

单词 胸骨

See also:



bone n
bones pl
skull n


thoracic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

你能有多快指向您的骨,胸骨或髂 骨?
How fast can you point to your Sacrum, Sternum or Ilium?
凸胸(俗稱雞胸或鴿胸)及凹胸(俗稱漏斗胸),均屬常見胸廓形態疾病。患者前胸壁 胸骨 向 前凸出或凹陷,成因仍有待確定。
Pectus Carinatum (Pigeon Chest) and Pectus Excavatum are common chest cavity
deformities Patients with Pectus Carinatum or Pectus Excavatum have protruded or
[...] caved-in sternum and ribs respectively.
Sternal swelling
胸透:使用标准X光检查肺部、心脏、主动脉 胸 部 骨 骼 是 否出现异常。
Chest X-ray: a standard x-ray that is used to detect any abnormalities in the lungs,
[...] heart, aorta and the bones of the thoracic area.
有意思的是,临床史上通常并未区分胸痛的心源性和食管源性病因,因为食管源性疼痛亦可在辐射 至手臂、颈部、颌骨或背部后出现 胸骨 后 部 位。
Interestingly, the clinical history often does not distinguish between cardiac and esophageal causes of chest pain because pain of esophageal origin can also be located retrosternally with radiation to the arms, neck, jaws, or back.
症状扩散性食道痉挛和迟缓不能等运动障碍的患者可能出 胸骨 后 心 绞痛类疼痛,30% 的 NCCP 患者发现 有异常的食管测压结果 [8,24]。
Patients with motility disorders such as symptomatic diffuse esophageal spasm and achalasia may experience retrosternal angina-like pain, and 30% of NCCP patients have abnormal esophageal manometric findings [8,24].
二维的容积测量法要胸骨旁短轴、心尖和/或剑 下切面上优质的左心室图像,以便能对左心室长轴长 度及左心室心内膜边界内的面积进行测量。
Two-dimensional volumetric methods require quality LV images from parasternal short-axis, apical, and/or subxiphoid views in which the LV major-axis length and area of the LVendocardial border can be measured.
[...] 過程中我們被人“跣低”過,背上亦被刺滿了孔,但我們看到運動員倒 在地上,然後被單車輾過,弄胸骨 , 仍 不會害怕,繼續完成賽事, 我和同事亦會一鼓作氣,希望在最後1分鐘仍能說服各位議員,放開 [...]
Throughout the process, we have been "tripped up" by others and stabbed in the back many
times. However, having seen how a fallen
[...] cyclist with ribs fractured by another [...]
bicycle still struggled to finish the competition
fearlessly, my colleagues and I will press on, in the hope that even at the last minute, we can still persuade Members to adopt an open attitude towards this issue when casting their votes tomorrow.
下面的浅筋膜,腺体组织,形成一个三角形 胸骨 , 这 是在气管中线;二腹肌(轻松地确定其闪亮的白色的肌腱部分)左和三个肌肉;最后,胸锁乳突肌肌肉。
Beneath the superficial fascia, there is glandular tissue to the left and three muscles which form a triangle: the sternohyoid, which lies midline over the trachea; the digastric (easily identified with its shiny white tendinous portion); and lastly, the sternomastoid muscle.
线性法指胸骨旁或剑 下短轴切面的二维短轴图像上测量短轴直径和室壁厚 度,计算 SF 和经心率校正的圆周肌纤维缩短率以及左 心室收缩末期的室壁应力。
The linear method involves measurement of short-axis diameters and wall thickness and calculation of SF and the velocity of circumferential fiber shortening adjusted for heart rate and end-systolic wall stress from 2D short-axis images obtained in parasternal or subxiphoid short-axis views.
在意外發生時,駕駛者與前座乘客的上半身和 骨 亦 可 得到新 胸 部 、 盤 骨 氣 袋 保護,而車窗氣袋用作保護頭部亦已定為標準設備。
Rear sidebags are optionally available. The driver and front
passenger are provided
[...] with new thorax-pelvisbags which are able to cover the pelvis and the entire [...]
upper part of the body.
標準配備駕駛者及前座乘客氣袋、駕駛者膝部氣袋、前後座側氣袋(結 胸 部 氣袋 / 骨 盆 部位氣袋)、三排座椅的車窗氣袋。
Two-stage adaptive airbags for the
driver and front
[...] passenger, a kneebag for the driver, sidebags for the driver and front & rear passengers (combined thorax/pelvisbags) and windowbags [...]
above all three
seat rows are part of the standard specification.
此后,卵黄囊的造血干细胞出现在胚体的血循环中,造血功能相继在胚 胸 腺 、 肝、脾 骨 髓 (可 能还包括肾)中产生。
Later in development, hemopoietic stem cells in the yolk sac migrate via blood vessels and yolk
sac hemopoietic activity is succeeded by
[...] development of the fetal thymus, liver, spleen and bone marrow (possibly kidney).
此系統之掃描器和接收器的顯影速度很快,病人只需閉氣一次,便可同時進 胸 部 、 腹部和 骨 掃 描 檢查。
As the first of its kind in Asia, it has
phenomenal speed of image
[...] acquisition: the thorax, the abdomen and the pelvis together can be [...]
scanned in a single breath hold.
25.19 醫管局亦因應個別類別病人的需要,於延續護理醫 院、日間治療或門診部門提供專科主導復康計劃,例胸 肺復康、骨科復 康、老人復康、心臟復康等。
25.19 Having regard to the needs of individual categories of patients, HA also provides specialty-led rehabilitation programmes in its extended care hospitals, ambulatory care or outpatient departments.
为了减少有罪不罚现象,小组委员会建议所有执法人员在执勤 时必须佩带明显的身份标识,如姓 胸 牌 或其他识别标志。
With a view to decreasing impunity, the SPT recommends that all law enforcement
officers be obliged to wear a means of clear identification,
[...] such as a name badge or other identification [...]
while on duty.
[...] 钟就会发生一宗,意外会造成不同种类的伤 害,例如是失去四肢、腹部胸部和 脊 骨受 伤、失明、失聪、严重燒伤、弱视(less [...]
visible),更会令在意外中受伤的伤者以至受影 响的家庭心理受创伤。
Landmines claim a casualty every 22 minutes and can cause
various injuries including the loss of
[...] limbs, abdominal, chest and spinal injuries, [...]
blindness, deafness, severe burns, and
less visible, psychological trauma not only to the person injured in the incident, but to the families of those affected.
由於職業健康診所提供的服務(包括到病人的工作的地點視察)骨科和胸肺科 門診的性質不同,因此不能直接比較兩者的病人 [...]
As the nature of services provided by the occupational health clinics, including inspection of the
patients' workplace, is different from that
[...] of orthopaedic and thoracic out-patient clinics [...]
of the HA, a direct comparison of their
number of patients, new and old cases as well as workload of each doctor cannot be made.
这天,张辰光是当班的收费班长,看到浙FB8175大客车驾驶人与朱卫之间似乎有什么事,他就走了过去,结果,大客车的驾驶人洪某和随车人员孙某、赵某冲下车来,扯破了张辰光的反光背心,同时对他围攻殴打,造成张辰光嘴部、 骨 、 胸 部 、 腰部受伤。
That day, Zhang Chenguang is on duty charge monitor, see zhe FB8175 bus driver and Zhu Wei seems to have what thing, he went over, result, big bus driver who hung a and the attendant sun, Zhao Mouchong off, tore
Zhang Chenguang's reflective vest, while his siege assault, causing Zhang
[...] Chenguang mouth, clavicle, chest, waist injuries.
今 天是你 們 民 建聯的 七 周年黨 慶,以 往 你 們 曾 說 會 採取執 政 黨 的 路 向,如 果 執 政 黨胸襟和原則是 如此容 易受到政 府 的 恐 嚇 而 退 縮 , 因而放棄你 們 以 往 的 原則的 話 ,我便 認 為 你 們 須考慮一下執政 黨 所須具 備胸襟。
The DAB used to say that it would take the approach of a ruling party. If the breadth of mind and an adherence to principles as required of a ruling party can be shaken so easily by intimidation of the Government, and if your principles can be abandoned so readily, then please think again whether you still have the breadth of mind of a ruling party.
既然我們建議採納 食品法典委員會訂定的最高殘餘限量,作為本港食物中殘餘除害劑最高 殘餘限量的主骨幹,為確保相關的最高殘餘限量是與食物分類兼容 的,我們建議在制定新規管方案的分類制度時,亦參照食品法典委員會 的食物分類方法。
As it is proposed to adopt Codex MRLs as the backbone of the local set of MRLs for pesticide residues in food, to ensure compatibility, it is also proposed to make reference to Codex when developing such classification system under the new regulatory framework.
就資歷組別 9 而言, 薪常會注意到公務員與私營機構學位職位的薪俸結構不同(即私 營機構的學位職位一般在數年後會有較大幅度的加薪),基於這 個資歷組別的職位會成為公務員隊伍 骨 幹 ,政府必須維持這個 資歷組別職位的競爭力。
For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc.
a) 就“除害劑”和其他相關詞彚採用與食品法典委員會一致的定義; b)
[...] 制定最高殘餘限量和再殘餘限量名單,以食品法典委員會建議的最高殘餘限量 /再殘餘限量骨幹, 並採納食品法典委員會的食物分類方法; [...]
c) 對於沒有訂明最高殘餘限量/再殘餘限量的除害劑,除非食環署署長信納檢測 到的除害劑殘餘水平不會危害或損害公眾健康,否則不容許輸入和售賣含有這
類除害劑的食物; d) 制定獲豁免物質名單; e) 接受增加/修訂最高殘餘限量和獲豁免物質的申請; f) 讓擬議規例與《除害劑條例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害劑註冊作出配 合;以及 g) 擬議規例會在兩年寬限期屆滿後生效。
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits
(EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by
[...] Codex as the backbone as well as [...]
the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To
prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period.
[...] [...] 作包括:檢討小販發牌政策;檢討公眾街巿設施的供應;監察魚類統 營處在屯門興建新的魚類批發巿場的工作;推展增加政府墳場、靈灰 安置所及火葬場的計劃;尋求和推廣處 骨 灰 的 其他方法( 例如闢設新 的紀念花園) ;統籌各部門的控蚊工作,以防止登革熱和日本腦炎的爆 發;將所有鄉村旱廁改為沖水式廁所;以及修訂《除害劑條例》以加 [...]
Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to
provide more government
[...] cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of alternative options for human ash disposal [...]
(e.g. provision
of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides.
功能用途、社会结构、政治环境以及经济发展均不断变化,这种变化体现在对历史城 市景观的结构性干预中,应该承认它们是城市传统的一部分,需要决策者高瞻远瞩 胸 怀整 个城市,而且需要与其他有关方面和利益相关方进行对话。
Continuous changes in functional use, social structure, political context and economic development that manifest themselves in the form of structural interventions in the historic urban landscape may be acknowledged as part of the city's tradition, and require a vision of the city as a whole with forward-looking action on the part of decision-makers, and a dialogue with the other actors and stakeholders involved.




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