

单词 肉体

肉体 ()

physical body

See also:


flesh n
meat n

(of a person) flabby
(coll.) (of a fruit) squashy
pulp (of a fruit)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此, 当一个妇女被丈夫虐待――因为他相信他有 肉体 上 攻 击她,该妇女就在同时经 历人与人之间的和结构性的暴力侵害。
Therefore, when a woman is abused by a husband because he believes he has the right to physically assault her, the woman is experiencing interpersonal and structural violence simultaneously.
除了剥削性的居住和工作条件和经常性 肉体 和 性 虐 待,奴隶制的特殊性质由以下事实表明了其本身:受害者及其子女被认为是他们 [...]
Besides exploitative living and working
conditions and frequent physical and
[...] sexual abuse, the specific nature of slavery [...]
manifests itself by the fact that the
victim and her children are considered to be their master’s property and can be rented out, loaned or given as gifts to others.
在欧洲委员会专家组中, 已经制订了种种措施,以防止侵害儿童的暴力(包括禁止对儿童 肉体 惩 罚 ),支 助贫穷而遭社会排斥的父母和家庭。
In the Council of Europe expert group, measures for preventing violence against children (incl. to ban physical punishment of children) and for supporting poor and socially excluded parents and families have been prepared.
为了确保我们社会根据人权要求改变文化,这是至关 重要的,因为性教育的最终目标也是建立情感,并发挥男子的改革作用,而不是 严格地限制在生殖肉体的范围内。
This is crucial in order to ensure the cultural shift that human rights require our societies to make, since the goal of education for sexuality is also to construct affects and develop a transforming role for men by going beyond the strictly genital and physical aspect.
因着我们肉体里有 撒但的生命和性情,所以我们根据神的话就说,撒但以罪 的形态住在人肉体里面
In the sense of
[...] having within our flesh the life and nature of Satan we say, according to God's Word, that Satan in the form of sin dwells in man's flesh.
委员会注意到1993 年儿童法包含各种关于暴力侵害儿童的条款,但仍对暴
力侵害和虐待儿童情况普遍存在表示关切,并重申对以下情况的关切 (CRC/C/ 15/Add.237, 第48段)
[...] :缺乏适当的措施、机制和资源预防和打击家庭暴力,包 括对儿童肉体和性 虐待和忽视;受虐儿童获得服务的渠道有限;以及缺乏上述 [...]
While noting that the 1993 Child Law contains various provisions on violence against children, the Committee remains concerned about the widespread violence against and abuse of children, and reiterates its concern (CRC/C/15/Add.237, para. 48) at the lack of appropriate measures, mechanisms and
resources to prevent and combat domestic
[...] violence, including physical and sexual abuse [...]
and the neglect of children; the limited
access to services for abused children; and the lack of data on the aforementioned.
私人船舶或私人飞机上的工作人员或乘客为了试图在公海上或在任何 国家管辖范围以外的其他地方夺取他人的财产而非法扣留另一船舶或飞机、人
[...] 员、或该船或飞机上的他人财产,或对其人员进 肉体 或 精 神上的胁迫,应处以 4 至 8 [...]
A member of a crew or a passenger of a private ship or a private aircraft who, seeking to take possession over another’s property, on the high seas or on other territory outside the jurisdiction of any State, unlawfully detains another ship or aircraft, person, group of persons or
another’s property on board such ship or
[...] aircraft, or uses physical or mental coercion [...]
against such person or group of persons,
shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of four up to eight years.
例 如,在科索沃(塞尔维亚和黑山)、塞拉利昂和东帝汶的维和行动中,联合国民 警建立了专门的部门,以便在发生像性暴力、对儿童的性虐待 肉体 虐 待 以及家 庭暴力这样的特殊犯罪时提供更好的援助。
For instance, at operations in Kosovo (Serbia and Montenegro), Sierra Leone and Timor-Leste, United Nations civilian police have created units to
improve assistance in the
[...] context of specific crimes such as sexual violence, child sexual and physical abuse [...]
and domestic violence.
此外,教师对容肉体 暴力 行为的态度发生了变化,学生也更有信心地意识到他们有权不受伤害或虐 待。
In addition, teachers’ attitudes towards
[...] acceptability of physical violence changed [...]
and students became more confident that
they had the right to not be hurt or mistreated.
黎巴嫩居民不肉体直接 受到了打击,他们的生活和生存来源在正个危机期间也受到 了破坏。这是因为向其提供人道援助的可能性由于不分青红皂白的狂轰乱炸,海上、地面和 [...]
The Lebanese
[...] people suffered directly not only in the flesh but also in terms [...]
of their means of subsistence and survival
throughout the crisis, as opportunities for channelling humanitarian aid were seriously curtailed by the violence of the indiscriminate bombardments, by the air, land and sea blockade and by the methodical destruction of the country’s main highways and bridges.
为了 自己的属灵成长和教会的成长,带领人必须将这个 肉体 的 绊 脚石挪 去。
The spiritual leader
[...] must remove this carnal stumbling block [...]
for his own spiritual growth and for the growth of the church.
为改变这一局面,政府采取了以下措施:㈠ 批准大多数国际人权文书(《消
除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》及其任择议定书、《非洲人权和人民权利宪章》关 于妇女权利的议定书等);㈡
[...] 制订、通过和实施国家保证妇女男子法律平等原则 的文书和机制;㈢ 制订刑法禁止体、肉体、性 和精神惩罚;㈣ 建立打击性别 暴力观察机构;㈤ [...]
设立暴力投诉绿色热线;㈥ 建立司法诊所,听取妇女心声并 提供帮助、指导和照顾;㈦
In order to remedy this situation, a number of measures have been taken, including: (i) the ratification of the majority of international human rights instruments (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol, and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa); (ii) the development, adoption and implementation of national instruments and mechanisms to guarantee the principle of legal equality between
men and women; (iii) a penal code that
[...] criminalizes physical, corporal, sexual and [...]
psychological violence; (iv) the establishment
of an observatory to monitor gender-based violence; (v) the establishment of a violence hotline; (vi) the establishment of legal clinics to provide counselling, assistance, orientation and care for female victims of violence; (vii) the drafting of legislation on sexual harassment and violence against women and girls.
(b) 充分尊重儿童的权利、人的尊严和人身完整性,禁止和消除任何精神肉体暴力 行为或任何其他羞辱或侮辱行为
(b) To respect fully the rights, human dignity and physical integrity of children and to prohibit and eliminate any emotional or physical violence or any other humiliating or degrading treatment
注意到执法机构或与加沙地带事实上的管辖当局有关联的武装团体对被 指控犯有某种行为或被军事或民事法院判刑的人实施直接杀戮或法外处决的案
[...] 件,也注意到加沙地带事实上的管辖当局在审讯后拘留平民并对其进 肉体 消灭 的案件。
Cases of direct killing and extrajudicial execution by law enforcement agencies, or by armed groups connected to the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip, targeting persons accused of committing certain acts or sentenced by the military and civil courts have
been noted, as have cases of civilians
[...] being detained and then eliminated, after [...]
interrogation, by the agencies of the de
facto authority in the Gaza Strip.
一个字“circumcisio”是用来谴责犹太教完整的;的犹太人,他们说,夺走了一 肉体 ( σωματικῶς),基督徒把所有的东西精神上(πνευματικῶς)。
The one word "circumcisio" was used to condemn the whole of Judaism; the Jews, they said, took everything carnally (σωματικῶς), the Christians took all things spiritually (πνευματικῶς).
[...] 略框架,其中包括利用政治进程来提供保护,保护免肉体暴力,以及中长期营造一个保护平民权利与安 [...]
We have developed a strategic framework for the protection of civilians that includes the use of the
political process to provide protection,
[...] protection against physical violence and the [...]
medium- and long-term establishment of
an environment in which the rights and security of civilians are protected.
(b) 利用该研究报告中的建议作为行动手段,与民间社会合作,尤其是使
[...] 儿童参与,确保每一名儿童都得到保护,不受一切形式 肉体 、 性 和心理暴力之 害,并为防止和制止此类暴力和凌辱采取具体和有目标限期的行动
(b) Use the recommendations of the study as a tool for action in partnership with civil society and, in particular, with the involvement of children to
ensure that all children are protected from
[...] all forms of physical, sexual and [...]
psychological violence and to gain momentum
for concrete and time-bound actions to prevent and respond to such violence and abuse; and
海盗还 表现出对海员和船员使用酷刑及其他形 肉体 暴力 和侵害的倾向。
Pirates have also shown a propensity to employ torture and
[...] other forms of physical violence and [...]
abuse against sailors and crew members.
在这个过程中,希望的曙光并不总是那么明亮、清晰,它常常被一些精神 肉体 的 痛楚摧毁。 那时,我认识到“筋疲力尽”这个词的含义;就是当你付出那么多努力的时候,却毫无成效。
During this journey, the horizon was not always bright and clear, but was marred by some mental and physical crisis.
换 句 话 说, 阿 尔 诸 那 退 出肉 体—— 即 行 动 之 域——与 内 在 的 自 我 之 间 的 战 争。
In other words, Arjun withdraws from the conflict between the physical body-the sphere of action-and the Self within with his awareness of God.
可使精神放松,睡眠改善肉体放松 及能量增加,是值得大力推广的有效而无副作用的另类抗压力疗法。
Sichuan Crystal Herb Therapy relieves stress, improves sleep, relaxes the body and increases energy levels.
事实上,阿波美 监狱主任评论说,在该监狱没肉体 折 磨 ,但拥挤造成了“某种折磨”,因为犯 人无法正常睡眠。
Indeed, the director of Abomey Prison commented that there was no physical torture at the prison, but that the overcrowding produced “a kind of torture”, since prisoners were not able to sleep properly.
任何违反人 类尊严、造成对一个人的健康的威胁,或造 肉体 和 心 灵疼痛的行为或决定都是 被禁止的。
Any act or decision against human dignity, causing a threat to someone‟s health, or physical or mental pain is forbidden.
(a) 通过地区办事处,并酌情利用预算外资金做出有关安排,以建立一个国家机
[...] 构网络,为那些离开原籍国后及在前往目的地国家途中遭受任何精神 肉体 暴力 的移民,以及那些到达移民目的地国后受到歧视或仇外心理影响的移民 [...]
(a) establish arrangements through regional offices and with extrabudgetary funding as appropriate to create a network of national
authorities to support migrants who may be
[...] victims of moral or physical violence of any [...]
kind once they leave their country of origin
and during their transit to the destination country, and who may be victims of discrimination or xenophobia once they have arrived in that country
他娶了九名岁,并留下一个持久的遗产,对旧的穆斯林男子以履行他们 肉体 的 欲 望违背自然法则和终身破坏的年轻女孩。
He married a nine year-old and
leaves an enduring legacy for old Muslim men to
[...] fulfill their carnal desires contrary [...]
to natural law and to the life-long devastation of young girls.
又认识到在幼儿期,儿童有着特殊的身体和情感需要,特别依赖父母、 适情依赖法定监护人和其他照顾者提供保护,并较易受到疾病、心理创伤和暴力
[...] 伤害,包括被忽视、受伤、受到粗暴对待和虐待(包 肉体 和 精 神暴力)和其他发 展障碍,应对他们采取特殊保护措施,并使之有机会以与其能力发展相符的方式 [...]
Also recognizes that, during early childhood, children have particular physical and emotional requirements and are especially dependent on parents and, when applicable, legal guardians and other caregivers to offer protection, and are more vulnerable to disease, trauma and violence,
including neglect, injury, maltreatment and
[...] abuse, including physical and mental violence, [...]
and other obstacles to their development,
and are entitled to special protection measures and the opportunity to progressively exercise their rights in a manner consistent with their evolving capacities
C. 受洗的人不只是浸在水里,更是指 肉体 的 生命或旧的本性已经被放 在死的地位上,洗礼不只是外在的承认,信仰更是关乎心灵的事。
C. The baptized person is the one who has not only
been baptized in literal water, but whose life
[...] shows that the flesh, or old nature, [...]
has been put in the place of death.
他们开始在他的信中说,无辜的受害者耶稣是上帝的羔羊,上帝-之父所发送在受害人… 自己 — 救赎人类的罪… 《由于法律,削弱肉体,是无能为力的,上帝就差遣自己的儿子在相似的罪孽深重 肉体 和 罪恶…》(罗马书8:3),《… 耶稣的血,他的儿子,洗净我们一切的罪》(约翰一书1:7),《… [...]
《… 他出现,是为了带走我们的罪…》(约翰一书3:5)… 其结果是,我们只需要相信耶稣真的是基督,— 并没有其他事情可做:我们的罪被赦免了,天堂是保证
They stated in their Epistles that innocently killed Jesus was a Lamb of God allegedly sent by God-the-Father as a sacrifice… to Himself — as atonement for the sins of
people… “Since the
[...] law was weak as it acted through the flesh, God sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as a sacrifice for sin…” (Rom [...]
8:3), “… The blood
of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7), “… He is the propitiation (for God-the-Father) concerning our sins, and not concerning ours only, but also concerning the sins of all the world” (1 John 2:2), “… He was revealed that He might take away our sins…” (1 John 3:5)… As a result, it turns out that it is enough just to come to believe that Jesus was indeed a Christ — this is all we need to do: then our sins are remitted and paradise is guaranteed for us
据报告,有警察威胁受害人,在没有正当理由的情况下对个人实行关押,向被指控犯罪的个人随意收费,以及对受害人和犯罪人实施精神 肉体 迫 害
Police officers reportedly coerced victims, took individuals into custody without just cause, arbitrarily collected fees from individuals charged with crimes, and mentally and physically abused victims and perpetrators.
然后,厌倦了没有一个真正的儿子,杰佩托说服比利是他的“儿子”,而匹诺曹变得越来越嫉妒和吃比利 肉体 , 成为一个真正的男孩,并获得杰佩托的父爱和感情。
Then, tired of not having a real son, Geppetto convinces Billy to be his “real son”, while Pinocchio
becomes increasingly jealous and is set on
[...] eating Billy’s flesh to become a real [...]
boy and gain Geppetto’s fatherly love and affection.




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