单词 | 肝功能 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肝功能 noun —liver function nSee also:肝 n—liver n • hepatic n • pancreas pl 功能 n—function n • functions pl • functionality n • feature n • capability n 功能 pl—capabilities pl • functionalities pl
雖然肝硬化 會 影 響 肝 功 能,但 病 人 可以稍 為等候,而 設 立 輪 候 名冊便 [...] 是 這個原因。 legco.gov.hk | Although [...] cirrhosis will affect liver function, this type of patients [...]can still wait a little and this is the reason why [...]waiting lists are established. legco.gov.hk |
此指定 “孤儿”罕见病药物所针对的疾病包括任何可导致急 性 肝功能 衰 竭 的病种。 excorp.com | This Orphan-Drug Designation may cover any and all disease [...] entities, which lead to acute liver failure. excorp.com |
在香港,肝功能及肝酵 素水平正常的病者中,更有 34%發現有嚴重肝纖維化的現象。 hkbh.org.hk | In Hong Kong, 34% of patients with normal [...] reading in liver function tests and liver enzymes are [...]told to have severe liver fibrosis. hkbh.org.hk |
特殊族群之劑量指示請見 2.5.3 老年人之使用,2.5.4 腎功能受損及 2.5.5 肝功能受 損。 roche.com.tw | For dosage instructions in special populations, please refer to sections 2.5.3 Geriatric Use, [...] 2.5.4 Renal Impairment and 2.5.5 Hepatic Impairment. roche.com.pk |
痛風、關節炎、風濕、高血脂、高膽固醇、高血壓、肥胖、糖尿病 、 肝功能 差 、 體內毒素高、便秘、素食者等 organicmama.com.hk | Gout, arthritis, rheumatism, high blood lipids, [...] high cholesterol, high blood pressure, [...] obesity, diabetes, poor liver function, high toxins, constipation, [...]vegetarian etc. organicmama.com.hk |
肝功能检查 :用于检查肝脏健康状况的系列验血。 parkwayhealth.cn | Liver Panel: a series of blood tests that measure how healthy the liver is. parkwayhealth.cn |
4、检查全身情况,必要时查肝功能及 肾 功能。 asiancancer.com | 4、Have a general [...] examination, and check the liver and renal function if it is necessary. asiancancer.com |
产品 组成 肝功能紊乱, 视力日益减弱, 如上所述的慢性代谢紊乱, 症状与酒精中毒一致, 如脂肪变性和硬化. advanced-energy.com | Ensure that collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste product, containers and rinsate complies with all applicable laws and regulations. advanced-energy.com |
因為很多草本食品在服食後 會影響肝功能,是對人體有害的。 legco.gov.hk | It is because the consumption of many herbal food [...] products will affect liver functions and is harmful to [...]the body. legco.gov.hk |
结论 131I治疗Graves甲亢合并肝损害疗效良好,联合应用保肝药物可促进患 者 肝功能 的 恢 复。 zhhyx.com.cn | Conclusions131I therapy is a good choice for [...] Graves′ disease patients [...] with hepatic dysfunction; combined with hepatic protective drug, it can promote the recovery of hepatic function. zhhyx.com.cn |
日本近畿大學的久輔度德教授在其研究中表示,乳酸菌的主要生理作用為改善消化不良的問題,但其最有力的生理功效卻是提高人體的免疫能力,以作疾病感染的預防;乳酸菌尚能增加體力體能、輔 助 肝功能 及 改 善肝排 毒 功能 、 防 止動脈硬化,甚至有抑制癌細胞繁殖的功效。 organicmama.com.hk | Professor Hisasuke from Kinki University said, one of the physiological role of Lactobacillus is to improve digestive problems, but its powerful physiological effect also improve the immunity and prevent the disease; Lactobacillus is [...] capable of increasing physical [...] healthiness, supporting liver function (detoxification), preventing [...]arteriosclerosis, and [...]even inhibiting cancer cells multiply. organicmama.com.hk |
此外,他汀類可能會影響肝功能,所 以病人需要服用期間定時接 受 肝功能 的 測 試。 hsbc.com.hk | Furthermore, statin may [...] affect the liver function and therefore patients require regular liver function test during [...]treatment. hsbc.com.hk |
研究發現,益菌對治療:消化系統問題、皮膚、便秘 、 肝功能 、 動脈硬化、甚至抑制癌細胞之繁殖均有顯著功效。 organicmama.com.hk | The study found that probiotics have significant [...] positive effects on: digestive problems, [...] skin, constipation, liver function, arteriosclerosis, [...]and suppression of the reproduction of cancer cells organicmama.com.hk |
排毒現象,通常發生于肝功能較差 或腸胃功能不佳的人。 gnetrading.com | This is detoxification process, usually experienced by [...] those with weaker liver function and poor digestive system gnetrading.com |
当感染时间持续超过6个月,他们就是感染了慢性乙型肝炎。感染乙型肝炎的婴儿,90%会感染成慢性乙型肝炎,可造成肝脏受损 、 肝功能 衰 竭(肝脏无法正常运作)以及有时成年后导致肝癌。 mhahs.org.au | When the infection lasts for more than 6 months, the person has developed chronic hepatitis B. 90% of babies who get hepatitis B will develop [...] chronic infection which can cause liver [...] damage, liver failure (where the liver can’t [...]work properly) and sometimes liver cancer when they are adults. mhahs.org.au |
貧血、肝功能差、 體內毒素高、糖尿病、經期症候群、素食者、便秘、高血脂、高膽固醇、高血壓、肥胖等人士 organicmama.com.hk | People who have anemia, poor liver function, heavy toxins, diabetes, [...] premenstrual syndrome, vegetarian, constipation, high [...]cholesterol level, high triglyceride level, high blood pressure & over-weight organicmama.com.hk |
如果只是 輕微肝硬化 , [...] 進 行 肝 臟移植手術 的風險 是 很 大 , 但 得益卻很小;如果 肝功能 很差, 手 術 的風險 很 大 , 得益亦只很小, 因為死亡率很高, [...]因此必須平 衡 兩 者 , 看看何時進 行 手 術 才 是 最好。 legco.gov.hk | If the cirrhosis is only minor, the risk of performing a liver transplant [...] operation is very great but the benefits derived from it are minimal. legco.gov.hk |
悉尼大学的附属教学医院皇家阿尔弗雷德王子医院(Royal Prince Alfred Hospital)是澳大利亚最大的肝功能衰 竭 和癌症治疗中心,也是澳大利亚肝脏移植小组(Liver Transplant Unit)的所在地。 australiachina.com.au | The University of Sydney’s affiliated teaching hospital, Royal [...] Prince Alfred Hospital, is [...] the largest liver failure and cancer treatment centre in Australia and home of Australia’s Liver Transplant Unit. australiachina.com.au |
虽然铜是人体所需的一种基本的营养微量元素,但EPA发现,当人们对铜的摄入量超过干预水平时(即使只是在相对较短的时期内),即可能造成以下健康问题:胃肠不适 、 肝 肾 功能 受 损 及贫血。 cn.lubrizol.com | Although copper is an essential nutrient which is required by the human body in very small amounts, the EPA has found copper to potentially cause the following health effects when people are exposed to it at levels above the Action [...] Level (even for relatively short periods of time): stomach and [...] intestinal distress, liver and kidney damage and anemia. lubrizol.com |
手术切除是胆管癌患者获得长期生存的机会,胆管癌的治疗原则是可切除病例以手术切除为主,术后配合放疗及化疗,以巩固和提高手术治疗效果,对于不能切除的晚期病例,应施行胆道引流手术,以解除胆道梗阻、控制胆道感染、改 善 肝 脏 功能 、 减 少合并症、延长生命、改善生活质量。 asiancancer.com | Surgical resection can obtain long-term survival chance for bile duct cancer patients and the principles for bile duct cancer treatment is that surgical excision is given the most priority as long as [...] it is feasible; postoperative radiotherapy or chemotherapy is also given to [...] stabilize and improve the treatment effect. asiancancer.com |
此后,卵黄囊的造血干细胞出现在胚体的血循环中,造 血 功能 相 继 在胚胎胸腺 、 肝 、 脾、骨髓(可能还包括肾)中产生。 actazool.org | Later in development, hemopoietic stem cells in the yolk sac migrate via blood vessels [...] and yolk sac [...] hemopoietic activity is succeeded by development of the fetal thymus, liver, spleen and bone marrow [...](possibly kidney). actazool.org |
根据由雅加达心血管研究中心所做的针对VEGETA的临床研究表明,采用“随机控制研究”法,让被调查对象每天补充3袋VEGETA,结果表明,总体的有害胆固醇水平降低了,排便也通畅了,且同时未对甘油三酸酯、电解液、和血糖水平 、 肝功 、 肾 脏 功能 等 构 成影响,且也未检测到任何严重的副作用。 enesis.com | Based on clinical analysis study on Vegeta at one of the cardiovascular centers in Jakarta, supplementations of 3 sachets of Vegeta everyday using “randomized double blind controlled study” method, it is concluded that Vegeta could reduce the total and bad cholesterol levels, and helped defecating process, without affecting [...] triglyceride, electrolyte, fasting [...] blood sugar levels, liver and kidney functions, and there were [...]no serious side effects detected. enesis.com |
活肝宝LIVERPROTEK是功能性浓 缩食品(FFC),配方自各种高质量、天然、著名而且被广泛研究的护肝成份:奶蓟草、姜黄及蒲公英,为肝细胞提供最佳保护,有助肝脏排毒及再生。 nulife.com | LIVERPROTEK is a Functional Food Concentrate (FFC), formulated with highest quality natural active liver protector concentrates, [...] coming from [...]the world’s most researched and renowned milk thistle, turmeric and dandelion, which help to protect, detoxify and regenerate the liver. nulife.com |
過量攝入某些除害劑,可能對健康帶來急性的不良影響 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和三唑磷可能影響神經系統) ,至於其他除害劑,則有資 [...] 料顯示可能對動物的健康產生慢性的不良影響( 例如﹕林丹可能影響肝 臟和 腎臟﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影響胎兒發育) 。 cfs.gov.hk | Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause [...] chronic adverse health effects (e.g. [...] lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and dicofol [...]may affect foetal development) in animals. cfs.gov.hk |
食品添加剂联合专家委员会秘书处忆及,在其开展的莱克 [...] 多巴胺残留暴露评价工作中,食品添加剂联合专家委员会采取了一个非常保守的方法, 该方法也是考虑肾和肝脏, 如果其他组织如肺或 肠 能 吃 , 就可以把审议的组织一揽子考 虑而不是单项增加。 codexalimentarius.org | The JECFA Secretariat recalled that in its exposure assessment for ractopamine residues JECFA had taken a very [...] conservative [...] approach that also takes kidney and liver into account, and that if other [...]tissues would be consumed, such as lung or intestines, they would [...]replace the tissues being considered in the food basket rather than be added. codexalimentarius.org |
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高 [...] (1),另一个输入端信号为低 (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降” 功能 既 无 法借助于前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程通讯的输入端或串口实现。 highvolt.de | If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the [...] other control input, the "Manual/Auto" [...] and "Raise/lower" functions are not possible [...]with either the F keys on the front panel [...]or the inputs for remote messages or serial interface. highvolt.de |
秘 书 长 先 前 关 于 企 业 资 源 规 划 系 统 实 施 战 略 的 提 案 [...] (A/62/510/Rev.1,第 40 至 45 段)建议,企业资源规划项目的设计、建 [...] 立、测试和部署将分两波进行:第一波为期 30 个月,于 2010 年底完 成,建立遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)所需 要的财务、人力资源、采购和资产管理等核 心 功能 ; 第 二波为期 24 个 月,主要是成果管理制、风险管理、运输和差旅等其 余 功能 的 设 计-建 立-测试-部署。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General’s previous proposals on the ERP implementation strategy (A/62/510/Rev.1, paras. 40–45) suggested that the ERP project would be designed, built, tested and deployed in two waves: the first to be completed over a 30-month period by the end of 2010, for the core finance, human resources, procurement and asset management functions required for compliance with the International Public [...] Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and a second wave [...] over a 24-month period for design-build-test-deployment of the remaining functions, such as results-based management, risk management, transportation [...]and travel. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编的先决条件而提出的各项基 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散; 成 功完 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的民主管理和监督,统一军队并建 立 能 够 发 挥作用和属于共和国的科特 迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国各地的权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of [...] former combatants and [...] dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and [...]republican Ivorian armed [...]forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country. daccess-ods.un.org |