单词 | 胸有成竹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胸有成竹—a card up one's sleeveless common: plan in advance [idiom.] forewarned is forearmed
新犯罪行为正在出现,例如网络犯罪和 在家庭内犯下的罪行,而司法制度往往未能够胸有成竹地处理这些罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | New forms of offences were emerging, such as cybercrime and crimes committed in families, which judicial systems were generally not well prepared to deal with. daccess-ods.un.org |
那是个胸有成竹但不傲慢自大的印度,一个敏感、温而文雅但不软弱或卑下 的国家,一个决心在其世俗的民主政策中增进和保护其人民人权的印度。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was an India which was self-assuredbut not arrogant, [...] a country which was sensitive and humane without being weak or [...]apologetic, and an India determined to promote and protect the human rights of its people in its secular democratic polity. daccess-ods.un.org |
该职责直接关系到秘书长的需要,亦即应 能对每天发生的新闻动态做出反应,或者给人以做出反应和胸有成竹的印象。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is directly related to the needs of the Secretary-General to be able to and to be seen as responding to and anticipating news developments as they break each day. daccess-ods.un.org |
整体了解公司概况,会让您胸有成竹地应对第一轮面试中提问的各种问题。 robertwalters.cn | Having a general overview about the organisation will also give you confidence during the first interview so that you can refer to your research when asking questions. robertwalters.co.kr |
能胸有成竹地切割和钻孔!玛拉CX混凝土成像系统让你简单安全地扫描混凝土结构,可以实时准确的采集、显示和分析数据。 malags.com.cn | Cut and core with confidence! The MALÅ CX Concrete Imaging System allows you to scan concrete [...] structure simply and safely [...]and present data clearly for real-time and in-the-box data acquisition, display and analysis. malags.com |
文同的好朋友,着名诗人晁补之,称赞他说:“文同画竹,早已胸有成竹了”。 chinesestoryonline.com | One of his best friends, Chao Bu Zhi, a [...] talented poet and writer, [...] commented on Wen Tong's painting skill:" When hedraws bamboo, there are already whole bamboos inhisheart. chinesestoryonline.com |
至於收入方面,税务局(“税局”)每年年中已将市民的税单寄出,税 局也能预测薪俸税能收到多少,应该胸有成竹;差饷和地租单也是可以预计 的税收。 legco.gov.hk | As regards revenue, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) issues tax demand notes to the public in the middle of the year and so, the IRD can also project the revenue receivable from salaries tax, and it should be confident of this forecast. legco.gov.hk |
局长其实也胸有成竹,但可能他太疲倦,又或涂议员真的过於“死 缠烂打”了。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretary is actually very confident of hissuccess,but perhaps he is too tired or perhaps Mr TO is "too persistent". legco.gov.hk |
我们之所以敢这么说,是因为我们胸有成竹,是因为我们信心百倍,更重要的是因为我们有第一流的硬件设施做保障,是因为我们有第一流的科技研发做先锋,是因为我们有第一流的产品设备做基石,是因为我们有第一流的销售精英做开拓,是因为我们有第一流的售后服务做后盾,我们相信这些优越之处定会使我们在矿山机械行业中成为永久的佼佼者,上海世邦,品质之光闪耀世界! kunlunslate.com | We dare say, because we have the answers, because we are full of confidence, more importantly, because we have a first class hardware facilities to do security, because we have a first-class R & D pioneer, because we have first class equipment to do the cornerstone, because we have a first-class elite sales do open up, because we have a first-class after-sales service backing, we believe that these advantages will certainly keep us become a permanent leader in the mining machinery industry, Shanghai World states, the quality of light shining world! kunlunslate.com |
凭借我们共同掌握和享有的知识,我们现在比以往任何时候都更加胸有成 竹。 daccess-ods.un.org | With our collective knowledge, we are now better equipped than ever before. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们应尽量减少这样做,即使我们已胸有成竹有足够票数,也应 尽可能给予多点空间,让反对声音和反对议员有沟通和对话空间。 legco.gov.hk | Even though we are certain that we have got enough [...] votes, we should do our best to make room for communication or dialogue [...]for the dissenting voice and Members in opposition. legco.gov.hk |
当时,教育统筹局局长罗范椒芬局长的回应是,她胸有成竹,定会跟进, 并愿意统筹有关部门进行相关的工作,而财政司司长於 1998 年年中成立的 就业专责小组,工作范围亦已包括青少年的就业问题。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the scope of work of the Task Force on Employment, set up by the Financial Secretary in mid-1998, also covers the employment of youths. legco.gov.hk |
胸有成竹原指画竹子要在心里有一幅竹子的形象。 chinesestoryonline.com | The idiom ofThere [...] Are Already Whole BamboosIn His Heart--Xiong You Cheng Zu is [...]used to describe the case in which someone [...]has a well thought out plan and thus is completely confident. chinesestoryonline.com |
董 先生既 然 提 出 新 制 度 , 应该胸 有 成 竹,一早 已 打 好 如 意算盘 , 尤 其 是 在 理 想 人 选方面 , 但 董 先 生 又 再 一 次 议 而不决。 legco.gov.hk | Given thatMr TUNG has set his mind on implementing his proposed new system, he should have made some calculations based on his wishful thinking, particularly the ideal candidates for appointment as principal officials. legco.gov.hk |
最好能请 几位要好的同行对您进行模拟晋升或求职面试,以便您能胸有 成竹地参加真正的面试。 biggerbrains.com | There is merit in asking several close peers to give you a mock promotion or job interview so that when you attend the real interview you are as well prepared as possible. biggerbrains.com |
发言人办公室的职责则有限得多,而且更直接 关系到秘书长的需要,也就是说,应能对每天发生的新闻动态做出反应,或者给 人以做出反应和胸有成竹的印象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The role of the Office of the Spokesperson is much more limited and more directly related to the needs of the Secretary-General, that is, to be able to respond and to be seen as responding to and anticipating news developments as they break each day. daccess-ods.un.org |
再者, 市民其实看得很清楚,潘洁副局长星期一出席小组委员会时,是一副胸有成竹的样子,原来她手上有这个法律意见,更以为这是她的“撒 手鐧”及 “尚方宝剑”,但谁料到,当她拿出来後,反而引起更大及更 强烈的反感。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, the public have seen very clearly, when Under Secretary Dr Kitty POON attended the Subcommittee meeting on Monday, she looked as though she had a well-thought-out plan. legco.gov.hk |
英 文 网 站 为 您 提 供 业 内 领 先 的 精 选 研 究 报 告 、 投 资 工 具 和 市 场数据,助您成竹在胸,作出明智的投资 决 策 。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Our Markets & Research site gives you access to an industry-leading selection of research reports, investing tools and market data to help you make informed decisions and invest with confidence. tdwaterhouse.ca |
很可能㆗国的领导㆟在九七後共党在香港的角色的计划㆖早已成 竹在胸,但是我们仍需要直接向他们了解其大计。 legco.gov.hk | It may be that Chinese leaders have an enlightened approach regarding the role of the Communist Party in Hong Kongafter 1997, but we need to hear directly from them what their plans are. legco.gov.hk |
虽然很多主要工程计划,例如机场核心工程 计划及竹篙湾发展计划已经完成,而部分主要工程计划尚未展 开,但仍有很多中小型工程计划将会推行。 legco.gov.hk | Although many major projects, such as [...] the Airport core [...] projects andPenny Bay project, had been completedand somemajor projects had yet to start, there were still many works projects of small and mediumscalesthat wouldbe implemented. legco.gov.hk |
记事本的封面以耐用的竹子造成,里面有70张再造纸及附有竹制的原子笔。 brandhk.com | Inside are 70 sheets of lined recycled paper and a penwitha bamboobarrel. brandhk.com |
此外,医管局亦已经於 2003 年 SARS 疫 症爆发初期,成立了一个 SARS 协作小组,其成员包括胸肺内科 和其他相关临床专科的专家,负责讨论和评估日後对 SARS 的临 床治疗,以及定期检讨 SARS 康复者的临床状况和医管局为有关病人所订立的治疗方案。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, the HA has set up a SARS [...] Collaborative Group [...] comprising experts in respiratory medicine and relevant clinical specialties since the beginning of the SARS outbreak in 2003 to evaluate and discuss the future clinical management of SARS, and to regularly review the clinical conditions and management plans for post-SARS [...]patients. legco.gov.hk |
采用触感柔韧带有高弹性的Modal平针织材质制成,温柔贴和胸部与腹部。 jshoppers.com | Made from a modal material that is soft on the skin and stretchy--just perfect for giving a snug fit to an enlarging bust! jshoppers.com |
虽然,我不赞成这种做法,亦觉得政府 应该采取措施改变雇主这种意识形态,但平心而论,我不认为现时的整体招聘情况如 李议员所说「普遍存在歧视」,这说法似乎有「㆒竹篙打㆒船㆟」之嫌。 legco.gov.hk | Despite the fact that I do not think it is right in so doing and I think the Government should take steps to change this mentality of some employers, in fairness I do not think that the overall recruitment situation features "prevalent discrimination against women by employers" as suggested by Mr LEE. legco.gov.hk |
(j) 规定地铁有限公司如未能如 期建成竹篙湾铁路线,唯 一的法律 责任是因应香港迪士尼的预期游客人数,安 排提供足够的 巴 士服务 legco.gov.hk | (j) provides thatMTRCL’s sole liability wouldbe to procure the provision of adequate bus services at a level commensurate with the anticipated number of guests at HKD if it fails to complete the PBRL on time legco.gov.hk |
这些内部结果肯定能使本组织在为拟订国家发展 活动的预期结果,特别是联合国发展援助框架(UNDAF)的结果总表出谋划策方面心有成 竹。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These internal results must in turn inform the Organization’s contribution of expected results to national development activities and especially the results matrix of United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). unesdoc.unesco.org |
南洋商业银行为企业提供灵活贴身的网上银行服务,使企业无论是商务往来还是财务管理,都可以轻松自如、成竹于胸。 cbs.ncbchina.cn | Nanyang Commercial Bank offers flexible and considerate internet banking services for corporate customers, enabling corporate customers to conduct businesses, regardless of commercial intercourse or financial management, in an ease and confident manner. cbs.ncbchina.cn |
功能用途、社会结构、政治环境以及经济发展均不断变化,这种变化体现在对历史城 市景观的结构性干预中,应该承认它们是城市传统的一部分,需要决策者高瞻远瞩,胸怀整个城市,而且需要与其他有关方面和利益相关方进行对话。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Continuous changes in functional use, social structure, political context and economic development that manifest themselves in the form of structural interventions in the historic urban landscape may be acknowledged as part of the city's tradition, and require a vision of the city as a whole with forward-looking action on the part of decision-makers, and a dialogue with the other actors and stakeholders involved. unesdoc.unesco.org |