单词 | 肚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肚noun—stomachnbellynless common: kneadn 肚—tripeExamples:肚子n—stomachn bellyn abdomenn 肚子痛—belly-ache 害肚子—upset stomach stomachache
当粮食紧缺时,老年人往 往自己饿肚子,让家人先吃。 daccess-ods.un.org | When food is scarce, older persons tend to compromise their own access in [...] favour of otherfamilymembers. daccess-ods.un.org |
从图书馆去朋友家中的路上随便找点零食填填肚子,这种做法或许很方便,但长此以往,就会弊大于利。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Grabbing a snack on your way from the library to your friend's house may be convenient, but over time it will do you more harm than good. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
告诉真相的一个小工具,捏肚子里的怪物,然后多啦A梦和现金被抛出。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A gadget which tells truth pinches the stomach of the monster and then doraemon and cash are thrown out. en.seekcartoon.com |
叛乱分子的袭击,他们再次打破了整个基地和哆啦A梦和现金下降到它的肚子及现金告诉哆啦A梦,我们会死。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rebel attacks them again and breaks the entire base and doraemon and cash fall into its stomach and Cash tells doraemon we will die . en.seekcartoon.com |
在格鲁吉亚, [...] 我们在过去曾看到我们的国家受到腐败现象的侵蚀, 但幸运的是,我们仍然能够填饱肚子,仍然有能力把 我们自己组织起来,反对那些认为中饱私囊乃领导者 [...]权利的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Georgia, where we saw corruption destroying [...] our nation, we were fortunate to still [...] have foodin ourbellies and theability [...]to organize ourselves to fight against those [...]who believed that self-enrichment was a right of leadership. daccess-ods.un.org |
还要为看得自己的孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉的母亲做更多事情——这是一出在每个夜 晚都要上演亿万次的丑剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is more to do for the mother who watches her children go to bed hungry — a scandal played out a billion times each and every night. daccess-ods.un.org |
当时我只是觉得肚子好饿,却不想吃太贵的食物。 4tern.com | My stomach was hungryand I don’t want to spend too much. 4tern.com |
许多人体内的幽门螺杆菌感染不会引起任何症状,但是对于其他人而言这种感染可能会伤害胃壁,导致胃炎(炎症)和溃疡病,这两种病可能造成上腹部(位于肚脐上方)的疼痛或灼烧感。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In many people, infection does not cause any symptoms, but in others it can hurt the stomach lining, leading to [...] gastritis (inflammation) and ulcers potentially causing pain or burning in the upper abdomen [...] (thearea above the belly button). beijing.ufh.com.cn |
她说南瓜的造型可爱,胖胖的大肚子带给她强大的安定感。 ravenelart.com | She says that pumpkins have a cute and lovable shape, and give her a strong sense of [...] security with their “big bellies. ravenelart.com |
若定期服用阿士匹灵或非类固醇类消炎药物,必须在饱肚後服用这些药物,以减低对胃部造成的刺激及降低胃肠道出血的机会。 hsbc.com.hk | If you take aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication regularly, take them with food to minimize stomach irritation and lower the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. hsbc.com.hk |
是次舞剧包罗了不同特色、不同风格的部落融合风肚皮舞,当中包括富有二十年代华丽怀旧风的淑女群舞、黑色深沉的魔鬼舞魅、与古典音乐融合的悲情二人舞等等,再配以不同的曲风及旋律,贯穿各个场景,让观众欣赏一幕幕精彩绝伦的舞蹈之余,也同时享受戏剧的刺激与张力。 ipress.com.hk | This dance drama merges different styles of [...] Tribal Fusion Belly Dance including [...]grandeur and nostalgic lady group dance, [...]deep black devilish dance, classical fusion duo dance, etc. As each scene unfolds, this dance drama is bound to give you an exhilarating journey. ipress.com.hk |
外部采用可回收材料,农夫圆圆的肚子里还有一头猪;人物中的人物表达了餐盘中的猪肉是曾经在农场的一头猪。 ba-repsasia.com | Within the exterior made from recycled material, the farmer held a [...] pig inhis roundbelly;a character within [...]a character created to illustrate how [...]the pork on consumers’ plates was once a pig on a farm. ba-repsasia.com |
高纤维食品能增加饱肚的感觉,亦可降低血糖和胆 固醇。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Foods high in fibre may help you feel full and may lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
此外中国也心知肚明,如果和苏丹政府关系恶化,印度等国家将 有机可乘,得以在苏丹的石油行业攻城略地。 crisisgroup.org | On the other hand, China supports Sudan’s sovereign right to settle its internal affairs and consent to international intervention. crisisgroup.org |
据发表在2月6日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在罹患外周动脉疾病及间歇性跛行(即在小腿肚中常常在行走时会感到的时有时无的疼痛)的患者中, 进行为期24周的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂雷米普利的治疗与无痛和最长步行时间及身体健康方面的生活品质改善有关。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Among patients with peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication (pain in the calfthat comes and goes, typically felt while walking), 24 weeks of treatment with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor ramipril was associated with improvement in pain-free and maximum walking times and the physical health aspect of quality of life, according to a study appearing in the Feb. 6 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
挺着大肚子的卡米拉再也坚持不住,在贾瓦尔的帮助下生下了孩子。 unicef.org | The heavily pregnant Camilla could not hold the baby any longer. unicef.org |
楚王为了得到宝球就一定会先把你杀掉,并且还会剖开你的肚子,把你的肠子一寸一寸地剪断来寻找宝珠。 chinesestoryonline.com | To get the pearl, the king will [...] definitely cut open thebelly. chinesestoryonline.com |
届 时 连 同 新 增 的 航 班 , 国 泰 航 空 每 星 期 会 运 作 21 班 定 期 货 机 前 往 美 国 6 个 城 市 , 并 透 过 客 机机肚提供货 运 服 务 前 往 全 球 52 个 目 的 地 。 swirepacific.com | With this new service Cathay Pacific will operate 21 scheduled freighters a week to six US cities and offer cargo services to 52 destinations around the world. swirepacific.com |
先 前 停 飞 的 B747-200 货 机 重 投 服 务 後 , 我 们 增 加 了 定 期 的 货 [...] 运 服 务 , 弥 补 了 缩 减 的机肚货运力 。 swirepacific.com | The slight reduction in cargo capacity in the belly holds of passenger aircraft was offset by an [...] additional freighter service, which was mounted following the return [...] of our lastparked B747-200 freighter [...]to the fleet. swirepacific.com |
美国部落风肚皮舞(Tribal Belly Dance)兼容了多种风格和因素,像土耳其舞、埃及舞、北非舞蹈、波斯舞以及其他一些中东国家的舞蹈甚至融合了西班牙、印度、吉普赛、印地安等舞蹈元素,都可以在部落风肚皮舞中找到它们的影子,在一个定义较宽松的框架下,让舞者能自由发挥他们自身的创造力去造创属於他们自己的舞蹈内容、舞蹈服装及打扮。 dpw8.com | U.S. Tribalstylebelly dance (Tribal Belly Dance) is compatible with a variety of styles and factors, such as the Turkish dance, Egyptian dance, North Africa, dance, Persian dance, as well as a number of other Middle Eastern countries and even blend of dance, Spain, India, Gypsy, Hindi An other dance elements, can be in thetribal bellydance in the wind [...] shadow find them in [...]a more lenient definition of the framework, so that dancers can be free to develop their own creativity to build a dance record of their own content, dance clothing and dress. dpw8.com |
据一些证人讲,拒绝交出护照的一些人受到攻 击,一名妇女肚子遭到拳击,另一名人被两名士兵摔在地上,连踢带打。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to a number of witnesses, some people who refused to [...] surrender their passports were assaulted, [...] including one woman who waspunched in [...]the stomach and one man who was wrestled to [...]the ground by two soldiers, kicked and beaten. daccess-ods.un.org |
有时下午 3、4 时感到有点儿肚饿,我会多吃水果代替其他零食,一来有饱肚感而且热量较少,或许就是这样能帮我控制体重。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Sometimes I feel a bithungry at3 or 4 p.m. and I usually have fruit but not other less healthy snacks. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
参与表演团体有九个,分别是动力姿星、香港西方舞蹈会、Coby Coby Dance、Klub Raks、Rainie Dance Power、香港中华基督教青年会康怡会所 EXIT [...] 乐队、卢雅恩舞蹈学院、香港大学太极同学会,共作出17个表演,包括拉丁舞、排排舞、肚皮舞及小朋友唱歌跳舞等。 herfund.org.hk | There were nine organizations participating in Talent Performance Night, including Star Power, Hong [...] Kong Western Dance Council, Coby Coby [...] Dance, Klub Raks, RainieDance Power, Exit [...]Band of YMCA Kornhill Centre Integrated [...]Service Centre, EXIT, HKU Alumni Tai Chi Club. herfund.org.hk |
您的女儿挑选了一些衣服试穿,您迫不及待地想看到她穿上最新款的“小冒险家朵拉”衣服的样子...然而,您看到的现实却是:牛仔裤包得太紧而且裤腰太低;裤裆也太短了,是的,她的肚脐露得全世界都能看到了。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Your daughter picks out some outfits to try on and you can’t wait to see the latest “Dora the Explorer” fashions on her…then reality bites: The [...] jeans are too tight and riding too low; the top is too short [...] and yes, that’sher belly button out forthe world to see. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
这是苏格兰最有名的菜肴,羊杂肚是由羊的“内脏”(心、肝及肺),切碎後加入洋葱、燕麦、羊板油、香料及盐,与高汤混合後,传统上是塞入动物的胃袋中慢火炖煮约三个小时。 ukeas.com.tw | Scotland's most famous [...] dish, Haggis ismade fromsheep's [...]'pluck' (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, [...]spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in the animal's stomach for approximately three hours. ukeas.ph |
这样您就很快会发现宝宝不舒服或肚子饿的时候的行为,也很快学会怎么照护他/她 (换尿布,洗澡,皮肤、眼睛、脐带的保健等)。 cicpraha.org | This ensures that you will soon learn how your baby behaves when he/she is hungry or upsetand how to take care of him/her (changing nappies, bathing, taking care of the skin, cleaning the eyes, bellybuttons, etc.) cicpraha.org |
现在,这种杂食动物在水满村随处可 见,它们在路边和路上四处游荡,鼻子在 [...] 土里乱拱,三五成群地散布在村庄池塘旁, 或是拖着大大的肚子在房屋之间的空地上 蹒跚而行。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Now one can see the omnivorous creature everywhere in Shuiman, wandering next to or over the road, [...] its snout in the rubbish, four of them by the village pond or [...] dragging their stomachs across the [...]ground between houses. netzhammerbreiholz.de |