单词 | 胡锦涛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胡锦涛 —Hu Jintao (1942-), General Secretary of the CPC 2003-2012See also:胡—why? • what? • beard • outrageous • whiskers • reckless • non-Han people, esp. from central Asia • surname Hu • mustache 锦 pl—tournaments pl 锦—embroidered work 涛—big wave
据报 道,胡锦涛向巴希尔提出建议,即,苏丹需要一支高效 的维和部队来重建达尔富尔地区和平。 crisisgroup.org | Reportedly, Hu Jintao advised al-Bashir [...] that an efficient peacekeeping force was required to restore peace in Darfur. crisisgroup.org |
2007 年 1 月,武装分子袭击 [...] 了国有中国国家石油公司在巴耶尔萨州的办事处,绑架 了九名雇员作为人质,在胡锦涛开始访问非洲时才将其 释放。 crisisgroup.org | In January 2007, gunmen stormed the government-owned Chinese National Petroleum [...] Company office in Bayelsa state and took nine Chinese employees hostage, [...] releasing them as Hu Jintao’s Africa visit began. crisisgroup.org |
在胡锦涛与巴希尔的会晤报道 中,新华社指出,会谈非常“坦白”、“直率”、“真 [...] 诚”。 crisisgroup.org | In its reports about Hu’s meeting [...] with al-Bashir, Xinhua noted that the talks were “frank”, “candid” and “sincere”. crisisgroup.org |
从胡锦涛主席 一月份的官方国事访问,到五月份在华盛顿十分成功的第三轮美中战略与经济对话,美国对这段重要的关系表现出深度承诺。 embassyusa.cn | From the official state visit of [...] President Hu Jintao in January, to [...]the very successful third round of the U.S.-China Strategic [...]& Economic Dialogue in Washington in May, the United States has shown a deep commitment to this important relationship. eng.embassyusa.cn |
7 月 12-13 [...] 日: 缅甸总理钦纽在北京受到国家主席 胡锦涛、 总 理温家宝、中共政治局常委、罗干和全国人大委员长吴 [...]邦国的接见。 crisisgroup.org | July 12-13: Prime Minister Khin Nyunt met [...] with President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, [...]CPC Central Committee Political Bureau [...]Standing Committee, Luo Gan and NPC Standing Committee Chairman Wu Bangguo in Beijing. crisisgroup.org |
2003年,全国人大批准中共中央总书记 胡锦涛 担 任 国家主席,2004年 , 胡锦涛 又 被 任命为中央军事委员会主席,进一步巩固了他的权力。 embassyusa.cn | In 2003 the NPC confirmed CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao as president, and in 2004 Hu consolidated his power when he was also appointed chairman of the Central Military Commission. eng.embassyusa.cn |
而对东南亚其他国家——2006 年 3 月,胡锦涛主席 前往老挝和越南进行国事访问;2005 [...] 年, 越南;2005 年 12 月,马来西亚;2005 年 4 月,印度尼西亚、 文莱和菲律宾;2002 年,马亚西亚和新加坡。 crisisgroup.org | Elsewhere in South East [...] Asia, President Hu Jintao made state visits [...]to Laos and Vietnam in March 2006; Vietnam in 2005; [...]Malaysia in December 2005; Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines in April 2005; and Malaysia and Singapore in 2002. crisisgroup.org |
我们有根据胡锦涛主席 和欧巴马总统关于联合能源研究的协议而设立的机构。 embassyusa.cn | We have institutes that were created upon an agreement [...] by President Hu Jintao and President Obama [...]on joint research in energy. eng.embassyusa.cn |
2006年,鉴于美中双边关系的重要性,乔治·W·布什总统 和 胡锦涛 主 席创建了一个框架,以通过一个更全面的、定期的方式来协助管理此经济关系,这就是所谓的美中战略经济对话,或简称SED。 embassyusa.cn | In 2006, because of the importance of our [...] bilateral relations, President George W. Bush [...] and President Hu Jintao created a framework [...]to help manage this economic relationship [...]in a more comprehensive regular way, called the U.S. China Strategic Economic Dialogue, or SED. eng.embassyusa.cn |
胡锦涛于 2003 年的中央经济工作会议上首次提到“马 [...] 六甲难题”。 crisisgroup.org | Hu Jintao first mentioned [...] the term “Malacca dilemma” in the Central Economic Work Conference in 2003. crisisgroup.org |
一位与胡锦涛主席 关系密切的高级官员称,姜伟新经常代 表 胡锦涛 出 席 正式的 国家级庆典。 crisisgroup.org | A senior official with close ties to the president, Jiang frequently represents him at official state ceremonies. crisisgroup.org |
希腊总理帕潘德里欧以社会党国际主席身份 访问北京时与中国国家主席胡锦涛会面(2009年5月) 在贺信中,欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐(President Barroso)强调欧洲正面临巨大挑战,强调每个人都应到展示出勇气与合作的态度, 为全体欧洲人建立一个安全的未来,是欧洲可以退出金融危机,变得更强大 。 grpressbeijing.com | PM George Papandreou with Chinese President Hu Jintao during his visit in Beijing (May 2009) as President of the Socialist International In his congratulatory letter, European Commission President Barroso underlined the challenges with which Europe is faced, stressing that everybody should display courage, cooperate and build a secure future for all Europeans so that Europe can exit the economic crisis much stronger. grpressbeijing.com |
大部委体制”这一理念是胡锦涛、温 家宝及其他领 导人在研究了从新加坡到美国等一系列国家的行政体系 [...] 后提出来的。 crisisgroup.org | The concept of the “big ministries system” (大部委体制) came [...] about after Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and [...]other leaders studied bureaucratic systems in [...]countries ranging from Singapore to the U.S. The reform was intended to facilitate the formulation and execution of policy by streamlining an overlapping array of agencies, commissions and ministries around core issues: environmental protection; energy; social services; housing and construction; transportation; and industry and information. crisisgroup.org |
佤邦、克钦邦 致胡锦涛主席的信》,危机组织存档文件,2008 年 12 月。 crisisgroup.org | Letter from the Wa and Kachin [...] to President Hu Jintao, document on record [...]with Crisis Group, December 2008. crisisgroup.org |
2006 年 4 月,胡锦涛首次 前往华盛顿进行国事访问 期间,美国总统乔治·布什将伊朗、朝鲜和苏丹问题列 [...] 为重中之重,并将其放到了此后总统电话会谈和双边会 议的议程之上。 crisisgroup.org | During Hu Jintao’s first presidential [...] visit to Washington in April 2006, U.S. President George Bush made it a priority to [...]raise Iran, North Korea and Sudan and kept them on the agenda in subsequent phone calls and bilateral meetings. crisisgroup.org |
库姆曝光时,G20 峰会正在匹兹堡召开,让胡锦涛主席在奥巴马和其他国 家领导人面前颇为难堪。 crisisgroup.org | The revelation came during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, [...] putting President Hu Jintao on the spot in [...]front of Obama and other leaders. crisisgroup.org |
然而,BBC的报导也同时指出,仍然有两个重要问题需要处理:“一个是贫富之间的差距,这一点 在 胡锦涛 执 政 期间扩大到令人警觉的地步。 amccsm.org | Yet, at the same time, the BBC report suggested that there are still two major [...] issues to be tackled: "One is the gap between the wealthy and the poor, which has [...] grown alarmingly during the Hu years. amccsm.org |
2 月 14-15 日: 缅甸总理梭温访问北京,受到国家主 席 胡锦 涛、总 理温家宝、全国人大委员长吴邦国的接见。 crisisgroup.org | February 14-15: Prime Minister Soe Win met President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao Chairman and Wu Bangguo of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress in Beijing. crisisgroup.org |
2005年的人民代表大会上,胡锦涛主席宣布在全国范围内开展建设“和谐社会”的运动。 embassyusa.cn | At the 2005 [...] NPC, President Hu Jintao announced a nation-wide [...]campaign to build a "Harmonious Society. eng.embassyusa.cn |
国家安全顾问汤姆•多尼伦今天在白宫会见了中国外长杨洁篪,讨论了美中关系 及 胡锦涛 主 席 即将到来的访问的筹备工作。 embassyusa.cn | National Security Advisor Tom Donilon met today with Chinese Foreign Minister [...] Yang Jiechi in the White House to discuss U.S. - China relations and preparations [...] for President Hu Jintao’s upcoming visit. eng.embassyusa.cn |
副国务部长斯泰恩伯格还就美中关系 和 胡锦涛 主 席 即将进行的对美国的国事访问的准备工作进行了讨论。 embassyusa.cn | Deputy Secretary Steinberg also [...] discussed the U.S.-China relationship and preparations [...] for President Hu Jintao’s upcoming state [...]visit to the United States. eng.embassyusa.cn |
4 月 23 日:国家主席胡锦涛在雅 加达会见丹瑞大将。 crisisgroup.org | April 23: President Hu Jintao met Senior General [...] Than Shwe in Jakarta. crisisgroup.org |
近期访问喀土穆期间, 胡锦涛鼓励巴希尔展现灵活性,允许联合国/非盟混合 维和部队在苏丹部署”, [...] 安德鲁·纳齐奥斯,布什总统 苏丹问题特使,参议院外交委员会,2007 年 4 月 11 日,详情可登录 atwww.senate.gov/~foreign/testimony/ [...]2007/NatsiosTestimony070411.pdf。 crisisgroup.org | During his recent visit to Khartoum, [...] Chinese President Hu Jintao encouraged Bashir [...]to show flexibility and allow the AU/UN [...] hybrid force to be deployed”, Andrew S. Natsios, president’s special envoy to Sudan, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 11 April 2007, at www.senate. gov/~foreign/testimony/2007/NatsiosTestimony070411.pdf. crisisgroup.org |
中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛和来 自世界各地的贵宾观看了蔚为壮观、展示了前所未有的创造力和高科技的户外开幕庆典。 china.embassy.gov.au | Watched by President Hu Jintao and a host of [...] VIPs from all over the world, the spectacular Outdoor Opening Ceremony showcased [...]creativity and technology never before seen. china.embassy.gov.au |
因为一个崛起中的强国和已有的强国之间冲突并非不可避免,正 如 胡锦涛 主 席和习近平副主席以及克林屯部长都提出的那样。 embassyusa.cn | Because conflict between a rising power [...] and established power is not inevitable, [...] as President Hu Jintao and Vice President [...]Xi Jinping and Secretary Clinton have all argued. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在胡锦涛主席 阁下于2007年访问哥森堡期间,沃尔 沃集团总裁Leif [...] Johansson和当时的沃尔沃汽车公司 总裁弗雷德里克.阿尔普提议就“可持续运输”主题 在中国组织一次研讨会,以纪念胡主席阁下对瑞典 和沃尔沃的访问。 ebuilder.com | In 2007, during the visit of H. E. [...] President Hu Jintao to Gothenburg, [...]the Presidents of the Volvo Group and Volvo Car Corporation, [...]at the time Leif Johansson and Fredrik Arp offered to organise a seminar in China on the theme “Sustainable Transportation" in order to commemorate H.E. President Hu's visit to Sweden and Volvo. ebuilder.com |
2009年和2010年,我们成为本地唯一非官方机构,分别 为 胡锦涛 主 席 和习近平副主席主办欢迎宴。 sccci.org.sg | The SCCCI was the local business organisation to host the only [...] non-official functions during the state visits [...] of President Hu Jintao in 2009 and Vice-President [...]Xi Jinping in 2010 to Singapore. english.sccci.org.sg |
胡锦涛总书 记即将於2012年底自中国共产党的领导职务上退休,并於2013年初卸下中共国家主席职务。 amccsm.org | President Hu Jintao is due to retire [...] from the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in late 2012 and from China's presidency in early 2013. amccsm.org |
萨默斯博士和多尼隆先生与胡锦涛主 席 、温家宝总理、王岐山副总理、戴秉国国务委员以及外交部长杨洁篪进行愉快会面。 embassyusa.cn | Dr. Summers and Mr. Donilon had the pleasure of meeting [...] with President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, [...]Vice Premier Wang Qishan, State Councilor [...]Dai Bingguo, and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. eng.embassyusa.cn |
乔治·W·布什总统曾亲自恳请胡锦涛 主席 支持制裁,此举帮助胡主席克服了国内的强烈 反对意见。110 但在决议的产生过程中,中国首先反 对将问题提交到安理会,然后就决议内容进行长时 间谈判,从而成功地实施了拖延、转向及削弱的战 术。 crisisgroup.org | These principles were central to critiques of Soviet intervention in Eastern Europe as well as the U.S.-led NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia, which China denounced as “hegemonist”. crisisgroup.org |