powers as it now has, if accountable only to the Chief Executive of SAR, will very probably become an instrument of totalitarian or dictatorial rule or used against the Chief Executive's commercial or political rivals. legco.gov.hk |
回顾难民署自 1950 年建立以来其职能演变的 过程, 他强调了难民署对国内流离失所者关注的加强,并 [...] 且认为应当明确难民署在这一领域的职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling the changing role of UNHCR since [...] its establishment in 1950, he stressed the agency’s expanded involvement with [...]internally displaced persons, maintaining that the role of the High Commissioner in that domain should be clarified. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国学生在澳的困境若没有得到迅速解决,在外交上就有 可 能演 变 成 一件旷日持久的烦心事。 australiachina.com.au | The plight of Chinese students in Australia could translate into an enduring diplomatic irritant if not resolved quickly. australiachina.com.au |
最新的Godin Kingpin P90單線圈拾音器能演奏出 清晰的經典音色。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The new Godin Kingpin P90 single-coil pickup delivers all that classic, vintage tone with presence, clarity and a little attitude thrown in for good measure! tomleemusic.com.hk |
这些是 基本的保障,以防止情报部门任意拘留和/ 或可能演变出一个并行拘留制度,可在 不符合国际拘留和正当程序标准的条件下羁押个人。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are essential safeguards against arbitrary detention by intelligence services and/or the possible development of a parallel detention regime in which individuals could be held in conditions that do not meet international standards of detention and due process. daccess-ods.un.org |
這項RAME 系統可以收集即時生產數據,亦能分析這些數據,然後採用人工 智 能演 算 法,優化生產計劃,協助服裝製造企業製訂有關生產管理的決定。 hkrita.com | The RAME system is able to capture useful production data on a real-time basis, and analyse the data and then adopt artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to enable optimal production planning and control decisions for apparel manufacturing enterprises. hkrita.com |
完美的手工 技巧使Buffet Crampon雙簧管能演奏出專業級的聲音。 tomleemusic.com.hk | A creation of unrivalled craftsmanship, the Buffet Crampon oboes produce a quality of sound that professionals demand. tomleemusic.com.hk |
凯 匹特斯基(2004年)已对其进行了广泛的审议,因此本文只提供简要的背景概 述,并主要介绍此后的功能演进。 fao.org | The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. 351 pp. fao.org |
配合搖擺功能,演奏出可以媲美音樂盒音質的名曲。 combi.com.hk | This is gentle auto swing function with music. combi.com.hk |
新版遊戲另一項主要特色為天然資源,城市之間彼此相連,因而左右發展、商務與文化交流模式,開發人員Maxis希望藉此迫使玩家連上網路(但遭到The Atlantic Cities網站一位專欄作家嚴厲批評),舉例而言,若各位的城市所在地富含煤礦及鐵礦,發展就可能近似19世紀後期的匹茲堡;若是改變資源價格、進入全球化市場,這座城市就 可 能演 變 為 20世紀後期的匹茲堡。 thisbigcity.net | Cities will also be interconnected with outer cities, and patterns of development, commerce, and cultural interchange will be derived from these connections. thisbigcity.net |
用於戴手套手指和指甲觸控的出色的觸控 性 能演 算 法 ,不會影響觸控性能 ipress.com.hk | Superior touch performance algorithms [...] for gloved finger and fingernail touches, without compromising touch performance ipress.com.hk |
宠物小精灵:第一部电影有两部分: 功 能演 示 , 和21分钟的短片。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Pokémon: The First Movie has two parts: [...] the feature presentation and a 21-minute short. seekcartoon.com |
猪流感病毒正在各个大陆传播,威胁 着整个人类社会。至于目前的状况以及这种危险的流行病,无人知道危机何时能够结束,这 就是说它可能演变成 为一场大瘟疫,有可能重撞全世界。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to the current situation and the dangerous epidemic which threatens all human societies following the spread of the swine influenza virus in different continents, no one knows when the crisis will end which means that it could become a pandemic and a source of concern threatening to affect the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
並且希望傳達:誰說最陽剛的機械錶, 不 能演 繹 最 性感的氛圍? oris.ch | Our launches in Taiwan are always very popular but this time we’ve found a winning formula: beautiful ladies and a collection of stylish motor sport inspired mechanical watches that look just as good on them as they do on men. oris.ch |
针对整体市场发展进行情境预测、功 能演 进 、整体市场需要的PCB规模及我国厂商的供应比重、PCB所占成本比重、PCB配合产品功能的结构改变、产业链及当中各环节议价力,以及厂商投资应用产品PCB之要点。 zhengyee.com | Development of the overall market situation for the [...] prediction, functional evolution of the overall [...]needs of the market size and PCB manufacturers [...]supply our share, PCB cost share proportion, PCB with the structural change of product features, among all sectors of the industry chain and bargaining power, and investment firms Applications PCB of the main points. zhengyee.com |
除商务中心、咖啡吧等配套外,还拥有专设的会议中心、贵宾接待室、多 功 能演 示 厅 及大小会议室等,让您享受全方位的办公服务体验,周边遍布凯悦等五星级酒店,汇集诸多高级餐厅,更有汇集世界知名品牌大型购物商场。 servcorp.com.cn | The local area is full of five star hotels such as the Hyatt JW Marriot and the Golden Dragon, top restaurants, cafes and shopping malls full of the world's most prestigious brands. servcorp.com.cn |