单词 | 肾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肾noun—livernExamples:肾上腺素—adrenaline 肾脏的adj—renaladj 肾衰竭n—renal failuren
当您暂时离开计划服务区,接受经联邦医疗保险认证的洗肾机构提供的洗肾服务。 lacare.org | Kidney dialysis services that you get at a Medicare-certified dialysis facility when you are temporarily outside the plan’s service area. lacare.org |
该会为非牟利志愿团体,主要提供治疗,服务及援助予肾病患 者,并透过公众教育,促进市民对肾病的预防及认识。 crowehorwath.net | HKKF is a non-profit making organization which provides medical [...] treatment, services and [...] assistance to kidneypatients, as well as promotes the awareness and prevention of kidney diseases through [...]public education. crowehorwath.net |
过量摄入某些除害剂,可能对健康带來急性的不良影响 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和三唑磷可能影响神经系统) ,至於其他除害剂,则有资 [...] 料显示可能对动物的健康产生慢性的不良影响( 例如﹕林丹可能影响肝 脏和肾脏﹔ 三氯殺蟎醇可能影响胎儿发育) 。 cfs.gov.hk | Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause chronic [...] adverse health effects (e.g. lindane may [...] affect theliver and kidney; and dicofolmay [...]affect foetal development) in animals. cfs.gov.hk |
施用 APOKYN 之前,请确保告知您的医疗保健提供者有关您的所有医疗 [...] 病症,包括您是否出现眩晕、昏厥发作、低血压、哮喘、肝脏问题、肾脏问题、心脏问题、名为重度精神障碍的精神疾病、对含亚硫酸盐的任 [...]何药物过敏、曾有过中风或其他脑部问题或饮酒。 apokyn.com | Before taking APOKYN, make sure to tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including if you have dizziness, [...] fainting spells, low blood pressure, [...] asthma, liver problems, kidney problems,heart problems, [...]a mental disorder called major [...]psychotic disorder, are allergic to any medicines containing sulfites, have had a stroke or other brain problems, or drink alcohol. apokyn.com |
这可能听起来很奇怪,但也有车主只有两种:爱的舒适性和更大的保障,准备花大笔的,深深的爱的肾上腺 素激增,是连接到他们的车,有时考虑作为朋友和在其他情况下,为自己或自己的个性的一部分。 hkcarworld.com | This may sound strange, but there are only two types of car owners: the ones that love comfort and are prepared to spend large sums for greater protection, and the ones that love the adrenaline surge and are deeply attached to their car, considering it sometimes as a friend and in other cases as a part of themselves or their personality. hkcarworld.com |
利用血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂 (ACE) 也可以延迟糖尿病肾病的病发及延缓病程进展,而且减少其他糖尿病的并 发症,如糖尿病视网膜病变及脚溃疡。 genre.com | Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors may also delay the onset and progression of diabetic nephropathy and reduce other diabetic complications, such as retinopathy and foot ulcers. genre.com |
全护您」提供「癌症及肾透析治疗」 中化疗、放射治疗及肾透析治疗等特别治疗的保障。 zurich.com.hk | The Cancer and KidneyDialysis Treatment under Well Cover provides coverage for special treatments of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and renaldialysis. zurich.com.hk |
陈蓉蓉女士续說,当塑胶物料与食物接触,重金属杂质亦可能会迁移到食物,影响 [...] 食物安全,例如摄入过量的铅可能会损害肾脏、心血管系统、免疫系统、造血器官、中 [...]枢神经系统和生殖系统。 cfs.gov.hk | The migration affected food safety such as the excessive intake of lead [...] mightharm the kidney, cardiovascular [...]system, immune system, blood producing organs, [...]central nervous system and reproductive system. cfs.gov.hk |
对於接受除了肾移植以外的固体器官移植之病患,於接受移植 10 天内开始,一直使用到移 [...] 植後 100 天,其建议剂量为 900 毫克,一天一次。 roche.com.tw | For patients who have received a solid organ [...] transplant otherthan kidney, the recommended [...]dose is 900 mg once daily starting within [...]10 days of transplantation until 100 days posttransplantation. roche.com.pk |
而且 –您未患有末期肾病(ESRD),但有少数例外情形,例如您已经成为我们其中一项计划的会员或 [...] 之前曾是另一项计划的会员,但该计划现已终止,之後才罹患 ESRD。 lacare.org | and – you do [...] not haveEnd-StageRenal Disease (ESRD), [...]with limited exceptions, such as if you develop ESRD when you are [...]already a member of a plan that we offer, or you were a member of a different plan that was terminated. lacare.org |
旅客如果患有花生敏感症应该尽量减低接触花生的机会,以及尽可能采取一切防范措施,包括但不限於自己准备食物(该等食物应无需於航班上冷冻或加热)、携带口服或注射药物、可随时使用的肾上腺素(Epi-pen)或医生处方的其他可自理的治疗方法。 dragonair.com | Passengers with peanut allergies should take steps to minimize their potential exposure and to take all necessary precaution to prepare for the possibility of exposure – including, but not limited to, bringing their own food items that do not require any chilling or re-heating inflight, wearing a medical alert bracelet, carrying of their ready-for-use epinephrine (Epi-pens) or other appropriate anaphylaxis treatment prescribed by their physician which can be self administered. dragonair.com |
於「保单附表」内所列明的「保单签发日」,或任何「计划」升级 或任何「保单」复效生效日(以较迟者为准)後九十(90)日的「等 候期」内如呈现有关任何类型癌症或慢性及不能复原的肾衰竭 的 徵象或病徵或进行相关诊断或手术,不会获得「癌症及肾透析治 疗」的「保障」。 zurich.com.hk | No Benefit of Cancer and Kidney Dialysis Treatment shall be payable if the signs or symptoms appear, or the diagnosis or surgery relating to any kind of cancer or chronic and irreversible kidney failure has occurred within the Waiting Period of ninety (90) days following the later of the Policy Issue Date as stated in the Policy Schedule, or the effective date of any Plan upgrade or of any reinstatement of this Policy. zurich.com.hk |
患有慢性疾病的人士:多种癌症及慢性肾病会引致红血球不足,而胃溃疡或肠癌引致的慢性失血,可能令铁质的贮量减少,引致缺铁性贫血。 hsbc.com.hk | Various cancerand chronic kidneyproblems canlead [...] to a shortage of red blood cells while chronic blood loss from a stomach [...]ulcer or cancer of bowel can deplete your body's store of iron, leading to iron deficiency anaemia hsbc.com.hk |
是 £ 否 如果您已经成功地接受换肾手术和/或不再需要定期透析, 请您提供医师证明您已经进行了成功的肾脏移 植 或不需要透析的函件或记录, 否则我们可能需要联系您以获得其它信息。 care1st.com | Yes No If you [...] have had a successfulkidney transplantand/or you don’t need regular dialysis any more, please attach a note or records from your doctor showing you have had a successful kidneytransplantor you [...]don’t need dialysis, otherwise [...]we may need to contact you to obtain additional information. care1st.com |
糖尿病可影响身体各个部位,并会产生严重并发症如失明、损害肾脏功能,甚至要切除下肢。 hsbc.com.hk | Diabetes can affect many parts of the body and can lead to serious complications [...] such asblindness, kidneydamage, andlower-limb [...]amputations. hsbc.com.hk |
第二种慢性并发症是微血管疾病,并包括非增殖性糖尿病 视网膜病变 (眼内出现微动脉瘤、小片出血及分泌液,通 常不会导致视力受损)、增殖性视网膜病 (脆弱的新增血管 [...] 形成,通常导致失明),周围神经疾病 (双脚、双腿或双手 疼痛、灼热、麻木、刺痛) 及肾病(蛋白尿及肾衰竭)。 genre.com | The second cause of chronic complications are microvascular and include non-proliferative retinopathy, (microaneurysms, small dot hemorrhages and exudates in the eye usually causing no visual impairment), proliferative retinopathy (fragile new blood vessel formation often causing blindness), peripheral neuropathy [...] (pain, burning, numbness or tingling of the feet, legs or hands) and [...] Nephropathy (causing albuminuria and renalfailure). genre.com |
如病人患有糖尿病、肝、肾病症及/或肠胃病,应谘询内科医生、泌尿科医生或肠胃科医生,让他们建议在出现这些全身性疾病时,可如何减轻口腔异味。 colgate.com.tw | Those patients who are [...] diabetics, have liverorkidney conditions, and [...]gastrointestinal disorders should see their physician, [...]urologist or gastroenterologist for their insights on how bad breath can be reduced regarding these systemic diseases. colgate.com |
身体超 重或过分肥胖的人有较大危险罹患乳癌、结肠直肠癌、食道 癌、肾癌、胰脏癌和子宫癌,以及有其他健康问题,例如糖尿 病、心脏病和中风。 cancer-asian.com | Lifting weights, doing sit-ups, pushups or carrying heavy loads are all examples of strength activities. cancer-asian.com |
本公司联席主席兼首席执行官陈维端先生於2012年2月5日在黄大仙竹园南村参与由 香港肾脏基金会举办的世界肾脏日在香港活动,为村内居民提供免费量血压服务。 crowehorwath.net | Our Co-Chairman and CEO Mr Charles Chan (8th left, rear row) [...] participated in the [...] event of WorldKidney Day at Hong Kong organized by Hong Kong Kidney Foundation [...](HKKF) at Chuk Yuen [...](South) Estate, Wong Tai Sin on 5 February 2012. crowehorwath.net |
这道可口的派点是以派饼皮包裹,里面充满了混合着牛肉块、肾块(通常是牛、羊或猪)、炒洋葱及肉汁的馅料。 ukeas.com.tw | This is a savoury pie that is filled with a mixture of [...] diced beef, diced kidney (often ofox, lamb, [...]or pork), fried onion, and brown gravy [...]and topped off with a pastry crust. ukeas.ph |
在移植手术後移植肾脏功能有延迟现象的病人不需调整剂量(見 3.2 药物动力学)。 roche.com.tw | Patients [...] with delayedrenal graftfunction post-transplant No dose adjustments are needed in patients experiencing delayedrenal graft function [...]post-operatively (see [...]3.2 Pharmacokinetic Properties). roche.com.pk |
让您的医疗保健提供者知晓您患有肝脏疾病或肾脏疾病也很重 要,因为此类问题可改变 APOKYN 在体内的效果。 apokyn.com | The convenient APOKYN pen uses a small, thin needle similar to that used by diabetes patients who need insulin injections. apokyn.com |
医卫建设计画」,包括办理「太平洋国家行动医疗团」 及「台湾卫生中心计画」、资助吉里巴斯「改善医疗 设备及提升医疗人员素质计画」、史瓦济兰「Raleigh Fitkin 纪念医院加护病房及肾脏科医疗设备计画」及 「首都医院检验报告资讯整合计画」、甘比亚「维多 利亚教学医院病房整建计画」、圣多美普林西比「疟 疾防治计画」、布吉纳法索「爱滋病暨传染病防治策 略计画」、圣露西亚「St. mofa.gov.tw | b. Medical care: Mobile Medical Mission program in the Pacific region and Taiwan Health Center Project; funding for Medical Equipment and Personnel Improvement Project in Kiribati, ICU and Nephrology Equipment Project for Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital and Capital Hospital Examination Report Information Integration Project in Swaziland, Victoria Teaching Hospital Ward Renovation Project in The Gambia, Malaria Control Project in São Tomé and Príncipe, Strategic Program for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Contagious Diseases in Burkina Faso, St. Jude Hospital Rebuilding Project in St. Lucia, and Drug Testing Center and Biochemical Lab Enhancement Project in the Dominican Republic. mofa.gov.tw |
高吸附值,滤除自来水中残留的余氯和水中的一些化合物形成三氯甲烷(这是公认的制癌物:魁北克市拉瓦勒大学的一个研究小组成员曼纽尔•罗德里格斯表示,这两种副产物有可能增加患肝癌、膀胱癌和肾癌的风险)。 kincle.net | High adsorption, the residual chlorine in tap water filter and water some of the compounds to form chloroform (this system is recognized carcinogens: Quebec City, Laval University, a research team member [...] Manuel Rodriguez said • These two by-products may increase the risk of liver cancer, [...] bladdercancerand kidney cancer risk). kincle.net |
注一: 残疾代号 (1)非短暂性室内倚靠轮椅活动 (2)四肢瘫痪 (3)过度活跃症 (4)需要在居所洗肾(5)弱视/失明 (6)弱听/失聪 注二: 综援,即综合社会保障计划援助金,但不包括只领取伤残津贴及高龄津贴 housingauthority.gov.hk | Note 1: Disability code: (1) Non-temporary indoor dependence on wheelchair for mobility; (2) Tetraplegia; (3) Hyperactivity disorder; (4) Need for peritoneal dialysis at home; (5) Visual impairment/blindness; (6) Hearing impairment/deafness. housingauthority.gov.hk |
维他命D对增加小肠壁对磷的吸收、增加肾小球对磷酸盐的再次吸收、保持血液中柠檬酸盐的正常的水平,以及避免氨基酸从肾而流失均有帮助。 vitagreen.com | It increases calcium [...] absorptionfrom thesmallintestine; promotes growth and mineralisation of bones and strong teeth; increases absorption of phosphorus through the intestinal wall and increases resorption of phosphates from the kidney tubules; maintains normal level of citrate in the blood; and protects against the loss of amino acids through the kidneys. vitagreen.com |