单词 | 肌肉的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 肌肉的 adjective —muscular adjSee also:肌肉 n—muscle n • muscles pl • flesh n 肌 n—muscle n • muscles pl • flesh n 肉 n—meat n • flesh n 肉—pulp (of a fruit) • (coll.) (of a fruit) squashy • irresolute • (of a person) flabby
当末底改和里格比被迫拿起公园周围 的肌肉 人 的 工 作,他们试图团 聚 肌肉的 男 人和Starla,直到她开始下降,为末底改。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Mordecai and Rigby are forced to pick up Muscle Man’s jobs around the park, they attempt to reunite Muscle Man and Starla, until she begins to fall for Mordecai. seekcartoon.com |
该器材每秒来回震动高达40次,能够增强肌肉力量和灵活性,提 升 肌肉的 柔 软 度,减少脂肪组织,而且每周只需要花很短的时间就能够达到效果。 oris.ch | The plate vibrates to activate muscle response up to 40 times a second, helping you to build muscle strength, improve flexibility and lose weight all with just a few short sessions each week. oris.ch |
如果想要完整的了解肌肉新 陳代謝, 就得要從細胞層級開始,同時也必須要考量水分的補充、營養、用餐時間 和 肌肉 的訓練。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | It is essential to remember that a full [...] understanding of muscle metabolism begins at the cellular level, but also includes hydration, nutrition, meal timing and maintenance of muscle conditioning. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
眼睑下垂可能是患上某些影响肌肉的 疾 病 的先兆,如重肌无力症(是一种慢性疾病,患者会感到虚弱和肌肉无力)。 hsbc.com.hk | Ptosis can be the early symptom of a disease affecting muscles, such as myasthenia gravis (a chronic disease characterized by fatigue and muscular weakness). hsbc.com.hk |
富含鈣質的食物像是牛奶和優格都是不錯的選擇,因為鈣質能夠幫 助 肌肉的 放 鬆。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Calcium-rich foods like milk and yogurt are good choices, since [...] calcium helps muscles to relax. health.herbalife.com |
通过体育锻炼,你可以控制骨骼和 肌肉的松弛 cdn.c3a.com.sg | By exercising, you [...] can limit bone and muscle loss. cdn.c3a.com.sg |
当肌肉健壮 的男子,高五鬼观看网络视频,如老人马蹄与Wedgie忍者病毒,末底改和里格比说,他们可以做出更好的视频,和投 注 肌肉的 男 人 和五鬼10。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are watching viral internet videos such as Old Man Horseshoes and Wedgie Ninja, Mordecai and Rigby say they can make a better video, and bet Muscle Man and High-Five [...] Ghost $10. seekcartoon.com |
如果尽早开始物理治疗,做适当的伸展练习,与治疗师进行沟通,患者软组织 和 肌肉的 灵 活 性及弹性会保持得更好,相较于那些退出康复治疗的患者,他们会更少遭遇软组织和肌肉僵硬、紧绷和不适的情形。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If physical therapy starts early with proper stretching exercises and massage session with the therapist, the soft tissue and muscle will maintain a much greater degree of flexibility and elasticity. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
本課程主要是通過健身球的訓練加強身體的平衡力、協調性、柔軟度和各部 份 肌肉的 能 力,課程還結合瑜珈、普拉提、Gyrotonic、舞蹈及體操等不同元素,務求達到改善學生的身體狀況,體形線條和肌肉力量之餘還可以享受到球上運動的樂趣和挑戰性。 ccdc.com.hk | In addition, the course will combine [...] different elements of Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonic, dance, gymnastics, etc, with the aim [...]to improve students’ health, body alignment, muscle strength and allowing them to enjoy fitness ball’s training and challenge. ccdc.com.hk |
这些神经细胞的死亡会令多巴胺低于正常的水平。因此,帕金逊症的患者在休息及进行活动时,难以控制肌肉紧张 和 肌肉的 活 动。 hsbc.com.hk | The death of these nerve cells leads to abnormally low levels of dopamine, which makes it difficult for a person with Parkinson's disease to control muscle tension and muscle movement, both at rest and during periods of activity. hsbc.com.hk |
最后,握住两支常用球杆做整个挥杆动作,以此来增加重量和动量,这样可以通过增加离心 性 肌肉的 活 力,使您为即将开展的运动作好进一步准备,这是预防运动损伤的一个重要部分。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Finally, full swings with two clubs in your usual grip to increase the weight and [...] momentum will further ready you by increasing [...] your eccentric muscle activation, an [...]important part of injury prevention. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
本专利内容是有关"含F缺损型仙台病毒及含此副粘病毒,搭载有血管再生因子FGF2,和其它临床允许媒体一起注射入包含缺血性下肢 肌 肉 在 内 的肌肉的 方 法 及治疗缺血性组织的方法",广泛涵盖了本公司开发中的严重下肢缺血症治疗药物DVC1-0101的知识产权。 dnavec.co.jp | The patent relates to "the method to inject paramyxovirus vector, such as Sendai virus vector of the F-gene deletion type, [...] carrying the gene encoding the angiogenic [...] factor, FGF2, to the muscles of ischemic limbs with [...]clinically acceptable medium, and [...]the method to treat ischemic tissues," and widely covers DNAVEC's rights associated with DVC1-0101, which DNAVEC is developing as a drug for limb ischemia. dnavec.co.jp |
这样的饮食搭配保证了宝宝成长所需的所有营养素质:母乳或奶粉里 的钙物质保障了骨骼的发育,肉类和蔬菜里的蛋白质保障 了 肌肉的 发 育,肉类和蔬菜所含的 铁提供了血液里红血球形成的主要成分,而维他命和矿物质则由水果和蔬菜提供。 immigrazioneoggi.it | This way, all the nutrients needed by the child to grow correctly, are provided: the calcium contained in the milk is useful for the [...] bones, the proteins of the [...] meat for the muscular system, the iron contained in the meat and in the [...]vegetables for the synthesis [...]of haemoglobin which constitutes the blood, fruits and vegetables guarantee the support of vitamins and mineral salts. immigrazioneoggi.it |
深呼吸、放松运动和按摩可以帮助改善血液循环,放松紧 张 的肌肉 并 排泄体内的废物,使 思维恢复活力并促进大脑功能。 hongfook.ca | Deep breathing, relaxation exercises and massage [...] help improve blood [...] circulation, relax tense muscles and remove body [...]wastes, rejuvenate the mind and improve brain function. hongfook.ca |
肌肉收缩,不论涉及的肌肉组织 的类型,必须有相互作用与Ca2 +和肌肉细胞 内的物质导致生化事件,最终与这种组织的收缩。 institutododelta.com.br | To have muscle contraction, regardless of the type of muscle tissue involved, there must be interaction between Ca2 + and substances inside muscle cells resulting [...] in biochemical events [...]that end with the contraction of this tissue. institutododelta.com.br |
每年提昇您的運動的程度,這樣就會維持 您 的肌肉 組 織,維持您的新陳代謝和提昇健康體重管理的成效。 health.herbalife.com.tw | Keep your exercise and activity [...] levels up each year, and you’ll [...] simultaneously maintain your muscle tone, keep your [...]metabolism up and maximize healthy weight loss. health.herbalife.com |
這部份的運動應該包 括較大的肌肉群,並以 MHR 的 60-90%進行。 herbalifenutritioninstitute.com | This should [...] involve larger muscle groups and be at [...]60 to 90 percent of MHR. herbalifenutritioninstitute.com |
為了對抗肌肉萎縮是一家西班牙公司的幫助 [...] SolidWorks的 軟件開發技術先進的系統,可以檢查他 們 的肌肉 力 量 在太空中的宇航員。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | To combat muscle wasting is a Spanish company with the help [...] SolidWorks Software developed a technically advanced system that can check with the [...] astronauts their muscle strength in space. en.developmentscout.com |
摄像师行走时,他/她的肌肉和肌腱吸收了所有的震动,传递给相机的只是顺滑的移动。 manfrotto.cn | As the operator walks, his/her muscles and tendons absorb all [...] the shocks, transferring only fluid movements to the camera. manfrotto.us |
最近的研究证明,一组痴呆性疾病及一种叫做肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症或 A L S 的肌肉 疾 病 有着类似的遗传学特征,其中包括一个特定的蛋白质序列的重复和扩展。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Recent work has shown that a group of dementia [...] disorders and a muscle disease called [...]amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS share [...]similar genetic characteristics, including the repeat and expansion of a specific protein sequence. chinese.eurekalert.org |
末底改,里格比,流行音乐,跳跃, 肌肉 健 壮 的 男 子 和HI-FIVE鬼战斗锤,谁破坏谁的房子和伤害每个人。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai, [...] Rigby, Pops, Skips, Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost [...]all battle The Hammer, who destroys the house and injures everyone. seekcartoon.com |
所以,我便把所有有關肌肉或神經的 疾病 ,而引起相似傷殘程度的病例集合起來一併回答,因為有關患者對醫療 [...] 或康復的需要是大致相同的。 legco.gov.hk | So, I would like to give a [...] consolidated reply on muscular or neurological diseases [...]which could lead to similar degree of [...]disabilities because the patients would have more or less the same medical or rehabilitation needs. legco.gov.hk |
而孩子手指的肌肉是在6到8歲時才發育的,所以,當孩子還沒到能夠演奏雄壯有力的音樂的年齡之前,最好是集中教他們學唱與學聽,先給他們打下堅實的基礎,培養良好的樂感。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The finger muscles on the other hand [...] develop between the age of 6 and 8. Therefore, until the child reaches the age to be [...]able to play with powerful musical expression, it is better to concentrate on singing and listening and to lay the foundation for being able to "feel" the music. tomleemusic.com.hk |
保妥適BOTOX® 是一種獨特天然純化的蛋白質,阻斷神經傳導,用以治療過度活 躍 的肌肉 , 令 造成皺 紋 的肌肉 放 鬆,變成平滑、年輕、而且富有青春活力的容顏。 hkupop.hku.hk | BOTOX® is a natural, purified protein that relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles creating a smoothed, rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. hkupop.hku.hk |
铁人三项是一项运动,你必须移动你自己的体重,不感兴趣日益增 加 的肌肉 , 然 后逃离肥厚、 3-5 重复和 90%的 1RM 的百分比之间寻求由肌肉协调系统 [...] (CI) 的增益强度 (重复最大),虽然它是也真实我们有很短的肥厚,但只为了让立即上班 CI。 cn.500healthy.com | Ironman is a sport in which you have to move [...] your own weight, not interested in [...] increasing muscle mass, then fled the hypertrophy, seeking [...]gain strength by the intramuscular [...]coordination system (CI) between 3-5 repetitions and percentage of 90% of 1RM (repetition maximum), although it is also true that we have a short period of hypertrophy, but only in order to put immediately to work with CI. 500healthy.com |
委员会注意到缔约国保证,只有经过培训的执法人员才可在明确而严格规 定的必要情况下使用电击破坏肌肉协 调 的 装 置 “泰瑟枪”,但委员会感到关切的 是,这种武器可导致剧烈疼痛,甚至造成危及生命的伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting the assurances of the State party that electro-muscular disruption devices (EMDs) “TASERs” are only to be used by trained law enforcement officers and in situations in which such use is warranted by clear and strict guidelines, the Committee is concerned that the use of such weapons may lead to severe pain, including life-threatening injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国 代表团支持欧洲共同体的提议,简单报告了其开 展 的 残 留研究,研究表明 , 肌肉 、 肝脏 和肾里的残留 含量超过了最大残留限量草案,而且肺里的残留含量非常高。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of China, supporting the European Community, briefly [...] reported on their residues [...] studies, which showed residues levels in muscle, liver and kidneys exceeding the draft MRLs, [...]as well as very [...]high levels of residues in lungs. codexalimentarius.org |