单词 | 胆石绞痛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 胆石绞痛 —gallstone colicSee also:胆石 n—gallstone n 绞痛—colic • cramp • sharp pain • griping pain
胆绞痛:胆石可能 生长于胆囊管或通往肠部的胆总管,引致腹部中上方及右上方间歇性剧痛,痛楚可能持续数分钟至数小时不等。 hsbc.com.hk | Colic: Gallstones can lodge in the [...] outlet neck of the gallbladder or even in the main bile duct to the intestine. This would [...]cause intermittent severe pain, which is experienced in the upper-middle or right side of the upper abdomen lasting from a few minutes to several hours. hsbc.com.hk |
因此,对于胆囊区不适或疼痛的患 者,特别是50岁以上的中老年患者 有 胆 囊 结 石 、 炎 症、息肉者,应定期进行B超检查,以求早日明确诊断。 asiancancer.com | Therefore, the patients, especially the ones older than 50 and [...] have the history of [...] cholecystolithiasis, inflammation or polyp, complain of discomfort or pain in gallbladder should regularly [...]have ultrasound examination for early and firm diagnose. asiancancer.com |
还有大量与脊柱无关的腰痛原因,比 如 胆 结 石 、 胰 腺炎、肾结石,甚至是主动脉剥离。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | There are also a [...] number of non-spine related causes of low back pain, such as gallstones, pancreatitis, renal stones, or even aortic [...]dissection. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这种胆石通常 引致腹部右上方持续地隐隐 作 痛 , 并 且有饱闷感和发烧。 hsbc.com.hk | This condition [...] produces steady, dull, and usually severe pain in the upper-right abdomen often with fever. hsbc.com.hk |
尽管已存在这些混杂因素,但 与心绞痛患者 比起来,NCCP 患者通常更年轻,也更有可能表现出标准的静态 ECG [11]。 iasp-pain.org | Despite these confounding factors, patients with NCCP are usually younger and are more likely to have a normal resting ECG compared to patients with cardiac angina [11]. iasp-pain.org |
如多动症,自闭症,尿床,绞痛,耳部感染,湿疹,荨麻疹,蚊虫叮咬,咽喉炎,疣等相关症状,需要父母更多关心。 cn.iherb.com | Attention Deficit Disorder, [...] Autism, Bed-wetting, Colic, Ear Infection, [...]Eczema, Hives, Insect Bites, Strep Throat, and Warts [...]are some of the conditions that concern parents. iherb.com |
在巴克瓦.施木那村,尘土飞扬的街道上分外热闹:小贩在兜售装备、饥饿的矿工涌入餐馆、 钻 石 商 绞 尽 脑汁地讨价还价。 unicef.org | In the village of Bakwa Tshimuna, the dusty streets buzz with activity: [...] vendors selling equipment, restaurants catering to famished [...] miners, and diamond merchants vying for the best [...]possible margin. unicef.org |
Ko Mya Aye 患有心绞痛,他 的家人担心他得不到充分的医疗设施或治疗,也不能阅读报刊或 其他材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ko Mya Aye suffers from angina and his family is concerned that he has not had access to adequate medical facilities or treatment and that he has not been allowed to read newspapers or other material. daccess-ods.un.org |
对B型肝炎测试成功 溶解胆结石,促 进尿道和消除尿酸的间隙。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Succeeded in testing against [...] hepatitis B. Dissolve Gallstones, promotes the clearance [...]of the urethra and the elimination of uric acid. en.arteblog.net |
某些天然产品,可以增强脑功能,包 括 胆 碱 , 银杏,人参 , 石 杉 碱 甲,等。 cn.iherb.com | Certain natural products may boost brain function, including choline iherb.com |
但是,在出现心绞痛类胸 痛的患者中有 10–50% 的患者严重到足以批准进行侵入性心脏检查,但其并未罹患心脏病 [...] [30],可归类为患有非心源性胸痛 (NCCP)。 iasp-pain.org | However, 10–50% of patients presenting [...] with angina-like chest pain sufficiently [...]severe to warrant invasive cardiac investigations [...]do not have cardiac disease [30] and are classified as having noncardiac chest pain (NCCP). iasp-pain.org |
一些人士在体重迅速下降的情况下可能产 生 胆石。 hsbc.com.hk | Losing weight [...] very rapidly produces stones in some people. hsbc.com.hk |
胆固醇结石:主要由胆固醇 形成,此种 结 石 可 发 大至阻 塞 胆 管。 hsbc.com.hk | Cholesterol stones - comprised mainly of cholesterol. Cholesterol stones can grow to [...] significant sizes, large enough to block bile ducts. hsbc.com.hk |
一些有关婴儿肠绞痛和低 短链碳水化合物饮食功效的研究对哺乳期妇女的饮食和婴儿配方奶都给予了关注。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | There is some research on the role of FODMAPs [...] and infantile colic, looking at both [...]the breast feeding mother’s diet and infant formulas. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
Ko Mya Aye 似乎患有极易引起心脏病发作的不稳定型 心 绞痛 , 并 患有消化性 溃疡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ko Mya Aye [...] appears to be suffering from unstable angina with a high risk of heart attack as well as a peptic ulcer. daccess-ods.un.org |
废除死刑(卢森堡)/立即停止执行和废除死刑(德国)/根据大会第 62/149 和第 63/168 号决议以及《公民权利和政治权利国际公约第二项任择 议定书》,修订相关立法,全面废除死刑,并将现行死刑判决改判徒刑(斯 [...] 洛伐克)/考虑暂停死刑以期废除死刑(巴西)/着手暂停死刑以期废除死刑(意 大利)/延长暂停实施死刑并废除死刑,特别是对少年犯的死刑,以履行伊朗 的国际承诺(爱沙尼亚)/尽早暂停处决(比利时)/停止执行死刑并暂停死刑 [...] (法国)/改判所有的死刑,尤其是对政治犯的死刑,并实际废 除 绞 刑 和 石刑 方式的公开处决(以色列) daccess-ods.un.org | Abolish the death penalty (Luxembourg)/immediately stop executions and abolish the death penalty (Germany)/amend the relevant legislation to abolish capital punishment entirely, in keeping with General Assembly resolutions 62/149 and 63/168, as well as the Second Optional Protocol to ICCPR, and transfer the existing death sentences to imprisonment terms (Slovakia)/consider a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to abolishing it (Brazil)/ introduce a moratorium on the death penalty with a view to its abolition (Italy)/extend the moratorium on the death penalty and abolish the death penalty, especially for juveniles, in keeping with its international commitments (Estonia)/introduce a moratorium on executions as soon as possible (Belgium)/put an end to executions and adopt a moratorium on the death penalty (France)/commute all death sentences, in [...] particular executions of political prisoners, and abolish, in practice, public [...] executions by hanging and stoning (Israel) daccess-ods.un.org |
症状扩散性食道痉挛和迟缓不能等运动障碍的患者可能出现胸骨后 心 绞痛 类 疼 痛,30% 的 NCCP 患者发现 有异常的食管测压结果 [...] [8,24]。 iasp-pain.org | Patients with motility disorders such as symptomatic diffuse [...] esophageal spasm and achalasia may experience [...] retrosternal angina-like pain, and 30% [...]of NCCP patients have abnormal esophageal manometric findings [8,24]. iasp-pain.org |
黄疸:胆石永久 地生长于胆总管,使胆汁积聚于肝脏,流入血液。 hsbc.com.hk | Jaundice: Gallstone becomes permanently [...] lodged in the main bile duct and bile backs up in the liver and spills into the blood. hsbc.com.hk |
慢性消化不良,要追究根本原因,这可能是食管反流 , 胆 结 石 , 溃 疡或其他。 cn.iherb.com | Chronic dyspepsia should be investigated for the root cause, which could be [...] esophageal reflux, gallstones, an ulcer or another [...]condition. iherb.com |
胆色素结石:胆色素 呈啡绿色,结石形状细小但数量较多。 hsbc.com.hk | Pigment stones - bile is greenish-brown [...] in color, typically small but numerous. hsbc.com.hk |
胆石的成因多与遗传因素、年龄及日常饮食习惯相关。 hsbc.com.hk | Heredity, age, and diet are probably all important [...] factors in developing gallstones. hsbc.com.hk |
患上胆石而并 没有任何临床表征者,均无需接受任何治疗。 hsbc.com.hk | Gallstones that present no [...] symptoms generally do not require any medical intervention. hsbc.com.hk |
很多时候,胆石不会带来任何身体上的问题,然而, 如 胆石 阻 塞 胆 管 , 引起并发症如胰脏感染或发炎等,就要立刻进行治疗。 hsbc.com.hk | In most cases, gallstones don't cause any problems. However, prompt treatment may be necessary if stones block ducts and [...] cause complications, such [...]as infections or inflammation of the pancreas. hsbc.com.hk |
白种人 (Fair):亚洲及非洲族裔个案较少,而美洲印第安中年女性一族则近乎10 0% 患 胆石。 hsbc.com.hk | Fair (Caucasian): Asian and African people have a low incidence of gallstones while certain American Indian tribes have almost a 100 percent incidence in females by middle age hsbc.com.hk |
有心绞痛病史者 发生严重心脏事件的危险性高。 world-heart-federation.org | People who have angina are at high risk of having a major heart attack. world-heart-federation.org |
我们推荐符合下列常见情况的人士参与此项目:心肌梗死(心脏病发作)、冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)、血管成形术、支架植入术、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗、瓣膜修复或置换术、稳定性 心 绞痛 ( 胸 痛 伴 有呼吸费力)、心力衰竭以及其他心脏手术和情况。 deltahealth.com.cn | The following are common conditions for which cardiac rehabilitation has been recommended: myocardial infarction (heart attack), coronary artery bypass graft Surgery (CABG), angioplasty, [...] coronary artery stenting, PCI, valve repair or replacement, [...] stable angina (chest pain with exertion), [...]and heart failure. deltahealth.com.cn |
当心脏的血管仅是部分堵塞,心脏供血减少但未完全阻断,就会引起胸 痛,称为心绞痛。 world-heart-federation.org | If the heart blood vessels are blocked only partially [...] and the blood flow to the heart is decreased but not stopped, it can [...] cause chest pain called angina or angina pectoris. world-heart-federation.org |
在心绞痛患 者 中,出现胃灼热或吞咽困难可能增加罹患相关食管病症的可能性 [...] [2];但是,高达 50% 的心源性胸痛患者亦可能出现胃灼热、 反胃或吞咽困难 [7]。 iasp-pain.org | In patients with angina, the presence [...] of heartburn or dysphagia may increase the likelihood of an underlying esophageal [...]condition [2]; however, as many as 50% of patients with a cardiac cause of chest pain may also have heartburn, regurgitation, or dysphagia [7]. iasp-pain.org |
传统医药在南非使用的路依保斯包括减轻婴 儿 绞痛 、 过 敏、哮喘和皮肤病。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | Traditional medicinal uses of rooibos in South Africa include [...] alleviating infantile colic, allergies, asthma [...]and dermatological problems. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
主要品牌有:抗高血压药物康忻™、治疗 心 绞痛 药 物 喜格迈®、治疗甲状腺功能减退症的优甲乐®及治疗甲状腺功能亢进症的赛治®、治疗消化道急症的药物思他宁®、生长激素思真®、抗过敏药物阿罗格®、治疗不孕症的果纳芬®、生殖产品乐芮®、艾泽®、思则凯®、雪诺同®、治疗多发性硬化的利比®、抗肿瘤药爱必妥®及BH4缺乏症替代用药科望®。 merck-china.com | Product brands include Gonal-f ® to treat infertility, the fertility products Luveris®, Ovidrel®, Cetrotide® and Crinone®; oncology product Erbitux®, Concor® for high blood pressure, Sigmart® for angina pectoris, Stilamin® for acute gastrointestinal diseases, Euthyrox® for hypothyroidism and Thyrozol® for hyperthyroidism, the growth hormone Saizen®, NHD for allergies, Kuvan® for tetraphydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency and Rebif® for multiple sclerosis. merck-china.com |