






fellow citizen


convex polytope

External sources (not reviewed)

该公司在搜 索了已知基因序列的同系物数据库后宣称他们已经找到了属于家族的一个基 因,并为该基因申请了专利。
The company searched databases for homologues with known genetic sequences and concluded that they had found a gene belonging to the family ofcell receptors, and applied for a patent.
(b) 采用疾病实验模型获取的研究结果(例如,通过动物和培养往再加上亚物化学和分子一级的辐射影响研究),该研究可就生物效应 或产生疾病的机理提供信息。
(b) The results of studies using experimental models of disease (i.e. with animals and cultured cells, often coupled with studies of radiation effects at the subcellular, biochemical and molecular levels) that can provide information on the mechanism through which the biological effect or disease arises.
近年来还采取了 B(乙)型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗和非咳疫苗(非)。
The HIB (haemofilus
[...] influenza) vaccine and acellular whooping cough vaccine [...]
(instead of a cellular vaccine) have been taken into use in the recent years.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和子宫颈癌检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗;乡村产科护理行动例如培训医生/护士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; 流动紧急治疗服务。
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth campaigns; the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
通过将DENSETEC®高发酵技术应用在药用蛋白生产中,瓦克开发出了产率达400 g湿生物质/升的发酵工艺。
Using DENSETEC® high-cell-density fermentation in the manufacture of pharmaceutical proteins, WACKER has developed processes that yield up to 400 g wet biomass/liter.
我回顾,全体阿拉伯人都知道和读过叙利亚的阿 拉伯诗人尼扎尔·卡巴尼的作品,他在去世前几年的 一首非常着名的诗中想象、甚或预见这样一种景象和 聚会,这首诗是这样开始的:“大马士革,我梦中的 宝藏,我要向你哀叹阿拉伯主义,还是向你哀叹我的 阿拉伯
I recall that the Syrian Arab poet Nizar Qabbani, who is known and read by all Arabs, imagined, if not predicted, such a scenario and meeting years before his death in a very famous poem that begins: “Damascus, the treasure of my dreams, shall I bemoan to you Arabismor bemoan my fellow Arabs to you?
在化学和生物科学方面,教科文组织推动建立了国际膜科学与技术中心(澳大利亚肯辛 顿)、国际子生物学中心(ICCMB,波兰华沙)和一些生物技术教育和培训中心 (BETCEN),如设在中国、匈牙利、墨西哥、巴勒斯坦权力机构和南非的中心,以及最近 在印度新德里成立的教科文组织第二类生物技术培训和教育地区中心和在以色列雷霍沃特成 立的教科文组织第二类国际生物信息学、基因组学和蛋白质组学培训中心(国际生物组学中 心)。
In the chemical and biological sciences, UNESCO promoted the establishment of the International Centre for Membrane Science and Technology (Kensington, Australia), the International Centre for Cell and Molecular Biology (ICCMB, Warsaw, Poland), and a number of the Biotechnology Education and Training Centres (BETCENs) such as those situated in China, Hungary, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, and South Africa, as well as the recently established UNESCO category 2 Regional Centre for Biotechnology Training and Education in New Delhi, India, and the UNESCO category 2 International Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics Training Centre in Rehovot, Israel (International BIOmics Centre).
Although approved for use for treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) in nearly 60 countries, useof citicolinein a randomized trial that included more than 1,200 participants with TBI did not result in improvement [...]
in functional and cognitive status, according
to a study appearing in the Nov. 21 issue of JAMA.
[...] S-26/2 号决议)十周年,我要衷心赞扬我的·皮奥所做的出色工作,他发展并领导艾滋病署 [...]
11 年。
On this tenth anniversary of our common Declaration of Commitment (resolution S-26/2) to this battle, I want to
pay a heartfelt tribute to the
[...] outstanding work ofmycompatriot Peter Piot, who [...]
developed and led UNAIDS for 11 years.
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和 大脑半球的锥体量、积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪 黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年);“W-3 必需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 护作用”(2007 年);“W-3 脂肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of celllayer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 fatty acids in a rat focal cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
各位成员可以看到,如同我国其他人一样,这些家和国际舞台上有着长期和丰富的经验,曾 [...]
As members can see, like others in my
[...] country, thosecompatriots have had long [...]
and rich experience in both the national
and international arenas and have served in challenging field missions.
通过将番泻树、橄榄树、悬铃树和豌豆与猴面包树结合,娇韵诗实验室创造出了独一无二的防晒护理产品——植物性阳光防护元素2(Phyto Sunactyl 2),能够保护皮肤遗传免受太阳的侵袭。
By combining senna, olive, plane tree and pea with baobab, Clarins Laboratories created Phyto-Sunactyl 2, the exclusive complex present in Clarins sun products which protects skincells and their genetic inheritance against the sun’s aggressions.
营地里没有任何治疗设施,五名吉布提战俘生病后身体非常虚弱,他们也正 是因此而无法跟两名逃离。
This camp has no medical services and the five Djiboutian soldiers are ill and very weak, which is why they could not escape along with the two others.
Under terms of this agreement, COARE contributes its pioneering research on the role of Doublecortin-like Kinase 1 (DCLK1) in proliferation and differentiation of CSC including relevant screening reagents and know-how.
In addition, the Committee recommends that the State
party take all necessary measures to ensure that the placement in
[...] institutionsof twins must be a measure [...]
of last resort.
Midostaurin, a targeted small molecule inhibitor of FLT3 tyrosine kinase, is currently in Phase III clinical development for newly diagnosed patients with FLT3 mutated AML who are receiving midostaurin or a placebo in combination with chemotherapy (NCT00651261).
游离基是於新陈代谢过程中产生的份子,能氧化 及破坏癌症及血管硬化栓塞形成的其中一个过程。
They can
[...] oxidise and destroycells,which is one [...]
of the steps in the development of cancer, loss of elasticity and blockage of blood vascular.
该项目计划延续至下两个双年度,可以在该项目下举办国际生物化学 和分子生物学联盟/国际基础科学计划(IUBMB/IBSP)分子和学方面的高级培训学 校,如 2008 年在赫曼努斯(南非)举办的感染的分子和础的培训学校或计划于 2009 年在新德里(印度)举办的关于自身免疫疾病的分子生物学的培训学校。
The project, which is planned to continue during the next two biennia, may incorporate IUBMB/IBSP advanced schools in molecular and cell biology such as that held in 2008 in Hermanus (South Africa) on Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection, or the one planned for 2009 in New Delhi (India) on Molecular Biology of Autoimmune Diseases.
正是由于叛国集团热衷于与,才使平静的水域突然变成了军事冲突 的战场。
It was due to the group of traitors keen on
[...] confrontation withfellow countrymenthat peaceful [...]
waters turned into a theatre of military conflict all of a sudden.
结果造成受体蛋白质被截短了许多,再也无法到达,从而可阻止 HIV 病毒感染减缓的速率。
This results in the receptor protein being severely
truncated and unable to
[...] reach the cell surface, thus preventing the HIV virus from infectingthe cells orslowing the rate of infection.
除了控制细菌因组的化学合成( 克莱格·温特尔人工生命) ,其他方 法包括:通过在酵母中制作新陈代谢途径生产抗疟疾药物的前体;合成哺乳动物 基因电路揭示抗结核化合物;广泛存在的生物计算的展示;以及制作大肠杆菌以 探测和杀死人体内病原体。
In addition to the chemical synthesis of a genome able to control a bacterial cell (Craig Venter’s artificial life) other important stepping stones include: the engineering of the metabolic pathway in yeast to produce the precursor of an anti-malarial drug; the creation of a synthetic mammalian gene circuit that revealed anti-tuberculosis compounds; a demonstration of distributed biological computation; and the engineering of an E. coli to sense and kill a human pathogen.
In mammals, neurons can last an entire lifespan in the absence
of neurodegenerative disease, but whether neurons have a maximum lifespan, similar to
[...] replicating cells, remains unclear.
Triplets are reported to be separated from parents at birth and are institutionalized, at least for the initial [...]
period of their existence.
(iii)  於 二 零 零 九 年 七 月 七 日,本 公 司 间 接 全 资 附 属 公 司 星 际 能 源 国 际 投 资 有 限 公 司 与 关 连 人 士 明 基 地 产 投 资 有 限 公 司(「明 基 地 产」,其51%股 权 由 本 公 司 主 要 股 东 兼 执 行 董 事 黄 先 生 实 益 拥 有,余 下 49% 股 权 则 由 黄 先 生伟 岳 先 生 实 益 拥 有) 订 立 临 时 买 卖 协 议,内 容 有 关 以 现 金 总 代 价 8,300,000 港 元 收 购(「收 购」)九 龙 柯 士 甸 道 西 1 号 擎 天 半 岛 第 5 座 一 个 单 位。
(iii) on 7 July 2009, star energy international investment Company limited, an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a provisional sale and purchase agreement with Ming Kei properties investment limited (the “Ming Kei properties”), a connected person, of which 51% of the shareholding of Ming Kei properties is beneficially owned by Mr. Nelson Wong, a substantial shareholder and an executive Director of the Company and the remaining 49% of the shareholding of Ming Kei properties is beneficially owned by Mr. Wong Wai Ngok, the elder brother of Mr. Nelson Wong in relation to the acquisition (the “acquisition”) of a property, a flat in Block 5 sorrento, 1 austin road West, Kowloon for a total cash consideration of HK$8,300,000.
马里兰州,博萨斯达 2012年1月24日电:全美癌症研究基金会今日宣布:将第七届圣• 乔奇癌症研究创新成就奖授予王振义博士和陈竺博士,以表彰他们在急性早幼粒病(APL)的研究上所取得的原创性成果及在该研究基础上发展的治疗APL的全新疗法。
(BETHESDA, Maryland, January 24, 2012) - NFCR announced today that Dr. Zhen-Yi Wang and Dr. Zhu Chen have been awarded the 7th Annual Szent-Györgyi Prize for Progress inCancer Research for their innovative research that led to the successful development of a new therapeutic approach to acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL).
当单核李氏杆菌被认为是食源性病原体(熏鱼是被牵连的 商品之一)时,一些国家的风险管理者采用“零容忍”办法,而另外国家的风险 管理者选择按每克产品菌落形成单位100 cfu/g的微生物学标准(最高水平细菌 量)。
When Listeria monocytogenes was recognized as a food-borne pathogen (smoked fish was one of the incriminated commodities), risk managers in some countries adopted a “zero tolerance” approach, while risk managers in others chose a microbiological criterion in terms of colony-forming units per gram of product (this provides a maximum level of bacterial presence) of 100 cfu/g. An FAO/WHO risk assessment showed that predicted illness depends on how many non-compliant products reach the market.
生物信息学和计算生物学方面的进展很大程度上促进了生物数据的收集、 加工和利用,这包括创建新的语言;数据开发的进展;建模和模拟的改进,包括 建立整;使复杂生物信息直观化和分析基因序列数据及蛋白质在线工具 和软件以及工具的设计。
Advances in bioinformatics and computational biology have greatly aided the gathering, processing and utility of biological data, including: the creation of new languages; advances in data mining; improvements in modelling and simulation, including the creation of whole-cell simulations; online tools and software for visualising complex biological information, analysing gene sequence data, protein analysis; as well as designing tools.




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