

单词 肘部

See also:


elbow n

pork shoulder

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,在支撐臂的機器製造商的設計細節,提供了一些優點:連接的水平托架的垂 部 分 的 肘部 , 可 與一個集成的安裝架,用於信號光。
Also, the design details of the support arm to the machine
builders offer some
[...] advantages: the elbows that connect the horizontal to the vertical portion of the bracket, [...]
available with
an integrated mount for signal lights.
由於海獺不用前肢游泳,為了讓Eddie的前肢活動起來,訓練員便想到教牠投籃,活動牠 肘部。
Sea otters don’t use their front limbs for swimming, so zoo
keepers said they had to get creative, finding an alternative way for getting the otter, known as
[...] Eddie, to flex his elbows.
有可能是手指 (或肘部, 耳朵, 鼻子, 或任何东西, 不过大多数情况下是手指) 或者触摸笔.
This may be a finger (or elbow, ear, nose, whatever, but probably a finger) or stylus.
用戶只需簡單地刪除一個的上限Wand-/Aufsatz-Gelenk或 肘部 的 支撐臂之間,達到兩個調整螺釘。
The user simply removes a cap on Wand-/Aufsatz-Gelenk or at the elbow between the support arm and so reaches the two adjustment screws.
Protective padding
[...] on both shoulders and elbows.
将袖带缠绕到患者的上臂中间, 肘部 和 肩 部之间。
Wrap the cuff around the patient‘s upper arm midway between the elbow and the shoulder.
公司生产膝盖、髋关节、部、手腕 、 肘部 、 手 指和脊椎植入体;工具包括手术镊、手术刀以及剪线钳。
The company makes implants for knees, hips,
[...] shoulders, wrists, elbows, fingers and the spine; tools include [...]
pliers, cutters and wire cutters.
轻轻弯曲并伸直手腕肘部、肩部、脚踝、膝盖、臀部和 颈部,保持关节灵活。
Keep the joints flexible by gently bending and
[...] straightening the wrists, elbows, shoulders, ankles, [...]
knees, hips and neck.
肘部支撐 臂的位置是不過多更好,作為運營商那裡幾乎可以看到從任何角度“的集成持有人可以使用的默認安裝在一個瞬間的信號光,而無需額外的步驟,例如鑽孔或切割將是必要的。
s Position at the elbow of the supporting arm [...]
is however much better, as the operator it there practically be seen from
any angle" to the integrated holders can be the default used signal lights installed in a jiffy, without additional steps such as drilling or cutting would be necessary.
提示:如果有矮墙或桌子,肘部靠 近 固定物上就会更稳定。
Tip: If there is a low wall or table
[...] available, rest your elbows on it for further [...]
人力资源 短缺,熟练技工不足,是结构性的 肘 因 素 ,影响了私营和国 部 门 的 业绩。
Human-resource shortage and lack of skilled labour were structural
[...] constraints that had an impact on private and public sector performance.
我们共同承诺为处理最不发达国家复杂而相互 肘 的 挑战和问题找到持久 解决办法。
We collectively commit to finding lasting solutions to the complex and mutually exacerbating challenges and problems of the least developed countries.
我们在做 这一切的时候,都是依靠我们现有的人员资源——这 些资源已经捉衿肘——同时在开展着全职工作,以 完成我们核心的司法工作。
We are doing all of this while relying on our existing staffing resources — which are already stretched thin — and engaging in full-time efforts to complete our core judicial work.
现代骨科手术还能够通过快速注射来减轻颈部、背部和关节的剧烈疼痛,并借助先进而有效的关节内窥镜手术,修复疼痛或功能失常的 部 、 手 肘 、 手 腕、 部 、 膝 盖和踝关节。
Modern orthopedic surgery can alleviate severe pain of the neck, back or joints with a quick injection, and
fix achy or malfunctioning
[...] shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles with elegant and effective arthroscopic (“keyhole”) [...]
對他們來說,要維持生計、維持㆒個較為合理的生活水平可能已經相 當困難,再要他們在捉襟肘的收 入㆗撥 部 分 作醫療開支,實在叫他們難以生存。
To these people, making a living and maintaining a reasonable standard of living may have already
been difficult enough, if they are
[...] further required to spend part of their income, which [...]
is already scanty enough, in medical
expenses, we are really making lives unbearable for them.
由于国家安全机构面临着后勤、财政和人力资源的 制约,该国武器泛滥,执部门控 制犯罪的努力继续受到 肘。
Efforts by law enforcement agencies to curb criminality continued to be hampered by logistical, financial and human resource constraints facing the national security institutions and the proliferation of arms in the country.
迁徙造成规划困难,导致医务人员从农村地区外流以及城 市贫困近郊地区的服务能力捉襟肘。
Migration makes planning difficult, leads to the outflow of medical personnel from rural areas and overstretches service capacity in overpopulatedgher districts (poor peri-urban areas) in the cities.
4.1.4 監察及檢討部稽核 職能之成效、考慮 部 調 查的主要發現與管 理層回應,以及部稽核 計劃,並確保 部 稽 核 職能有充足資源 並於本集團內有適當的身份進行工作而不受管理層的任何肘 或其他限制。
4.1.4 To monitor and review the
[...] effectiveness of the internal audit function; consider the major findings of internal investigations and Management’s response and the internal audit plan; and ensure that the internal audit function is adequately resourced, has appropriate standing within the Group and is free from constraint by Management [...]
or other restrictions.
為家禽農戶設立擬議的自願退還計劃,目的是盡量減少本港家禽 農場的數目,尤其是礙於實際環境和其他 肘 而 無法按規定全面落實 生物安全措施的小型農場,並且讓不願在新環境下繼續經營的農戶永 久停業。
The objective of the proposed voluntary surrender scheme for poultry farmers is to reduce as much as possible the number of poultry farms in Hong Kong, in particular the very small ones which are unable to implement the required biosecurity measures fully because of physical and other constraints, and allow those poultry farmers who do not wish to operate in the new environment to cease their operation permanently.
各监督机构也应在确保可能执行各项建议方面发挥重要作用,为此应:公 布建议,其中应包含执行这些建议的明确、可行方案;提供机制以促进就监督建 议采取贯彻落实行动,并加强纪律,力求充分及时地加以执行;注重监督报告中 反映的对职能效力有实质影响的关键问题,并避免可能产生“排挤效应”以及使 秘书处的反应能力捉襟肘的过 于大量建议;使用一致的基于风险的监督方法, 这将保证优先处理高风险建议/领域。
The oversight bodies also have an important role to play to ensure the likelihood of the implementation of recommendations by: issuing recommendations that include a clear and workable proposal for their implementation; providing mechanisms that promote action and follow up on oversight recommendations and foster discipline to pursue full and timely implementation; focusing on critical issues with substantial impact on functional effectiveness in oversight reports and avoiding an excessively large number of recommendations that may have a “crowding-out effect” and stretch thin the Secretariat’s capacity to respond; and applying a consistent risk-based approach to oversight which will ensure that highrisk recommendations/areas are given priority.
此外,轶闻类证据显示,这些影 响使得小岛屿发展中国家本已有限的应对能力更加捉襟 肘 , 从而增加他们面临 的威胁。
Furthermore, anecdotal evidence suggests that those impacts have overstretched the already limited coping capacities of small island developing States to the point where they are lagging behind, thus increasing their exposure.
然而, 由於消費者不信納這些好處,非政府組織繼續積極反對生物科技,加 上丹麥的食物零售商對銷售附有基因改造標籤的食物不感興趣,故此 丹麥的農民及業界現時在這方面仍受 肘。
However, their hands remain tied at present because consumers are unconvinced of the benefits, non-governmental organizations continue to actively oppose biotechnology, and Danish food retailers are not interested in marketing GM-labelled food.
同时,这位国际知名演员、联合国儿童基金会忠实的支持者说,普通的黎巴嫩家庭在自家生活捉襟 肘 的 情 况下,依然热情地收容难民,她被这种高尚的行为深深触动。
At the same time, the internationally renowned actress and long-time UNICEF advocate said she’d been deeply touched by the way ordinary Lebanese families – themselves very poor – had opened up their homes and hearts to the incoming refugees.
公 帄 對 待 市 民 大 眾 , 也 是 一 個 合 情 合 理 的 考 慮 問 題 , 而 只 要 警 務 人 員 在 執 行 職 責 之 時 是 推 動 和 保 障 公 眾 的 利 益,法 庭 便 有 職 能 致 力 是 令 情 況 保 持 帄 衡,以 確 保 個 人 權 利 得 以 妥 為 保 存,而 警 方 在 偵 查 罪 案 之 時 又 不 致 受 到 一 連 串 學 院 派 的 反 對 聲 音 所肘 , 而 這 些 反 對 聲 音 其 實 是 罔 顧 實 際 情 況 和 實 務 問 題 , 並 且 完 全 不 理 會 公 眾 利 益 。
Fairness to the public is also a legitimate consideration, and in so far as police officers in the exercise of their duties are prosecuting and protecting the public interest, it is the function of the Court to seek to provide a proper balance to secure that the rights of individuals are properly preserved, while not hamstringing the police in their investigation of crime with a series of academic vetoes which ignore the realities and practicalities of the situation and discount completely the public interest.
無可否認,較大經濟體亦有自身的難題:巴西冀望藉主辦 2014 年世界盃足球賽吸引更多投資,但至今未能如願;
[...] 印度則由於基礎設施匱乏(尤其與道路、鐡路和發電相關 的),導致供應受限而令經濟發展大受 肘。
Admittedly, the larger economies have their own problems: in Brazil, the hoped-for boom in investment ahead of the 2014 FIFA World Cup has failed to materialise while, in India,
infrastructure shortfalls, particularly related to roads,
[...] railways and power generation, [...]
have led to significant supply-side constraints.
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的部監控 ,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 [...]
This responsibility includes designing, implementing
[...] and maintaining internal control relevant [...]
to the preparation and the true and fair
presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任 部 分 之 內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任 部 分 的 財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任部分, 但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or
vehicle of the
[...] North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same [...]
as soon as is practicable
to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对 部 专 门 知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例 第 X V 部 第 2及 3分部的條 文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.




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