

单词 肯定











true affirmative (TA)


false affirmative


affirmative sentence


active conjoined sentence

See also:

be ready (to do sth)



External sources (not reviewed)

普遍定期审 议进程在挪威引起了广泛关注,有关许多问题的讨肯定续下去。
The universal periodic review process had received considerable attention in Norway and the discussions on many of the
[...] issues raisedwould surely continue.
我们不肯定章是否允许该组织为适应 平衡知识产权保护的收益与支出这一经济需求而调整其在发展中国家的工作方式。
We arenot sure thatthis mandate [...]
can be interpreted to allow WIPO to adjust its approach in developing countries to reflect
the economic need to balance the benefits and costs of IP protection.
战略规划编制局助理总干事在辩论后的答复中表示,他感谢对该文件提出的许肯定,并向代表们 保证本组织坚定地致力于两项全球优先事项,即非洲和性别平等。
In his response to the debate, ADG/BSP expressed his appreciation for the manysupportive comments given to the document and assured delegates of the firm commitment of the Organization towards the two global priorities, Africa and gender equality.
秘书长 2001 年关于预防武装冲突的报告(S/2001/574 和 Corr.1)则更进一步肯定防的重要性,即确认“预防冲突的主要责任在于各国政府及其他当地 参与者……”以及“联合国的主要作用是为发展国家及地区早期预警、预防冲突 和建设持久和平方面的能力提供支助,以帮助国家及地方政府找到解决各自的问 题的办法。
The 2001 report of the Secretary-General on the prevention of armed conflict (S/2001/574 and Corr.1) went a step further in recognizing the critical importance of prevention by acknowledgingthat “the primary responsibility for conflict prevention rests with national Governments and other local actors” and “The role of the United Nations is principally to assist national Governments and their local counterparts in finding solutions to their problems by offering support for the development of national and regional capacities for early warning, conflict prevention and long-term peacebuilding.
关于可以为援引提出的理由,援引豁免权的官员的所属国没有义务提出援 引豁免权的理由,但必肯定是它的官员,享有豁免权,并以官方身份履 职,或者该人是它的官员,享有属人豁免权,因为他占据高级职位,除了参与国 际关系以外,还必须履行对确保国家主权很重要的职能。
As regards possible grounds for invocation, the State of the official invoking immunity was not obliged to provide grounds for immunity other than to assert that the person in question was its official and enjoyed immunity having acted in an official capacity or that the person in question was its official who enjoyed immunity ratione personae since he occupied a high-level post which, in addition to participation in international relations, required the performance of functions that were important for ensuring that State’s sovereignty.
所以,我认为政府若不进 行全港性的调查,掌握问题的症结,而同时又不订定㆒个全面处理的方法和策略的话, 这个问肯定来十多㆓十年的计时炸弹。
In my opinion, therefore, if the Government fails to conduct a territory-wide occupancy survey, grasp the crux of the problem and, at the same time, devise a set of comprehensive measures and strategy to cope with the situation, this problem will certainly become a time bomb in 10 to 20 years' time.
第五,全球经济的相互依赖性——最近的危机 及其全球影响再肯定种相互依赖性的存在 ——要求国家、区域和国际各级之间、发达国家与 发展中国家之间、以及贸易、金融、货币、技术和 发展合作政策之间都要更加协调一致。
Fifth, global economic interdependence — the existence of which had been reaffirmed by the recent crises and their global impact — called for greater coherence between the national, regional and international levels, between developed and developing countries, and between trade, financial, monetary, technological and development cooperation policies.
无疑这是 公营医院之间的运作问题,随 医院管理局将各公营医院联网後,这将是各医院之间 的运作问题,肯定求医院管理局改善在运作㆖的安排。
No doubt this is an operational matter between the public hospitals, and with the networking between the various public hospitals in the Hospital Authority, this will be an operational matter between the hospitals andIshall certainly ask the Hospital Authority to improve their operational arrangements.
在这 两种情况中,要对本来可适用的豁免确定这种例外,其共同标准是,放弃豁免是 否肯定但是,这不应模糊这样一个事实,即确定豁免何时可以被排除在外 [...]
While in both cases, the common standard identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity was whether the waiver or renunciation was
“certain”, it should not obscure the
[...] fact that the determinationof when immunity [...]
was excluded was different, the issue
in the latter case being one of treaty interpretation.
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water
heater production,
[...] handed overto thedomestic each well-known trade mark sale, received marketthe affirmation, afterwe understood [...]
the water heater
left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
若极肯定资源将按经济的方 式提取,该等矿产资源将计入摊销。
Mineral resources are included in amortisation [...]
calculations where there is a high degree of confidence that they will be
extracted in an economic manner.
但是,我们可以毫无疑问肯定为使人们认识这一人类悲惨的历史提供了独一无二的机 会。
Nevertheless, it can certainly be affirmed that it afforded a unique opportunity to raise awareness of this sad chapter of human history.
关于达尔富尔存在 的禁运后生产的弹药,苏丹武装部队解释说,这些物肯定反叛运动自邻国 走私运进达尔富尔的和(或)是通过袭击达尔富尔地区之外的苏丹武装部队的营 地或与苏丹武装部队使用同样武器和弹药的警察部队而截取的。
Concerning the presence of post-embargo produced ammunition in Darfur, SAF explained that such materiel musthave been trafficked into Darfur by rebel movements eitherfrom neighbouring countries or following the materiel’s capture in attacks on SAF camps outside Darfur or on police forces that used the same weapons and ammunition as SAF.
与会者进一肯定规和非正规教育的重要性;正规教育有助于提供 明确的教学方针,而非正规教育则对其给予支持。
Participants further acknowledged the importance [...]
of both formal and non-formal education; formal education helps to give
clear pedagogical guidelines, while non-formal education supports the formal setting.
有鉴于目前政治和军事局势的最新事态发展,也 就是 4 月 29
日在班珠尔举行的区域部级联络小组会 议得出的结论和 5 月 3 日在达喀尔举行的西非经共体
[...] 国家元首和政府首脑特别会议发表的最后公报,几内 亚比绍合法当局要借此机会,再肯定谢西非经 共体为寻求公正解决 [...]
4 月 12 日军事政变导致的危机 所作的各种努力。
In the light of the most recent developments in the current political and military situation — namely, the conclusions from the regional ministerial contact group meeting held in Banjul on 29 April and the final communiqué of the extraordinary meeting of the ECOWAS Heads of State and Government Summit that took place in Dakar on 3 May — the legitimate
authorities of Guinea-Bissau take this opportunity to
[...] once again acknowledge andthank ECOWAS [...]
for its efforts to find a just solution
to the crisis caused by the military coup of 12 April.
这方面的谈肯定各方作出 大量的努力,但是,必须朝着彻底消除核武器的方 [...]
Such negotiations willsurely callfor extensive [...]
efforts, but the first step towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons must be taken.
委员会成肯定做的工作,并赞赏秘书处、世界银行和泰国政府为惠益以往会 议上提出的关切所采取的创新性办法,特别是强调正在出现的替代品以及因此产生的该提 案整个气候效应的提高。
Membersrecognized the work done and applauded the innovative approach takenby the Secretariat, the World Bank and the Government of Thailand to respond to the concerns raised at previous meetings, particularly the emphasis on emerging alternatives and the resulting improved overall climate impact of the proposal.
特别报告员认为,固然获得法律援助的权肯定际法的逐渐发展的一 部分,获得笔译和口译服务的权利是无可争议地确立了起来,只要作为法律的一 般原则看待就是了。
Whereas setting out the right to legal aid was certainly part of the progressive development of international law, the right to translation and interpretation was indisputably established, in the view of the Special Rapporteur, if only as a general principle of the law.
联合国土着人民权利宣言》在下列方面明肯定、事先和知情同意: 土着人民迁离其土地或领土(第 10 条);补偿被侵占的土着文化、知识、宗教和 精神财产(第 11 条第 2 款);在通过和实施可能影响土着人民的立法和行政措施 之前征求同意(第 19 条);补偿未经土着人民同意剥夺的土地或资源(第 28 条第 1 款);在其领土处置有害物质(第 29 条第 2 款);以及在批准影响到土着人民土地 或领土和其他资源的项目以前征得这种同意(第 32 条第 2 款)。
Free, prior and informed consent has been explicitlyaffirmed inthe United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in relation to the relocation of indigenous peoples from their lands and territories (article 10); redress with respect to the appropriation of their cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property (article 11, paragraph 2); obtaining such consent before adopting and implementing legislative and administrative measures that may affect indigenous peoples (article 19); redress for their lands or resources taken without their consent (article 28, paragraph 1); disposal of hazardous materials in their territories (article 29, paragraph 2); and obtaining of such consent prior to the approval of development projects affecting their lands or territories and other resources (article 32, paragraph 2).
回顾安全理事肯定列和巴勒斯坦两国在该区域中在安全和公认的边 界内毗邻共存的设想
Recalling theaffirmation by the Security [...]
Council of the vision of a region where two States, Israel and Palestine, live
side by side within secure and recognized borders
注意到人人享有环境卫生和水伙伴关系所做的努力肯定牵头的全面卫 生办法取得的成功,尤其是在倡导个人卫生、行为转变和环境卫生进步方面取得 的成功
Noting the effortsof the Sanitation and Water for All partnership, and acknowledging the successes achieved through the community-led total sanitation approach, particularly in the context of hygiene promotion, behavioural change and sanitation progress
该代肯定廷愿意这样 做的意愿,并敦促联合王国遵守联合国和其他国际机构的相关决议。
The representative recognized the willingness of Argentina [...]
to do so and urged the United Kingdom to comply with the relevant
resolutions of the United Nations and other international bodies.
As I prepare to step down as U.S. Ambassador to China,
I leave this country
[...] more certain than ever before that there is no relationship anywhere in the world, that [...]
is so full of potential
as this one- potential to do good if we focus our energies, potential to do harm if we let this opportunity pass us by.
In this analysis,
[...] "firm votes" is defined as likely voters who have already decided how to vote, [...]
while "stray votes" is
defined as likely voters who have not decided how they would vote, or those who would not support any candidates and might cast blank votes.
Our dedicated teaching team is committed to delivering an exceptional learning experience to all students, which was acknowledged in 2010 with three highly competitive Australian national teaching awards from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC).
但 是 在 实 际 层 面 上 , 我 们 认 为 不 论 银 行 在 这 具 体 事 宜 上 是 否 对 客 户 负 有 任 何 合 约 责 任 、 受 信 责 任 或 一 般 责 任 , 审 慎 的 业 务 常 规 是 由 银 行 知 会 其 公 司 客 户 根 据 现 行
有 效 的 法 律 , 只 有 使 用 某 些 字 眼 显 示 签 署 人 是 代
[...] 委 托 人 或 是 以 代 表 的 身 分 签 署 支 票 , 获 授 权 签 署 人 方 可 在 支 票 不 兑 现肯 定避 免 对 受 款 人 负 有 个 人 法 律 责 任 。
At the practical level, however, we consider that whether or not it may be said that bankers owe any contractual, fiduciary or general duty of care to their clients in this particular matter, it would be prudent banking practice for bankers to advise their corporate account holders that, as the law stands at the moment, it will only be the use of words indicating that the signatory signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a
representative character
[...] which will be certain to avoid the personal liability to the payee of the authorized signatory on a dishonoured [...]
company cheque.
[...] 为二零零九年增添很多不明朗的因素,特别是现在可肯定洲经济之未来增长亦会受到严重影响。
This took place, however, in the context of a credit crisis and subsequent
global economic slowdown that have created a
[...] great deal of uncertaintyfor 2009 – [...]
especially as it is now beyond doubt that
future growth in Asian economies will also be significantly affected.
它建议哥伦比亚政府(a) 深 化 与公民社会组织、人权扞卫者和少 数群体的联系 和对他们 的 支持, 确保其人 身 安 全 , 必 要时建立具 体机制,包括发表公开声肯 定在民主中的 重 要作用; (b) 努 力解决 贫困问题,关 注 社会最弱势群体,包括土着 群 体;(c) 继 续采取措 施 , 消 除 哥伦比亚革命武装力量和哥伦比亚民族解放 军 等非法武装团体以及“ 黑 鹰 ” 等 新 的准武装军事团体的影响, 并 在这样做时 遵守国际人道 主义法。
It recommended that the Government (a) deepen its engagement with and support for civil society actors, human rights defenders and minority groups, and ensure their safety, with specific mechanisms in place if necessary, including through supportive public statements on the important role they play in democracy; (b) increase its efforts to tackle poverty and give its attention to the most vulnerable groups in society, including indigenous groups; (c) continue to take measures to tackle the influence of illegal groups, including FARC, ELN and new and reforming armed paramilitary groups such as the Aguilas Negras, and that it does so while conforming to international humanitarian law.




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