

单词 胜诉

See also:

better than
superior to
equal (a task)
get the better of
wonderful (view)
beautiful (scenery)
superb (of vista)



victorious adj

External sources (not reviewed)

法院裁定,这两次集会在空间上受到限制, 诉 部 份 胜诉 , 撤 销被上诉 人作出的部份行为。
The Court ruled that there was space constraint for the meetings in cause and dismissed the appeal in part and annulled the disputed administrative decision also in part.
胜诉比率 表明一定程度的 自我选择,凡无资格申请法律援助的人则不试图申请法律援助。
The rate of successful applications indicates some degree of self-selection, where people who would not be eligible for legal aid do not attempt to apply for legal aid.
胜诉酬金 律师、授权公司及咨询公司提供了良机,这些律师和公司声称能帮人们在其专利 [...]
This provides opportunities for
[...] contingency fee litigators, for licensing [...]
companies and consulting firms who claim to help
people ‘mine’ their patent portfolios for patents that even they didn’t know they had.
委员会建议缔约国下次定期报告更全面地详细阐述向法院投诉的保健机构和医生 侵害案情,展示这类诉案的胜诉机 率 有多大,以及报告期期间的年度理案数。
The Committee recommends that in its next periodic report the State party gives fuller details regarding alleged cases of maltreatments brought against healthcare institutions and physicians in court proceedings, showing how successful such proceedings have been and the figures per year dealt with during the reporting cycle.
循非正式途径解决问题或帮 助工作人员理解其正式申诉不大可 胜诉 , 都 可能需要花费大量时间。
Significant time may be expended in resolving a matter informally or helping the staff member understand that he or she is unlikely to succeed in a formal claim.
登记以这种方式向处理设保人资产的第三方 (例如预期有担保债权人、买受人 胜诉 债 权人和设保人的破产管理人)提供 客观信息,并从而使设保人得以出售其资产或对其资产设保(或进一步设 保)。
In this way, the registration provides objective information to third parties dealing with the grantor’s assets (such as prospective secured creditors, buyers, judgement creditors and the insolvency representative of the grantor) and thus enables the grantor to sell or encumber (or further encumber) its assets.
自2005年10月开始,持续整整6年的上海宏源照明电器有限公司与德国西门子全资子公司欧司朗(OSRAM)有限公司之间的专利侵权纠纷案,历经上海第二中级人民法院、上海高级人民法院,国家知识产权局、北京第一中级人民法院、北京高级人民法院几轮诉讼历程,最终,上海高院及北京高院两纸终审判决结案,宣告了宏源照明的全 胜诉。
Since October 2005, the 6-year-long patent infringement lawsuit between Shanghai Hongyuan and OSRAM ended up with Hongyuan’s wining judged by Higher People’s Court of Shanghai Municipality and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality after several rounds of litigation procedures of No. 2 Medium People’s Court of Shanghai, Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality, State Intellectual Property Office, No.1 Medium People’s Court of Beijing and Higher People’s Court of Beijing Municipality.
最后, 非公民以疾病和原籍国缺乏医疗基础设施为由对驱逐提出的申诉,只有在特殊情况下才有可胜诉”。
...] Finally, cases in which non-citizens contest expulsion based on a claim of illness and lack of facilities in the country of origin are likely to succeed only under special circumstances.
(a) 关于两法庭在该期间所收到和已处理案件的明确统计资料,包 括 提 供分 类资料,说明判决中申诉人或被告人何 胜诉 , 以 及所涉及的行政问题
(a) Clear statistics on the cases received and disposed of during the period by both Tribunals, including information, by category, on whether the judgements rendered found for the applicant or for the respondent and on the administrative issues involved
根本就没有或没有及时就通知办理登记或以其他方式使担保权具有对抗第三方 效力的,也就意味着有担保债权人在对相竞求偿人包括对设保人 胜诉 债 权 人 和破产管理人方面的地位已被实际降级到无担保债权人。
Failure to register a notice or otherwise make a security right effective against third parties, at all or in time, means that the secured creditor is effectively demoted to the status of an unsecured creditor as against competing claimants, including the grantor’s judgement creditors and insolvency representative.
正如她的上诉显然胜诉可能 而拒绝为她提供法律援助一 样,任何要求法庭指派律师的请求也很可能会被拒绝。
As she was denied legal
[...] aid because her appeals had no chance [...]
of success, it is likely that any request for a court-appointed
lawyer would have been rejected too.
但是,如果在担保权取得 对抗第三方效力之前,无担保债权人便取得了针对设保人的判决并按照管辖判 决的强制执行的法律采取必要步骤取得设保资产上的权利,则判 胜诉 债 权人 的权利优先(见建议 84)。
However, if an unsecured creditor obtained a judgement against the grantor and took the steps necessary under the law governing the enforcement of judgements to acquire rights in the encumbered assets before the security right became effective against third parties, the right of the judgement creditor has priority (see recommendation 84).
因此,裁定诉胜诉,撤销被上诉人作出的行为,以及裁定不得以在同一地点存在其他集会或 示威为由,对集会和示威作出空间上的限制。
In the first case, the Court, “noting that it recognized that Law 2/93/M is inappropriate in its omission regarding the exercise of rights that may conflict with each other, as it is the case with the intention of holding different events or other activities in the same place, an issue that must be resolved by law, specifically setting out basic principles to be complied with such use, in terms appropriate and proportionate to achieve the objectives and assigning responsibility to specific agencies for the purpose”, upheld the appeal, setting aside the disputed administrative decision, and ruled that there is no spatial restriction to meeting and event by reasons of the existence of other meetings or events on the same site.
讼。主要原因在于,难以获取证据、程序冗繁复杂、诉讼时间长;即 使 胜诉 , 也 难以得 到赔偿;即使获得赔偿、赔偿数额也较少,不足以弥补付出的经济成本,其中,最主要 的原因是企业取证困难。
Of all these reasons, the difficulty of gathering evidence stands out as the most important for respondents.
在根据案情实质判决申请人完全或部 胜诉的 20 宗案件中,均裁定 了赔偿金。
Where the Applicant succeeded on the merits either fully or partially, compensation was awarded in 20 cases.
在 2007 年 10 月伯利兹的一个具有里程碑意义 胜诉 中, 最高法院裁定两个玛雅族村落(科内霍和圣克鲁 斯 ) 胜诉 , 确 认土著社区对其土地 和资源的集体权利。
In a landmark legal victory in Belize in October 2007, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of two Mayan villages, [...]
Conejo and Santa Cruz, affirming the collective
rights of the indigenous communities to their land and resources.
J. 知识产权担保权相对于判胜诉债权人权利的优先权
J. Priority of a security right in intellectual property as against the right of a judgement creditor
[...] 有利于贫穷或非赢利性发明人的差别费率、免收使用费制度、案 胜诉 方 收 回律师费的政 策安排,及将适当知识产权实施费用计入技术协助计划等措施。
These might include, for example, fee differentials that favour poor or non-profit inventors, pro bono systems,
arrangements for recovery of legal fees by
[...] prevailing parties in litigation, or inclusion [...]
of appropriate IP implementation costs in
technical assistance programmes.
这 将意味着该办公室将失去地位,而其地位是诉讼辩护制度的运作所必需的,该办 公室可说服潜在诉讼当事人不要将无 胜诉 案 件提交审理,“在法庭门口”与管 理层谈判达成有效的解决办法,在诉讼中帮助工作人员避免陷入法律技术陷阱, 在整个系统内为工作人员确保“实力对等”,或从申诉人的角度就该系统的运作 向内部司法理事会提供全面的情况。
It would mean that the Office would not have the standing, which is so necessary for the operation of an adversarial system, to persuade potential litigants against bringing hopeless cases, to negotiate effective resolutions “at the court door” with management, to help staff avoid the technical legal pitfalls in litigation, to provide “equality of arms” for staff within the overall system or to provide the Internal Justice Council with full information, from a claimant’s perspective, as to the functioning of the system.
因此,Y 公司向具有管辖权的地区法院提起诉讼,法院 判被胜诉,之 后上诉法院也作了同样的判决。
Thereupon, Y GmbH brought the case before the competent district court, which ruled in the defendant’s favour, as did the appeal court subsequently.
理事会从秘书处获悉,按照第 267 号决定,2010 年 4 月 29 日向 9 个剩余胜诉的索 偿人(属于机构和政府索偿类别)支付了 5.90 亿美元,赔偿金全部流向 了科威特。
The Council was informed by the Secretariat that pursuant to decision 267, a payment of $590 million was being made on 29 April 2010 to the nine remaining successful claimants (in the corporate and Government claims categories), all awarded to Kuwait.
提交人回顾说,如胜诉的机 会很小,或者额外的补救措施会造成不合理的 延误,那么在关于用尽国内补救措施的要求方面就要有例外。
The author recalls that there are exceptions to the requirement to exhaust domestic remedies when there is little chance of success or when additional remedies would cause unreasonable delays.
另一方面,当 胜败大体各占一半,或胜诉的可 能性仅稍略微低于败诉时,则有可能会批准提 供法律援助。
On the other hand, legal aid may be granted when the chances of success or failure are about the same, or when the first are only slightly lower than the latter.
2005年11月1 日,庇护上诉委员会的调查法官,基于此上诉显然 胜诉 把 握 , 拒绝下令采取暂缓措施,并设定了支付估算诉讼费的限期。
On the basis that the appeal seemed unlikely to succeed, on 1 November 2005 the Asylum Appeals Commission’s investigating judge refused to order interim measures and set a deadline for payment of the estimated procedural fees.
与此相反,在其他国家,由于取证请求被批准,原 胜诉, 特 别是在法国和日本,被告往往很快就屈服了。
In contrast,
[...] when plaintiffs won legal battles over [...]
discovery requests in other nations, most prominently Japan and the
United Kingdom, defendants often capitulated almost immediately.
案例法认为,倘若离胜算前景甚远,十有八九要败诉,而 且胜诉看来 无确切把握,对于一个有理智,尚有些财力的诉讼人是不会贸然提 出这种可能劳命伤财的诉案时,那就是一桩得不偿失的无望诉案。
Case law considers that a case has no chance of success if the prospects of winning it are considerably less than losing it and if success cannot be seen as a serious possibility, to the extent that a reasonable, well-off litigant would not embark on the procedure on account of the costs they would be liable to incur.
例如, 对保加利亚的《防范家庭暴力法》(2005 年)的监测结果表明, 如果幸存者不需要律师提供保护令, 其 申请更有可能通过法律代理获胜诉。
For example, monitoring of Bulgaria’s Law on Protection against Domestic Violence (2005) has shown that, while a survivor does not need a lawyer to file for a protection order, her application is more likely to be successful with legal representation.
意大利知名奢侈品牌商普拉达有限公司(下称普拉达公司)日前通过引证其子品牌“MIU MIU”在中国的相关商标权益,在一起商标异议复审行政诉讼案件一审 胜诉 , 自 然人陈某申请的婚纱等商品“Miu Miu”商标(下称被异议商标)被认定与普拉达公司的3件引证商标(指定使用商品主要为2501类)构成相同或类似商品上的近似商标。
The owner of the well-known Italian luxury brand ‘Prada’, Prada Limited Company (Prada), recently succeeded in trade mark opposition proceedings against applications for registration of the mark ‘Miu Miu’ in relation to wedding dresses (2513) and masquerade clothing (2505), filed by an individual named Chen.




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