

单词 肉片



stir-fried pork with garlic

See also:

(coll.) (of a fruit) squashy
(of a person) flabby
pulp (of a fruit)

External sources (not reviewed)

脂肪含量、重量、长度、宽度和厚度等信息和五 肉片 的 形 状图片会显示在仪器屏幕上。
Information about fat content,
weight, length, width and thickness is displayed on the instrument screen
[...] along with a picture of the pork belly shape.
在這種市民可以各適其適的情況㆘,不喜歡吃叉燒飯的㆟,可選擇 排骨飯肉片飯, 幸運的更可吃乳豬飯。
For example, those who do not like barbecued pork with rice may choose
[...] ribs with rice or pork with rice, and [...]
those who are lucky enough may even have suckling pig with rice.
猪的五肉片可以 置于MeatMaster的传送带上使用X射线技术扫描。
The arriving pork belly pieces are [...]
placed on the MeatMaster belt and scanned using X-ray technology.
Waihi Beach的巨大漢堡包含了一半的沙拉葉、一粒切片番茄、兩大培根、3至4片的小黃瓜、四分之一的洋蔥、番茄醬、起司醬、2片180gram的 肉片。
Waihi Beach jumbo hamburger contains half a lettuce, a whole chopped tomato, three fried eggs, two large slices of shoulder bacon, three or four
gherkins, a quarter of an onion, mustard, tomato sauce and a special
[...] cheese sauce and 2 slices of 180gram beef patties.
4、原不粘锅放1大匙橄榄油,开大中火,放 肉片 ( 图 9)炒至八成熟,捞出待用。
6: Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in the same pan
over medium-high heat. Add 1 tbsp olive
[...] oil and sauté pork (Picture 9) until it changes [...]
color, about 1-2 minutes, Transfer to a bowl.
不然来点不多机会品尝的:生驯鹿 肉片 , 还 有熊肉丸子!
You must try the simply
[...] exotic reindeer carpaccio or (gasp!) bear meatballs.
面对菜单,我的眼停在一个名字上:烟熏驯鹿心 (Savustettua
[...] poronsydäntä) ,那听起来象圣诞前夕玩弄小孩的邪恶把戏,却是我吃过最滋味最多汁 肉片。
It may sound like an evil trick to play on the
kids at Christmas Eve, but the diminutive dish was one of the most succulent,
[...] flavourful cuts of meat I’d had all year.
把醃好肉片均勻 沾上一層麵粉後,放入油鍋,以中小火炸至變成金黃色。
Evenly dust pork with flour and [...]
deep-fry it in hot oil over low-medium heat until both sides golden.
湯頭用昆布為基底,以大蔥、蘿蔔等蔬果下去熬煮,清爽且不失食材風采,最美味的享用步驟建議先品 肉片 的 原味、再以海鮮與蔬菜依序下鍋,連煮法也追隨日本精神中的堅持,完全襯托出食材的鮮美與質感。
Soup with kelp base, continue boiling green onions, carrots and other fruits and vegetables, fresh and losing ingredients elegance, the most delicious to enjoy
the steps recommended to taste the
[...] original flavor of the meat, then sequentially pot [...]
with seafood and vegetables, even
the cooking method also follow the insistence of the Japanese spirit, and fully bring out the delicious and the texture of the ingredients.
在这本书 中,Drexler 用纳米技术描绘了他的幻想世界, 在那里“分子制造”能让人们生产任何需要的东 西——从汽车到肉片,而这仅 需通过把废物输入一个盒子里,然后此盒子使 用纳米装配机将废物重新构成所需的东西(参 见图 2)。
Drexler’s book is more often remembered today for its dystopian, rather that its utopian promise: Drexler warned that as this technology developed it would be necessary to guard against the accidental release of autonomous selfreplicating nano-machines that could – if they spun out of control and started to consume or transform the natural and man-made world – turn the planet into a mass of uninhabitable ‘grey goo’.
這是烹調大量同類食物的最佳組 合,例如:蔬菜、馬鈴薯或片肉或 香 腸。
Use this combination for cooking large amounts of the same food, e.g. vegetables, potatoes
[...] or large pieces of meat or sausages.
花白色片肉质的 ,通常4,很少5,半圆形,宽的长约2毫米,稍稍具缘毛的或无;花瓣6,很少5,稍肉质,卵状椭圆形到矩形椭圆形,长约3毫米。
Flowers white; sepals fleshy, often 4, rarely [...]
5, semiorbicular, ca. 2 mm wide, very slightly ciliate or absent; petals 6,
rarely 5, slightly fleshy, ovate-elliptic to rectangular-elliptic, ca. 3 mm.
由於多溴聯苯醚通常積聚在脂肪內,故市民應進食低脂食品, 切肉類和肉類製品的脂肪,減少使用動物脂肪配製食物,以及採用低脂的烹調方法。
As PBDEs tended to accumulate in fat, the
public should consume low fat food,
[...] discard fat from meat and meat product, reduce [...]
the use of food made from animal fat
and adopt low fat cooking methods.
同样,表达自由受《宪法》保护, 记者和片人在其各自职业中享有最大限度的自由。
Likewise, freedom of expression was protected by the Constitution, and reporters and film makers enjoyed maximum freedom in the exercise of their respective professions.
[...] 登记的内容应包括批号、类型、口径、材料、数量、弹壳上和包装上的标识,包 括弹壳和包装的详细片及描述。
For ammunition, such inspections sheets should include the lot number, type, calibre, material, quantity, markings
on the cartridge and on the packaging,
[...] including detailed pictures and descriptions [...]
of the cartridge and the packaging.
花5基数,无梗的;片肉质, 肾形或心形,1.5-2毫米宽,小的边缘具齿状缘毛;矩形的花瓣,长约2.5毫米,边缘有时啮蚀状小齿,基部具线形的,短的瓣爪。
Flowers 5-merous,
[...] sessile; sepals fleshy, nephroid or cordate, [...]
1.5-2 mm wide, margin with small teethlike cilia; petals
rectangular, ca. 2.5 mm, margin sometimes erosely small toothed, base with linear, short claws.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b)
[...] 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍或冷藏野味肉類和 家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍或冷藏水產品,除 [...]
非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 品法典委員會的標準。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk
beverages and dried milk; and c) all
[...] chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry [...]
eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic
products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
倘若農業食品與獸醫局有理 由 相信在持牌 加工場所 加工處 理 的 任肉類製品或魚類製品經 攙雜、受 污染或 因其他理由 不適宜供人 食用,農業食品與獸醫局可 向該加工場所 的持牌 人 發出書面指示,要求該持牌人即 時回收有肉類製品或魚 類製品的所 有 存 貨 ,以及停 止售賣、供應或分銷肉類製品 或魚類製品。
Where AVA has reason to
[...] believe that any meat product or fish product which has been processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of the processing establishment requiring the licensee to forthwith recall all stocks and to cease the sale, supply or distribution, of the meat product or fish product.
(18) 經營作為書商、書籍製造商、釘裝商、印刷商、出版社以及各類報章、雜誌、 書籍、期刊、門票、場刊、簡介、宣傳單張及其他刊物、機器、凸版印刷機 東主、雕刻師、製模工、設計員、繪圖員、報販、報章代理、新聞從業員、 文學代理、文具店店主與版畫、圖畫、 片 及 繪 圖生產商及交易商、製圖員、 廣告代理及承辦商、藝術家、雕塑家、設計師、裝飾師、插畫師、攝影師、 錄像師、各類攝影及錄像用品及器材交易商、菲林沖曬公司、電影製作人、 監製及發行商、宣傳代理、佈置專業人員之所有或任何業務,以及任何其他 [...]
(18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all
description, machine,
[...] letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, [...]
cartographers, advertising
agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing.
继 2006 年第一阶段开展多项提高认识活动后,又实施了四项新的地方节目项目,内容涉及: (i)在玻利维亚、肯尼亚、秘鲁和西伯利亚(俄罗斯联邦)确定了新的群体和培训机构;(ii) “最后的说书人”项目,与来自俄罗斯联邦西伯利亚的多尔干土著人民合作,记录他们的生活和文 化传统;(iii)“电视农村氏族公社”项目,与玻利维亚的农村氏族公社和 Markas 社区合作,记 录在玻利维亚土著运动大背景下的故事;(iv)关于肯尼亚马塞人社区如何促进文化敏感的地方发 展以及保护他们的文化和生物资源的纪 片 ; ( v)秘鲁 Matsiguengas 人的纪实和调查新闻项目。
Following awareness-raising activities carried out during the first semester of 2006, four new local content production projects were launched, involving five new communities: (i) new groups and training institutions were identified in Bolivia, Kenya, Peru and Siberia (Russian Federation); (ii) the “Last Story Teller” project, with the Dolgan indigenous people from Siberia, Russian Federation, documenting their life and cultural traditions; (iii) the project “TV Ayllu” with the Ayllus and Markas communities from Bolivia documenting their story within the larger context of the indigenous movement in Bolivia; (iv) a documentary on how a Massai community in Kenya promotes culturally sensitive local development and the protection of their cultural and biological resources; (v) a documentary and investigative journalism project by and with the Matsiguengas from Peru.




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