单词 | 胜过 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胜过 (...) verb—overcome sth. vexcel vless common: outperform v • top v • lead v 胜过 —surpass • excel See also:胜—better than • surpass • surpassing • superior to • equal (a task) • get the better of • wonderful (view) • superb (of vista) • beautiful (scenery) 胜 n—victory n • success n
她说教育对她一直非常重要,并讲述了自己的成长历程,她的父母鼓励她在学业上以及网球场 上 胜过 他 人。 unicef.org | She said education has always been of crucial importance to her and she described her own upbringing in which her parents encouraged her to excel academically, as well as on the tennis court. unicef.org |
一种反映 所有主要经济体所作具体承诺的做法 胜过 那 种 认为 只有发达国家才承诺采取具体减排行动的过时观 念。 daccess-ods.un.org | An approach reflecting specific undertakings by all of the major economies went beyond the outdated notion that only developed countries undertook specific actions to reduce their emissions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们强烈认为,对话 [...] 不仅是解决技术性问题的手段,而且也是建立两国间 的信任和战胜过去的困难的手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | We strongly believe in a dialogue as a means [...] not only to solve technical issues, but also to build trust between the two nations [...] and to overcome the difficult past. daccess-ods.un.org |
这听起来简单,但您会发现很多其它的语音拨号程序不支持只说出电话号码进行语音拨号! 即使在嘈杂的环境中,我们的技术性能 也 胜过 其 它 公司。 jabra.cn | Sounds simple, but you'll notice many other voice dialers don't allow you to dial by number! jabra.com |
如此高昂的价值,当然胜 过将土地用作其它用途。 teebweb.org | The values are high enough to compete with alternative land uses. teebweb.org |
推进土著 人民的自决有助于成功实现切实成果;有研究表明,能够有效管理自身事务的土 著人民在一系列指标方面都远远胜过 做 不 到这一点的土著人民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Enhancing indigenous self-determination is conducive to successful practical outcomes; studies have shown that indigenous peoples who effectively manage their own affairs tend to fare better across a range of indicators than those who do not. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,安全抵 达胜过躺在担架上或是被送进急诊室。 daccess-ods.un.org | But it is better to arrive safely than on a stretcher or in the emergency room. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于当今技术在进步而且恐怖主义实体为适应不 断变化的世界而使其手法不断翻新,我们也必须表明 我们能够适应和改变,在他们最拿手的游戏 中 胜过他 们。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the current advances in technology and the innovation being shown by terrorist entities to adapt to a changing world, we too must show that we can adapt and change to be a step ahead of them in their own game. daccess-ods.un.org |
对驼海豚香港种群的研究中,将 [...] 汞确认为一项特别的健康危险源, 胜过 其 它重金属(UNEP 2002)。 zeromercury.org | In a study of Hong Kong’s population [...] of hump-backed dolphins, mercury was identified as a particular [...] health hazard, more than other heavy metals [...](UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
但 如果务实地进行管理,为双方经济利益带来的机会 应该胜过时不时的紧张局势。 crisisgroup.org | But if managed pragmatically, the opportunities for mutual economic benefit should trump episodic tensions. crisisgroup.org |
评价指 [...] 出在用水安全、基本环境卫生和个人卫生方面有一些改进,但是‘重 建 胜过 原 状 ’ 的努力雄心太大,令人担心新式、精密的设施的维修和可持续性。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the evaluation noted some improvements in water security, basic [...] sanitation and hygiene, efforts to build [...] back better were overly ambitious, introducing [...]concerns about maintenance and sustainability [...]in new and sophisticated facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此,我们的目标不是要预言人类想象 力的丰富,也不是想在任何一方面的智 慧胜 过《圣经》的记载。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | Our object here is not to prophesy out of the abundance of human imagination, nor in any sense to be wise above [...] what is written in the sacred Scriptures. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
出于同 样原因,游泳和其他运动有足够正当的理由规定,不应使用提高成绩的药物影响胜负结果,以 免让能力较差、缺乏训练的运动员单凭药理作 用 胜过 那 些天赋突出、勤于付出的运动员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With similar reasoning, swimming and other sports are well-justified in ruling that performance-enhancing drugs [...] should not be allowed to [...] influence who wins and who loses lest athletes with inferior talent and discipline triumph over their more talented, dedicated competitors through mere pharmacology. unesdoc.unesco.org |
应以条例和进一步的规则或辅助性指导意见来补充这些要求,以提供详 [...] 细的补充信息:举例说,条例必须具体阐明上文(o)项提到的允许使用的结束拍 [...] 卖的标准,例如:㈠规定的拍卖结束日期和时间已过;㈡在规定期限内,采购 实体未收到胜过排位 最高出价的任何新的和有效价格或价值;或者㈢电子逆向 拍卖通知中确定的拍卖各阶段已按规定数目完成。 daccess-ods.un.org | These requirements should be supplemented by regulations, and further rules or supporting guidance to provide additional detail: for an example, regulations must spell out the permissible criteria governing the closing of the auction referred to in subparagraph (o), such as: (i) when the date and time specified for the closing of the auction has passed; (ii) when the procuring entity, within a [...] specified period of [...] time, receives no more new and valid prices or values that improve on the top-ranked [...]bid; or (iii) when [...]the number of stages in the auction, fixed in the notice of the ERA, has been completed. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据项目创建者所述,对于10M到100M的行的简单查询来说,Phoen ix 要 胜过 H i v e。 infoq.com | According to project creators, Phoenix beats Hive for a simple query spanning 10M-100M rows. infoq.com |
科罗马总统在讲话 中指出,不论公民政治派别或宗教信仰为何,团结的纽带 都 胜过 引 起 国家分裂 的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In his speech, President Koroma stated that the bonds of unity were stronger than the issues that divided the country, irrespective of the political affiliation or the religious denomination of its citizenry. daccess-ods.un.org |
耶稣不仅有胜 过死亡的权柄,也曾在世上多次多方彰显他的全能。 centerformissions.com | In addition to His power over death, while Jesus [...] was living on Earth He showed His power in many ways at different times. centerformissions.com |
冲突 各方往往作出错误判断,低估对方,过高地估计自身 实力,相信只要坚持就能胜过并击败对手,而结果是 给人民带来更多的灾难。 daccess-ods.un.org | And too often, the parties to a conflict miscalculate, underestimate each other and overestimate their respective strength, believing that they can outsmart and defeat their adversary if they just persist, and all they achieve is further suffering of the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国当地工作组将 [...] 通过外交部把这些法律意见递交给最高法院,以便对此作出判决,有关特权和豁免公约的唯 一解释则胜过巴西的所有法院。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These opinions will be submitted to the Supreme Court by the local United Nations team through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so that the Court may issue a [...] ruling and thus only one interpretation of the Convention on Privileges and Immunities [...] will prevail in all Brazilian courts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
调配商使用我们的合成基础油生产发动机油、传动液、工业油、润滑脂以及其它润滑油,这些产品在可持续发展的重要性方 面 胜过 基 于矿物油的润滑油。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Formulators use our synthetic base stocks to produce engine oils, transmission fluids, industrial oils, greases and other lubricants that can outperform mineral-based oils in ways that are important to sustainability. exxonmobilchemical.com |
耶稣在马太 福音 10:37 中曾经警告过我们,爱自己的家庭 胜过 爱 基 督的人不配跟从祂。 sallee.info | Jesus warned in Matthew 10:37 that anyone who loves his family more than Christ is not worthy of Him. sallee.info |
度假小屋的生活品味,就是懂得把所有也停下來,欣赏什么也不做的状态 – 坐在码头上,把您脚趾浸泡在水中, 這 胜过 一 天盯着电脑屏幕強。 visitfinland.com | Cottage life in Finland is about appreciating the art of doing nothing – sitting on a jetty dipping your toes in the water beats staring at a computer screen any day of the week. visitfinland.com |
所有三个国家都以建 立爱护儿童的学校为中心,推动“重 建 胜过 原 状 ”的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | All three countries organized [...] their “building back better” efforts [...]around making schools child-friendly. daccess-ods.un.org |
VARIES可以帮助回答以下问题:嵌入式系统引入变异性的优势如 何 胜过 增 大的产品复杂性? tuv-sud.cn | VARIES addresses the following question: How can the benefits offered by introducing variability into ES outweigh the increased product complexity? tuv-sud.com |
虽然公司成立时间不长,但多次荣获“年度手表”奖,在先进手表制造技术的研究方面 也 胜过 许 多老牌手表公司。 hk.ashford.com | Their designs have been the recipient of many “Watch of the Year” awards in their relatively short history and their research in advanced watch making technology has surpassed many of the older watch companies. ashford.com |
教会是神的计划,为的是向世界传福音,彰显 祂 胜过 撒 但 的权 柄,并接纳那些将成为神的子民的人。 sallee.info | The Church is God’s plan to reach the world today, to manifest [...] His progressive victory over Satan, and to [...]enfold those who would be part of the people of God. sallee.info |
我们许多客户喜欢我们胜过竞争 对手都要感谢在线支持。 providesupport.cn | Many of our [...] customers prefer us from competition thanks [...]to on-line support. providesupport.com |
11 这一新机构并不采用传统的公共行政官僚手段 [...] 直接展开工作,而是基于“三个臭皮 匠 胜过 一 个诸葛亮”的概念建立了一个更广 [...]泛的解决问题的群体,并在网上组织了为期一周的“关于信息和通信技术解决方 案的复兴对话”,让政府能够聆听到由信息和通信技术界的供应商、客户和思想 领袖构成的更大、更多样化的群体所发出的声音。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather, it built a broader, problem-solving community on the basis of the concept that “none of us is as smart as all of us”, and [...] it engaged in a [...] week-long online recovery dialogue on [...]information and communications technology solutions to allow government to hear from [...]a much larger and more diverse group of vendors, customers and thought leaders in the information and communications technology community.12 The present federal Administration in the United States is proceeding on the basis of the view, as expressed by President Barack Obama in his speech accepting his nomination by the Democratic Party as its presidential candidate, that twenty-first-century challenges cannot be met with a twentieth-century bureaucracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
我愿意教给你一些方法,来帮助你 胜过 撒谎 的罪。 liangyou.net | I want to tell you something that will [...] help you overcome the sin of lying. liangyou.net |
此外,2010 年发布的最新国际学生评估项目测试 PISA 调查显示(见表 9),中国内地学生是第一 次参加这个调查,并在阅读,数学和科学科目 上 胜过 其 他 所有国家。 bbvaresearch.com | Furthermore, as the latest PISA survey has been launched in the end of 2010 (see Table 9), students from mainland China took part in the survey for the first time and outperformed the rest of the world in the reading, mathematics and science sections. bbvaresearch.com |