单词 | 胡诌乱扯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胡诌乱扯 —talk nonsense (idiom); saying whatever comes into his headSee also:胡诌—cook up (excuses) • talk at random • invent crazy nonsense • wild babble 胡扯—nonsense • blather • chatter 胡乱—casually • careless • at random • reckless • at will • absent-mindedly • any old how
另外,还有人拉扯他的头发 和胡须,而这是违背他的教规的。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, his hair and beard were pulled which is against [...] his religion. daccess-ods.un.org |
8 时,一武装恐怖团体在 Muzayrib 的街道展开,胡乱扫射 ,迫使店家关门, 并在 Ash‘ari 路口封锁了通往 Dar`a 的公路。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0800 hours, an armed terrorist group deployed in the streets of Muzayrib, fired at random, forced shop keepers to close their shops and blocked the road to Dar`a at the Ash‘ari junction. daccess-ods.un.org |
该程序的设计初衷是为技术人员提供所需的正确信息,避免任 何 胡乱 推 测 行为和/或不当操作。 hydratight.com | The program is specifically designed to provide the correct information needed by technicians, and remove all possibility of guesswork and/or incorrect procedures. hydratight.com |
18 时零分一武装恐怖团伙向位于 Sayyida Zaynab 的 Hujayrah 交叉路口附 近的难民营胡乱开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1800 hours, an armed terrorist group fired indiscriminately in the refugee camp located in the vicinity of the Hujayrah roundabout in Sayyida Zaynab. daccess-ods.un.org |
亦 有人提述先前所關注的問題,即莫禮時教授續約一事可能與合併問題 扯上關係。 legco.gov.hk | Reference was also made to the previous concerns regarding the possibility that the re-appointment of Professor Morris had become entangled with the merger issue. legco.gov.hk |
12 时 45 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Hajar al-Aswad 的主要汽车市场胡乱开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1245 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire indiscriminately in the main automobile market in Hajar al-Aswad. daccess-ods.un.org |
9 时,一个武装恐怖团伙向 Sadd al-Sharqi 公路附近的 Qunaytirah 校区投 掷噪音弹并胡乱开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0900 hours, an armed terrorist group hurled noise bombs and fired indiscriminately at the Qunaytirah schools’ complex on the Sadd al-Sharqi road. daccess-ods.un.org |
一武装恐怖团伙向 Mahjah 军营胡乱扫射。 daccess-ods.un.org | An armed terrorist group fired intermittently on the [...] military barracks in Mahjah. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果以色列能够设 立一个独立的真相调查委员会来确证真相,而不 是 胡乱 散 布 无法证明的数据,为 以色列在加沙和加沙平民的军事侵略和压迫行为尤其是涉及铸铅行动的有关行 为进行辩护,可能不无助益。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would have been useful if Israel had established an independent fact-finding commission in order to ascertain the truth, instead of having unascertainable data bandied around to justify Israel’s military aggression and repressive actions in Gaza and against its civilian population, particularly in connection with Operation Cast Lead. daccess-ods.un.org |
有报告说,政府军向和平抗议者胡乱 开 枪 ,并且 轰炸该国东部的军事基地。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are reports that Government forces have fired indiscriminately on peaceful protesters and bombed military bases in the east of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
缅甸黄金、宝石、铜和其他丰富矿产资源的 开采牵扯到没 收土地、强迫劳动以及侵犯良好环境权和水权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Myanmar the mining of gold, gemstones, copper and other plentiful mineral resources has been linked to land confiscation, forced labour, and violations of the right to a healthy environment and the right to water. daccess-ods.un.org |
6 时,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Ghab 的 Manarah 村胡乱开枪,打伤一名公民。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0600 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire indiscriminately [...] in the village of Manarah, Ghab, [...]wounding one citizen. daccess-ods.un.org |
地產霸權如狼似 虎,不管開設工廠、商店或經營零售還是建築業務,無論任何場合或 任何關係,均有可能會與某一、兩個地產霸 權 扯 上 緊 密關係,又或因 為政策上的得失而必然會影響部分生意的經營。 legco.gov.hk | These real estate hegemonies are ruthless and no matter if we run a factory, shop or in the retail or construction business and no matter when it comes to any occasion or relationship, we are bound to have dealings with one or two of these real estate hegemonies. legco.gov.hk |
我仍然担心该国境内全面的人道主义情况,尤其是对平民百姓发动的高频率 胡乱和针对性的攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am concerned with the overall human rights situation in the country, notably the high rate of indiscriminate and targeted attacks against the civilian population. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国重 申,风险评估是单独进行的,不牵扯 申 诉 人对社会的危 害问题,证据只涉及风险问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party reiterated that the evaluation of risk was undertaken independently to the question of the threat the complainant posed to society, and the proof in question related only to the issue of danger posed. daccess-ods.un.org |
15 时零分一武装恐怖团伙朝德拉难民营 胡乱 开 枪 ,打死了儿童 Umar Ahmad al-Ma’arik。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1500 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire indiscriminately in Dar‘a camp, killing the child Umar Ahmad al-Ma‘arik. daccess-ods.un.org |
刚果(金)武装力量胡乱开枪,据报打死 3 名平民,其中包括一名 15 岁男 孩,还打伤 3 人,包括一名 2 岁的男孩。 daccess-ods.un.org | FARDC fired indiscriminately and reportedly killed three civilians, including one 15-year-old boy, and wounded three others, including a 2-year-old boy. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要胡乱自己用药, 在治疗的部 位途上加有药品的溶液。 breastcancersingapore.com | Do not self-medicate by applying medicated lotion on the treatment area. breastcancersingapore.com |
(b) 对胡乱攻击的禁止包括禁止实施采用无法合理指向特定军事目标的作 战手段或方法的攻击 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The prohibition on indiscriminate attacks includes [...] a prohibition on attacks that employ a means or method of warfare [...]that cannot be reasonably directed at a specific military objective daccess-ods.un.org |
总体上,手动调整涉及到大笔款项,产生了切实的财务影响,因为 牵 扯 到 多 方面 的转账:资产负债账目之间,收入账目与日常费用账目之间,资产负债账目与盈亏差额账目 之间。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Their accounting impact is real since they result in transfers between balance sheet accounts, between revenue and current expense accounts, and between balance sheet accounts and profit and loss accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这一根本原则上不能妥 协,也不能胡乱编造任何借口。 daccess-ods.un.org | No temporizing on this fundamental tenet will do, and no justification may be wantonly conjured up. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会还敦促国家采取必要的措施,防止被拘留者为了避免在警察 局遭到不必要的拘留而被迫向执法人员支 付 胡乱 的 罚 款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee also urges the State to implement the necessary measures to prevent detainees from being forced to pay arbitrary fines to law enforcement officers in order to avoid being subjected to unnecessary detention in police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
4 时 30 分,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Nahr Eisheh 胡乱开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0430 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire indiscriminately in Nahr Eisheh. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一个团伙在 Tall Tuqan 村向居民住 宅胡乱开枪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first group, in the village of Tall Tuqan, opened fire indiscriminately on people’s homes. daccess-ods.un.org |
64 虽然已经证实,炮弹中有 46 枚是对准军事目标的,但大 多数炮弹属于胡乱射击,这样,其余炮弹的预定目标也就无从断定。 daccess-ods.un.org | A total of 325 rockets, including homemade rockets, Grad rockets, and rocketpropelled grenades, and 389 mortar shells were fired during the reporting period.64 While it was confirmed that 46 of the projectiles were directed at military objectives, the indiscriminate nature of the majority of them makes it impossible to determine the intended targets of the remaining ones. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们还向电线杆和平民胡乱开枪,打伤 5 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also fired indiscriminately at electricity poles and civilians, injuring five persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
它特别欢迎有机 会在专家组里讨论胡乱部署 简易爆炸装置的国家里这种装置对武装部队和对平民 造成的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had welcomed, in particular, the opportunity to discuss in the Group of Experts the threat posed by IEDs to military forces and to the civilian population in countries in which such devices were deployed indiscriminately. daccess-ods.un.org |
西达尔富尔州扎林盖 Hassa Hissa 境内流离失所者营地新 流离失所者报告说,他们在杰贝勒马拉赫 Golo 以东的村庄于 [...] 2010 年 2 月 24 日 遭到空中轰炸和地面袭击,身着制服的武装人员对平 民 胡乱 开 火。 daccess-ods.un.org | Newly displaced individuals in the Hassa Hissa camp for internally displaced persons, in Zalingei, Western Darfur, reported that their villages, east of Golo in Jebel Marra, had come under aerial [...] bombardment and ground attack on 24 February 2010 by armed men in [...] uniforms who had indiscriminately opened fire on [...]civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
法庭认为,原告律师提供的证据足以证明 提交人不容质疑的犯有恶劣、武断、 胡乱 和 不 负责任地诋毁该议员及其家属的荣 誉、名誉和声誉的行为”判其五个月零一天至四年,六个月零一天的囚禁非确定 刑期,以及 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court concluded that the evidence provided by the prosecution was sufficient to prove the author’s guilt beyond reasonable doubt for a malicious, arbitrary, abusive and irresponsible act of maligning the honour, reputation and good name of Congressman … and that of his family” and sentenced him to an indefinite penalty ranging from five months and one day to four years, six months and one day imprisonment, as well as payment of 100,000 Philippine pesos (approximately 2,300 USD) as compensation for moral damages to the victim and another 100,000 pesos amount as “exemplary damages”, to serve “as an example for notorious display of irresponsible reporting”. daccess-ods.un.org |
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议, 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任何 扰 乱 其 运 作的 危急事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical incidents that disrupt their operations. daccess-ods.un.org |