单词 | 胸廓切开术 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胸廓切开术 —thoracotomy (medicine)See also:胸廓 adj—thoracic adj 胸廓—thorax
除了头部右侧的伤口和胸廓切开术的 创口 外,她没有看到其他伤口。 daccess-ods.un.org | She saw no wounds other than the one to [...] the right side of her head and the thoracotomy wound. daccess-ods.un.org |
正對所擁有的動物進行治療的動物擁有人( 或其僱員或其 家庭成員) ,但該治療並不包括對腹腔或胸腔進 行外 科 切 開手 術。 legco.gov.hk | The owner (or his employee or a member of his household) when treating [...] his own animal, provided such treatment does not include [...] making a surgical incision into the abdominal or thoracic cavity. legco.gov.hk |
后人也许会这样评价这个时期:这 [...] 是世界历史中一个关键时刻,在这一时刻,现状已无可挽回地削弱,一个新世界 的轮廓开始浮现。 daccess-ods.un.org | Future generations are likely to describe this period as a pivotal [...] juncture in world history when the status quo was irrevocably [...] weakened and the contours of a new world began [...]to emerge. daccess-ods.un.org |
凸胸(俗稱雞胸或鴿胸)及凹胸(俗稱漏斗胸),均屬常 見 胸廓 形 態 疾病。患者前胸壁及胸骨向前凸出或凹陷,成因仍有待確定。 hksh.com | Pectus Carinatum (Pigeon Chest) and [...] Pectus Excavatum are common chest cavity deformities Patients with Pectus Carinatum [...]or Pectus Excavatum have protruded or caved-in sternum and ribs respectively. hksh.com |
多数肿瘤医生会建议先做初始化疗,然后做乳 房 切 除 术 和 胸 壁 放 射治疗。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | The treatment most oncologists recommend includes initial chemotherapy followed [...] by a mastectomy and chest wall radiation therapy. beyondtheshock.com |
格鲁吉亚是世界卫生组织所举办现代循证产科 护理和新生儿护理课程的第一个试点国,该课程导 致剖腹产在所有分娩中所占的比例降至 10%,外阴切 开手术比率从 69%降至 9%,将有丈夫参与的分娩比 率从 0%提高到 91%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Georgia was the first country to serve as a pilot for the World Health Organization course in modern evidence-based obstetric and neonatal care, which resulted in reducing caesarian sections to 10 per cent of all deliveries and episiotomy rates from 69 per cent to 9 per cent, as well as an increase in partner-attended deliveries from 0 per cent to 91 per cent. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会特别注意到以下方面:与全球海洋监测系统及海洋学和海洋气 象学联合技术委员 会的合作取得显著进展,新成立的 IODE 生物和化学数据管理和交换问题 专家小组(GE-BCDMEP),新的全球海洋海面在 航 廓 线 计 划(GOSUD),制定一个海洋 XML ,海洋环境数据目录(MEDI ),培训系统“海洋学教师”,动态内容管理系统 BeeBox,以及非洲海洋数据和信息网和加勒比和南美地区海洋数据和信息网两个地区网 络。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Committee noted inter alia the considerable progress made in cooperation in GOOS and JCOMM, the new IODE Group of Experts on [...] Biological and [...] Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BCDMEP), the new Global Ocean Surface Under way Profile Programme (GOSUD), the development of a marine XML, the Marine Environmental Data Inventory (MEDI), [...]the training [...]system OceanTeacher, the dynamic content management system BeeBox, and the regional networks ODINAFRICA and ODINCARSA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本中心會為凸胸及凹胸患者製作胸廓 造 形 架,重 塑 胸廓 形 態 ,使患者得以回復自信,重拾正常生活。 hksh.com | The Centre provides chest orthosis to patients with pectus deformities for chest reshaping. hksh.com |
尽可能利用国际标准和最佳做法,并在必要情况下与合格 的合作伙伴制定切合实际的新技术开 发 计 划,就可以通过参与服务的知识产权局和 WIPO [...] 之间的共 同职责来减少这些风险。 wipo.int | These risks will be mitigated by sharing responsibilities between participating IP offices and WIPO, using international standards and best practices to the greatest extent [...] possible, as well as practical and [...] realistic planning of development of new technologies, [...]where necessary, with qualified partners. wipo.int |
2010 年 1 月,中心成功进行了领土上第一例 开胸 手 术。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Territory’s first open-heart surgery was [...] successfully performed at the Center in January 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
下一步是到目前为止整个项目中最耗时的部分在原始蜡浆半身雕像模型上,Rucker利用激光焊接 技 术 将 直 径仅为0.2毫米的铂金丝精确地焊接成曼德拉的面部 轮 廓。 wacker.com | In the next step, which was by far the most time-consuming of the entire project, Rucker laser-welded the precise contours of Mandela's face out of 0.2-mm-thick platinum wire over the original wax-starch mold of the bust. wacker.com |
對動物施行急救以拯救其生命或解除其痛苦的人,但該等 治療並不包括對腹腔或胸腔進行外科 切 開 手 術。 legco.gov.hk | A person who administers first aid to an animal for the purpose of saving its life or [...] relieving pain, provided such treatment does not include [...] making a surgical incision into the abdominal or thoracic cavity. legco.gov.hk |
在这方面,本集团深 为关切开发和 部署反弹道导弹防御系统和追求可在外空部署的先进军事 技 术 的负 面影响,这将进一步破坏有利于促进裁军和增强国际安全的国际氛围。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the Group [...] is deeply concerned over the negative implications of the development and deployment of anti-ballistic-missile defense systems and the pursuit of advanced military technologies capable of being deployed [...]in outer space [...]which have, inter alia, contributed to the further erosion of an international climate conducive to the promotion of disarmament and strengthening of international security. daccess-ods.un.org |
这位于美国加州的设计中心与安森美半导体位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特(Bucharest)的设计中心 密 切 协 作 ,共同推进新的知识产权(IP)开发、IC设计和布线,以及针对E2PROM存储器产品和包括LED驱动器、稳压器、温度传感器、电压监控器、数字电位计和总线产品在内的宽广范围模拟/混合信号IC的下一代晶圆厂工艺 技 术开 发。 onsemi.cn | The design center located in Santa Clara, California works in tandem with the ON Semiconductor Design [...] Center in Bucharest, [...] Romania for new IP development, IC design and layout, and next-generation foundry process technology development for E2PROM memory products and a wide range of analog/mixed-signal ICs, including LED drivers, voltage regulators, temperature sensors, voltage supervisors, digital potentiometers and bus products. onsemi.com |
有些病人需要实行切开堵塞的颈部动脉的专门的外科 手 术 , 如 颈动脉内膜 剥脱术或颈动脉支架术有助于防止脑卒中的发生。 world-heart-federation.org | For some patients, special surgical procedures to open up the blockage of neck arteries, [...] such as carotid endarterectomy [...]or stenting, can help prevent future strokes. world-heart-federation.org |
日本表示,中心与其他两个拟建中心将 密 切开 展 合 作,也会调动日本现有的专 门技术,进 一步推动该地区会员国之间的合作,并将重点放在发展中国家。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Japan has indicated that the Centre will cooperate closely with the two other proposed centres, [...] and that expertise present in Japan will [...]be mobilized to further cooperation among the Member States of the region, with an emphasis on developing States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我們喜歡按照車輛的確切輪廓。 hkcarworld.com | We love to [...] follow the exact contours of the vehicle. hkcarworld.com |
除 此之外,还有车削加工的切槽和底切 轮廓 元素的简洁帮助图形。 heidenhain.com.cn | Beyond this, you [...] also have the contour elements recessing and undercutting for turning [...]operations, which are supported by [...]expressive help illustrations. heidenhain.hu |
條例》附表 2 [...] 第 4 段規定,正對所擁有的動物進行治 療的動物擁有人( 或其僱員或其家庭成員) 可獲豁免,條件是該 治療並不包括對動物的腹腔或胸腔進 行外 科 切 開 手 術。 legco.gov.hk | An exemption is provided in paragraph 4 of Schedule 2 of the VSRO to an owner (or his / her employee or a member of his / her household) when treating his / her own animal [...] provided that such treatment does not include [...] making a surgical incision into the abdominal or thoracic cavity of the animal. legco.gov.hk |
靈實醫院重新發展後,不會設有急症室,但會設有 30 張急症病床,供或可能須要 留院接受深切治療的胸肺科病㆟使用。 legco.gov.hk | It will have 30 [...] acute beds for TB and chest patients who may require [...]intensive medical treatment during hospitalization. legco.gov.hk |
巴基斯坦人民已敞开 胸怀,努力帮助自己的兄弟姐妹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The people of Pakistan have opened up their hearts [...] and hearths to their brothers and sisters. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们生活的时代是一个全球转变的时代,后人也许会这样评价这个时 [...] 期:这是世界历史中一个关键时刻,在这一时刻,现状已无可挽回地削弱, 一个新世界的轮廓开始浮现。 daccess-ods.un.org | Future generations are likely to describe this period as a pivotal [...] juncture in world history when the status quo was irrevocably [...] weakened and the contours of a new world [...]began to emerge. daccess-ods.un.org |
与单腔扩 张器的功能相同,它还可以用于动脉 切开术 中 的 导管鞘插入以及解剖过程中的导管鞘远端与近端重置。 endologix.com | It may also be used for purposes of repositioning the introducer sheath distally or proximally within the anatomy. endologix.com |
轮廓的圆锥花序开阔的 的或稀松的收缩,狭披针形的到狭卵形,15-20(-25)厘米; [...] 分枝2-6 每节在好隔开平展,纤细的轮生,上升的到稀松方面,7-12厘米,粗糙,裸露的中间以下。 flora.ac.cn | Panicle open or laxly contracted, narrowly [...] lanceolate to narrowly ovate in outline, 15–20(–25) cm; branches 2–6 per node [...]in well-spaced whorls, ascending to laxly spreading, slender, 7–12 cm, scabrid, bare below middle. flora.ac.cn |
亚太经社会秘书处将与亚行开展密切 合作 ,因为亚行是与其具有相同成员并致力于区域经济一体化、尤 其是在金融合作、基础设施开发和互联互通、贸易便利化、环境与 技术开发等 领域开展区域经济一体化的另一个区域发展组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ESCAP secretariat [...] would work closely with ADB, which is another regional development organization with overlapping membership and which is committed to regional economic integration, especially in such areas as financial cooperation, infrastructure development and connectivity, trade facilitation, environment and technology development. daccess-ods.un.org |
疏松的圆锥花序,轮廓卵形 ,7-20厘米, 打 开 在 和 在花后; 每节分枝2-3,轮生远,上升的宽对,发状,稍曲折,长可达9厘米, 小穗2.6-3.5毫米,通常,紫色微染; 长圆状披针形,龙骨状粗糙的狭披针形的颖片不等长,下部颖片,长于上面,上面颖片,先端渐尖; 约的胼胝体毛0.2毫米; 外稃2/3的小穗长度,从只不过在中部以上,先端截形具小齿光滑或者微糙,具芒的背面; 身体虚弱膝曲的芒,2-4毫米; 内稃大约0.3毫米花粉囊0.6-1毫米。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets 2.6–3.5 mm, usually violet tinged; glumes unequal, lower glume narrowly lanceolate, longer than upper, upper glume oblong-lanceolate, keel scabrid, apex acuminate; callus hairs ca. 0.2 mm; lemma 2/3 spikelet length, back smooth or scaberulous, awned from just above middle, apex truncate-denticulate; awn weakly geniculate, 2–4 mm; palea ca. 0.3 mm. flora.ac.cn |