

单词 肝胆相照

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1978年实行改革开放以来,根据形势和任务的变化,中国共产党明确多党合作是中国政治制度的一个特点和优势,确立了中国共产党与各民主党派“长期共存、互相监督 肝胆相照 、 荣辱与共”的十六字方针,提出了一整套关于多党合作和政治协商的理论和政策,使坚持和完善多党合作制度成为中国特色社会主义理论和实践的重要组成部分。
After the reform and opening-up policies were adopted in 1978, the CPC, in light of the changes in the situation and tasks, made it clear that
the multi-party cooperation system is a
[...] basic feature and advantage of China's political [...]
system, and set forth the principle
of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with sincerity and sharing each other's weal and woe" to guide its relations with the other eight parties.
经过国际培训的肠胃科医师可帮助患者处理各种可能影响胃、食道、肠及包括胰 肝 、 胆 囊 等 相 关 内 脏器官在内的消化系统问题或功能紊乱。
Our internationally trained Gastroenterologist is available to help our patients deal with a wide array
of issues or
[...] disorders related to the digestive system, which might be affect the stomach, esophagus, intestines, and many associated organs including [...]
the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.
孩子現年分別兩歲及 8 個月。G 太太 的丈夫患肝病,無法照顧子 女,但這個母親卻要返回㆗國。
The children are now aged two and eight months respectively, and her
[...] husband suffers from liver disease so he cannot [...]
take care of the babies.
不过,可以使用手持式 FLIR 照相机,这类照相机可 以提供不受专用飞 机限制的便携式遥感系统。
However, handheld FLIR cameras are available which can [...]
provide a portable remote sensing system that is not limited to dedicated aircraft.
胆囊癌晚期则可有肝脏肿大、肝占位、腹水、恶病质等表现易 肝 癌 、 胰腺癌 胆 管 癌 等 相 混。
The patients of late stages may develop the symptoms like swelling liver,
space occupying lesion of liver, ascites, caahexy
[...] and so no, which are easily mistaken as liver cancer, pancreas cancer and bile duct cancer
根据特别规定, 该实体从第一次活动开始,就应 照相 应的 增值税税率开具增值税发票。
From the first activity they have to issue invoices with the proper VAT rate, according to special regulations.
(f) 董事會可議決,按溢價配發將予配發的股份,惟溢價須入賬列為
[...] 分段予以運用的金額外,及就其中所載而言,董事會須將其可釐 定的股份溢價賬的進賬額及任何部份本公司未分派利潤(包括轉 入任何儲備或其他特別賬項作為進賬的利潤)撥充資本及予以運 用,該筆款相等於 將予配發股份的溢價總額,並須連同根據上 文(e)分段將予運用的款項一併運用,及 照 其 中 所載基準用於悉 數繳足向選擇股份持有人配發及分派的適當數目的未發行股份。
(f) the Board may resolve that the shares to be allotted shall be allotted at a premium provided that the premium is credited as fully paid up and in such case the Board shall in addition to the amount to be capitalised and applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above, and for the purpose therein set out, capitalise and apply out of the amount standing to the credit of the share premium account or out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to
the credit of any
[...] reserve or reserves or other special account) as the Board may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate amount of the premium on the shares to be allotted [...]
and shall apply the
same together with the sum to be applied pursuant to sub-paragraph (e) above and on the basis therein set out in paying up in full the appropriate number of unissued shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the Elected Shares.
建立了胆泻肝丸(Longdanxiegan pill,LDXGP)三波长融合高效相色谱 (HPLC)指纹图谱,以系统指纹定量法全面鉴定LDXGP的质量。
The three wavelength fusion high performance liquid chromatographic fingerprints (TWFFP) of Longdanxiegan pill (LDXGP) was established to identify the quality of LDXGP by the systematic quantified fingerprint method.
[...] 对欧洲而言,这个挑战是:要表明它能够改革其援助 和贸易战略,体现出真正的进步性;对非洲联盟而言, 这个挑战是:它必须以上个世纪赢得解放过程中所带 有相同勇 气,迎接本世纪的机遇;对以色列人和巴 勒斯坦人而言,这个挑战是:他们必须采取 胆 步 骤 , 来到谈判桌前,谋求实现持久和平;对伊朗和叙利亚 而言,这个挑战是:它们必须给予本国人民以其所应 有的自由;对联合国而言,这也是一个挑战。
So the events of this year present a challenge to all of us — a challenge to Europe to show it can reform its aid and trade strategy to be truly progressive; a challenge to the African Union, to meet the opportunities of this century with the same
courage that won
[...] liberation in the last; a challenge to the Israelis and Palestinians, to take the bold steps to come to the table and make lasting peace; a challenge to Iran and [...]
to Syria, to give their
peoples the freedoms they deserve; and a challenge to the United Nations.
黄疸:胆石永久地生长胆总管,使 胆 汁 积聚 于 肝 脏 , 流入血液。
Jaundice: Gallstone becomes permanently lodged in the main bile
[...] duct and bile backs up in the liver and spills into the blood.
但最常见是消化系统令肠道及胃部不适,包括:便秘、肚泻、溃疡、消化不良 胆 囊 、 胰腺 肝 脏 出 现问题,缺乏酵素可令消化力弱令丧失胃口。
Disorders of the
[...] gall-bladder, pancreas and liver can be a source of slow [...]
digestion from a lack of enzymes, and this in turn can cause appetite loss.
由于舌头各部位分别与人体的肾、脾(胃) 肝胆 、 心(肺)等脏腑对应,医生可从检查您的舌头来分析您的健康状况。
Various parts of the tongue correspond to different organs, such as the
[...] kidney, the stomach, liver and the gallbladder.
一般认为当病变累及胆囊肌层时应该进行扩大清扫手术,包括切 胆 囊 附近 的 肝 脏 组 织及肝十二指肠韧带的软组织并对引流胆囊区域的淋巴结进行清扫,当怀疑 肝 外 胆 道 受累时可以考虑 肝 外 胆 管 切 除。
Generally it is thought that when the muscular layer of gallbladder is infected, the region has to remove should
[...] extend, including liver tissues closed to gallbladder and soft tissues of hepato-duodenal ligament, and extra-hepatic and biliary excision should be performed when the extra-hepatic bile tract of a patient [...]
is involved.
胆管癌是指源肝外胆管,包括肝门 区 至 胆 总 管下端的恶性肿瘤。
Bile duct carcinoma originates from
extrahepatic bile duct and includes
[...] malignant tumor located from hepatic hilar region to the lower end [...]
of common bile duct.
手术切除是胆管癌患者获得长期生存的机会,胆管癌的治疗原则是可切除病例以手术切除为主,术后配合放疗及化疗,以巩固和提高手术治疗效果,对于不能切除的晚期病例,应施行胆道引流手术,以解 胆 道 梗 阻、控 胆 道 感 染、改 肝 脏 功 能、减少合并症、延长生命、改善生活质量。
Surgical resection can obtain long-term survival chance for bile duct cancer patients and the principles for bile duct cancer treatment is that surgical excision is given the most priority as long as it is feasible; postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy is also given to stabilize and improve the treatment effect.
[...] 不规范,延绳钓渔业的确有潜力在捕鱼时不对生境造成严重损害,并 照相 对节 省能源的方式进行。
While bottom-set longlines may snag and damage benthic epifauna and irregular objects on the bottom, longline fisheries do
offer the potential to conduct fishing without severe habitat damage
[...] and to do so in a relatively energy-conscious manner.
如果某位選民 是在囚人士並以其在香港的最後居住地方或入境事務處根
據《人事登記規例》( 第 177A 章 ) 最後記錄他的居住地址作 選民登記,而選舉登記主任有合理理由信納該選民已刑期 屆滿及離開監獄,但沒有通知
[...] 選舉登記主任其新住址,則 選舉登記主任須照相關法 例所訂的程序將該選民的姓名 [...]
For an imprisoned person who used his last dwelling-place in Hong Kong at which he resided or the address last recorded under the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap 177A) as the address for registration as an elector, if the ERO is satisfied on reasonable grounds that he has served his sentence of imprisonment and left the prison without reporting his new residential address to the ERO, the
ERO must enter his name and address on the
[...] omissions list according to the procedures [...]
prescribed in the relevant legislation.
(c) 按照相关国际协议,便利照相互商 定的条款和条件转让适当和可负担 的技术,以发展清洁能源和可持续能源技术。
(c) Facilitate the transfer of appropriate and
[...] affordable technology under mutually agreed terms and conditions [...]
for the development of clean
and renewable energy technologies in accordance with relevant international agreements.
然而,现已照相关规 范和原则,根据多年的实践、经验和 借鉴,制订了指导人权和国际人道主义法问题实况调查与调查的方法规则,使这 些源于各种法律根据的不同机构具有共同性和连续性,并确保提交正确的分析、 报告和建议,为国际应对危机局势行动提供事实依据。
However, the methodological tenets that guide human rights and IHL fact-finding and investigations, as developed on the basis of relevant norms and principles and through many years of practice, experience and learning, provide commonality and continuity to these different bodies, whatever their legislative authority, and ensure the production of sound analysis, reports and recommendations to inform international responses to crisis situations.
未来科学技术公用研究中心的后藤仓史教授、大学院医学系研究科现金外科的里见进教授、大学院医学系研究 肝胆 胰 外科的海野伦明教授等人的研究小组,针对因胰动静脉畸形引起急性腹膜炎从而施行胰脏全摘除手术的患者,通过对其施行自体胰岛移植手术成功地恢复了患者的胰岛素产生能力。
A research group led by Professor Masafumi Goto at New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Professor Susumu Satomi at Division of Advanced Surgical Science and Technology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Professor Michiaki Unno at Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine has successfully increased insulin productivity by the pancreatic islet autotransplantation for a patient after undergoing an emergency surgery to remove the whole pancreas due to acute peritonitis caused by pancreatic arteriovenous malformation.
消化内科将对食道、胃、大肠、腹腔 肝 、 胰脏 、 胆 道 系统等消化系统疾病进行广泛治疗。
Gastroenterology treats broad digestive diseases such as esophagus, stomach, large
[...] intestine, abdominal cavity, liver, pancreas, biliary teact, etc.
发达国家应提出与其推动谈判所有 方面尤其是农业谈判取得进展的承 相 一 致的 大胆 提案
The developed States should put forward bold proposals which were consistent with their commitments to bring about progress in all aspects of the negotiations, especially the agricultural sector.
这组在沙漠中使用胆色彩的照片在 Cape Town’s Atlantis Dunes拍摄完成的。
This editorial of bold colors in the sand was [...]
shot in Cape Town’s Atlantis Dunes.
(2) 任何該等委員會照相關規 例以及實現委員會獲指定的目的(而非其他目的)所 [...]
作的所有行為須具有猶如董事會作出的相類效力及作用,董事會徵得本公司股東大會的同意 後,須有權給予任何該委員會股東酬金,且將此酬金按本公司經常支出入賬。
(2) All acts done by any such
[...] committee in conformity with such regulations, [...]
and in fulfilment of the purposes for which
it was appointed, but not otherwise, shall have like force and effect as if done by the Board, and the Board shall have power, with the consent of the Company in general meeting, to remunerate the members of any such committee, and charge such remuneration to the current expenses of the Company.
有时医生要求检测载脂蛋白A-Ⅰ(与高密度脂蛋 相 关 -“ 胆 固 醇 )与载脂蛋白B-100水平,通过载脂蛋白A/载脂蛋白B的比例得到另外的危险信息。
Sometimes doctors will order
[...] both Apo A-I (associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) - the "good" cholesterol) and Apo B-100 [...]
levels to get a ratio
of A/B to obtain additional risk information.
新独立国家在发出继承通知确立其缔约国地位时,可 照相 关 准则,对一缔 约国或一缔约组织提出的保留提出反对,即使被继承国未曾作过这样的反对。
When making a notification of succession establishing its status as a contracting
State, a newly independent State may, in
[...] accordance with the relevant guidelines, formulate [...]
an objection to reservations formulated
by a contracting State or a contracting organization, even if the predecessor State made no such objection.
(ii) 非上市投資包括可供出售財務資產及按公允價值透過損益列賬的財務資產的公允價值乃 照相 關 投資的市價或 類似投資的現行市場價值或相關淨資產的預計未來現金流入按折現率折現釐定,該折現率反映現時市場評估的 時間值及資產之特有風險。
(ii) The fair value of unlisted investments including available-for-sale financial
assets and financial
[...] assets at fair value through profit or loss is determined by reference to the market prices of the underlying investments, [...]
the current market
value of similar investments or the estimated future cash flows generated from the underlying net assets discounted at a rate that reflects current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks specific to the assets.
照相当于 《示范法》第 21(1)(e)条的规定,法院授权外国管理人对 债务人在澳大利亚的所有资产进行管理和变现,下令任何人不得执行债务人财 [...]
产上的抵押权,占有债务人财产的质权或留置权持有人可以继续占有,但不得 出售或以其他方式执行该留置权或质权。
[...] to the provision equivalent to art. 21 (1)(e) [...]
of the Model Law, the court entrusted the administration and realisation
of all of the debtor’s assets in Australia to the foreign representatives, ordered that no person could enforce a charge on the property of the debtor and that a pledge or lienholder in possession of the property of the debtor could continue in possession, but could not sell or otherwise enforce the lien or pledge.
着重指出国际合作对于促进公平和可持续的工业发展模式十分重要, 认识到企业界包括私营部门在加强工业部门蓬勃发展进程中的作用,着重指 出,在这一进程中,外国直接投资非常有用,并认识到,在这方面,有利的国内 环境对于筹集国内资源、提高生产率、减少资本外流、鼓励私营部门以及吸引和 有效利用国际投资和援助至关重要,创造这种环境的努力应得到国际社会的支 持,又认识到照相互商 定的条件向发展中国家及经济转型国家转让技术十分
Recognizing the role of the business community, including the private sector, in enhancing the dynamic process of the development of the industrial sector, underlining the importance of the benefits of foreign direct investment in that process, and recognizing also, in this regard, that an enabling domestic environment is vital for mobilizing domestic resources, increasing productivity, reducing capital flight, encouraging the private sector and attracting and making effective use of international investment and assistance and that efforts to create such an environment should be supported by the international community
就道路安全领域 而言,本次级方案将协助各成员国努力制定道路安全的总体目标、具体目标 和指标,并为此与相关国家和次区域组织开展网络联系,同时努力贯彻执行照相关的 全球授权向所涉区域委员会提出的任务要求。
In the area of road safety, the subprogramme would help member countries to set and work towards achieving road safety goals, targets and indicators by networking among national and subregional organizations, as well as following up on requests to regional commissions originating in global mandates.




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