

单词 肾病

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就萨尔瓦多和其它中美洲国家而言,我们要提出 对我们各国人民健康产生严重影响的一种慢性病,即 慢肾病。
With regard to El Salvador and the other Central American
countries, we wish to bring up a chronic illness that severely impacts the health of
[...] our peoples: chronic kidney disease.
为治疗慢肾病而接 受血液透析的运动员需要就这种治疗方法申 请医疗用药豁免许可。
Those undergoing hemodialysis, as part of the
[...] treatment of chronic kidney disease, will require a [...]
TUE for such procedures (and the substances
that are often used to treat such disorders).
终末肾病 (ESR D) 通常用于描述永久的、不可逆的肾损伤,如肾功能衰竭并需要进行某种肾替代治疗 [...]
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is commonly [...]
used in the context of permanent and irreversible kidney damage i.e. the kidneys
fail to do their job and some kind of Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) is required.
请告知您的医生您是否患有或曾经患有痛风(Gout)、 病 、 肾病 或糖尿病。
tell your doctor if you have or have ever
[...] had gout, liver or kidney disease or diabetes.
例如视网膜病变、糖尿病肾病、糖 尿病神经病变、高血压、脑血管病、心血管病、下肢血管病等。
These can include complications that cause retinopathy (damage to the
retina of the eye), diabetic nephropathy
[...] (a progressive kidney disease), diabetic [...]
neuropathy (affecting all peripheral
nerves and organs), hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, cardiovascular disease and lower extremity disease.
肾病患者 也不能有效产生活性维生素D,导致饮食中的钙不能被有效吸收。
Kidney disease may also make the [...]
patient unable to produce the active form of vitamin D, and this in turn means that they
are unable to absorb calcium properly from the diet.
[...] 定了一部最佳做法实用门诊指南并在加以实施,该指 南含有关于糖尿病、心血病、吸烟 、 肾病 和 高血压 的信息,目的在于确保人们能够获得较好的护理。
We have developed and are implementing a practical clinical guide to best practices, which includes
information on diabetes, cardiovascular
[...] disease, tobacco use, kidney disease and hypertension, [...]
aimed at ensuring high levels of care.
Dilrukshi Handunnetti与Smriti
[...] Daniel报道称,世界卫生组织的一项研究将斯里兰卡不断上升 肾病 水 平 归咎于砷,这与另一指出劣质饮用水的报告相互矛盾。
A WHO study that blames arsenic for rising
[...] levels of chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka [...]
is in conflict with another report that
points to poor quality drinking water, report Dilrukshi Handunnetti and Smriti Daniel.
Polo Rivera 医生患有糖尿病和肾病综合 征以及逐步丧失 视力和严重高血压。
The source adds that Dr. Polo Rivera suffers from
[...] diabetes mellitus and nephrotic syndrome, [...]
as well as progressive loss of sight and secondary hypertension.
二 零 零 一 年 , 联 合 国 粮 食 及 农 业 组 织 ∕ 世 界 卫 生 组 织 联 合 食 物 添 加 剂 专 家 委 员 会 (JECFA)( 下 称 “ 专 家 委 员 会 ” ) 指 出 , 根 据
现 有 的 流 行 病 学 和 临 床 资 料 , 不 足 以 计 算 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 人 类 致 癌 性 , 而 引 致
[...] 区 域 性 巴 尔 干 半肾 病 变 的 因 素 亦 可 能 包 [...]
括 其 他 肾 毒 物 17 。
The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) concluded in 2001 that the epidemiological and clinical data available do not provide a basis for
calculating the likely carcinogenic potency in human and that
[...] Balkan Endemic Nephropathy may involve [...]
other nephrotoxic agents.
因此Liaison1-84 PTH测定即使肾病患者 也能得到一致的结果,虽 肾病 患 者 容易积累高浓度的这种片段。
The Liaison1-84 PTH assay is therefore able
to provide
[...] uniformity of results even in patients with kidney disease, who tend to accumulate these fragments [...]
in high concentrations.
如患上糖尿病,相对地也增加罹患中风、缺血性心脏病、三酸甘油脂水平过高、脚坏疽、视网 病 变 、 肾病 及 神 经系统疾病的机会。
Diabetes increases the risk of stroke, ischemic heart disease, high triglyceride, foot gangrene, retinopathy, nephropathy and [...]
Hypertension in pregnancy increases
[...] risk of end-stage renal disease
[...] 常生活的能力,这些状况包括癌症、艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病、痴呆、心病、肾病和 肝病以及长期严重的病痛。
According to this concept, a life-limiting health condition is chronic, limits or has the potential of limiting the person’s ability to lead a normal
life and includes, among others, cancer, HIV/AIDS,
[...] dementia, heart, renal and liver disease and permanent [...]
serious injury.
中国神经再生研究(英文版)》杂志于2012年9月27期出版的一项研究应用统计概率脑图谱获取终末 肾病 抑 郁 患者脑SPECT图像,以分析症状群、疾病严重与脑血流的关系。
A study reported in the Neural Regeneration Research Journal (Vol. 7, No. 27, 2012) adapted a statistical probabilistic anatomical map of the brain for single photon
emission computed tomography images of
[...] depressive end-stage renal disease patients to [...]
investigate the relationship between symptom
clusters, disease severity, and cerebral blood flow.
有报道称,他在被捕后受到酷刑和虐待,并被剥夺了适 当治疗帕金森病、糖尿病、高血压 肾病 、 哮 喘和心脏病的权利。
There are reports that he had been subjected to torture and illtreatment since his arrest and denied
adequate treatment for Parkinson’s disease, diabetes,
[...] high blood pressure, kidney disease, asthma and [...]
a heart condition.
[...] 使患者发生心肌梗死、中风和开通闭塞动脉的手术的风险减少1/4,即相当于全 世界每年将至少有250,000肾病患者免于发生上述事件。
Taking ezetimibe plus simvastatin long-term would avoid around one quarter of heart attacks, strokes and
operations to unblock arteries, leading to their prevention in at least
[...] 250,000 people with kidney disease worldwide each year.
赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 被 认 为 是 导 致 几 种 农 畜 ( 特 别 是 猪 )肾 病 的 成 因 ; 所 有 进 行 研 究 的 各 种 单 胃 动 物 , 都 曾 发 现 肾 脏 中 毒 ( 包 括 使 用 最 低 的 测 试 剂 量 : 以 每 公 斤 饲 料 含 200 微 克 的 剂 量 喂 饲 大 [...]
鼠 和 猪 ) 。
It has produced nephrotoxic effects in all species of single - stomach animals studied so far, even at the lowest level tested (200 μg/kg feed in rats and pigs).
该结果来自于TEMPO(Tolvaptan托伐普坦)治疗常染色体显性多 肾病 的 有 效性、安全性和疾病转归)3:4研究,该研究为III期、多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、平行组试验,纳入1,400多例患者。
These findings are from the TEMPO (Tolvaptan Efficacy
and Safety in Management of Autosomal
[...] Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and its Outcomes) [...]
3:4 Study, a Phase III, multi-center,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-arm trial involving more than 1,400 patients.
[...] (托伐普坦)的临床试验结果在美 肾病 学 会 年会上首次呈报,同时在《新英格兰医学杂志》(在线访问www.NEJM.org)上在线发表。
(OPC) today announced that the clinical trial results
for tolvaptan, an investigational drug for
[...] the treatment of ADPKD, were presented [...]
for the first time at the American Society
of Nephrology annual meeting and simultaneously published online in the New England Journal of Medicine (available online at www.NEJM.org).
被研究的包括周围神经损伤、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)、危及四肢血流的严重血管 病 、 肾 脏 疾 病 、 心 脏疾病、眼科疾病及糖尿病。
Peripheral nerve injuries, ALS, severe blood
[...] vessel disease compromising blood flow to the limbs, kidney disease, heart [...]
disease, eye disease and diabetes are all understood.
此外肾脏疾病、糖尿病、肠 胃疾病及神经系统疾病和精神疾病发病率正 在增加,关于这类疾病导致死亡的报告增加。
In addition, incidences of renal diseases, diabetes, [...]
gastro-intestinal diseases and diseases of the nervous system and mental
disorders are on the increase, with increasing deaths reported from such diseases.
在过去的四年里,基金会在伊朗 伊斯兰共和国德黑兰建成了 2
[...] 个医疗中心,在巴姆市建成了 1 个医疗中心和托儿 所(被 2004 年的地震摧毁),从而大幅度扩展了活动范围,增加了向婴儿和地中 海贫病、肾功能 衰竭、糖尿病、癌症 肾 移 植 病 患 提供的医疗服务。
During the past four years, three medical centres and a nursery were established by the Foundation, two medical centres in Tehran and one medical centre and the nursery in the city of Bam, Islamic Republic of Iran (demolished by an earthquake in 2004); thus the scope of activities and provision of medical services to
infants and
[...] thalassaemia, renal failure, diabetes, cancer and kidney transplant patients have been considerably [...]
特殊疾病慈善基金会成立于 1996 年,目的是支持和协助地中海贫血病、血病、肾功能衰竭肾移植病患, 后来又包括肝炎、癌症、糖尿病和多发性硬化 症患者。
Charity Foundation for Special Diseases (CFFSD) was established in 1996 to support and assist patients suffering from
[...] thalassaemia, haemophilia, renal failure and kidney transplantation and later [...]
on also included
hepatitis, cancer, diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
用作钙染色 剂,可显示软骨病及其他病变中的钙沉积 物,包括代谢性疾病、佩吉特病、 肾性 骨病及甲 状旁腺功能亢进症,也可显示与 结核病、梗死(Gandy Gamna体)的坏 死区,血管中的动脉粥样硬化和膀胱中的 Malakoplakia(Michaelis- Gutman体)。
Usedasabonestaintoindicateosteomalacia or in other paraffin embedded tissues to stain calcium deposits seen in metabolic diseases, Paget’s disease, renal osteodystrophy & hyperparathyroidism, necrotic areas associated with TB, infarction (Gandy Gamna bodies), atheroma in blood vessels and Malakoplakia in the bladder (Michaelis-Gutman bodies).
欧盟驻科法治团的报 告指出: “他们以付费的虚假承诺骗来穷人,摘取这些人肾脏,然后肾脏移植到富有的外 病 人身 上,而这些穷人却从未收到钱。
Kidneys were allegedly removed from impoverished individuals, recruited on false promises of payment that they never received, then transplanted to wealthy foreign patients.
基金会代表出席了下列与特殊病有 关 的国际会议 肾 联 合 会国际联合会国 际会议(2007 年 4 月,巴西库里蒂巴)、肾联合会国际联合会国际会议(2008 年 5 月,德国美因茨)、欧洲罕见疾病国际会议(2008 年 5 月,丹麦罗斯基勒)、地中 海贫病国际联合会国际会议(2008 年 10 月,新加坡)、欧肾协会国际会议 (2008 年 5 月,斯德哥尔摩)、地中海贫血病国际联合会国际会议(2007 年 11 月, 里斯本)、国际输血学会国际会议(2007 年 11 月,河内)、肾联合会国际联合会国 际会议(2006 年 6 月,意大利西西里),以及地中海贫血病国际联合会国际暑期学 校大会(2006 年 4 月,土耳其安纳托利亚)。
Representatives have attended the following
international conferences
[...] related to special diseases: International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Curitiba, Brazil, April 2007), International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Mainz, Germany, May 2008), European Rare Diseases (Eurodis) international conference (Roskilde, Denmark, May 2008), Thalassaemia International Federation international conference (Singapore, October 2008), European Renal Associations international [...]
(Stockholm, May 2008), Thalassaemia International Federation international conference (Lisbon, November 2007), International Society of Blood Transfusion international conference (Hanoi, November 2007), International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Sicily, Italy, June 2006), and Thalassaemia International Federation, international summer school congress (Anatolia, Turkey, April 2006).
在 2006 年,巴拿马经历了一段艰难的时期,当时巴拿马社会保险局(社保 局)药品生产实验室制成的口服药品受到有毒的二甘醇的污染,致使大量服用该 药品的人出现急慢肾功能 衰竭以及胃肠道系统和神经系统损伤,其中有一部分 人不治身亡,其他人则转为慢性病。
In 2006, Panama faced a serious crisis when, as a result of the ingestion and use of medicines produced by the Social Security Laboratory that were contaminated with the toxin diethylene glycol, a large number of users of public health
services presented with
[...] acute and chronic renal failure and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal and nervous systems, with several dying and others suffering chronic illnesses as a result.




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