单词 | 肯尼迪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肯尼迪—Kennedy (name)less common: J.F. Kennedy (1917-1963), US Democrat politician, president 1961-1963 Examples:杰奎琳・肯尼迪—Jacqueline Onassis Kennedy (1929-1994) See also:肯—agree consent be ready (to do sth) 尼—Buddhist nun (often used in phonetic spellings) 迪—enlighten 迪肯n—Deakinn
挚友国际由安东尼·肯尼迪·施莱佛先生于 1989 年创办,它充满生机,已经由初创时的一家协会组织发展到全球近 1500 家初中、高中和大学协会组织。 specialolympics.org | Founded in 1989 by Anthony K. Shriver, Best Buddies is a vibrant organization that has grown from one original chapter to almost 1,500 middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. specialolympics.org |
鉴于肯尼迪大使请求介绍CD/1889 号文件的最新情况,我想请自上周以来 收到本国政府反馈的各代表团介绍有关信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Bearing in mind AmbassadorKennedy’s request for an [...] update on the status of document CD/1889, I would like to invite delegations [...]that may have received reactions from their Governments in the period between last week and today to share any such information with us. daccess-ods.un.org |
详细讨论见《缅甸的电力供应:缺 [...] 失的发展前提》(Electricity in Myanmar: The missing [...] prerequisite for development),哈佛肯尼 迪学院和飞鹰基金为 Proximity [...]Designs 公司准备的文 件,2012 年 5 月。 crisisgroup.org | For a detailed discussion, see “Electricity in Myanmar: The missing [...] prerequisite for development”, paper prepared for Proximity [...] Designs byHarvard Kennedy Schooland Rajwali [...]Foundation, May 2012. crisisgroup.org |
肯尼迪信息公司的分析师Damien Blenkinsopp表示:“在2005年,对亚太地区的兴趣主要还是受各市场内部咨询需求和支持全球客户在亚太的业务来支撑。 tipschina.gov.cn | Even in 2005, interest in the APAC region was driven primarily by opportunistic servicing of growing domestic consulting demand in each market and the wish to support global clients in their endeavors in Asia Pacific," states analyst Damien Blenkinsopp. tipschina.gov.cn |
同样,在美利坚合众国,《2009 年爱德华·肯尼迪美国服务法》鼓励老年人为在日常生活中需要协助的其他老年 [...] 人提供服务,做有特殊需要的儿童的养祖父母。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, in the United States of [...] America, theEdwardM.Kennedy Serve America Act [...]of 2009 encourages older persons to serve [...]other older people who need assistance with daily tasks and to become foster grandparents to children with special needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼加拉瓜常驻联合国代表团向美国常驻联合国代表团致意,并告知 2010 年 6 月 7 [...] 日星期一尼加拉瓜常驻联合国代表玛丽·鲁维亚莱斯·德查莫罗女士阁下在 纽约市肯尼迪机场进入美利坚合众国时遭遇的不可接受和令人遗憾的事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the United Nations presents its compliments to the United States Mission to the United Nations and informs it of the unacceptable and regrettable incident that occurred when H.E. Ms. [...] María Rubiales de Chamorro, Permanent [...] Representative of Nicaraguato the United Nations, [...]entered the United States of America [...]on Monday, 7 June 2010 at JFK airport in New York City. daccess-ods.un.org |
司法部大楼于1934年启用,并于2001年更名为罗伯特·F·肯尼迪司法部大楼以纪念第64位司法部长罗伯特·F·肯尼迪。 cn.libertywestusa.com | The building first opened in 1934 and was renamed the [...] Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building in 2001 in honor of Robert F. Kennedy, the 64th Attorney [...]General of the United States. libertywestusa.com |
肯尼迪中心的 工作人员与人权奖得主合作,发起和支持可持续的社会正义运动,采用了创新手 [...] 段,包括诉讼;技术倡议;与不同政府、联合国、其他国际实体和非政府组织共 同倡议;发起旨在增强法人责任的消费者认识运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | RFK Centerstaff work with [...] laureates to initiate and support sustainable social justice movements using innovative tools [...]including litigation; technical initiatives; advocating with Governments, the United Nations and other international entities and non-governmental organizations; and launching consumer awareness campaigns aimed at fostering corporate responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 2010 年 6 月 10 日的照会,通知美国代表团在纽约肯尼迪国际机场发生 的不正当拘留尼加拉瓜常驻代表的事件(见附件一)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Note dated 10 June 2010, notifying the United States Mission of an incident that occurred at New York International Airport(JFK),where the Permanent Representative of Nicaragua was wrongfully detained (see annex I). daccess-ods.un.org |
约翰·肯尼迪总统曾经正确指出:“疏 漏不改,方为错误”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As PresidentJohn F. Kennedy once rightly said, [...] “an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it”. daccess-ods.un.org |
特奥会运动由尤妮斯•肯尼迪•施莱佛夫人于 1968 年创办,现已由最初的数百名运动员发展到逾 [...] 370 万名运动员,遍及世界各地的 170 多个国家/地区,常年举行各种体育训练、竞技比赛和其它相关活动。 specialolympics.org | Founded in [...] 1968by Eunice KennedyShriver, the Special [...]Olympics movement has grown from a few hundred athletes to more than [...]3.7 million athletes in over 170 countries in all regions of the world, providing year-round sports training, athletic competition and other related programs. specialolympics.org |
Schwarzman 先生是纽约市弗里克美术收藏馆理事以及肯尼迪表演艺术中心董事会名誉董事长。 china.ir.blackstone.com | Mr. Schwarzman is a Trustee of The [...] Frick Collection in New York City and Chairman Emeritus of the Board [...] of The John F. KennedyCenter for the [...]Performing Arts. ir.blackstone.com |
肯尼迪女士( 美利坚合众国)( 以英语发言) :主席先生,首先我想感谢你在过 [...] 去数周内发挥了作用,促进我们就面前的核心议题开展了良好讨论,当然我还想 对你继续就工作计划进行磋商表示称赞。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ms.Kennedy (United States of [...] America): Mr. President, first of all, I wanted to thank you for your role in facilitating [...]good discussions over the last few weeks on the core issues before us and also, of course, to commend you on your continuing consultations on a programme of work. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过描绘其童年所在地中国西南部建筑所提供的灵感,并凭借其工程学方面的经验,贝聿铭在美国完成了他的首批建筑作品,包括科位于科罗拉多州博尔德(Boulder)的美国国家大气研究中心(1961-67)、位于麻省波士顿的约翰肯尼迪图书馆(1965-79)以及位于华盛顿的美国国家美术馆东馆(1968-78)。 pekin.mae.lu | Drawing his inspiration from the domestic architecture of south-west China where he spent his childhood, and relying on his experience as an engineer, Pei realised his first major architecture projects in the United States with the National Center for [...] Atmospheric Research at Boulder, Colorado [...] (1961-67),the J.F. KennedyLibraryin Boston, [...]Massachusetts (1965-79) and the East [...]Wing of the National Gallery in Washington (1968-78). pekin.mae.lu |
肯尼迪女士将美国政府的特点概括为“再生的 多边主义者”,尤其是在外空领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | To sum up, Ms. Kennedy characterized [...] the USA administration as “born-again multilateralists”, especially in space. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过二十多年的密切合作,悉尼大学(University of Sydney)的伊万•肯尼迪(Ivan Kennedy)教授和安格森•克劳森(Angus Crossan)博士与天津科技大学的王朔教授(曾在棉花合作研究中心师从肯尼迪教授)共同研发出了针对水道农药污染的快速测试方法,并为其申请了专利。 australiachina.com.au | Working closely together over the past [...] 20 years, Professor [...] Ivan Kennedy and Dr Angus Crossan at the Universityof Sydney andProfessor Wang Shuo (a former graduate student of Professor Kennedy under Cotton CRC) at TUST have developed and patented a rapid [...]test for waterway [...]pesticide contamination, which is particularly relevant to China’s prodigious rice industry. australiachina.com.au |
2005年5月,肯尼迪中心的工作人员和蒙罗维亚大主教区教堂管理人员安德 鲁·卡尔恩利牧师会见了联合国官员,讨论利比里亚的人道主义和人权局势更加 [...] 全面的维持和平的办法;加强联利特派团的任务;设立建设和平信托基金的可能 性;报告利比里亚的人权状况时,使用国际人权法律框架的措辞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In May 2005, RFK Center staff and the [...] Reverend Andrew Karnley, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Monrovia, met [...]with United Nations officials to discuss the humanitarian and human rights situation in Liberia; a more integrated approach to peacekeeping; strengthening the UNMIL mandate; the possibility of a peacebuilding trust fund; and the incorporation of language from the international human rights legal framework when reporting on the human rights situation in Liberia. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,在肯尼迪信息公司的预测期里,即在2011年前中国信息服务市场的年复合增长率将超过20%,亚太地区总体上依然维持全球信息服务市场上增长最快的地位。 tipschina.gov.cn | Still the China consulting market is expected to achieve over 20% CAGR over the research's forecast period of 2011, and the Asia Pacific region overall maintains it status as the highest growth market in the consulting world today. tipschina.gov.cn |
班巴先生(科特迪瓦)(以法语发言):我刚 从亚的斯亚贝巴回来,在肯尼迪机场打出租车直奔 安理会,所以我请安理会谅解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Bamba (Côte d’Ivoire) ( spoke in French): I have just returned from [...] Addis Ababa and took a taxi directly to the [...] Council from John F. KennedyAirport, so I [...]would ask members to bear with me. daccess-ods.un.org |
James 先生还有多重其他身份,他是肯尼迪中心企业基金委员会副主席、第二舞台剧院执行委员会理事和成员、大都会艺术博物馆理事、Trout [...] Unlimited's Coldwater Conservation Fund 副主席、伍兹霍尔海洋研究所理事、国际野生生物保护学会理事、The [...]Montana Land Reliance 顾问委员会成员、美国芭蕾舞剧院理事会荣誉主席。 china.ir.blackstone.com | Mr. James is Vice [...] Chairman ofThe Kennedy Center Corporate [...]Fund Board, Trustee and member of The Executive Committee of [...]The Second Stage Theatre, Trustee of The Metropolitan Museum of Art , Vice Chairman of Trout Unlimited's Coldwater Conservation Fund, Trustee of Woods Hole Oceanographic, Trustee of Wildlife Conservation Society, Advisory Board member of The Montana Land Reliance, and Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees of American Ballet Theatre. ir.blackstone.com |
北京大学社会学博士,哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院MPA,西南政法大学法学硕士,2007年耶鲁世界学者。 fmcchina.com.cn | D. in Sociology from Peking University, MPA [...] from the John F. KennedySchoolof Government [...]in Harvard University, Yale World Visiting Scholar 2007. fmcchina.com.cn |
在一 次跟踪报导民主党总统竞选的过程中,我与一 位和蔼的曾参加过肯尼迪总统竞选的老资格政 治活动人士结为朋友。 americancorner.org.tw | On one Democratic presidential campaign, I befriended a genial political activist and [...] veteran oftheKennedy presidential races. americancorner.org.tw |
爱尔兰因其出众的手工艺技术、水晶工厂以及独特的时尚设计师而着名——比如蒂珀雷里水晶(Tipperary Crystal)的设计师路易斯·肯尼迪(Louise Kennedy)以及华登峰水晶(Waterford Crysta)的约翰·罗查(John Rocha)。 discoverireland.com | With outstanding reputations for excellent craftsmanship, the leading crystal companies embrace both traditional and contemporary styles following collaborations with some of Ireland's top fashion designers. discoverireland.com |
况管理手册》,Sandoz [...] Colombia;《灭鼠剂中毒治疗手册》(1995 年);肯尼迪医院“创伤和酒精”调查协议(1993 [...]年);哥伦比亚内科医学协会有关苯二氮治疗纲 要的一章(1992 年);多项其他研究协议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Manual on the Treatment of Intoxication by [...] Plaguicides(1995); Investigation protocol “Trauma and [...] Alcohol”, Hospital Kennedy (1993); chapter [...]on benzodiazepines, “Therapeutic Compendium” [...]of the Colombian Internal Medicine Association (1992); numerous research protocols. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了母语塞尔维亚语之外,耶雷米奇先生还精通英语,获得剑桥大学(联合王国)的理论物理科学学士学位和哈佛大学约翰•肯尼迪政府学院(美国)的公共行政硕士学位。 un.org | Fluent in English, in addition to his native Serbian, Mr. Jeremić holds a Bachelor of Science degree in theoretical physics from Cambridge University (United [...] Kingdom) and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard [...] University’s John F. KennedySchool ofGovernment [...](United States). un.org |
这一创新使DFS成为国际奢侈品零售业的领先者。DFS在全球拥有超过150个机场免 [...] 税店和其他机场零售店,位于香港,新加坡,冲绳,奥克兰,火奴鲁鲁,洛杉矶,纽约肯尼迪国际机场和旧金山国际机场等。 dfsgalleria.com | DFS operates more than 150 airport duty free and other airport retail stores worldwide, including [...] at Hong Kong, Singapore, Okinawa, Auckland, Honolulu, Los [...] Angeles, New York JFK and San Francisco [...]International airports. dfsgalleria.com |
2011年5月,人民解放军军乐团 [...] 来到美国,并与美国陆军乐团在国家的一些最重要场所——如约翰·肯尼迪表演艺术中心,纽约市林肯中心的艾弗里·费雪大厅以及联合国大会场地上演奏了一系列成功的音乐会。 embassyusa.cn | The Military Band of the People’s Liberation Army came to the United States in May 2011 and performed a series of successful concerts with The U.S. Army Band in some [...] of the nation’s most important venues [...] like theJohn F. Kennedy Centerfor the [...]Performing Arts, Avery Fisher Hall in New [...]York City’s Lincoln Center, and on the floor of the United Nations General Assembly. eng.embassyusa.cn |
包括在 1961 年创建了研究智能缺陷的肯尼迪专家组;1962 年发展了儿童健康与人类发展国家研究所;1967 [...] 年在美国的主要研究型大学中建立了大学附属设施网络和智力障碍研究中心;1971 年在哈佛大学和乔治城大学建立了重要的医德研究中心;20 [...]世纪 80 年代,她倡导将“社区关爱”作为青少年性格教育的理念,按照这一理念,随后在美国的 1,200 所公立和私立学校建立了 16 个“社区关爱”示范中心,并成立了“社区关爱”计划。 specialolympics.dev.1over0.com | These included the [...] creationof President Kennedy’s Panel onMental [...]Retardation in 1961, development of the National Institute [...]for Child Health and Human Development in 1962, establishment of a network of university-affiliated facilities and intellectual disabilities research centers at major research universities across the United States in 1967, and the creation of major centers for the study of medical ethics at Harvard and Georgetown universities in 1971. In the 1980s, she pioneered the "Community of Caring" concept as a character-education program for teens; this idea led to the creation of 16 "Community of Caring" Model Centers and the establishment of “Community of Caring” programs in 1,200 public and private schools across the United States. specialolympics.dev.1over0.com |
在“Hilaire 诉特里尼达和多巴哥”案对先决反对的裁定中,489 美洲人权法 [...] 院还指出,考虑到美洲人权公约目的和宗旨,特立尼达和多巴哥不能从其限制接 [...] 受法院管辖的声明中受益,而且仍然受到接受强制管辖的约束。490 罗尔·肯尼迪起诉特立尼达和多巴哥的个人来文向人权事务委员会提出了 [...]关于缔约国在重新加入《公民权利及政治权利国际公约》任择议定书时所提保留 的类似问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | 488 (9) In its judgment on preliminary objections in Hilaire v. Trinidad and Tobago,489 the Inter-American Court of Human Rights likewise noted that, in the light of the object and purpose of the American Convention on Human Rights, Trinidad and Tobago could not benefit from the limitation included in its instrument of acceptance of the Court’s jurisdiction but was still bound by its acceptance of that compulsory [...] jurisdiction.490 (10) With the individual [...] communication, Rawle Kennedy v. Trinidad and [...]Tobago, a comparable problem concerning a [...]reservation formulated by the State party upon reacceding to the First Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was brought before the Human Rights Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |