单词 | 肱二头肌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肱二头肌 —bicepsbicipital muscleSee also:二头肌 n—bicep n 二头肌—biceps muscle
肱二头肌非常 发达的健壮上臂需选用大号袖带。 suntechmed.com | Prominent biceps in a muscular upper arm require [...] a large cuff. suntechmed.com |
确保动脉指示箭头位于手臂内侧 肱二头肌 和 肱 三 头 肌之间的肱动脉之上。 suntechmed.com | Ensure the ARTERY arrow is over the brachial artery, between the biceps and triceps muscles on the inside of the arm. suntechmed.com |
肱二头肌的位于上述有关的三头肌。 institutododelta.com.br | The biceps are located above in relation to the triceps. institutododelta.com.br |
作为肱二头肌哑铃 ,弯曲臂的行为激动剂。 institutododelta.com.br | Brachial biceps acts as an agonist [...] in the act of bending arm with dumbbell. institutododelta.com.br |
在测量期间,缠有袖带的手臂应可自由活动 , 肱二头肌 和 肱 三 头肌的任何肌肉均 处于放松状态。 suntechmed.com | Keeps the cuffed arm motion-free and relaxed without any muscle tension in the biceps and triceps during the measurement. suntechmed.com |
这就是为什么这次我们将停止在一系列的提示成长我们倾向于在其中仍然停滞不前,一部 分 肱二头肌。 cn.500healthy.com | That is why on this occasion we will stop in a series of tips to grow a part in which we tend to [...] remain stagnant, the biceps. 500healthy.com |
第一次的一切让我们停止在你 oración t [...] 加载的方式,特别是在我们是如何分布的重量来影响更多的一部分或其它 的 肱二头肌。 cn.500healthy.com | First of all let's stop at how you oración t load, specifically in how we distribute the weight to influence more in one [...] part or other of the biceps. 500healthy.com |
抓住以这种方式哑铃,我们将会做什么会也倾斜的景观模式手,从而使不同的移动,来提高它的负载,使我们能够以不同的方式,比平常在工 作 肱二头肌。 cn.500healthy.com | To grab the dumbbells in this way, what we will do will also tilt the hands of [...] landscape mode and thereby make a different move to raise it load, allowing us [...] to work the biceps in a different [...]way than usual. 500healthy.com |
我们开展工作的二头肌时的练习是非常系统和重复性,所以有必要我们更改了例程次又一次,虽然可能并不总是太宽。 cn.500healthy.com | The exercises that we carry out [...] when working the biceps are very systematic [...]and repetitive, so it is necessary that we change [...]the routines from time to time, though the possibility are not always too wide. 500healthy.com |
使用手柄锤子是去行使时,不同的发展,尤其是当它要涉及其他手臂的肌肉或工作从一个角度不同于往常 的 二头肌 的 好 方法。 cn.500healthy.com | Using the grip hammer is a good way to get a different development of the exercise, [...] especially when it comes to involve [...] other muscles of the arm or work the biceps from an angle [...]different from the usual. 500healthy.com |
对于年轻患者,短轴最大 径线的测量通常定位于二尖瓣 瓣尖或腱索水平;而对 于较年长患者或成年人,定位于靠近心尖部的 乳 头肌 水平。 asecho.org | The maximum short-axis dimension is often located at [...] the level of the MV [...] leaflet tips or chordae in young patients and more apically at the level of the papillary muscles in older patients and some adults. asecho.org |
这就是为什么在这篇文章中的,我们希望看到一些变化,你可以使 用 二头肌 时 , 执行和因而甚至没有意识到促进他们的成长。 cn.500healthy.com | This is why in this post, we want [...] to see some variations that you can perform [...] when working the biceps and thus foster [...]their growth without even realizing. 500healthy.com |
我们建议的是会发生变化,我们要进行不同 的 二头肌 例 程的银行的支持。 cn.500healthy.com | What we propose is to vary the backing of banks in which we are going to [...] carry out the different bicep routines. 500healthy.com |
倾斜和下降他们是一个很好的选择,以及水平工 作 二头肌 或 逆 ,即支持我们前面反对银行的后面。 cn.500healthy.com | Tilt and decline them is a good alternative, as well [...] as working the biceps horizontally or [...]inverse, i.e. supporting us front against the back of the Bank. 500healthy.com |
肩胛骨的关节盂腔明确的肱骨解剖颈。 institutododelta.com.br | The glenoid cavity of the scapula articulates with the anatomical neck of the humerus. institutododelta.com.br |
在我们的病人中,最初的X光片,具有优越的迁移证 明 肱 骨 下 降ac ro m i o 肱 骨 距 离适中退行性改变。 jove.com | In our patient, initial radiographs exhibited [...] moderate degenerative changes with superior [...] migration of the humerus evidenced by a decreased acromio-humeral distance. jove.com |
尽管如此,我很高兴地 报告,随着 2010 年 1 [...] 月下旬综合外联战略获得批准,这一缺陷应能在黎巴嫩问 题特别法庭进入第二个年头时得 到成功纠正。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, I am pleased to report that, with the approval late in January 2010 of a comprehensive outreach [...] strategy, that flaw should be successfully remedied as the Special Tribunal for [...] Lebanon enters its second year of existence. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且,由于难以明确规定在怎样的范围内可 尝试对个人意见施加影响,她建议删除第一句和第 二句开头的“但是”一词。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, since it was difficult to establish exactly how far it was permissible to seek to influence [...] personal opinion, she proposed that the first sentence and the word “However” at the [...] beginning of the second should be deleted. daccess-ods.un.org |
冷水淋浴是收紧松弛肌肤的不二法门。 clarinsusa.com | Nothing revitalizes slackened skin like [...] a cool shower. clarinsusa.com |
股四头肌训练 是坐在地板上做的,在膝关节下放置两个卷起的毛巾,同时用力 下压 膝关 节后侧接触地面,保持5 秒钟,重复次(见图664D)。 iortho.com.my | Whilst pushing the back of the knee down into the towel as hard as possible, attempt to keep the entire surface of your leg in contact with the floor. iortho.com.my |
我们遵循《哈萨克斯坦 2010 年发展战略》的文字和精神,完成了 为 二 十一 世纪头 10 年确定的所有目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the letter and spirit of the Development [...] Strategy of Kazakhstan to 2010, we have fulfilled all the goals outlined [...] for the first decade of the twenty-first century. daccess-ods.un.org |
真相:有强有力的证据显示,每日摄入低剂量的阿司匹林可用于预 防 二 次 心 肌 梗 塞 或中风。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Fact: There is strong evidence-based support for daily intake of low dose [...] aspirin to prevent a second heart attack or stroke. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在 60 年代早中期,披头士还在第二录音室获得了巨大的成功,披头士与 Cliff 和 Shadows 几乎成为录音室的共有者,为录制时间发生善意的争吵。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The Beatles also found great success in Studio Two, and during the early-to-mid-'60s, The [...] Beatles and Cliff and The Shadows [...]became almost like joint owners of the studio, with friendly battles for recording time. bowers-wilkins.com |
第二天的讨论在头一天讨论的基础上,把重点放在了准则的形式和内容 上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Discussions during the second day focused on the [...] form and content of the guidelines drawing on the discussions from the first day. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些镜头有第 二元件,位于第一元件和胶片之间。 motion.kodak.com | Some lenses include a second element, positioned [...] between the first element and the film. motion.kodak.com |
在第二次世界大战后的头二十年 中,西欧国家和苏联的增长速度比美国快; 因此,这些区域的人均收入有一些趋同。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the first two decades after the Second World War, [...] the countries of Western Europe and the Soviet Union grew faster than [...]the United States; thus, there was some convergence in the per capita incomes of these regions. daccess-ods.un.org |
(二) 我們為肌肉萎縮症患者提供康復服務,目的是保持他們的獨立生 活和自顧能力,讓他們能夠繼續享受正常生活和社交活動。 legco.gov.hk | (b) Through the provision of rehabilitation services for PMDs, we seek to help them lead an independent life and maintain their self-care capacity, thereby enabling them to continue to enjoy normal life and social activities. legco.gov.hk |
从针对小腿、腿筋、股四头肌和臀肌的常规下肢伸展动作开始,转换至下腰部、腹部、胸部、背部、肩部、颈部,最后是手臂和前臂。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Begin with general lower limb static stretches for calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and gluts, moving on to the lower back, abdominals, chest, upper back, shoulders, neck and, finally, arms and forearms. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
法国、德国、意大利和大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国的平均失业率在 1970 年代平均为 3.5%,但在 [...] 1980 年代增加了一 倍多到 7.6%,在 1990 年代为 8.9%,在二十一世纪头十年为 7.7%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The average unemployment rate in France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland averaged 3.5 per cent in the 1970s but more than doubled in [...] the 1980s to 7.6 per cent, 8.9 per cent in the 1990s, and 7.7 per [...] cent in the first decade of the twenty-first century. daccess-ods.un.org |