单词 | 肝脏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肝脏 noun —liver disease nSee also:肝 n—liver n • pancreas pl • hepatic n 脏—viscera • filthy • (anatomy) organ
该代表团指 [...] 出,中国和欧洲共同体是世界上最大的猪肉生产国和消费国,在中国和亚洲其他国家, 消费者通常喜爱食用包括肺和肝脏在 内 的动物内脏。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation pointed out that China and the European Community were the largest producers and consumers of pig meat in the world and [...] that, in China and other Asian countries, animal internal organs, [...] including lungs and liver, were also regularly consumed. codexalimentarius.org |
黄疸是肝脏问题或 肝炎的一个症状。 hesperian.org | Jaundice [...] is a sign of liver problems or hepatitis. hesperian.org |
在老鼠身上进行的研究显示,反复吸入高浓度的某些烯烃硫化物会 对 肝脏 、 肺 脏 、 肾 脏和鼻甲造成影响。 cn.lubrizol.com | Studies in rats show that repeated inhalation of some olefin [...] sulfides at high concentrations can [...] cause effects in the liver, lungs, kidneys and nasal [...]turbinates at high concentrations. lubrizol.com |
食品添加剂联合专家委员会秘书处忆及,在其开展的莱克 [...] 多巴胺残留暴露评价工作中,食品添加剂联合专家委员会采取了一个非常保守的方法, 该方法也是考虑肾和肝脏,如果其他组织如肺或肠能吃,就可以把审议的组织一揽子考 [...]虑而不是单项增加。 codexalimentarius.org | The JECFA Secretariat recalled that in its exposure assessment for ractopamine residues JECFA had [...] taken a very conservative approach that [...] also takes kidney and liver into account, and that [...]if other tissues would be consumed, [...]such as lung or intestines, they would replace the tissues being considered in the food basket rather than be added. codexalimentarius.org |
2) 少喝软饮料:此外,最新研究(包括 《 肝脏 病 学 》杂志2009年刊登的一项研究在内)显示,饮用软饮料(普通饮料和减肥饮品)是导致人们患上酒精性脂肪肝的一个重要因素,并且不受其他风险因素的影响。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | 2) Consume less soft drinks: In addition, recent [...] studies, including one published in 2009 [...]in the Journal of Hepatology, have shown [...]that soft-drink consumption (both regular and diet), to be a strong predictor of developing NAFLD, independent of other risk factors. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这种POR(细胞色素P450氧化还原酶)条件性靶向性敲除不会 在 肝脏 表 达细胞色素P450还原酶,这样,对药物体内分布起重要作用 的 肝脏 细 胞 色素P450变得无效。 tipschina.gov.cn | This conditional, targeted knockout of [...] Por does not express cytochrome P450 reductase in the liver, and thus liver cytochrome P450s, known to play a major role in drug [...]disposition, are inactive. tipschina.gov.cn |
上述结果表明,山地麻蜥躯干、肝脏 以 及 腹脂肪体能值的年变化与繁殖和冬眠关系密切,繁殖期雄体适度贮能有利于提高运动的敏捷性;雌体适度贮能有利于增加繁殖输出,提高野外生存和适应性[动物学报 49(2):191~197,2003]。 actazool.org | Proper energy storage in breeding season of male would be help for to strengthen the ability of quick movement, while, that of female would be increase reproductive output and improve survival and fitness[Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(2):191-197,2003]. actazool.org |
上述结果表明:高剂量的VE降低了中华鳖幼鳖的生长和血清皮质醇的含量;在一定剂量范围内 , 肝脏 V E 随 着 饲料中VE含量的增加而升高[动物学报 [...] 49(1):40~44,2003]。 actazool.org | These results suggest that high doses of vitamin E reduce growth rates and serum [...] cortisol levels in juvenile soft shelled [...] turtles, and that liver vitamin E increases [...]with increasing dietary vitamin E within [...]certain limits[ Acta Zoologica Sinica 49(1):40-44,2003]. actazool.org |
41 ]肝脏 支持系统Prometheus(普罗米修斯) 把典型的透析过程和吸附治疗结合在 一起。 fresenius100.de | 41 ] The liver-support system Prometheus combines a typical dialysis procedure with an adsorber treatment. fresenius100.de |
枸杞是一种分布在中国南方的灌木。枸杞子味甜微酸,在传统中医药领域扮演着重要的角色,可以刺激人体免疫系统,提高视力,促进血液循环,保 护 肝脏。 clarinsusa.com | The fruit of a shrub found mainly in southern China, goji berry has a sweet, acid-like taste and plays an important role in traditional Chinese [...] medicine where it is used to stimulate the body's immunity system, improve sight, boost [...] circulation and protect the liver. clarinsusa.com |
在生长受限大鼠胰腺,肌肉,肝脏和 脂肪组织中的缺陷进行了研究,以确定这些变化如表遗传学改变的作用的分子机制。 zh-cn.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | Defects in [...] the pancreas, muscle, liver and adipose tissue [...]in growth restricted rats are studied to determine the molecular [...]mechanisms underlying these changes such as the role of epigenetic alterations. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
实验研究结果显示,长期摄取某几类邻苯二甲酸酯,即邻苯二甲酸二辛酯、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、邻苯二甲酸丁苄酯、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯和邻苯二甲酸正辛酯,可能会危及健康,包括 对 肝脏 、 肾 脏 、 生殖系统和发育生长造成毒性损害。 forum.gov.hk | Studies have shown that chronic exposure to some phthalates, namely diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), di-isononyl phthalate (DINP), di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP), may [...] result in adverse health effects, [...] including toxicity to the liver, kidney, as well as the [...]reproductive and development systems. forum.gov.hk |
一份题为《一种新型多倍人源化小鼠系模型中人体孕烷X受体及细胞色素P450 [...] 3A4介导的药物交互作用的定量预测》的文件表明该小鼠模型可用于根据PXR配体诱导CYP3A4在人 体 肝脏 表 达 的效力对其进行排序。 tipschina.gov.cn | The paper, entitled "Quantitative prediction of human pregnane X receptor and cytochrome P450 3A4 mediated drug-drug interaction in a novel multiple humanized mouse line," demonstrates [...] that the mice can be used to rank PXR ligands according to their potency to induce [...] CYP3A4 expression in the human liver. tipschina.gov.cn |
其他疾病,例如采采蝇传播的昏睡病,如果不予治疗则会致人死命。微小的白蛉传播的利什曼病也是如此,如果致病的寄生虫侵 入 肝脏 和 脾 脏的话。 project-syndicate.org | Other diseases, such as sleeping sickness, transmitted by tsetse flies are [...] fatal if untreated, as [...] is leishmaniasis, if the parasites that cause it – transmitted by tiny sandflies – invade the liver and spleen. project-syndicate.org |
2005年,刊登在《英国医学》杂志上的一项研究发现,每天饮用10杯或更多杯绿茶能够改善患者 的 肝脏 转 氨酶水平;可能这样的饮茶量有点太多了,大多数人无法长期保持这种饮茶习惯。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | One study published in 2005 in the British Medical Journal [...] found improved liver transaminase levels [...]in patients that consumed 10 or more [...]cups of green tea per day; probably a bit too much green tea for most individuals to sustain long-term. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
据发表在10月17日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在坦桑尼亚的感染了人类免疫缺陷性病毒(HIV)的病人中,与给予标准剂量的多种维生素补充剂相比,在开始具有高度活性的抗逆转录病毒疗法后给予高剂量的多种维生素补充剂不会减少HIV疾病进展的风险或死亡率,但却会导致某 种 肝脏 酶 水 平增高的不良反应。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Tanzania, high-dose multivitamin supplementation after beginning highly active antiretroviral therapy did not reduce the risk of HIV disease progression or death compared with standard-dose multivitamin supplements, but did [...] result in the adverse effect of increased [...] levels of a certain liver enzyme, according [...]to a study in the Oct. 17 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
承担包括所有手术室费用、麻醉师费用、手术费用及医院杂项费用等 进行肾脏、心脏、肝脏、肺或骨髓移植手术的全部合理且必需的医疗 费用。 hsbc.com.cn | Include all expenses of operating theatre & materials, anesthetists, surgeon and hospital service relating to the transplantation of heart³ kidney³³ or bone marrow. hsbc.com.cn |
例如布鲁士菌病(brucellosis),患者会持续发烧;钩端螺旋体病 [...] (leptospirosis),影响患者的皮肤、眼部、肌肉、 肾 脏 和 肝脏 ; 莱 姆病 (Lyme Disease),经壁虱叮咬传播,引致发疹,随后更出现神经、心脏和关节异常。 hsbc.com.hk | Examples include brucellosis (a disease marked by prolonged fever), leptospirosis (a [...] disease that can affects the skin, eyes, [...] muscles, kidneys, and liver) and Lyme Disease [...](a disease spread by tick bites that [...]can cause a characteristic skin rash followed later by neurologic, cardiac, or joint abnormalities). hsbc.com.hk |
丙型肝炎是通过血液对血液的接触来传染,而且可以造 成 肝脏 受 损 以及肝癌。 mhahs.org.au | Hepatitis C is transmitted through blood-to-blood contact and [...] can cause liver damage and liver cancer. mhahs.org.au |
在这个地区有一个特殊的面料含能材料堆积在甘油三酯的形式,这些化合物是最有效的释放约9.3千卡/克,比只有4.1千卡/克提供的糖原储存 在 肝脏 和 肌 肉组织。 institutododelta.com.br | In this region there is a special fabric energetic material that accumulates in the form of triglycerides, these compounds are most [...] efficient release by about 9.3 kcal / g versus only 4.1 kcal / g supplied by [...] glycogen stored in liver and muscle tissue. institutododelta.com.br |
作者在书中探讨了该疗法适用的各种疾病,从轻微的皮肤问题和胃部不适以至严重的心脏、 肾 脏 和 肝脏 疾 病 等。 wdl.org | The author discusses such remedies in relation to a wide range [...] of ailments, from minor dermatological problems and stomach upsets to serious [...] diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver. wdl.org |
胶体金 [...] (198Au)用于放射治疗胸膜或腹膜的渗出物和膀胱癌,即用在需要不溶性放射药物均匀照射不规则的表面时;胶体金也被用于各种诊断目的,例如骨髓扫描 或 肝脏 与 肺 脏造影,即将胶体金装满要研究的器官后,再用闪烁照相法进行观察;金箔用于烧伤皮肤的治疗;金蒸汽激光用于胃癌、肺癌的治疗。 scgfx.com | Colloidal gold (198 Au) used for radiation treatment for pleural or peritoneal exudate and bladder cancer, which is in need of insoluble radiation drug even illuminate the irregular surface; Gold particles were also used in all [...] kinds of diagnostic purposes, such as [...] bone marrow scan or liver and lung imaging, is [...]full of colloidal gold to study after [...]organ, garnish with flash photography to observe the law; Gold foil for the burned skin treatment; Gold steam for stomach, laser of cancer treatment. scgfx.com |
如果您患有慢性乙型肝炎,您的医生可能会进行更多检查来确定您 的 肝脏 是 否 已经受损以及您是否需要服用药物。 mhahs.org.au | If you have chronic hepatitis B, your doctor may order more tests to see if there has been damage to your liver and if you need [...] to take medications. mhahs.org.au |
欧盟对肉类和奶类中链霉素的最大残留限量作出了明确的规定,其中,肌肉 和 肝脏 中 不 得超过500 ppb,肾脏中不得超过1000 [...] ppb,奶类中不得超过200 ppb。 r-biopharmrhone.com | The EU-regulations for streptomycin are [...] fixed in MRLs (maximum residue limits) for meat and [...] milk (muscle and liver: 500 ppb, kidney: 1000 [...]ppb and milk: 200 ppb). r-biopharmrhone.com |
辛娜拉sculymus”大的消除利尿和尿酸,风湿 , 肝脏 疾 病 和作品,在消化,增加胆汁分泌和降低血压。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Cynara sculymus" Great Eliminator diuretic and uric [...] acid, rheumatism, liver disorders and works [...]in the digestive, increases bile secretion and lowers blood pressure. en.arteblog.net |
胰蛋白酵素缺陷为儿童中常见的遗传 性 肝脏 疾 病 ,可能会在成人中造成肝硬化及肝癌。 chinese.eurekalert.org | This is the most [...] common genetic liver disorder in children and can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [...]in adults. chinese.eurekalert.org |
手术切除是胆管癌患者获得长期生存的机会,胆管癌的治疗原则是可切除病例以手术切除为主,术后配合放疗及化疗,以巩固和提高手术治疗效果,对于不能切除的晚期病例,应施行胆道引流手术,以解除胆道梗阻、控制胆道感染、改 善 肝脏 功 能 、减少合并症、延长生命、改善生活质量。 asiancancer.com | Surgical resection can obtain long-term survival chance for bile duct cancer patients and the principles for bile duct cancer treatment is that surgical excision is given the most priority as long as [...] it is feasible; postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy is also given to stabilize [...] and improve the treatment effect. asiancancer.com |