单词 | 胚胎学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胚胎n—embryospl 胚胎adj—embryonicadj 胚—embryo 胎n—tiren fetusAEn 胎—litter
从世界各地的患者来,HRC恩西诺接受先进的生育治疗,如卵子捐赠,代孕和 胚胎植入 前遗传学诊断(PGD)的遗传性疾病筛查或家庭平衡。 losangeles-fertility.com | Patients from all over the world come to HRC Encino to undergo advanced fertility treatments such as egg donation, surrogacy, and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for genetic disease screening or family balancing. losangeles-fertility.com |
基于关于《民法》的 1959 年第 IV 号法(以下简称《民法》),如果人活着 出生,人从胚胎开始就拥有法律能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on Act IV of 1959 on the Civil Code (hereinafter referred as Civil Code) the human being has legal capacity from his conception if he is born alive. daccess-ods.un.org |
怀孕雌鼠摄入甲基汞後,流产、胚胎被母 体吸收和畸 形的比率增加,仔鼠出生後的存活率亦下降。 cfs.gov.hk | Increased [...] frequencies ofabortions,resorptions [...]and malformations, and reduced offspring viability have been observed in [...]pregnant female rodents following treatment with MeHg. cfs.gov.hk |
教科文组织国际生物伦理学委员会 [...] 特别完成并公布了其报告:《伦理、知识产权与基因研究》、《人类基因数据:国际生物伦 [...] 理学委员会关于其收集、处理、储存和利用的初步研究》、《 胚胎系统移植前基因诊断和手 术》,并召开了第九和第十届会议(加拿大,蒙特利尔,2002 [...]年 11 月 26-28 日和巴黎, 2003 年 5 月 12-14 日)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | IBC completed and made public its reports on “Ethics, Intellectual Property and Genomics”, “Human Genetic Data: Preliminary Study by the IBC on [...] their Collection, Processing, Storage and [...] Use” and“PreimplantationGenetic Diagnosis [...]and Germ-line Intervention”, and it [...]held its ninth and tenth sessions (Montreal, Canada, 26-28 November 2002 and Paris, 12-14 May 2003). unesdoc.unesco.org |
研究结果显示:中华绒螯蟹的成熟胚胎由三层明显的卵膜组成,即E1、E2和E3层,但 胚胎附着系统的卵柄及被膜仅为外层(E1)。 actazool.org | Our data show that the matureembryo ofE. sinensis consisted of three layers,E1,E2 and E3,whereas the embryoattachment system is composed of only the outermost singular layer E1. actazool.org |
在大部分情况下,氰酸酯会是最终前体,与乙醇发生化学作用产 生氨基甲酸酯。 cfs.gov.hk | Cyanate is probably the ultimate precursor in most cases, reacting with ethanol to form the carbamate ester. cfs.gov.hk |
雌性尖头斜齿鲨肝油22:6ω3的含量随着性腺的发育而逐渐增加,妊娠早期达到最高值(49.7±4.04,n=5),显着高于未成熟期个体(25.7±0.64,n=3)和卵巢发育期个体(33.3±3.46,n=4),妊娠结束期肝油22:6ω3的含量显着下降(25.6±8.08,n=3),提示 22:6ω3在尖头斜齿鲨 胚胎的生 长发育中可能起了重要作用。 actazool.org | Contents of 22:6ω3 in the liver oils in female increased during the development of the fish and reached maximun at the pre-gestation stage (49.7±4.04, n=5), which were significantly higher than that at the immature stage (25.7±0.64, n=3) and at ovary developing stage (33.3±3.46, n=4), respectively, and decreased remarkably at the end of gestation (25.6±8.08, n=3). actazool.org |
他毕业於北京对外贸易学院(现名为北京国际经济贸易大学),并於美国国际商学研究 院取得 国际管理硕士学位。 asiasat.com | He graduated from Beijing Institute of Foreign [...] Trade (now renamed [...] Beijing University of International Business and Economics) and obtained a Master of International Management degree from the American Graduate Schoolof International [...]Management. asiasat.com |
尽管丙烯酸树脂骨水泥的动物致畸研究的结果为阴性,但是在孕妇或育龄妇女中使用 ORTHOSET®不透射线骨水泥时,需要权衡骨水泥的潜在益处和其可能给母体或 胚胎带来的 危险。 wmt.com | Although the results of animal teratology studies with acrylic bone cement were negative, the use of ORTHOSET® Radiopaque Bone Cement in pregnancy or by women [...] of child bearing age requires that the potential benefits be weighed [...] againstthe possible hazards to the mother or fetus. wmt.com |
尽管克隆动物(“多莉羊“)甚至人类 胚胎的研究依然是一个充满争议和风险的领域,而掌握一些关于“克隆”电脑的知识不但没有害(正确的操作为前提),反而会使你仔细书写配置脚本的能力得到提升。 bsdmap.com | While cloning of animals (''Dolly the sheep'') [...] and evenhuman embryos is a much-debated [...]and dubious research area, there is no [...]doubt that some knowledge in cloning computer machines is not only less harmful (if done properly) but also useful for the evolution of one's carefully written configuration scripts and settings. bsdmap.com |
联合研究单位包括:中法哺乳动物胚胎细胞生物学联合实验室(LAB IOCEM),以及旨在促进生物学家、数学家、统计学家与计算机科学家进行合作的计算与进化生物学研究中心(CCEB)。 australiachina.com.au | Joint research units include the [...] Sino-French Joint Laboratory for Biology [...] of Mammalians Embryonic Cells (LABIOCEM) [...]and the Center for Computational and Evolutionary [...]Biology (CCEB), established to foster collaborations between biologists and mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists. australiachina.com.au |
由於甲基汞可能会令人類的胚胎细胞产生突变,美国国家环境保护局把甲基汞列为需高度关注的 物质。 cfs.gov.hk | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States has classified MeHg as being of high concern for potential human germ cell mutagenicity. cfs.gov.hk |
在此案中,各被告因展示用冻乾的人体 胚胎所制造的 耳环而被判败坏风俗罪。 hkreform.gov.hk | In this case the defendants were convicted of outraging public decency following the display of earrings manufactured [...] from freeze dried humanfoetuses. hkreform.gov.hk |
胚胎中存在的未分化的生殖细胞可活跃地增殖,但我们让转录控制因子Larp7失去功能后,发现诱导了阻止细胞周期进行的遗传因子,并使细胞增殖停止的现象。 tohoku.ac.jp | However, it was discovered that when the transcriptional [...] regulator Larp7 did not function, [...]the expression of the gene that inhibits [...]the progress of the cell cycle was induced and the growth stopped. tohoku.ac.jp |
几星期前,世界上首间使用人类胚胎干细胞进行临床试验的公司―杰龙(Geron),宣布停止干细胞研究,并将研究和开发资源重点投放在其它领域。 hongkongstemcell.com | A few weeks ago,Geron (GERN), theworld’s first company to conduct clinical trials using human embryonic stem [...] cells, announced that [...]it was halting its stem cell research to focus its research and development resources on other areas. hongkongstemcell.com |
陈蓉蓉女士說,这 [...] 项风险评估研究的目的,是检测动物源性食物的多溴聯苯醚含量;估计本港中学生可 能 从这些食物摄入多溴聯苯醚的情况;以及评估多溴聯苯醚对健康带來的风险。 cfs.gov.hk | Ms Melva CHEN said that the RA study aimed to measure the levels of PBDEs in food of animal origin, to [...] estimate the potential dietary exposure to PBDEs [...] of secondary school studentsin Hong Kong [...]from these foods and to assess the associated health risks. cfs.gov.hk |
根据胚胎保护法,国家推动使用降低了价格的并符合规格的避孕产品和设 备,推动关于避孕和保护胚胎生命的出版物的发行,以及推动在大众传播论坛上 提供相关的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Based on theacton embryoprotection, the state promotes the use of contraception products and devices at reduced prices and subject to eligibility, the issue of publications on contraception and on the protection of embryo life as well as [...] the supply of related [...]information at forums of mass communication. daccess-ods.un.org |