单词 | 胰腺 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胰腺adjective—pancreaticadj胰腺—pancreasExamples:胰腺炎—pancreatitis 胰腺癌adj—pancreaticadj See also:胰—pancreas 腺n—glandn 腺adj—glandularadj 舀—ladle out scoop up
当胰腺产生不了足够的胰岛素或人体无法有效地利用所产生的胰岛素时,就会出现糖尿病 [1 ]。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Whenthepancreas doesnot produce [...] enough insulinor the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, diabetes appears [1]. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
还有大量与脊柱无关的腰痛原因,比如胆结石、胰腺炎、肾结石,甚至是主动脉剥离。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | There are also a number of non-spine related causes of low back pain, such as [...] gallstones, pancreatitis, renal stones, [...]or even aortic dissection. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
如果您想了解更多关于胰腺癌的知识或与刘医生、田医生预约咨询,欢迎致电和睦家启望肿瘤治疗之家,电话 (010) 5927 7008。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For more information or to consult an oncologist, please contact Dr. Lau or Dr. Tian at the United Family New Hope Oncology Center at (010) 5927 7008. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
腺癌风险因素十分多样化,其中包括吸烟、肥胖、缺乏锻炼、与酒精和肥胖有关联的慢性胰腺炎病史及腺癌家族史。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | These risk factors include cigarette smoking, obesity and physical [...] inactivity, chronic pancreatitis (alcohol-associated [...]or hereditary), and familial history. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
其他EBV感染并发症包括因喉痛肿大引发呼吸困难,同时发生链球菌感染,以及偶尔出现黄疸、皮疹、胰腺炎、癫痫和/或脑炎。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Other complications of EBV infection that can occur include trouble breathing due to a swollen throat, [...] streptococcal sore throat at the same time, and, rarely, [...] jaundice, skin rashes, pancreatitis, seizures, and/or [...]encephalitis. labtestsonline.org.uk |
以上是胰腺癌各时期的常见症状,广州现代肿瘤医院的专家提醒大家,如果有类似胰腺癌的症状,应第一时间到正规专业医院接受检查治疗。 asiancancer.com | Expertsfrom ModernCancer Hospital Guangzhou remind you that if the symptoms mentioned occur, you should go to regular hospital [...] for check and treatment at the first moment. asiancancer.com |
对梗阻性黄疸又不能切除的胰腺癌,可选择胆囊或胆管空肠吻合术,以减轻黄疸,提高患者的生存质量。 asiancancer.com | As for patients with obstructive [...] jaundicewhose pancreatic canceris not [...]applicable to be resected, cholecystojejunostomy [...]or cholangiojejunostomy can be chosen, so as to relieve jaundice and improve patient’s quality of life. asiancancer.com |
胃溃疡和胰腺炎: 急性分享22共同的研究结果。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Gastric ulcer andPancreatitis,acute sharing [...] 22 common findings. en.diagnosispro.com |
1型发展在童年时,分泌胰岛素的胰腺细胞被破坏,糖尿病患者的免疫系统对自身分泌胰岛素的胰脏贝它细胞作出攻击并杀死他们,结果胰脏并不能分泌足够的胰岛素。 cn.iherb.com | Type 1 develops in childhood, when insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas are destroyed. iherb.com |
我有慢性疾病昌都胰腺炎什么是最好的草药来停止这个问题? zh-cn.arteblog.net | I have a chronic [...] illnessChamdopancreatitis what isthe best [...]herb to stop this problem? en.arteblog.net |
它也用于检测和控制卵、嗜铬细胞、肌肉细胞、视网膜细胞和胰腺细胞中 Ca2+ 的水平。 scbt.com | Has also been used for the measurement and control of Ca2+ levels in eggs, chromaffin cells, muscle cells, [...] retinal cells, and pancreaticcells. scbt.kr |
广州现代肿瘤医院专家指出,得了胰腺癌,千万不要着急和恐慌,胰腺癌患者首先要了解自己的病情,并根据自己的病情及早配合医生的治疗,以免错过了最佳的治疗时机。 asiancancer.com | Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou point [...] out that if you are diagnosedwith pancreaticcancer, don't be panic, firstly, [...]you must know your own [...]condition and then you need to actively cooperate with your doctor for treatment as soon as possible, so as not to miss the best treatment time. asiancancer.com |
另外还有胰岛细胞的神经内分泌肿瘤(NET),即乔布斯所患的胰腺癌类型,这种肿瘤能够分泌多种肽类激素,包括胰岛素、胃泌激素、胰高血糖素、血管活性肠肽(VIP)从而导致一系列临床症状。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Apancreatic NET may secrete a variety of peptide hormones, including insulin, gastrin, glucagon, and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), resulting in a myriad of clinical syndromes. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
一个月过去了,乔布斯的离世已不再是轰动世界的新闻,而他的离去却使胰腺癌成为了舆论的焦点。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | This information is not news, but aside from the technological legacy that Jobs left, his medical case serves as a cautionary tale for the rest of us. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
一种由雷公藤甲素——这是一种天然的植物产品并在传统的中医(它在中医中被称作雷公藤)中有悠久的使用历史——所研发出的新药看来对治疗胰腺癌有效。 chinese.eurekalert.org | A new drug developed from triptolide, a natural plant product with a long history of use in traditional [...] Chinese medicine (where it is known as lei gong teng or “thunder god vine”) appears to [...] effectively fight pancreaticcancer. chinese.eurekalert.org |
1 型糖尿病患者 的病徵突发及急速恶化的原因是由於胰腺内胰岛素的分泌细胞自我免疫反应引起。 genre.com | There is a sudden onset and quick [...] progression of symptoms in Type 1, which is caused by an autoimmune [...] destructionof insulin secreting cells inthe pancreas. genre.com |
在生长受限大鼠胰腺,肌肉,肝脏和脂肪组织中的缺陷进行了研究,以确定这些变化如表遗传学改变的作用的分子机制。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Defects inthe pancreas, muscle, liver and [...] adipose tissue in growth restricted rats are studied to determine the molecular [...]mechanisms underlying these changes such as the role of epigenetic alterations. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
此外,我们的数据表明,VGX-100既能单独发挥效应,也能与一些已经核准的药物联合,显着减缓若干不同类型肿瘤的生长,包括前列腺癌、胰腺癌和胶质母细胞瘤。 businesswirechina.com | Moreover, our data indicate that VGX-100 can act either by itself or in combination with approved drugs to significantly slow the [...] growth of several different tumour types [...] including prostate, pancreatic, and glioblastoma,” [...]commented Dr. Megan Baldwin, Head [...]of Preclinical Research and Development and senior author. businesswirechina.com |
据一项新的研究报告,胰腺酶渗漏到肠内可导致休克,这是一种与败血症和多器官衰竭有关系的威胁生命的内科疾病。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Leakageofpancreatic enzymes into the [...] gut can lead to shock, a life-threatening medical condition linked to sepsis and [...]multi-organ failure, a new study reports. chinese.eurekalert.org |
数据显示了VGX-100与其他药物在前列腺癌、胰腺癌和脑癌(胶质母细胞瘤)小鼠模型中的有效性。 businesswirechina.com | Data demonstrates efficacy of VGX-100 with other drugs in mouse [...] models of prostate, pancreatic and brain cancers [...](glioblastoma). businesswirechina.com |
该检测法还可应用于其他类型的癌症,例如肺癌和胰腺癌。 tipschina.gov.cn | The same assay can also be applied to other typesof cancer, [...] such as lung and pancreatic cancers. tipschina.gov.cn |
了解胰腺癌遗传方面的特殊性,熟悉内镜和分子诊断在胰腺癌中的价值,了解在 少数病人中手术有根治的作用,在其他病人中可能有姑息的作用。 esmo.org | They should know the unique genetic aspects of pancreaticcancerand be familiar with the roles of [...] endoscopy and molecular [...]diagnosis in pancreatic cancer. esmo.org |
边缘系统脑病: 癌旁的,类肿瘤性,副肿瘤性和胰腺胰岛细胞弥漫性增生: 婴儿期不要分享任何共同的研究结果。 cn.diagnosispro.com | Limbic encephalopathy/paraneoplastic and [...] Nesidioblastosis of Pancreas/Infancydo not [...]share any common findings. en.diagnosispro.com |
糖尿病是一种慢性病,当胰腺产生不了足够的胰岛素或者人体无法有效地利用所产生的胰岛素时,就会出现糖尿病。 who.int | Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs [...] either when the pancreasdoes not produce [...]enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. who.int |
近期完成的研究表明,这种干细胞蛋白质在人胰腺癌中有功能性作用且含量有增加。 tipschina.gov.cn | Recently completed research has shown that this stem cell related protein plays a functional role and is [...] increased inhuman pancreatic cancer. tipschina.gov.cn |
羟色胺形成氨基酸triptofana的松果腺(骨骺),与强制性参与的阳光,以及在小肠和胰腺,化学发射机的冲动神经细胞之间的人类大脑控制食欲,睡眠,情绪和情感的权利, «指示»很多机构的职能,发挥了重要作用崩溃的血液,调节电动机和分泌的胃肠道,增强蠕动和他的sekretornuyu活动的调节血管张力, [...] sokratimost子宫和输卵管结扎手术,参加的协调下交付,参与的过程中,排卵,是的原因之一,中风,心肌梗死,溃疡病,有些精神失常,偏头痛和其他形式的病理。 stimed.net | Serotonin formed from amino acids triptofana in [...] the pineal gland(epiphysis), with the obligatory participation of sunlight, as well as in the small intestine and pancreas, achemical transmitter [...]impulses between [...]nerve cells of human brain that controls appetite, sleep, mood and emotion rights, «directs» very many body functions, plays an important role in the collapse of blood, regulation of motor and secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing peristalsis and his sekretornuyu activity regulates vascular tone, sokratimost uterine and tubal ligation, participated in the coordination of deliveries, involved in the process of ovulation, is one of the causes of stroke, myocardial infarction, ulcer disease, some mental disorders, migraine and other forms of pathology. stimed.net |
没有认识到胃灼热的特点是脱水,妙招识别饮水问题,但抗酸剂或片剂药物来治疗胃炎和十二指肠球部不久将导致炎症,膈疝,溃疡或胃肠道癌,肝癌和胰腺癌。 kincle.net | Do not realize that heartburn is characterized by dehydration, drinking water, identify the coup, but antacids or tablet medications to treat gastritis and [...] duodenal will soon lead to inflammation, hernia, ulcers or gastrointestinal cancer, [...] livercancerand pancreatic cancer. kincle.net |