

单词 胆大

大胆 verb ()

dare v

大胆 adjective ()

bolder adj



fullness for the bold, famine for the timid [idiom.]


extremely daring



See also:


gall n
courage n

gall bladder
the nerve

External sources (not reviewed)

占领国仍在建造种族主义隔离墙,这侵犯 了西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦人民的所有权
[...] 利,而国际社会不愿采取行动,使得占领军更胆 大妄为 ,无视世界各地穆斯林的感情,在耶路撒冷 [...]
The occupying Power was still building the racist separation wall which violated all the rights of the Palestinian people in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem where the
reluctance of the international community to
[...] take action had emboldened the forces [...]
of occupation to disregard the feelings of
Muslims around the world by digging further tunnels under Jerusalem.
国际社会特别是联合国安理会未能严肃有效地处理这些违反行为,结束 有罪不罚现象并追究以色列对整个 44 年军事占领包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯
[...] 坦领土期间所犯罪行的责任,这无疑令占领国更 胆大 妄 为 ,其在最近一个时期 加紧了侵犯行为和非法政策就是一个表现。
The failure of the international community, in particular the United Nations Security Council, to seriously and effectively address these violations to end impunity and hold Israel accountable for its crimes throughout this 44-year military occupation of the
Palestinian Territory, including East
[...] Jerusalem, has undoubtedly emboldened the occupying [...]
Power, as reflected in its intensifying
violations and illegal policies over the recent period.
为此,必须更加注重在全球一级制订具体的就业和体面工作政策,各国还必须采大胆的国 内举措,特别是扩大财政空间的举措。
This would entail greater focus on concrete employment and decent work policies at the global level, as well as bold national initiatives in all countries, in particular those with greater fiscal space.
在2011年,客户支持服务流程优化项目,针对客户化的服务水平和开放化的服务过程要求,以及与客户系统 进行B2B对接工单等方面进大胆地创新,满足了欧美高端客户要求,大大地促进了公司服务能力提升。
In 2011, in the customer support service process optimization project, ZTE Corporation was boldly innovative in respect to customized service levels and open service process requirements as well as B2B docking work with the customers’ systems, which met the requirements of the main operators and promoted the service capability improvement of the company.
特别是1978年以来,上海的改革开放力度不断加大,上海人民以强烈的进取精神,解放思想,与时俱进 大胆 实 践,走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特大型城市特点的发展新路,使上海经济和社会发展的各个领域发生了历史性的大变革,已成为我国最大的经济中心和国家历史文化名城,并正向建成国际经济、金融、贸易和航运中心之一的目标迈进。
Dynamic, audacious and practical Shanghainese people went to a new development direction respecting Chinese particularities and reflecting the specificities of the period while being appropriate to the characteristics of a huge city like Shanghai. The consequence is that each part of Shanghai benefits of these historic reforms in terms of economic and social development.
英国政府应该采取一大胆的举措,例如授予海外的学生在毕业后自动获得在英国工作三年的权利,并允许英国公司可以直接从印度的大学招聘应届毕业生并在英国 [...]
The UK Government
[...] should take some bold steps such as [...]
granting overseas students an automatic right to work in Britain for
three years after graduation and enable British companies to recruit fresh graduates directly from Indian universities and train them in the UK.
宣言》承 认全球金融和经济危机有使发展中国家在债务领域所取得的最近收益化为乌有的 危险,并指出,这一形势要求实 大胆 的 举措解决发展中国家当前的债务问题, 其中包括特别是为非洲和最不发达国家取消债务。
The Declaration recognized that the global financial and economic crises risked undoing the recent gains made by developing countries in the area of debt, noting that the situation demands the implementation of bold initiatives to resolve the current debt problems of developing countries, including debt cancellation, particularly for Africa and LDCs.
这一局面 要求我们继续采大胆、全 面的措施,切实、公正地应对最不发达国家的债务挑 战。
This situation demands the continued implementation of bold and comprehensive measures with a view to addressing the debt challenges of least developed countries effectively and equitably.
一条道路是大胆地从根本上改变冷战思维,放弃不合时宜的对朝鲜民主主 义人民共和国政策,以此为朝鲜半岛的和平与安全作出贡献,为确保自身的安全 [...]
One path is to make bold and fundamental [...]
change in its Cold War mindset to renounce its anachronistic policy towards the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and thus contribute to the peace and security in the Korean peninsula and pave the way for ensuring its own security.
在司法改革中包含一大胆的方 案,即修建和翻修改造实体设施并配发信 息系统和设备。
The judicial reform process also includes an ambitious building and refurbishing programme and the installation of new information systems and equipment.
此外,安理会中负责处理这一重要议题的非正式 工作组应当采取正式大胆的措 施,以巩固国家间平 等概念,促进以公正方式处理它们的问题,提高透明 度,增进互动并鼓励提高效率。
Moreover, the Informal Working Group dealing with this important subject in the Council should adopt official, bold measures that would consolidate the concept of equality between countries, promote justice in the way their issues are dealt with, enhance transparency, increase interaction and encourage efficiency.
在此背景下, 发展伙伴应采大胆步骤 ,成功完成贸易谈判,包括涉及发展的谈判,这将减少 [...]
扭曲贸易的农产品补贴,使更多非洲农民能够进入市场,减少或逐渐取消国家和 全球层面的贸易壁垒。
In this context, development
[...] partners should take bold steps to successfully [...]
conclude trade negotiations with development
dimensions, which would reduce trade-distorting subsidies for agriculture products, increase African farmers’ access to markets and reduce or phase out barriers to trade at the national and global levels.
整个系统的报应末世通过天堂与地狱从来没有在承担了犹太教信仰的教条的性格,和塔木德犹太 大胆 地 转 移到了天上以后的判决在审判现场,当天在每年年初(相对湿度16B条见新的一年)。
The whole eschatological system of retribution through paradise and hell never assumed in Judaism the character of a dogmatic belief, and Talmudic Judaism boldly transferred the scene of the heavenly judgment from the hereafter to the annual Day of Judgment at the beginning of the year (RH 16b; see New-Year).
2002-2003双年度是目前执行的中期战略 的第一阶段,种种革新变化初露端倪,有 的谨慎,有大胆。
The 2002-2003 biennium was the first tranche of our current Medium-Term Strategy.
大会应该均衡和协调一致地处理环境问题,就 加强环境治理结构和更有力地解决土地退化、荒漠 化和生物多样性丧失等问题做大胆 而 具 有前瞻性 的决定,这些问题不仅威胁到粮食安全,而且还引 起社会和经济紧张。
The Conference should give more balanced and coordinated treatment to environmental issues, take bold and forward-looking decisions on strengthening the architecture of environmental governance, and more vigorously address land degradation, desertification and loss of biodiversity, which threatened food security and triggered social and economic tensions.
寻求 现有教育体制的替代方案和采大胆 的 创 新行动都需要从其是否能有助于确保所 有人都能享有教育来加以考量。
Alternatives to the existing school system and bold innovations may need to be considered as part of ensuring that education is in fact available to all.
今年发生的事件给我们所有人都提出了挑战—— 对欧洲而言,这个挑战是:要表明它能够改革其援助 和贸易战略,体现出真正的进步性;对非洲联盟而言,
这个挑战是:它必须以上个世纪赢得解放过程中所带 有的相同勇气,迎接本世纪的机遇;对以色列人和巴
[...] 勒斯坦人而言,这个挑战是:他们必须采 大胆 步 骤, 来到谈判桌前,谋求实现持久和平;对伊朗和叙利亚 [...]
而言,这个挑战是:它们必须给予本国人民以其所应 有的自由;对联合国而言,这也是一个挑战。
So the events of this year present a challenge to all of us — a challenge to Europe to show it can reform its aid and trade strategy to be truly progressive; a challenge to the African Union, to meet the opportunities of this century with the same courage that won liberation in the last;
a challenge to the Israelis and
[...] Palestinians, to take the bold steps to come to [...]
the table and make lasting peace; a challenge
to Iran and to Syria, to give their peoples the freedoms they deserve; and a challenge to the United Nations.
新一轮欧元区危机是春季产生严重金融压力的原因,这急剧增大了风险规避,从而将 新兴市场的资金流入推迟到夏季欧洲央行和联邦储备银行采 大胆 行 动 之后。
A new episode of the EMU crisis was behind severe financial tensions in the spring, sharply increasing risk aversion and, thereby staving off capital inflows into emerging markets until bold actions were adopted by the ECB and the Federal Reserve in the summer.
苏世民学者项目和苏世民学院的成立是如今高等教育界难得一见 大胆 举 措 ,更不用说国际关系领域了。
The establishment of Schwarzman Scholars and Schwarzman College is the kind of bold initiative one sees too rarely in higher education today, let alone in international relations.
这一情况要求实施现有和以 后可能采取大胆及全 面的举措和机制,以有效和公平的方式(包括取消债务)解 决发展中国家、尤其是非洲和最不发达国家当前的债务问题。
The situation demands the implementation of existing and any future bold and encompassing initiatives and mechanisms to resolve the current debt problems of developing countries, particularly for Africa and the least developed countries, in an effective and equitable manner, including through debt cancellation.
应当回顾指出的是,阿拉伯国家联盟部长理事会 本届会议主席谢赫哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾贝
尔·阿勒萨尼和阿拉伯联盟秘书长纳比勒·埃拉拉比 先生最近在安理会发言时(见 S/PV.6710),明确而迫
[...] 切地请求安理会支持该区域组织以对话、相互理解及 民族和解为基础大胆、全 面和完整的倡议,以便和 平解决随着时间流逝只会继续恶化的局势。
It should be recalled that in their recent presentations to the Council (see S/PV.6710), Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Chairman of the current session of the Ministerial Council of the League of Arab States, and Mr. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, made a clear and urgent request for
the Council’s support of the regional
[...] organization’s bold, decisive and comprehensive [...]
initiative based on dialogue, mutual
understanding and national reconciliation, aimed at achieving a peaceful solution for a situation that has only continued to worsen with time.
它还力求发展参与对话和辩论的意愿,鼓励年青人掌握自 主权,自由大胆地表达他们的观点。
It also seeks to foster the desire to engage in dialogue and debate, and to encourage youth to take initiative and express their opinions freely and courageously.
字母‘S’中的图案极具动感,赋予了生生不息的律动,同时配以椭圆形和3D效果,打造出 大胆 创 新 和锐意变革的形象。
The sense of movement created by the arrow in the letter “S” and the oval and 3D effect created the bold, innovative and transformative image,” added Mr. Clamadieu.
因此,我们郑重宣告,我们承诺展现新的政治意愿,强有力地、负责任地负 起领导责任,以根除这一流行病,我们将考虑世界各地不同国家和区域的各种情 况和环境,与各级所有利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系,采取以 大胆 和 果断 行动
Therefore, we solemnly declare our commitment to end the epidemic with renewed political will and strong, accountable leadership and to work in meaningful partnership with all stakeholders at all levels to implement bold and decisive actions as set out below, taking into account the diverse situations and circumstances in different countries and regions throughout the world
专题决议中大胆用语绝 不能在国家一级采取行动时打折扣”。
Bold language in thematic resolutions must not be lost in translation when it comes to country-level action”.
该部影片曾荣获1972年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖(同时获奖的还有埃里奥•贝多利 [Elio Petri]的《工人阶级上天堂》[LA CLASSE OPERAIA VA IN PARADISO ]),这部影片一直为马丁•斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)所称道,近来亦被年轻一代重新发掘,将其视为对意大利政治、社会和道德 大胆 揭 露
Winner of the Palme d’Or at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival (sharing the prize with Elio Petri’s La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso), the film has long been championed by Martin Scorsese and has recently been re-discovered by a new generation, which sees Il caso Mattei as an unflinching exposé of Italian politics, society and morality.
[...] 助政府把粮食安全确定为高度优先事项并制 大胆 措 施 ,从而使玉米产量持续增 加,并使 [...]
170 万农村家庭从中受益。
In Malawi, UNDP helped prioritize food security within national development strategies and frameworks; contributing to the government
identifying food security as a top priority, and
[...] instituting ambitious measures that [...]
resulted in sustained increases in maize
production and benefits to 1.7 million farm families.
尽管如此,瑞士要回顾指出, 主席在《行动计划》通过后指出,若干成员国对以下问题表示了遗憾:《行动计 划》没有确保成员国对同行审议采取坚定行动;透明度的原则,尤其是信息共享 透明度原则未得到应有考虑;有必要通过一个 大胆 、 更严格并具约束力的行动 计划处理当前的全球核安全制度;《行动计划》是一份活的文件,必须加以进一 步发展、审查和更新。
Nevertheless, Switzerland would like to recall that following the adoption of the Action Plan, the Chairman stated that several Member States had expressed their regret that the Action Plan did not ensure committed actions by the Member States regarding peer reviews; that the principle of transparency, especially regarding the sharing of information, was not given due consideration; that there was a need to address the current global nuclear safety regime through a more ambitious, stringent and binding Action Plan; and that the Action Plan was a living document that had to be developed further, reviewed and updated.




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