单词 | 肚腩 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肚腩 noun —belly nSee also:肚 n—belly n • stomach n • knead n 腩—brisket • spongy meat from cow's underside and neighboring ribs • erroneously translated as sirloin • belly beef 肚—tripe
現時最出名的是說服人食數粒 丸,便可瘦肚腩,我想,如果這樣奏效,大家便可以健康得多了,但實 際上是否這樣呢? legco.gov.hk | Now, it is most popular for advertisements to persuade consumers to take several pills to achieve the effect of reducing the size of a belly. legco.gov.hk |
我亦奉勸立法會三大男高音 ─ 不是,應該說三大“大肚腩”, 即是 Abraham、黃定光和黃容根,我希望你們減“車軚”。 legco.gov.hk | I must at the same time exhort the three tenors of the Legislative Council …… No, I [...] should say the three big tummies. legco.gov.hk |
如果太胖,褲頭會窄得好像令我不能呼吸, 『 肚腩 』 凸出來也不好看。 news.gov.hk | Otherwise, I cannot button up my [...] trousers due to my big belly,” Cheuk-cheung said. news.gov.hk |
這樣走來走去,其實是非常健康的 ─ 我 當然不敢說我們的“三大高音”少走路,所以才有 “ 肚腩 ”。 legco.gov.hk | I of course dare not say that "the three tenors" of the Legislative [...] Council have big "tummies" because they seldom walk. legco.gov.hk |
以前是 800 加侖, 現在則是 650 加侖,但勝在可裝載泡沫滅火劑,以及水箱位於機身底部一個 [...] 固定位置,而不是用水桶載水,即水箱位於飛機的"bell y" ( 肚腩 ) 內。 legco.gov.hk | Before, a helicopter carried water with a bucket but it can now carry fire foam and the [...] water tank is in its "belly". legco.gov.hk |
太殘忍了,盧森堡目前被看作是D組的 魚 腩 。 理 由很充分:除了壹場友誼賽戰勝斯洛伐克,盧森堡從2008年至今還沒有過勝利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Cruelly, Luxembourg is currently seen as the patsy of Group D. And for good reason: except for a friendly win against Slovakia, Luxembourg haven’t had a victory since 2008. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
附加食物: 鐵板烤蝦 ($35), 香脆豬腩肉 ($30) 或 辣椒雞肉 ($25)。 ilovelkf.hk | ADD: Shrimp a la Plancha [...] $35, Crispy Pork Belly $30 or Chili Rubbed [...]Chicken $25. ilovelkf.hk |
当粮食紧缺时,老年人往 往自己饿肚子,让家人先吃。 daccess-ods.un.org | When food is scarce, older persons tend to compromise their own access in [...] favour of other family members. daccess-ods.un.org |
司長可知道, 如 果 香 港沒有 漁農業,他在演 辭 中 提 到 的 雲 吞 便 毫 無 地 道可 言 , 因為無 人會供應鮮蝦肉 和 鮮豬腩肉 作 雲 吞 料 。 legco.gov.hk | However, I wonder whether the Financial Secretary is aware that if Hong Kong should have no agriculture and fisheries industry, the wonton noodle he mentioned in his Budget speech would be so delicious, as nobody would be supplying us with fresh shrimp and fresh pork required to make the wonton fillings. legco.gov.hk |
我認為最好的方法是,如果要立法便有立法的目的,要破解一些 [...] 因為不論是中小企貨源不足,或買票打算吃“雞鵝飯”或 “牛雜飯”,最 後只有“牛腩飯” 的問題 如果我認為這是不合理,我要“雞鵝飯” [...] 卻給我“叉雞飯” 如果我不“收貨”,我是可以控告該商戶的。 legco.gov.hk | To tackle problems of a lack of supply faced by SMEs, or shops only left with brisket with rice after I paid for rice with chicken and goose or rice with ox offal ― [...] If I consider it unreasonable to be given [...] rice with roast pork and chicken when [...]I ordered rice with chicken and goose and [...]refused to accept any replacement, I can file a case in court against that shop. legco.gov.hk |
試想想,當醫生正 在為病㆟把脈或為肚子不 適的病㆟檢查,又或者有位牙醫正在替病㆟拔牙,而另㆒隻手, 卻拿 [...] 電話筒,嘗試回答有關本條例草案的問題,而本條例草案又是這樣的複雜,連我自 己也不得不承認,在理解方面感到困難。 legco.gov.hk | Just imagine, a doctor feeling the pulse of a [...] patient or a tummy of somebody with tummy ache, or a dentist [...]trying to pull out teeth on [...]the one hand and holding a telephone on the other, trying to answer questions relating to the current Bill, which is so complicated that I, myself, have to admit that I have difficulty to apprehend. legco.gov.hk |
太残忍了,卢森堡目前被看作是D组的 鱼 腩 。 理 由很充分:除了一场友谊赛战胜斯洛伐克,卢森堡从2008年至今还没有过胜利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Cruelly, Luxembourg is currently seen as the patsy of Group D. And for good reason: except for a friendly win against Slovakia, Luxembourg haven’t had a victory since 2008. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
在格鲁吉亚, [...] 我们在过去曾看到我们的国家受到腐败现象的侵蚀, 但幸运的是,我们仍然能够填饱肚子 , 仍然有能力把 我们自己组织起来,反对那些认为中饱私囊乃领导者 [...]权利的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Georgia, where we saw corruption destroying [...] our nation, we were fortunate to still [...] have food in our bellies and the ability [...]to organize ourselves to fight against those [...]who believed that self-enrichment was a right of leadership. daccess-ods.un.org |
有一天,他負責炸一塊約8斤重的腩肉 , 他事先已向僱主說那塊肉 太大,問僱主是否應該切開,但僱主不准他那樣做。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, he had told his employer that the meat was too big and wondered if he should cut it into smaller pieces. legco.gov.hk |
他們多進食高脂食物如排骨、牛腩及 雞 翼等食物;而不少被訪者在進食雞肉時,往往連皮吃下 [...] -- 這些食物同樣含高飽和脂肪,對心臟健康構成極大威脅。 hkupop.hku.hk | They enjoy eating high fat food including spare [...] ribs, beef briskets, and chicken [...]wings with skin -- all contained high saturated [...]fat and are not healthy for the heart. hkupop.hku.hk |
拒 付 一 碗牛腩麵的 十 元八塊尚且 如此, 如 果 是 欺詐性地逃避租金, 在舉證 方面儘管會 有 困難, 但 我想請問政 府 仍 會 否 考慮 在檢控 或 法例檢討方面下 些 工 夫 ? legco.gov.hk | Although there are difficulties in terms of onus of proof, will the Government consider making efforts in prosecution or review of legislation? legco.gov.hk |
財務委員會在 2005 年 6 月批准把 177CL 號工程計劃「沙田新市 鎮-餘下工程」提升為甲級,按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用為 4 億 9,160 萬元,以提供主要的基礎設施,包括道路網絡、排水和排污 系統,用以為沙田水泉澳區和九肚區 提 供基礎設施。 legco.gov.hk | In June 2005, the Finance Committee approved the upgrading of 177CL “Sha Tin New Town - remaining engineering works” to Category A at an estimated cost of $491.6 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide the essential engineering infrastructure, including road network, drainage and sewerage system, to support the planned development at Shui Chuen O and Kau To, Sha Tin. legco.gov.hk |
我曾經在此 [...] 要求局長看看周刊,香港每星期有很多周刊,當中很多廣告都是關於纖 體、瘦身、美容、減肥及服食消腩丸 等。 legco.gov.hk | I have once appealed to Directors of Bureaux here in this Council to read weekly magazines, as many of these magazines published in [...] Hong Kong carry a lot of advertisements on slimming, beautification, downsizing [...] and consumption of belly reduction pills. legco.gov.hk |
剛才也有同事說過,鄰近香港的日本和南 韓,在 1970 年代,根本是被我們香港“格食格”的,日本的足球隊都是“魚 腩”, 但為甚麼它現在可以變得這麼厲害呢? legco.gov.hk | As some Honourable colleagues just mentioned, in the 1970s, the football teams of our neighbouring countries, Japan and South Korea, were always defeated by the Hong Kong teams. legco.gov.hk |
以美 國 為 例,在舉辦 94 年世界 盃 之 前,美 國人根本對英 式 足 球 完全不 感 興 趣 , 美 國國家隊 差 不多被 喻 為“魚腩 部 隊 ” , 水 準不值 一 提 。 legco.gov.hk | In the United States, for instance, before hosting the 1994 World Cup, Americans were not at all interested in English soccer. legco.gov.hk |
大家也知道,因為戰後經濟未完全恢復,所以大牌檔的食物皆以“平、 [...] 靚、正”作招徠,所以不拘小節、不分中西,甚麼菜式也有,奶茶、西多士 [...] 又有,潮州粉麪、豬肉、豬骨、豬紅粥又有,四寶麪、清湯 牛 腩 又 有 ,鑊氣 十足的小菜如豉椒炒蜆亦有 ─ 劉江華議員似乎有點垂涎 [...]─ 後來更 把咖啡和奶茶混合起來而創製了香港獨有的“鴛鴦"。 legco.gov.hk | And a wide variety of dishes, Chinese or Western, could be found on the menu, ranging from milk tea and French toast, to Chiu Chow noodles and congee with pork, pork bone [...] or pig's blood, to four-treasure noodle [...] and braised beef brisket in soup, to dishes [...]fresh from the wok such as stir-fried [...]clams in black bean and pepper sauce ― Mr LAU Kong-wah seems to be drooling now ― to the subsequent Hong-Kong-created "Yuanyang" by mixing coffee and milk tea. legco.gov.hk |
我們當時在大球場觀看球賽,香港隊 隨時可以打敗韓國和日本隊,而日本隊更是我們口中所說的“ 魚 腩 ” , 即隨 便可以吃它“幾啖”,而且是“啖啖肉”。 legco.gov.hk | At that time, we watched the matches in the Hong Kong Stadium and the Hong Kong team could beat the Korean and Japanese teams easily. legco.gov.hk |
講究環保及健康的食材選擇,餐廳使用本地少有的無荷爾蒙豬全隻製作主要的豬肉及意大利麵菜式,包括:「Nose to Tail Bolo」豬肉醬、小牛與牛尾蕃茄醬,吉烈炸豬心以及意式慢烤豬脾及 豬 腩 肉 配辣椒芥辣醬Rotisserie Porchetta等;意大利麵條和辣肉腸則由餐廳員工每天在開放式工作間內九小時不停製作;換上臭草、鴨蛋黃、蝦乾醬等地道食材的菜式,連同配上七十二度熱朱古力融和棉花糖雪糕和餅乾、蘋果果醬批配蘋果焦糖、有機甜薯奶油餅、乳酪意大利雪糕等的自製甜品,全都成為菜譜上的獨特選擇。 think-silly.com | Fused with local flavours such as fragrant grass, salt cured egg yoke and fried shrimp diavola, desserts include hot chocolate served in seventy-two degrees, mixed with candy floss ice cream and biscuit; and apple caramel, organic sweet potato cream, yogurt gelato. think-silly.com |
於是,他小心地把 腩肉放進油鑊,但意外發生了,當肉掉進油鑊時,油濺到他的臉上,他 的臉因此被灼傷,幸好眼睛及其他重要器官沒有受傷,他就此報了工 傷。 legco.gov.hk | Fortunately, his eyes and other essential organs were not injured. legco.gov.hk |
反 觀香港,對於年青人的這類創意活動,即使有,可以說亦唯一只是每年的年 宵市場,讓年青人學習擺賣,例如售賣一些“ 豬 腩 肉 咕 ”等。 legco.gov.hk | But in Hong Kong, for such innovative activities involving the young people, even if there are such things around, it can be said that the only example is the Lunar New Year Market where the young people can learn to sell things. legco.gov.hk |
我們即使 是 到 茶餐廳, 吃 了一碗牛腩麵便從後門 走去,法律 上也是可以控 以 欺詐性地逃避責任的 罪名的,即 fraudulent evasion of liability, 這是屬 於 刑 事行為。 legco.gov.hk | If a person leaves a restaurant through the back door after having a bowl of tenderloin noodle, he can be prosecuted for fraudulent evasion of liability which is a criminal offence. legco.gov.hk |