单词 | 胜选 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胜选 —win an electionSee also:胜 n—victory n • success n 胜—better than • surpass • superior to • surpassing • equal (a task) • get the better of • beautiful (scenery) • superb (of vista) • wonderful (view)
据宣布,约 85%选民在决胜选举中投了票。 daccess-ods.un.org | Voter turnout in the run-off was declared to be approximately 85%. daccess-ods.un.org |
因为没有候选人获得法律规定的 50%的多数选票,举行了一次决胜选举。 daccess-ods.un.org | A run-off was conducted as no candidate was able to secure a 50% majority as required by law. daccess-ods.un.org |
同日,独立高级选举委员会宣布,它不久就会 向最高法院提交 17 [...] 个省(全部 325 个席位中的)244 名胜选者(除 巴格达的席位和 一些少数群体和国家补偿席位以外的全部席位),以供核证。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the same day, the Independent High Electoral Commission [...] announced that it would shortly submit the [...] names of 244 winners (from the total [...]of 325 seats) in 17 governorates (all except [...]those in Baghdad and some minority and national compensatory seats) to the Supreme Court for certification. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天的会议为审议阿富汗 [...] 的总体局势提供了一次及时的机会。该国深陷血腥的 暴力之中,在那里,地理与人种学、战略与历史盘根 [...] 错节,尤其在卡尔扎伊总统最近在阿富 汗 选 举 中胜 选,以及安全理事会即将对 2010 年 3 月到期的联合 [...] 国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)任期进行审议的背景 下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Today’s meeting provides a timely opportunity to review the overall situation in Afghanistan, a country steeped in blood where geography jostles with ethnology and strategy with history, especially in the [...] context of President Karzai’s success in [...] the recent Afghan elections and the Security [...]Council’s forthcoming consideration of [...]the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), due to expire in March 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一章的条文指明如何贯彻序言中阐明的 各项目标,为此而规范的事项诸如确保事先确定和公布任何采购程序的所有条 款和条件(最主要的有,操作采购程序所依据的规则、采购涉及的范围、哪些 人能够参加采购以及如何确定具响应性提交书 和 胜选 供 应 商)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Chapter I, they identify how the objectives set out in the Preamble are implemented, by regulating such matters as ensuring that all terms and conditions of any procurement procedure (notably, the rules under which it will operate, what is to be procured, who can participate and how responsive submissions and the winning supplier will be determined) are determined and publicised in advance. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别代表告知安理会,联伊援助团将鼓励主要政党达成三项原则,即包括所 有主要胜选名单 的联合政府;以分享权力原则为基础的政府;政府组建进程在初 步商定的时间框架内完成。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Representative told the Council that UNAMI would encourage [...] the main political [...] parties to agree on three principles, namely, a Government coalition inclusive of all major winning lists; a Government [...]based on power-sharing [...]principles; and a Government-formation process within a tentatively agreed time frame. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们正在进入CSM的发展新阶段,我认为Lord Coe是帮助我们在现有基础上取得长期 胜 利 的 唯一 人 选。 csm.com | We are entering an exciting new phase in our evolution at CSM and I can think of no-one in the world better than Lord Coe to help us continue to build on our existing success. csm.com |
该团队的七名高中女生是从2009年美国数学奥林匹克(USAMO)竞赛排名最靠前的女性决赛 获 胜 者 中 选 拔 出 来的。 akamai.cn | The team's seven high [...] school students were chosen from the top ranks [...]of the female finalists in the 2009 USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). akamai.com |
北京,8月29日 — 在男子柔术62kg级铜牌比赛中,来自西班牙的GARCIA FERNANDEZ战胜了荷兰选手VAN DER LANS。 beijing2010.org | BEIJING, 29th August – In the Men’s-62Kg Bronze Final, GARCIA FERNANDEZ from Spain successfully defeated VAN DER LANS from Holland. beijing2010.org |
优胜奖:Changemakers 社区会分别选出四名优胜者,各获得 5,000 美元的现金奖励。 changemakers.com | The four entries that received the most votes from the Changemakers online community will each earn a prize of US $5,000. changemakers.com |
尽管昆巴·亚拉先生在其他四名候选人支持下拒 绝参加第二轮选举而导致气氛稍有紧张,但是我们仍 [...] 希望,各选举主管机构,即选委会和最高法院的决定 能得到尊重,并且本着国家利益,人民的意愿和理智 终将取胜,第二轮选举确实将举行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the slightly tense atmosphere owing to the refusal of Mr. Kumba Yalá, supported by the four other candidates, to participate in the second round, we hope that decisions issued by the competent electoral bodies, namely, the NEC and the Supreme Court of Justice, will be respected and that, in the interests of [...] the country, the people’s will and good sense will prevail [...] and that the second round of elections will indeed take place. daccess-ods.un.org |
请为我描绘你心目中的和平”竞赛 选出了 18 名获胜者。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The 18 winners of the Draw me peace contest were selected. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您因故不能选出优胜者,那么您有四个选择:1) 推迟截稿日; 2) 推迟截稿日,同时提高合同价格; [...] 3) 推迟截稿日并适当调整 Brief; 4) 推迟截稿日,提高合同价格,同时适当调整 Brief。 bootb.com | If for any [...] reason you can't choose a Winner, you have 4 possibilities: [...]1) you can postpone the Deadline; 2) you can postpone [...]the Deadline & increase the Contracted Price; 3) you can postpone the Deadline & fine-tune the Brief; 4) you can postpone the Deadline, increase the Contracted Price & fine-tune the Brief. bootb.com |
另一项积极的动态是,有一名女竞选者在科诺区 议会主席补选中出胜,成 为该国第一名也是唯一的区议会女主席。 daccess-ods.un.org | On another [...] positive note, the by-election for the District [...]Council Chair in Kono was won by a female contestant, who became [...]the first and only female District Council Chairperson in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 针对特定原因进行选举,例如由专家提出短名单 后 选 举 竞赛 优 胜 者, 或选举旱 地英雄――为改变旱地状况作出重大贡献的个人 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) voting for particular causes, such as winners of competitions after shortlisting by experts and identification of drylands’ heroes – individuals who have made a significant contribution to changing the situation in the drylands daccess-ods.un.org |
10月17日,布鲁塞尔/斯图加特——日前,在布鲁塞尔举办的2012年度EFQM(欧洲品质管理基金会)卓越奖颁奖盛典上,博世德国班贝格工厂以其典范的管理实践在评选中独占鳌头,获得年度唯一的最高奖项——EFQM卓越奖,并在"以愿景、激励及诚信领导企业"及"以人 制 胜 " 方 面的 评 选 中 脱 颖而出获得2个单项奖;博世意大利巴里工厂凭借与企业战略相契合的流程管理框架以及在质量、交付、成本方面的卓越管理,获得"流程管理"单项奖。 bosch.com.cn | It also impressed the judges with its performance in the categories of "leading with vision, inspiration, and integrity" and "succeeding through people", and won another two individual awards; Bosch plant in Bari, Italy, with its implementation of a process management framework aligned with its strategy and its approach showing remarkable results in terms of quality, delivery, and cost, was honored with a prize for the best performance in "managing by processes". bosch.com.cn |
这枚腕表的白色表盘上搭配两只次表盘,在9点钟和3点钟的位置显示星期和日期,并在6点钟的位置设计月相显示装置,整枚腕表由自家生产的机械装置驱动,提供万年历机芯外一个引人 入 胜 的 替 代 选 择。 audemarspiguet.com | Featuring a white dial with secondary dials for day and date displays at 9 and 3 o’clock framing a moon-phase display at 6, all powered by an entirely in-housed developed mechanism, this highly successful model offered an excellent alternative to the perpetual calendar movement. audemarspiguet.com |
搀假的达尔富尔选举和全国大会党取得 苏丹大选胜利的后果》,非洲简报N° 72,2010年3月30日。 crisisgroup.org | Rigged Elections in Darfur and the Consequences of a Probable NCP Victory in [...] Sudan, Africa Briefing N°72, 30 March 2010. crisisgroup.org |
专用特许看来会对需要投入大量深入研发工作的技术研发初期阶段比较重要。但 与此矛盾的是,专用特许授予的性质要求它“ 挑 选 优 胜 者 ”。 iprcommission.org | Against this, by its nature, the granting of an exclusive license involves “picking winners”. iprcommission.org |
申诉人说,在 KINIJIT 在选举中获胜之后,执政党开始镇压反对党,若干反对党成员被杀害。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the [...] complainant, after the elections resulted in a KINIJIT [...]success, the governing party began a crackdown on [...]the opposition party, and several members of the opposition were killed. daccess-ods.un.org |
1980 年,在这种混乱、违法乱纪和社会经济的痛苦之中进行了换届选举, 乌干达人民大会党赢得选举胜利, 但出现了争议,因为人们广泛认为选举不公。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 1980, amidst such chaos, lawlessness and socio-economic [...] misery, general elections were held, which elections the UPC won [...]but were disputed as they were [...]widely deemed to have been unfair. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有通过结构良好的竞争程序,才能 推 选 出 有 眼光 , 胜 任 能干,经验丰富的 管理人才。 daccess-ods.un.org | Visionary, competent and experienced [...] managers should only be selected through a wellstructured [...]competitive process. daccess-ods.un.org |
让-皮埃尔·本巴在金沙萨以及赤道省和 下刚果省取得了选举胜利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Jean-Pierre [...] Bemba gained an electoral victory in Kinshasa as [...]well as the Provinces of Equateur and Bas-Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,成员类别的改革仅仅是推动了一 种选 举,选举的少数优胜者将 无限期地待在安理会,这不 仅违背了各项民主原则,而且也忽视了我们所处的变 [...] 化中的世界不断演变的动态。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, reform of membership categories that merely [...] promotes one election in which a handful of winners will remain in [...]the Council indefinitely contradicts [...]not only democratic principles, but also disregards the incessantly evolving dynamics of our changing world. daccess-ods.un.org |
22 但是,教科文组织关于缔结合同的规定与法国法律不同,甚至可能会认为排 除 MB&Co 公司会违反自由操作的原则。但是此种情况下,必须特别做出努力,以 便使招标细则足够详细,让新候选人 也有 获 胜 的 机会--比如,之前应该与所有新候 选人分享 Bertrand 先生在编写预编计划和 2006 年末至 2007 年初帮助 Coteba 公司 期间所获得的数据资料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In that case, however, a special effort would have been necessary to ensure that the specifications were sufficiently detailed to enable the new competitors to have a chance of winning the contract; it would have been necessary, for example, to share with them all of the information available to Mr Bertrand when the design brief was drawn up or during his work for Coteba in late 2006 and early 2007. unesdoc.unesco.org |
澳门旅游局局长安栋梁在签署仪式上致辞时表示:「我们与胜安航空签署谅解备忘录后,加强了两地的航空联系,交通便利,必能进一步吸引新加坡及区内旅客到澳门旅游;与此同时,藉着胜安航空的区域性航空联系,相信会有更多澳门人及邻近地区的旅客 , 选 择 乘 坐 胜 安 航 空客机到新加坡及区内其他国家旅游,从而促进彼此以至区内的旅游业。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Mr. Joao Manuel Costa Antunes said, "I hope the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with SilkAir will enhance the air connection between the two territories. In addition to attract more tourists from Singapore and nearby regions to visit Macau and at the same time, this route will provide access for travelers from Macau and nearby regions to visit Singapore and the other countries through SilkAir's regional connection. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
如果后一选项获胜,将 至迟在 2011 年 12 月 31 日举行另一 次全民投票,让波多黎各人选择波多黎各“在具有与其他州同等地位的情况下” [...] 成为联邦的一州,或成为一个“完全独立于美国或与美国自由结合的主权国家”。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the latter option were to win, a separate referendum [...] would be held no later than 31 December 2011, when Puerto Ricans [...]would be given the option of being admitted as a State of the Union, “on equal footing with the other States”, or becoming a “sovereign nation, either fully independent from or in free association with the United States”. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,它也向 Creator [...] 交付,因为他们可以接触来自世界顶级品牌的最佳的 Brief,而且如果他们获选成为“优胜 者 ” ,由于在 BootB 虚拟世界中,只有绑定了预算的 [...] Brief 才可以看见,所以他们不可能象在离线世界中可能发生的那样,拿不到报酬。 bootb.com | And it delivers to the Creator, because they have access to the best [...] Briefs from the top worldwide brands, and [...] if they’re picked as the Winner, they have no [...]possibility of not being paid like may [...]happen in the offline world, because in the virtual world of BootB, a Brief is visible only if there is a Budget already tied to it. bootb.com |
由新闻部、人道主义事务协调厅、维持和平行 动部和联合国开发计划署代表组成的小组从全世界 400 多个视频答复中选出五名 优胜者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Five winners were selected from more than 400 video responses worldwide by a panel of representatives from the Department of Public Information, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the United Nations Development Programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我想说明的是,参加此轮对话,我们对当前中国政府的“本国创新”政策深表担忧 — 政策规定由中国政府来挑选优胜者和 劣汰者,这无疑将损害中国真正创新的价值和前景。 embassyusa.cn | In that regard, I want to note that we come to these talks with real concerns about current Chinese government “indigenous innovation” policies—policies that have the Chinese government picking winners and losers and, in turn, undermining the value and the promise of real innovation in China. eng.embassyusa.cn |