

单词 胆敢

胆敢 ()

dare (negative connotation)
have the audacity to (do sth)

See also:


gall n
courage n

gall bladder
the nerve


dare v

(polite) may I venture

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 干非政府组织一事捏造和夸大问题,而这些组织越 过了所有的红线胆敢损害 我国的主权,利用苏丹 人民的善良。
These people have sought to fabricate and inflate a problem with respect to the decision of the Government of the Sudan to expel a number of
non-governmental organizations that have crossed
[...] every red line and dared to prejudice the sovereignty [...]
of the country and take advantage
of the kindness of the Sudanese people.
这一强大的符号曾是中国皇帝专用的象征标志 胆敢 在 服 饰或房屋装饰上使用任何龙符号的平民都会被满门抄斩。
This powerful icon was once reserved exclusively for the Chinese
[...] emperor; civilians who dare to use any dragon [...]
symbol on their clothing or house decoration
will the face the death penalty (for him and his entire family).
他们经常威胁被贩运者,如果他 胆敢 提 出 抗议,就向当局告发他们,或者报复他们的家人,这使他们的处境更加脆弱。
Threats to report trafficking victims to the authorities or to retaliate against their families if they protested made trafficked persons even more vulnerable.
如果西方着迷于此胆敢用高 人一等的语气跟这个有5000年历史的圣贤之国对话,那么就可能成为中国民族主义情绪的另一个目标。
If it gets carried away and presumes to talk down to the 5,000-year-old culture of the Sages, the West could become the next object of China’s nationalist resentment.
这些地区最近发生激烈的战斗,甚至 出胆敢攻击 Ndélé、Markunda、 Bossembélé和 Batangafo 等地政府机构和军事驻地的行为。
Those localities recently saw intensive fighting and some very bold attacks against governmental institutions and military facilities in Ndélé, Markunda, Bossembélé and Batangafo.
20 年前或 30
[...] 年前,当大多数第二次世界 大战老兵仍然在世的时候,没有 胆敢 在 联 合国发表 类似的言论。
Twenty or 30 years earlier, when a majority of the veterans
of the Second World War had still been alive,
[...] no one would have dared to voice similar arguments [...]
at the United Nations.
当初他在 共产党内是一名活跃且胆敢言的 党员。
He was active and outspoken when he was [...]
involved in the Communist party.
以色列之所胆敢违抗 ,是因为缺乏对以色 列的任何有力的威慑,它受益于有人鼓励有罪不罚 文化,而且还把自己置于法律之上,因为它得到 某些有势力国家的直接保护。
The reason behind the Israeli challenge can be attributed to the absence of any serious deterrent to Israel, which benefits from the promotion of the culture of impunity and from putting itself above the law due to the direct protection provided to it by certain influential States.
虽然闪动的元素确实‘偷取’了一些学生对于内容的注意力,有据可查地使他们的教育经历变得更轻松,这些元素也被设计于传达重要信息,揭示文艺复兴时期也是真实的, 胆 勇 敢 的 , 而且和现代社会一样愚蠢。
While the Flashy elements certainly “stole” some of students’ attention away from the content, arguably lessening their educational experience, those elements were also designed to convey key messages as well, by suggesting that the Renaissance was as lively, bold, and silly as our modern era.
以色列已一再表明,我们随时准备并且能够作出胆 而勇敢的决定,保护生命,捍卫人的尊严,并追求和 平。
Time and again, Israel has shown that it is ready and able to make bold and courageous decisions to preserve life, to uphold human dignity and to pursue peace.
在约旦和埃及的 主持下重启这次谈判,是巴勒斯坦与以色列领导人 在美国和四方努力的支持下做出的 胆 和 勇 敢 的决 定。
Relaunching the negotiations was a brave decision by the Palestinian and Israeli leaders, backed by the efforts of the United States and the Quartet under the sponsorship of Jordan and Egypt.
的确,凶犯似胆子越来越大敢在 达 尔富尔混合行动房舍和 工作人员住所附近对其进行袭击。
Indeed, perpetrators appear to be getting bolder, targeting UNAMID in close [...]
proximity to its premises and to staff residences.
同样具有标志意义的这幢住宅的设计师Arata Isozaki是在日本接受的教育,他敢于 使用 大 胆 的 、 夸张的形式和创造性的细节表现方式而闻名。
Educated in Japan, the home's equally iconic designer, Arata Isozaki, is known for using bold, exaggerated forms and inventive detailing.
每一集蝙蝠侠​​:敢和大胆采用 了主角(蝙蝠侠)将与其他字符theDC宇宙挫败坏人或解决犯罪问题。
Each episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold features [...]
the main character (Batman) teaming up with other characters from
theDC Universe to thwart villains or to solve crimes.
事 實㆖,敢說, 沒有多少個政府能夠期望現行制度獲得這麼多市民支持。
Indeed, dare I say, few governments [...]
could expect to receive such massive popular support for an existing system.
根据特别报告员收到的报告,尽管政府在这些战斗之后控制了 敢 地 区, 但缅甸东北部的局势依然紧张。
Despite Government
[...] control of the Kokang territory following [...]
these battles, the situation in north-eastern Myanmar remains
tense according to reports received by the Special Rapporteur.
但不管计划是否重启,这次实践无论是对学术界,还是产业界,都将点燃思想的火花:我们要 胆 创 新 , 敢 于 开 展一些以前未曾想及的实践,努力提升我们对开发、测试和项目管理人员的教学成果。
Whether that happens or not: it is hoped that this report serves as inspiration to those in both academic and industrial settings: to get creative, to do something new and unexpected to improve the effectiveness of the ways we educate developers, testers, and managers.
雖然我們歡迎當局取消學生保健計劃,但報告書未能 敢 ㆞ 徹底取消特別為學童 提供的服務,由業經改善的公立普通科門診診所取代。
Whilst the cancellation of the
school medical service is to be hailed,
[...] the report is not brave enough to cancel the [...]
special service to school children completely
and to leave the care of these children to the improved public general out-patient clinics.
中小型商戶敢將成本轉嫁消 費者,有些商戶甚至因經營困難或租約不獲商場續期等因素而結業。
Small and medium
[...] shop operators do not dare to shift their costs [...]
to consumers, and some have even closed down either because
business is difficult or they cannot renew their tenancies with the shopping arcades concerned.
加㆖到目前仍看不到任何令㆟信服的監管制度和投資風險的責任承擔,本㆟實在敢 貿然 向市民推薦,除非政府提供更詳盡的資料,例如㆒直沒有公開在九㆔年年底委託 顧問公司完成的強制性私㆟公積金可行性報告,並且承諾盡快解決目前所有老㆟家的 退休生活問題。
In view of the absence of any satisfactory monitoring system and commitment to insurance against investment risks, I would be slow to recommend it to the general public unless more detailed information be made available, such as the feasibility study report, which was never published, in respect of a mandatory privately-run provident fund scheme completed at the end of 1993 by a consultant company appointed by the Administration; or unless there are promises that the livelihood problems of elderly people after retirement will be well taken care of.
最後,在治安問題㆖,我讚揚總督 敢 ㆞ 決 定取消死刑,並且籲請本局議員支持這 項政策。
Finally on law and order, let me commend the Governor for the courageous decision to proceed with the abolition of capital punishment.
最后,正如科威特国代表阿拉伯集团在 2010 年 4 月 14 日安全理事会关于中 东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的辩论中发言所述,我要重申,以色列在巴勒斯坦被 占领土上的非法行径揭示了占领国不受惩罚和虚伪程度已达极致,如最近的军事 命令和其他殖民化做法所示,以色列显然是设法把更多的巴勒斯坦平民赶出自己 的家园和让他们流离失所,同时向西岸,特别是向东耶路撒冷及其周围的定居点 移送越来越多的以色列定居者,这些做法明目 胆 地 在 国际社会眼前严重违反国 际人道主义法和公然无视国际社会在无数决议和声明中表述的意愿。
In closing, as noted during the statement delivered by the State of Kuwait on behalf of the Arab Group during the recent Security Council debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, which was held on 14 April 2010, I wish to reiterate that Israel’s illegal practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory reveal the height of impunity and hypocrisy by the occupying Power, which, as illustrated by the recent military order and other colonization practices, is clearly seeking to displace and expel more Palestinian civilians from their own homeland, while at the same time transferring more and more Israeli settlers to the West Bank, particularly to settlements in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international humanitarian law, all blatantly before the eyes of the international community and in flagrant defiance of the will of the international community, as expressed in countless resolutions and statements.
而非常遺憾的,政府對勞工界數十年來的要求,置若罔聞,到今日總 督說要在今年年底才有所決定,本 敢 信 不 會有好消息,因為為時已晚。
However, it is very regrettable that the Government has turned a deaf ear to the requests of the labour sector over the past decades.
宣言》承 认全球金融和经济危机有使发展中国家在债务领域所取得的最近收益化为乌有的 危险,并指出,这一形势要求实施 胆 的 举措解决发展中国家当前的债务问题, 其中包括特别是为非洲和最不发达国家取消债务。
The Declaration recognized that the global financial and economic crises risked undoing the recent gains made by developing countries in the area of debt, noting that the situation demands the implementation of bold initiatives to resolve the current debt problems of developing countries, including debt cancellation, particularly for Africa and LDCs.
今年发生的事件给我们所有人都提出了挑战—— 对欧洲而言,这个挑战是:要表明它能够改革其援助 和贸易战略,体现出真正的进步性;对非洲联盟而言,
这个挑战是:它必须以上个世纪赢得解放过程中所带 有的相同勇气,迎接本世纪的机遇;对以色列人和巴
[...] 勒斯坦人而言,这个挑战是:他们必须采取 胆 步 骤, 来到谈判桌前,谋求实现持久和平;对伊朗和叙利亚 [...]
而言,这个挑战是:它们必须给予本国人民以其所应 有的自由;对联合国而言,这也是一个挑战。
So the events of this year present a challenge to all of us — a challenge to Europe to show it can reform its aid and trade strategy to be truly progressive; a challenge to the African Union, to meet the opportunities of this century with the same courage that won liberation in the last;
a challenge to the Israelis and
[...] Palestinians, to take the bold steps to come to [...]
the table and make lasting peace; a challenge
to Iran and to Syria, to give their peoples the freedoms they deserve; and a challenge to the United Nations.
占领国仍在建造种族主义隔离墙,这侵犯 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人民的所有权
[...] 利,而国际社会不愿采取行动,使得占领军更胆 大妄 为,无视世界各地穆斯林的感情,在耶路撒冷 [...]
The occupying Power was still building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem where the
reluctance of the international community to take
[...] action had emboldened the forces [...]
of occupation to disregard the feelings of
Muslims around the world by digging further tunnels under Jerusalem.
该奖的荣誉奖颁给了 Yolande Mukagasana 女士(卢旺达/比利时),表彰她作为 1994 年 卢旺达种族大屠杀的受害者和见证人,为促进和平文化而进行的 敢 的 、头脑清醒的战斗。
An honourable mention of the Prize went to Ms Yolande Mukagasana (Rwanda/Belgium) in recognition of her courageous and lucid combats to contribute to a culture of peace as both a victim and a witness of genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
消費模式呈現兩極化,即高檔消費品的銷路未有受到重大影 響,但日用品卻因市民普遍敢消費 而滯銷。
There is now a polarization of consumption, meaning that the sale of up-market consumer goods has not been significantly affected, but that of daily necessities has stagnated due to people's dwindling consumption desire.
但是,政府不單沒有積極回應國家所提出的承諾,亦沒有採取有效 的措施,帶領香港度過風暴,反之不斷唱淡經濟,任由遇到突然困難的 企業自行倒閉,導致失業人數增加,市面風聲鶴唳,市民 敢 消 費
However, the Government has not actively responded to the promise made by the State, not taking effective measures to lead Hong Kong in weathering the storm.




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