单词 | 肩胛骨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肩胛骨—scapulashoulder bladeSee also:肩n—shouldern neckn shoulderspl elbown 胛—shoulder blade 骨n—bonen bonespl skulln 肩—shoulder (responsibilities etc)
肩胛骨的关节盂腔明确的肱骨解剖颈。 institutododelta.com.br | The glenoid [...] cavity of the scapula articulates with the anatomical neck of the humerus. institutododelta.com.br |
以右上腹痛为主要症状,向右肩胛部延伸,伴有食欲不振、乏力、腹胀、低热,恶心及黄疸等。 asiancancer.com | And the main symptom presents as [...] pain in right upper abdomen, which could [...] extends toright scapular regionand is [...]accompanied by poor appetite, lack of power, [...]abdominal distension, low-grade fever, nausea, jaundice and so on. asiancancer.com |
这个病人的影像学初步评估应包括肩胛插座视图,Grashey查看和腋窝查看。 jove.com | Initial radiographic evaluation of this patient [...] should includea scapular outletview, a [...]Grashey view, and an axillary view. jove.com |
对阿法南猿肩骨的一项分析提示,这些早期的人类祖先尽管是两足动物但也是非常活跃的攀爬者。 chinese.eurekalert.org | An analysis of theshoulder bones,ofAustralopithecus [...] afarensis suggests that these early human ancestors, although bipedal, [...]were also very active climbers. chinese.eurekalert.org |
梅头肉,又称猪肩肉或肩胛肉,是来自猪的前臂上半部丶较厚的部份。 daydaycook.com | Pork butt, or called collarbutt, is from the thicker partof upper shoulder. daydaycook.com |
从出演《小毕的故事》(Growing Up),至执导《艋胛》(Monga),钮承泽收获的不仅是身份的超越,更是他在转换人生角色中所收获的非凡成就。 piaget.com.cn | From the supporting actor in Growing Up, to the director of the film Monga, Doze not only changed roles, but also achieved extraordinary success. piaget.com |
高尔夫球手也常常抱怨慢性的下腰部、髋部(或骨盆)、膝部和肩部问题,这些病痛几乎总是由肌肉失衡、对齐问题或者旧伤直接引起的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Golfers also tend to complain of chronic [...] lower back,hip/pelvis,kneesandshoulder problems, which [...]are almost always as a direct result [...]of muscle imbalances, alignment issues, or previous injuries. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
根据患者骨质的不同,肩台成型钻的钻入深度也不一致。 sic-invent.com | The Crestal Drill is used at [...] different depths depending on thebone quality. sic-invent.com |
一名 53 岁男子左手、肋骨和右肩部发生骨折。 daccess-ods.un.org | A 53-year-old man sustained [...] fractures tothe left hand, ribs andrightshoulder. daccess-ods.un.org |
跟腱痛,动脉炎(下肢),动脉炎(上肢),风湿性关节炎,急性关节病,慢性关节病,关节水肿,间歇性跛行,扭伤,挫伤,术后疼痛,水肿减少,上髁炎(侧面),上髁炎(尺骨),急性血肿,肩周炎(冰冻肩),肌张力亢进,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,术后肌张力减退,下背痛,淋巴水肿,伯格病(间歇性失运动综合征),手足发绀,神经痛,雷诺综合征,短肌,弛缓性便秘,痉挛性便秘,脊柱侧凸,痉挛,强直性脊柱炎,慢性腱鞘炎,亚急性肌腱炎,肌肉刺激“白肌纤维”,肌肉刺激“红肌纤维”,激痛点—深层,激痛点—浅层,牙关紧闭症。 btlnet.cn | achillodynia, arteritis (lower limb), arteritis (upper limb), arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis acute, arthrosis chronic, arthrosis oedematous, intermittent claudication, distortion, contusion, pain postoperative, oedema reduction, [...] epicondylitis (lateral), [...] epicondylitis radial (ulnar), haematoma - peracute, periarthritis ofthe shoulder(frozen shoulder), hypertonia [...]muscular, hypotonia [...]muscular "phasic", hypotonia muscular "tonic", hypotonia muscular - postoperative, lumbalgia (low back pain), lymphoedema, Buerger, acrocyanosis, neuralgia, Raynaud's, short muscles, obstipation atonic, obstipation spastic, scoliosis, spasticity, ankylosing spondylitis, tendovaginitis chronic, tendinitis subacute, muscle tonization "phasic", muscle tonization 'tonic', trigger points – deep, trigger points – superficial, trismus btlnet.com |
虽然 这两个因素孰轻孰重可能难以确定,但显然是并肩而行的,必须以相辅相成的方 式加以落实。 daccess-ods.un.org | While it may be difficult to prioritize between those two factors, it is clear that they go hand-in-hand and must be made to work in a mutually reinforcing way. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,部分持续进行的工 [...] [...] 作包括:检讨小贩发牌政策;检讨公众街巿设施的供应;监察鱼类统 营处在屯门兴建新的鱼类批发巿场的工作;推展增加政府坟场、灵灰 安置所及火葬场的计划;寻求和推广处理骨灰的其他方法( 例如辟设新 的纪念花园) ;统筹各部门的控蚊工作,以防止登革热和日本脑炎的爆 发;将所有乡村旱厕改为冲水式厕所;以及修订《除害剂条例》以加 [...]强对除害剂进出口和使用的管制。 legco.gov.hk | Some of the current initiatives which require on-going efforts include: review of the hawker licensing policy, review of the provision of public markets, monitoring the construction of a new wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun by the Fish Marketing Organisation, taking forward plans to [...] provide more government [...] cemeteries, columbaria and crematoria, identifying and promoting the use of alternative options for humanash disposal [...](e.g. provision [...]of new Gardens of Remembrance), co-ordinating the anti-mosquito efforts of various departments to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever and Japanese Encephalitis, converting all aqua privies into flushing toilets, and amending the Pesticides Ordinance to strengthen control on the import and export as well as the use of pesticides. legco.gov.hk |
既然我们建议采纳 食品法典委员会订定的最高残余限量,作为本港食物中残余除害剂最高 残余限量的主要骨干,为确保相关的最高残余限量是与食物分類兼容 的,我们建议在制定新规管方案的分類制度时,亦參照食品法典委员会 的食物分類方法。 cfs.gov.hk | As it is proposed to adopt Codex MRLs as the backboneof the local set of MRLs for pesticide residues in food, to ensure compatibility, it is also proposed to make reference to Codex when developing such classification system under the new regulatory framework. cfs.gov.hk |
就资歷组别 9 而言, 薪常会注意到公务员与私营机构学位职位的薪俸结构不同(即私 营机构的学位职位一般在數年後会有较大幅度的加薪),基於这 个资歷组别的职位会成为公务员队伍的骨干,政府必须维持这个 资歷组别职位的竞争力。 legco.gov.hk | For QG 9, the Standing Commission has noted, in particular, the differences in the salary structure of degree jobs in the civil service and the private sector (viz. degree jobs in the private sector generally enjoy a larger jump after a few years) and the importance to maintain the competitiveness of jobs in the QG which form the backbone of the civil service, etc. legco.gov.hk |
我在 2010 年公布的关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告(A/64/742-S/2010/ 181)中提出的关切事项是,据称从肯尼亚东北省招募肯尼亚索马里青年男子和男 孩,还在肯尼亚招募达达布难民营的索马里难民,与过渡联邦政府在索马里并肩作战。 daccess-ods.un.org | In my annual report on children and armed conflict issued in 2010 (A/64/742S/2010/181), I raised the concerns about the alleged recruitment of young Kenyan Somali men and boys from North-eastern Province in Kenya, as well as Somali refugees from Dadaab refugee camp, in Kenya, to fight alongside the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,执行秘书还突出强调了把各种协调工作框架正规化所具有的 价值,包括亚太区域协调机制,以期增强亚太经社会在其工作的所有层面上 与其他利益攸关方实行的问责和进行的协调,并使联合国大家庭得以在区域 一级携手一体完成所肩负的使命。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the Executive Secretary highlighted the value of formalized frameworks for coordination, including the Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM), to enhance accountability and coordination with other stakeholders in all aspects of the work of ESCAP and to bring the United Nations family together to deliver as one at the regional level. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,我们已运 用财务委员会( 下称「财委会」) 转授的权力,由 2004 年 2 月 29 日起, 在环境运输及工务局开设一个首长级乙级政务官编外职位( 首长级薪级 第 3 点 ) ,出任人员须肩负下述职务︰协助监察合并事宜督导委员会和 合并事宜管理委员会的运作情况;监察商议工作的进度,并跟进需要 政府提供意见或资料/采取行动的事宜,以协助进行商议工作;就商 议过程中涉及合并建议的各项运输事宜,作出政策上的指引;与主要 的相关机构和人士保持联络;以及与财经事务及库务局合作,一同处 理合并建议的估值和财务事宜,并一起管理政府为合并计划委聘的顾 问的工作。 legco.gov.hk | Against this background, one supernumerary post of AOSGB (D3) has been created in the ETWB under delegated authority from Finance Committee (FC) with effect from 29 February 2004 to help oversee the operation of the merger steering committee and the merger management committee; to monitor the progress of the negotiations and follow up on matters that may require the Government’s input/actions to facilitate the negotiations; to provide policy guidance on a whole range of merger-related transport issues arising from the negotiations; to maintain liaison with major stakeholders as well as to work hand in hand with the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) on the valuation and financial aspects of the possible merger and the management of Government’s consultant(s) for the merger exercise. legco.gov.hk |
a) 就“除害剂”和其他相关词彚采用与食品法典委员会一致的定义; b) [...] 制定最高残余限量和再残余限量名单,以食品法典委员会建议的最高残余限量 /再残余限量为骨干,并采纳食品法典委员会的食物分類方法; [...]c) 对於没有订明最高残余限量/再残余限量的除害剂,除非食环署署长信纳检测 到的除害剂残余水平不会危害或损害公众健康,否则不容许输入和售卖含有这 [...]類除害剂的食物; d) 制定获豁免物质名单; e) 接受增加/修订最高残余限量和获豁免物质的申请; f) 让拟议规例与《除害剂条例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害剂注册作出配 合;以及 g) 拟议规例会在兩年宽限期届满後生效。 cfs.gov.hk | a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits [...] (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by [...] Codex as the backbone as well as [...]the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To [...]prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the proposed Regulation after a two-year grace period. cfs.gov.hk |