

单词 肌肉组织

See also:

组织 n

organization n
outfit n
nerve n

组织 v

direct v
line up v

External sources (not reviewed)

GU还包括电解质,以确保适当的水化,一种抗氧化剂混合,以避 肌肉组织 的 损伤和氨基酸混合物延迟肌肉疲劳。
GU also includes electrolytes to ensure
proper hydration, an antioxidant blend to
[...] stave off muscle tissue damage and an amino [...]
acid blend to delay muscle fatigue.
其它禁忌症还有手 术理由不充分肌肉组织缺失、或患肢神经肌肉疾病。
It is also contraindicated where loss of musculature or neuromuscular disease compromising the affected limb would render the procedure unjustifiable.
肌肉收缩,不论涉及肌肉组织的类 型,必须有相互作用与Ca2 +和肌肉细胞内的物质导致生化事件,最终与这种组织的收缩。
To have muscle contraction, regardless of
[...] the type of muscle tissue involved, there [...]
must be interaction between Ca2 + and
substances inside muscle cells resulting in biochemical events that end with the contraction of this tissue.
有三种类型肌肉组织,每 个有其收缩蛋白和刺激神经系统的配置
There are
[...] three types of muscle tissue, each with its [...]
configuration of contractile proteins and stimulus nervous systems
在不同类型肌肉组织,都 是平等的,但值得一收缩蛋白的前提下,系统。
Are equal in the
[...] different types of muscle tissue, but worth acting [...]
on the premise systems contractile proteins.
用于显现组织切片中的胶原结缔组织,主 要用于将胶原肌肉组织进行区分。
For visualization of collagenous connective tissue fibers in tissue sections, primarily for
[...] distinguishing collagen from muscle tissue.
初步证据表明,玛黛伴侣茶是其他含咖啡的植物中 肌肉组织 的 影 响最显著的一种,它而不是作用于中枢神经系统,这是与其他天然兴奋剂的的植物不同。
Preliminary evidence that the mate xanthine cocktail is different from other plants
containing caffeine most significantly in
[...] its effects on muscle tissue, as opposed to [...]
those on the central nervous system, which
are similar to those of other natural stimulants.
每天暴露于手臂振动的环境中,并维持若干年后,可能造成永久性的身体损害,通常会导致众所周知的“白指症”,还可能损害手腕处和手肘处的关节 肌肉组织。
Daily exposure to hand-arm vibration over a number of years can cause permanent physical damage, usually resulting
in what is commonly known as “white-finger syndrome”, or it can damage
[...] the joints and muscles of the wrist and/or elbow.
在这个地区有一个特殊的面料含能材料堆积在甘油三酯的形式,这些化合物是最有效的释放约9.3千卡/克,比只有4.1千卡/克提供的糖原储存在肝脏 肌肉组织。
In this region there is a special fabric energetic material that accumulates in the form of triglycerides, these compounds are most
efficient release by about 9.3 kcal / g versus only 4.1 kcal / g supplied by glycogen
[...] stored in liver and muscle tissue.
运用古老的推拿手法,作用于全身的经络、穴位,有助于恢复机体能量,达到解除疲劳,放 肌肉, 改善组织代谢
Using the ancient Chinese Tui Na massage on the whole body, helps to recover energy, release
[...] fatigue, relax muscles, and improve tissue circulation.
核磁共振成像(MRI)是一个改变游戏规则的医学成像技术,可达到前所未有的清晰度水平,特别是当扫描如大脑 肌肉 等 软 组织 的 时 候。
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a game-changing medical imaging
technique that gives unprecedented levels of clarity, especially when
[...] scanning soft tissue such as the brain or muscles.
它还可以通过切肌肉中的组织而提高肉的嫩 度。
The systems also improve the
[...] tenderness of the meat by cutting through tough sinewy tissues.
长方形、三角形、圆圈以及平行四边形取 肌肉 、 骨骼 与 组织 , 以 一种新的视觉词汇对人体重新进行定义。
Squares, triangles, circles, and parallelograms
[...] take the place of muscle, bone, and tissue, defining the [...]
body in a new visual vocabulary.
在Bodyworks,我们提供直接作用肌肉 和 周 围 组织 的 个 性化的治疗,来提高在高强度的运动中的运动表现和缓解延迟性肌肉酸痛。
At Bodyworks we provide customized treatment
[...] directly to the muscles and surrounding tissues to enhance performance [...]
and reduce the delayed
onset of muscle soreness in high intensity sports.
肌肉是由外部涂一层称为肌外组织 内 部 肌肉 的 肌 束膜和肌内 组 织 聚 集。
Muscles are coated externally by a layer of tissue called epimysium; internally muscles are still tissue aggregates by the perimysium and endomysium.
发生于瞬膜呈局限性的癌变,可从瞬膜根部进行全摘除手术;发生于结膜尚未侵入深部组织的,要将其周围组织进行大面积的切除,接近瞬膜的部位也要切除;发生在眼球表面时,必须进行认真会诊后,才能进行眼球的全摘除术;浸润到眼球及眼窝内时,有必要将眼睑缘和其周围皮肤 肌肉 及 结 缔 组织 等 眼 窝内全部组织都摘除。
If canceration is limited to the nictitating membrane, full extraction operation from the root of nictitating membrane shall be carried out; if canceration is occurred in the conjunctiva and has not yet invaded into deep tissues, then wide scale excision shall still cover the surrounding tissues, meanwhile, the part closed to the nictitating membrane area is also removed; if canceration occurs in the surface of eyeball, then careful consultation shall firstly be carried out and then decide the operation of full eyeball excision; if canceration has invaded into eyeball and the orbit,
it is necessary to
[...] remove all tissues including margo palpebrae and its surrounding skins, muscles and connective tissues, etc.
[...] 该基因在内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪表达丰度最高,脾脏表达量最低(P<0.05);随月龄增长 肌肉 和 皮 下脂 组织 中 Mu sclin mRNA表达量呈显著下降(P<0.05);瘦肉型 肌肉 和 皮 下 组织 M u s cl in mRNA表达显著高于脂肪型猪(P<0.05);皮下脂肪组织中该基因mRNA表达与FAS、PPARγ分别呈显著负相关和正相关(P<0.05),与TGH相关性不显著(P>0.05)。
The results showed that musclin share an gene sequence homology of at least 59% with that of others species; the highest of musclin expression levels were found in visceral adipose tissues and subcutaneous adipose tissues and
the lowest expression
[...] in spleen among all other tissues(P<0.05); the expression of musclin mRNA in muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue were decreased significantly [...]
during aging
(P<0.05); in the same ages, the levels of musclin mRNA in subcutaneous adipose and muscle of lean-type pig was significantly higher than that of obesity-type pig ( P<0.05); and the express of musclin was negative correlated and positively correlated with FAS and PPARγ respectively (P<0.05).
一般情况下,癌症康复治疗专注于缓解疼痛、疲劳、步法和平衡感不稳定、臂部和腿部肿胀 肌肉 僵 硬和酸痛、臂部和腿部麻木、疤 组织 的 限 制。
In general, cancer rehabilitation focuses on relieving pain, fatigue, instability in gait and balance,
swelling in the arms and legs,
[...] stiffness and soreness in muscles, numbness in the arms or legs, and scar tissue restriction.
还应食品兽药残留规范委员会的要求,评估了大量残留数据,构成了就 猪和牛组织(即肌肉、肺、肾和脂肪)建议的最高残留限量的依据。
Extensive residue data were also assessed and
formed the base for the MRLs
[...] recommended for tissues of pig and cattle (i.e. muscle, liver, kidney [...]
and fat), as requested by the CCRVDF.
联合专家委员会秘书还指出,在消费时,肺和其它非标准组织往往取 代了标组织(例如肌肉),没有增加到动物源产品的日消费量中。
The JECFA Secretary further noted that, when
consumed, lung and other non standard tissues generally replaced the
[...] standard tissues (e.g. muscle meat) and were not added [...]
to the daily consumption of products of animal origin.
正如这些名称所比喻的那样,相比传统需要通过 肌肉 和 其 他 组织 上 大的切口才能接触到手术位置的外科技术,这种技术可以使外科医生通过很小的切口就可进行手术。
As the name suggests this technique allows surgeons to perform operations through very small incisions compared to traditional surgical techniques which require large incisions through muscles and other tissue to approach the surgical sites.
与传统开放性手术需要肌肉或其他 组织 上 开 大切口来接近手术部位相比,这种技术能让妇科医生通过很小的切口就可以实施手术。
This technique allows gynecologists to perform operations through very small incisions compared to traditional surgical techniques which require large incisions through muscles and other tissue to approach the surgical sites.
维他命C是一种水溶性的维他命,是人体中骨骼,软 组织 , 肌肉 和 血 液细胞中的胶原质的重要组成部分,同时也能帮助人体的铁质吸收。
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water soluble vitamin which is necessary in the body to form
[...] collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels.
使用中国传统独特的推拿技术加民间秘方中草药和天然香精植物油,直接作用于人体局部 组织肌肉 、 肌 腱、韧带拉伤粘连或劳损僵硬部位,运用按摩使药效渗透到皮下组织入循经络,加强促进损伤组织的修复,并改善血液淋巴循环、舒筋活络、解除痉挛萎缩。
Uses Chinese traditional Tui Na massage combined with Chinese herbal and natural plant essential oil, to massage on muscle,  ligaments or stiff and  fatigue parts of the  body, with Tui Na  massage, the herbal and essential oil will infiltrate into skin effectively,  and accelerate repair injured tissue, improve blood and lymph circulation, relieve  muscle spasm  and atrophy.
如果尽早开始物理治疗,做适当的伸展练习,与治疗师进行沟通,患者 组织 和 肌肉 的 灵活性及弹性会保持得更好,相较于那些退出康复治疗的患者,他们会更少遭遇 组织 和 肌肉 僵 硬 、紧绷和不适的情形。
If physical therapy starts
[...] early with proper stretching exercises and massage session with the therapist, the soft tissue and muscle will maintain a much greater degree of flexibility and elasticity.
需要为对象动组织(如肌肉、脂 肪或脂肪和皮、腰子、肝),以及源自动物对象 品种的特定食用商品(如蛋、奶和蜜)确定MRL,对这些品种可能按照良好兽医方法施用兽药。
MRLs have to be established for
[...] target animal tissues (e.g. muscle, fat, or fat [...]
and skin, kidney, liver), and specific food
commodities (e.g. eggs, milk, honey) originating from the target animals species to which a veterinary drug can be administered according to good veterinary practice.
最近的研究证明,组痴呆 性疾病及一种叫做肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症或A LS 的 肌肉 疾 病 有着类似的遗传学特征,其中包括一个特定的蛋白质序列的重复和扩展。
Recent work has shown that a group of dementia disorders and a muscle disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [...]
or ALS share similar genetic
characteristics, including the repeat and expansion of a specific protein sequence.
娇韵诗强大的纯植物萃取精华,蕴含有机青香蕉、柠檬百里香、酸枝和燕麦醣,能够重建肌肤内部骨胶原、弹力蛋白和细胞之间的合成密度——层层强 肌 肤 的 组织 结 构 ,从而达到紧致提拉、均匀肤色的功效。
Clarins’ powerful plants extracts of organic Green Banana, Lemon
[...] Thyme, Bocoa and Oat Sugars rebuild the bonds [...]
between collagen, elastin and cells—strengthening
skin’s architecture to firm, lift and tone on every level.
在充满空气,如海绵状植物叶片或脊椎动物肺部进一步的困难,出现多个过渡之间的细胞和生物组织的光学系统的其余部分之间的空域和细胞成分,折射率 肉组织。
In air-filled tissue such as the spongy mesophyll of plant leaves or vertebrate lungs further difficulties arise from multiple transitions in refractive index
between cellular components, between cells and airspaces and between
[...] the biological tissue and the rest [...]
of the optical system.




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