

单词 背约



in violation of contract and good faith


abrogate an agreement
break one's oath [idiom.]

See also:

learn by heart
hard of hearing
recite from memory
turn one's back
carry on the back or shoulder
unlucky (slang)
be burdened
the back of a body or object
hide something from

External sources (not reviewed)

大会享有所需的权力,应当决定向前迈进,摆脱 致命的瘫痪陷阱、背约定做法和没有前途的重启该 进程的尝试。
The General Assembly, which has a power to do so, should decide to move ahead, leave behind the fatal trap of paralysis, missed appointments and short-lived attempts to relaunch the process.
该公司使用手工混合技术生产 无 CFC-11 的座垫(采用水发泡技术)和以 CFC-11 作为发泡剂的背(约占生产 30%)。
The company employs hand mixing techniques to produce both the seat cushions which is produced without CFC-11 (water-blown) and seat back (about 30% of the production) which is blown with CFC-11.
缔约国的结论认为,针对提交人非 法印制和散发大众媒体制品的行为提出行政起诉,并不 背 《 公 约 》 规定,因 此,并未侵犯提交人受《公约》保障的各项权利。
The State party concludes that the institution of administrative proceedings against the author for illegal production and distribution of mass media outputs does not
contravene the
[...] requirements of the Covenant and that, consequently, the author‟s rights guaranteed under the Covenant have not been [...]
本法制订了危害爱尔兰船只和爱尔兰领水内其他船只和大陆架固定平台安 全等具体罪名(经公诉审判可处以终身监禁),并因此以针对其他 4 项国际反恐公 约做出必要规定的 2002 年《刑事司法(恐怖主义罪行)法》为样板,按标准行文 规定了域外管辖权,其中包括背《 公 约 》 或 《议定书》的规定在国外实施的罪 行、逮捕和羁押被指称犯罪人并将其移交主管当局、引渡、保释、避免一案二审 和其他必要事项。
The Act creates specific offences against the safety of Irish ships and other ships which are in Irish territorial waters and against fixed platforms on the Continental Shelf (subject to imprisonment for life on conviction on indictment), and consequentially provides, on standard lines, for extra-territorial jurisdiction to cover offences committed outside the State in breach of the Convention or Protocol, the apprehension and detention of alleged offenders and handing them over to the appropriate authorities, extradition, bail, avoidance of double jeopardy and other necessary matters, on the model of provisions of the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Bill 2002 which makes necessary provision in relation to four other international conventions against terrorism.
与非缔约国的任何核合作,不论出于和平目的 还是军事目的,都背了《条约》的 文字、精神和 目标,阻碍了《条约》的普遍加入。
Any nuclear cooperation with non-parties, whether for peaceful or military purposes, contravened the letter, spirit and objectives of the Treaty, and prevented it from becoming universal.
背景:《公约》缔约方会 议在第3/CP.13 号决定中请技术转让专家组在两个 附属机构的每届会议上提出一份报告,以征得进一步采取行动的指导意见。
Background: The COP, by its decision 3/CP.13, [...]
requested the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) to provide a report
at each session of the subsidiary bodies with a view to seeking guidance for further actions.
六、一方当事人背离本公约主张利益的,负有证 背 离 本 公 约 的 各 项条件 已得到满足的举证责任。
The party claiming the benefit of the derogation bears the burden of proof that the conditions [...]
for derogation have been fulfilled.
还可特别参考条约的准备工作和约 缔 结 的 背 景, 并酌情参考约方随后的惯例。
Recourse may also be had in particular
to the preparatory work of
[...] the treaty and the circumstances of its conclusion and, where appropriate, the subsequent practice of the parties.
约背景与 《公约》的内容 a) 《保护水下文化遗产公约》(以下称为“《公约》”)由联合国教科文组织会员国 拟定,旨在应对危及水下考古遗迹的人类活动所造成的日益严重的破坏,包括各 国管辖范围内无意中影响水下文化遗产的活动所造成的破坏。
a.) The Convention on t he Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (hereinafter "the Convention”) was elaborated [...]
by the UNESCO
Member States as a response to the growing damage done by human activities endangering submerged archaeological sites, including the damage that might arise from activities under their jurisdiction incidentally affecting underwater cultural heritage.
毋庸置疑,缔约国用这样 一种立法行为定立了一个准则,该准则 背 了 《 公 约 》 第 二条第 2 款确定的义 务,这本身就构成了侵犯,除了已确定的侵犯行为之外,委员会本应在其决定中 指出该侵犯行为,因为提交人及其儿子是这一法律条款的受害者。
Without any doubt, when it adopted that legislation the State introduced a law that is contrary to the obligation laid down in article 2, thereby committing, per se, a violation to which the Committee should refer in its decision, in addition to the violations found, because the author and her son have been the victims — inter alia — of that provision of the law.
背景下,有人建议,约国 和 更广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不应局限于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 [...]
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader [...]
implementation community need to make sure that
this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
背景下,缔约国忆及,瑞典政府、阿富汗政府和难民署已经缔结了一份 重新接纳阿富汗寻求庇护者的谅解备忘录,而若寻求庇护是一项犯罪,则不可能 [...]
In this context, the State party recalls that [...]
the Government of Sweden, the Government of Afghanistan and UNCHR have concluded
a memorandum of understanding on the readmission of Afghan asylum-seekers, which would not have been concluded if seeking asylum had been a criminal offence.
另 外,执行支助股编写了载有关于闭会期间工作方案和缔约国第十届会议的各种方 案和资料的出版物,并更新了《约 》 背 景 手 册。
In addition, the ISU produced publications containing the programmes and
information on the Intersessional Work Programme and on the 10MSP
[...] and updated its background brochure on the Convention.
约 10 秒钟之后背景中会产生一个低信号音以确认设置。
To confirm, a low signal tone
[...] sounds in the background after 10 seconds.
作为解决这些问题所作努背景的缔 约 方 第 十九 次会议第 XIX/6 号决定的第 9 段,鼓励各缔约方促进选择那些可最大限度减少对环境的影 [...]
The efforts to address those issues had to [...]
be seen in the light of paragraph 9 of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting
of the Parties, which encouraged Parties to promote the selection of alternatives to HCFCs that minimized environmental impacts, in particular impacts on climate, and also met other health, safety and economic considerations.
若干位专家强调,在签订国际条约时,自由、事先知情的同意是基本的 传统性理解,并且是解决背和废除 条 约 权 利问题以及建立有效解决违约问题参 与性程序的必要条件。
Several experts stressed that free, prior and informed consent was basic to
traditional understandings
[...] about treaty-making and was a requirement for addressing violations and abrogations of treaty rights, as [...]
well as for the establishment
of participatory processes to redress violations effectively.
8.4 委员会回顾其关于在第22 条背景下执行《约》第3 条的第1 号一般性意 见(1996年) ,其中指出虽然酷刑风险无需达到可能性极大的标准,但风险必须是 针对本人的和现实的。
Additional grounds must be adduced to show that the individuals concerned would be personally at risk.4 8.4 The Committee recalls its general comment No. 1 (1996) on the implementation of article 3 of the Convention in the context of article 22, which states that, while the risk of torture does not have to meet the test of being highly probable, it must be personal and present.
第四,在最近的预算约背景下 ,政府必须及早 表明它在支持 2012 年选举方面能够提供多少帮助。
Fourthly, on the background of recent budgetary constraints, [...]
the Government must give early indication as to what it will
be able to afford in supporting the 2012 elections.
作为组 织者、促进者和演讲者参加了有关“侵犯人权和违背伊斯兰教义的家庭暴力”、 “《消除对妇女歧视约》背景下 的阿拉伯妇女权益”和“社会中的妇女:社会 公平与权利”等方面的专题讨论会。
Participated as an organizer and facilitator and lecturer in workshops related to “Family violence as a violation of human rights and Islam”, “Arab Women’s Rights in the Context of CEDAW” and “Women in Society: Social Equity and Rights” Women and child rights advocate.
此外,一些代表团在特别会议上表示,支持赞比亚关于成立一个新的常设 委员会,以在《约》背景下 处理与国际合作和援助相关各项挑战的提案。
As well, several delegations expressed support at this special session for Zambia’s proposal to establish a new Standing Committee to address the challenges related to international cooperation and assistance in the context of the Convention.
他虽然赞成提交起草委员会,因为新的准则草案确实构成一种新颖而有创意 的处理办法,但他认为,评注中应当明确说明其设想的范围和所用术语的准确意
[...] 义,成立的保留不应被视为一类全新的保留种类,从而超出《维也纳 约 》 背后 的考虑。
While he was in favour of referral to the Drafting Committee, because the new draft guidelines did constitute a novel and original approach, he thought that the commentary should clearly explain their intended scope and the precise meaning of the terms used and that established reservations
should not be regarded as an entirely new category of reservations transcending the
[...] intentions behind the Vienna Convention.
专辑以911后为主题,Hendrix选择聚焦这一主题和乐队的 约背 景。
The album had post-9/11 themes and Hendrix chose to highlight them and the band’s
[...] native New York setting in the artwork.
(x) 作为特别优先事项,考虑批准或加入《消除对妇女一切形式歧视 公约》及其议定书,11 降低保留意见的范围,并撤回与《公约》的目标 与宗旨所不符或与相关约背道而 驰的保留意见
(x) To consider ratifying or acceding to, as a particular matter of priority, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol,11 limit the extent of any reservations, and withdraw
reservations that are contrary to the object and
[...] purpose of the Convention or otherwise incompatible with the relevant treaty
(a) 针对在《荒漠化约》背景下“技术转让”将带来什么的问题达成共 识
(a) Establish a common understanding on what ‘technology
[...] transfer’ entails in the context of the UNCCD
(a) 提议方对技术开发和转让的全面理解,包括在《 约 》 背 景 下的这种 理解,尤其是对发展中国家的挑战和机会的全面理解,以及对区域、次区域和部 [...]
(a) The proponent’s comprehensive understanding of the development and
transfer of technologies including in
[...] the context of the Convention, in particular the [...]
challenges and opportunities within
developing countries as well as the understanding of regional, sub-regional and sectoral issues and differences regarding specific technologies
该报告还强调,烟草使用流行率被列为可持续发展委员会的 一项可持续发展指标,这是联合国可持续发展大会 ( 里 约 + 20 ) 背 景 下 的一个非常 重要的事态发展。
Additionally, the report highlighted the fact that the prevalence of tobacco use was included as an indicator of sustainable development by the Commission on Sustainable
Development, a highly important development
[...] in the context of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
委员会 还建议,如果显示有必要进行搬迁, 约 国 应 当确 背 井 离 乡的人们获得适 当赔偿,并确保安置地点配备有基础服务,例如水、电、盥洗和卫生设施, 以及学校、医疗中心和交通等适当设施。
It also recommends that, if a displacement is shown to be necessary, the State party should ensure that the persons displaced from their properties receive proper compensation, and provide for their relocation places that are equipped with basic services such as water supply, electricity, washing facilities and sanitation and proper facilities such as schools, health centres and transport.
委员会注意到缔约国表示其正在审查1993 年儿童法以纳入《公约》的一些 规定,但感到关切的是,并不是《公约》的所有原则和规定都已被充分纳入了国 内法律,而且与《约》背道而 驰的法律条款仍然有效。
While noting the indication given by the State party that the 1993 Child Law is being reviewed to integrate some provisions of the Convention, the Committee is concerned that all
principles and
[...] provisions of the Convention have not yet been fully incorporated into domestic law and that legal provisions contrary to the Convention remain in force.
[...] 大会届会之前提出举办科学专家会议的倡议,以便为禁产 约背 景 下 的科学专家 会议奠定基础。
In view of the useful role scientific experts have played in various disarmament endeavors in the past, Germany took the initiative in the run-up to last year’s
session of the General Assembly of the United Nations to lay a basis for meetings of
[...] scientific experts in the FMCT context.




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