

单词 能忍受的

See also:

忍受... v

undergo sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 愿,这可以意味非常有益的待遇,也可意味对他们个人的空间或自由的 能忍受 的侵犯
Depending on the will of the employer, this can mean very
[...] favourable treatment or intolerable encroachment on [...]
their personal space and liberties.
近 10 亿人仍然遭受饥饿, 发展中国家的儿童每 4 人就有 1 人体重不足,将近 10 亿人缺乏日常用水,这些都是 能忍受的。
It is not intolerable that nearly 1 billion people are still affected by hunger, that
one in four children in the developing world is
[...] underweight and that almost 1 billion persons lack daily access to water.
有誰如果能忍受的,可能便要 ─ 也未必要辭 職,卻便要 ─ 避席了,主席。
[...] whoever finds them unbearable will probably [...]
have to ― he does not necessarily have to resign ― stay away from the meeting.
[...] 現象,對我們的經濟將會是個重大的牽制,而可能引起的後果是: (a) 貨櫃與裝運擠塞至能忍受的程度
(a) Container and shipping
[...] congestion of a degree which is intolerable.
因為高科技確實可以解決民間現時 能忍受的垃 圾臭味的問題。
For high-technology facilities can really solve the present problem of
[...] offensive and intolerable smell emitted [...]
from waste.
倘若總 督認為要市民輪候㆒段長時間才能接受所需要的福利服務,是 能忍受的 , 他更加不能忽 視數以萬計在㆗央輪候冊等候㆖樓的家庭。
Since the Governor finds it intolerable for members of the public to have to wait for a long time before they receive welfare services, he certainly should not ignore the tens of thousands of families whose names are on the Waiting List for public housing.
[...] 的实施有利于审查所有大大小小国家的人权状况, 因此针对特定国家的决议草案是不可接 的 , 更不 能忍受的是这 些决议往往是针对发展中国家和南半 球国家的。
The universal periodic review mechanism offered a means of considering the human rights situation in every country, big or small, and for
that reason, country-specific
[...] draft resolutions were unacceptable, especially since they [...]
targeted exclusively developing
countries in the southern hemisphere.
第 一 , 眾 所 周 知 , 在上世紀末 的 香港,經濟繁 榮 的 背 後 , 每天排放入 維 港 的 污 水大約是
[...] 150 萬 立 方米,使 維 港水質變 壞,甚 至 到 了能忍 受 的地步
Firstly, as we all know, during the latter part of the last century when the economy of Hong Kong was blooming, about 1.5 million cu m of sewage was discharged into
the Victoria Harbour daily, thereby ruining the water quality and even causing it to
[...] deteriorate to an unacceptable level.
[...] 英國政府便須要辭職,然後由㆟民通過大選來決定;但是,若同樣的事情在香港發生, 港府便不可以辭職,亦不可以有效統治,這樣㆒來,將會陷入㆒個 能忍受的 境 ㆞
He said that, if the British Parliament should abolish the salary system, then the British Government would have to resign, after which a general election would have to be held; whereas, if the same thing should happen
in Hong Kong, Hong Kong would
[...] find itself in an unbearable situation because [...]
the Government could neither resign nor continue to govern effectively.
我 2008 年 5 月 27 日在安理会的一篇发言中,提 到了 2007 年 11 月霍姆斯先生就被占巴勒斯坦领土—
[...] —特别是加沙不断恶化的局势对安理会的发言,他当 时说局势正在接近任何族能够 忍受的 极 限
In a statement I made to this Council on 27 May 2008, I referred to Mr. Holmes’ statement to the Council in November 2007 on the deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian
territories, especially Gaza, which he described at the time as reaching the
[...] limits of what is bearable for any community.
除去了金属屏蔽层,提高了柔软性,减轻了电缆的重量和外径, 能忍受 恶 劣 的 外 部压力环境的产品。
Reel-type high-voltage cables which have been designed with characteristics such as reinforced tension-resistance, flexibility etc. for applications in environments
with severe mechanical
[...] stresses such as high speeds etc. These cables, possessing higher flexibility due to the removal [...]
of the metallic shield
layer and reduced weight and external diameter, can withstand severe external-stresses.
而 城 市 的 群 眾 ﹐ 則能 忍 受 食 物 的 短 缺 ﹐ 這 個 問 題 是 臨 時 政 府 一 直 [...]
想 延 遲 討 論 的 土 地 問 題 的 一 部 份 。
As for the urban masses,
[...] they could not tolerate the inadequate supply of food, which [...]
was a part of the land question that
the Provisional Government wanted to postpone.
若您能忍受耳机没电无法使的情 况 20 分钟。
When you can’t afford to be disconnected20 minutes.
尤幸公民社會近年來再能忍受這種規劃思維所帶 的 惡 果,更要表 明,市民而非官員,才是香港土地的真正主人。
Yet our civil society can no longer tolerate the bad consequences brought [...]
about by this kind of planning mentality, and
they have stood up to proclaim that the people, instead of the officials, are the real masters of the land of Hong Kong.
因為道路擠塞,每程往往需時兩個多小時,以至有 34%的病者因不能忍受長途跋涉的勞苦而拒絕接受治療。
Due to traffic congestion, each journey will usually take more than two hours, and 34% of the patients, being unable to stand the long and tiring journey, give up treatment.
如果能忍受Visio对象复制到Word的速 度 ,还可以试试SmardDraw,功能不比Visio弱,使用不比Visio难,速度却快多了。
Visio object if they can not put up with the speed of copying to Word, you can try SmardDraw, features than Visio weak, difficult to use than Visio, speed is quicker.
有㆟說「耐心」是當自身處於劣勢 時候,無可奈的等待心態,只 能忍受 周 圍 所發 的 不 公 平事物,例如侵犯㆟權, 缺乏民主,妨礙司法等等而無動於㆗,就會變成㆒個耐心的成功㆟士。
Patience is interpreted by some as a wait and see policy which a person may reluctantly take when he is left with no other options in an unfavourable situation. If you can just bear with all sorts of unfairness that are taking place around you and show no feeling for cases of injustice such as infringement on human rights, lack of democracy and perversion of the course of justice, you will be able to make yourself a successful example of a patient person.
在这方面,各位部长认为,促进充分尊重各国间所有宗教和文化十分重 要,以促进并确保充分受言论 自由权,同时防止滥用并煽动宗教仇恨,因为 这能会破 坏进行中努力在不同宗教、文化和文明间互相尊重和 忍的 基 础上 促进和平文化,如各国均为缔约方的国际人权文书中所规定的那样。
The Ministers considered, in this regard, the importance of promoting full respect of all religions and cultures among all States, with a view to promoting and ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression while preventing abuses and incitement to religious hatred that could contribute to undermining the ongoing efforts to foster a culture of peace based on mutual respect and tolerance among religions, cultures and civilisations, as provided for in the international human rights instruments to which States are parties.
否则,国家访问有能会被 各国政府视为需 忍受的 暂 时不便, 而非一次认真盘存以加强对人权的尊重的机会。
Otherwise, there is a risk that country visits will be
treated by some Governments as
[...] a temporary inconvenience to be endured rather than as an occasion for [...]
serious stock-taking to enhance respect for human rights.
虽然科学界对其中一些趋势 应当如何测量,存在歧见,但是大力支持其主要信息,就是全球消费目前使用各 种(越来越是不可再生)资源的速度快过地球能够产生这些资源的速度,而且使用 的方式造成更多和更的损害 ,非许多自然系统 能忍受。
Though there are scientific differences on how some of these trends should be measured, there is considerable support for the central message, that global consumption is using resources (increasingly non-renewable) faster than the planet can regenerate them, and using them in ways that produce more and faster damage than many natural systems can absorb.
試 問 一個政 府如能 夠 吸引外國人到 一個連 本 地 市 民 都 無 法生活忍 受 的 地方投 資 、 居住和 工 作 呢 ?
It is only after the education level of our population as a whole has reached a certain basic standard that we could talk about retraining and sustainable development.
(b) 整個遊行進行期間均須維持良好秩序和維護公眾安 全;以及 (c) 如所使用的任何擴音設備發出的噪音為一個講的 人不能忍受者, 則在警務人員提出要求下,須於遊 行的持續期間將該擴音設備的管控權交出給該警務 [...]
(c) the control of any sound amplification device that
[...] is used in such a manner that it causes a noise that would not be tolerated by a reasonable [...]
person, shall, if so required
by a police officer, be surrendered to the police officer for the duration of the procession.
(c) 如所使用的任何擴音設備發的噪音 為一個普通人能忍受者, 則在警務人員提出要求下,須於遊行 的持續期間將該擴音設備的管控權交出給該警務人 員。
(c) the control of any amplification device that is used in
such a manner that it
[...] causes a noise that would not be tolerated by a reasonable person, shall, [...]
if so required by a police
officer, be surrendered to the police officer for the duration of the procession.
(c) 还敦促哥伦比亚政府执行适当的战略以打击准军事组织解散后成立的 非法武装团体,保证保护平民受其 实 施 的 有 组 织暴力侵害;并建议安全部队加 强努力,坚定且毫不含糊地预防、调查、起诉和惩处这些非法武装团体,不与这 些团体有任何牵连,能对其采取 忍 或 默 许态度。
(c) Also urges the Government to guarantee the protection of the civilian population from the organized violence perpetuated by illegal armed groups that emerged after the demobilization
of paramilitary
[...] organizations, by implementing appropriate strategies to combat them; and recommends increased efforts to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish, firmly and without ambiguity, any links, tolerance or acquiescence by security forces towards these groups
他看到数以百的人在 余震恐惧之下默默 忍受 一 夜 又一夜,他觉得“现在是时候需要启动‘市民媒体中心’ 能 了 , 在这里我们可以纪录和传播地震的情况。
Seeing hundreds of people quietly enduring every night under the fear of continuous aftershocks, he thought “now is the time we need the function of ‘The Citizen’s Media Center,’ where we can record and disseminate this situation.
缔约国认为大赦国际和难民署提供的文件 能 证明 在阿塞拜疆有国家忍的对亚美尼亚后裔的迫害,关于这一意见,他们坚持认 为,两个组织都指出了,亚美尼亚族裔或混合族裔的寻求庇护者回到阿塞拜疆后 都能有很大危险,特别受到安 全部队的压力。
As to the opinion of the State party that the documents submitted by Amnesty International and UNHCR did not prove that State-sanctioned persecution of persons of Armenian descent occur in Azerbaijan, they maintain that both organizations noted that asylum-seekers of Armenian origin or mixed ethnicity may be at high risk upon arrival in Azerbaijan, inter alia, of being pressurized by the security forces.
美国代表询问特别报告员是否认为设立更高效、 更独的司法 体系将会在世界范围内减少这种现 象,以及怎样设计地区监测方案能 改 进 刑事司法 系统而无忍受暴民正义。
She asked the Special Rapporteur whether he thought that the establishment of a more efficient and independent judicial system would decrease the number of vigilante killings around the world, and how community policing programmes could be tailored so as to improve criminal justice systems without lending themselves to vigilante justice.
当加沙地带 的战火在他们周围燃起的时候,巴勒斯坦人民继续指 望国际社会以能力、 原则和国际法的力量,帮助实 现立即停火,就像安全理事会呼吁的那样,并结束以 色列的攻击和严重不公正行为,以及我们人民被忍 受的痛苦和艰辛。
As war rages around them in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian people continue to look to the
international community,
[...] with all its capacity and principles and the might of international law, to help to bring about an immediate ceasefire, as called for by the Security Council, and to put an end to the Israeli onslaught and the grave injustice, suffering and hardship our people have been forced to endure.




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