








without restraint (of enemy or malefactor)

External sources (not reviewed)

食物样本是从不同的级市场、麫包店及其 他零售店铺收集得來。
Food samples were collected from various restaurants, supermarkets, bakeries and other retail outlets.
另一方面,又建议式中提供更多水果和蔬菜,并把酱汁分开 端上(如可行的话)。
On the other
[...] hand,food premiseswere suggested [...]
to provide more fruit and vegetables in their dishes and to serve sauces separately if possible.
他们认为,总干事应继续发表声明,谴责针对记者 的暴力行为,并呼吁采取主动行动,努力促进结为。
They acknowledged the Director-General’s continuing statements condemning violence against journalists, and called for proactive action and efforts to help bring an endto impunity.
研制、生产、储存和 使用大规模毁灭性武戮的影响也可意味着无法预料、无法控制和长期且 跨越边界的环境影响,危及子孙后代的生活。
The development, production, stockpiling and use of weapons of mass destruction or of indiscriminate effect may also imply unforeseeable, uncontrollable and long-term and cross-border effects on the environment threatening the livelihood of succeeding generations.
与会者还强调说,战略目标和优先事项是不断变化的(例如,由于艾滋病毒/艾滋 病在非洲这方面的需求明显增加,一些与会者认为应在 31 C/4 中增列这样一个新的 横向专题—也请参见下文第 69 段)。
Participants also underlined the evolving character of the strategic objectives and priorities (e.g. the dramatically increased needs as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa which warrants in the view of several participants the introduction of a new cross-cutting theme in document 31 C/4 – see also para. 69 below).
反腐败工作试图防止公共资源遭夺和浪费,以便将资源 用于国民发展和减少贫困,从而在肯尼亚落实人权。
The fight against corruption seeks to protect public
[...] resourcesfrom wantonplunder and [...]
wastage in order to avail resources for national
development, poverty alleviation and hence the realization of human rights in the country.
六十多年来,大屠杀、房屋拆毁、粮食和药物禁 运、绑架和监禁;以各种方式威胁其邻邦,包括使用 核武器;对巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩发动无数次战争;暗杀 政治和宗教人士和精英;公开或隐蔽地干涉他国的政 治、经济和文化事务;违反国际法和国际人道主义法 以犯人权,包括杀害儿童和妇女——所有这 一切已构成充足的理由,要求国际社会采取果断措施 来制止这些暴行,并给予巴勒斯坦人民几十年来一直 被剥夺的合法权利。
More than six decades of massacre, home demolitions, food and medicine embargos, abduction and imprisonment; the threatening of its neighbours in various ways, including with nuclear weapons; the waging of numerous wars against Palestine and Lebanon; the assassination of people, political and religious figures and elites; overt and covert interference in the political, economic and cultural affairs of other States; violations of international law and international humanitarian law and all-out violations of human rights, including the killing of children and women — all of this should be reason enough for the international community to take decisive measures to stop these brutalities and grant the people of Palestine the legitimate rights of which they have been deprived for decades.
这种疾病在国内经这是去医疗机构就诊的 45%的病人问诊的原 因,而且 5 岁以下儿童中 35%的死亡病例都是死于该疾病。
Malaria is endemic in the country and accounts for 45 per cent of patients having recourse to health care units and 35 per cent of mortality among children under 5.
在包括阿富汗、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、索马 里、乍得、菲律宾、尼泊尔以及其他各处在内的世 界各个地区,当武装冲突以及它们对平民 造成的精神和身体伤害,应该促使会员国利用联合 国——特别是秘书长及其代表——关于在武装冲突 中保护平民做出的所有提议,来起草建立调查委员 会或类似机构的有效决议,以便用实际具体的方式 保护平民。
The armed conflicts currently raging and their psychological and physical harm to civilians in various corners of the world — including Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Chad, the Philippines, Nepal and elsewhere — should compel Member States to draw on all proposals on the protection of civilians in armed conflict made by the United Nations, and the Secretary-General and his representatives in particular, in order to draft effective resolutions establishing investigative committees or similar entities to protect civilians in a practical and concrete manner.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
主要旅游区如购物商场、店均设有无障 碍通道。
Barrier-free access is an important feature at all major tourism areas such as shopping malls, restaurants and hotels.
[...] 纪类表现理想,而超市、独立能源、综合石油、织类表现则最令人失望。
Based on excess returns, the best performing sectors were home construction, non-captive consumer finance, life insurance, banking and
brokerage. The worst performing sectors were supermarkets, independent energy,
[...] integrated oil, restaurants and textile.
阿塞拜疆共和国政府强烈抗议亚美尼亚方面的挑衅行为和言论,认为侵略者 的无礼行为显然表明,其罪行仍然没有受到惩罚,并认为亚美尼亚领导人发表只有一个目的,即给当前的冲突解决进程抹黑,误导国际社会,并转移本 国公众对该国日益严重的内部问题的注意力。
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly protests against provocative actions and statements of the Armenian side, finds the aggressor’s insolent behaviour as obvious manifestation of impunity for its crimes and considers the defiant rhetoric of the Armenian leadership as having the sole purpose of discrediting the ongoing conflict settlement process, misleading the international community and drawing its own public’s attention away from the country’s aggravating internal problems.
矿业公司公司承担社会和环境责任的计划,有时被人指责为掩饰公 [...]
司不愿与当地社区进行有意义的协作,承认它们有义务维持环境清洁,或至少对 公司活动直接影响的人支付公正的赔偿。
Broad publicity of corporate social [...]
and environmental responsibility initiatives by mining firms has sometimes been criticized
as masking the companies’ unwillingness to engage meaningfully with local communities, recognize their obligations to keep the environment clean, or at least compensate fairly those directly affected by their activities.
And as the cholera epidemic continues to take lives in Haiti, community clinics and other health facilities still rely on UNICEF deliveries of nutritional supplements such as Plumpy’nut, a highly nutritious peanut-based paste containing multiple vitamins and minerals.
法采取认真和协调一致的行动,重新唤起人们对在 1967 年以前边界基础上落实
[...] 两国解决办法的憧憬,值此之际,占领国以色列的言行显示,以色列故意确保上 述努力归于失败,继惮地藐视法治,藐视国际社会的立场和意愿,并选 [...]
At a time when the international community is fully and responsibly focused on promoting an environment conducive to the achievement of a peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and seeks serious and coordinated action to salvage the prospects for realizing the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, Israel, the occupying Power, in word and in deed is demonstrating its deliberate
intent to ensure the failure of these efforts
[...] as it continuesto recklessly defy [...]
the rule of law and the position and will
of the international community and to choose continued occupation and conflict over peace.
他强调,缅甸、 联合国和东南亚国家联盟(东盟)以及飓风纳尔吉甸后不久出现的新合作伙伴之间的首次合 作,表明应该走团结合作的道路而非孤军奋战。
The unprecedented level of cooperation that had been established between Myanmar, the United Nations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other partners in the aftermath of cyclone Nargis, which had ravaged the country, showed that priority should be given to cooperation rather than isolation.
在媒体和学校里,造国的不稳定的罪名 都被加在图西人身上。
In the media and in schools, the instability plaguing the entire country is blamed on Tutsis.
国家社会能够 向存在严重差距的任何地区提供有力的支持,特别 是通过建设和平委员会,使所有的国际和区域行动 者、利益攸关方以及合作伙伴步调一致地团结起来, 在冲国家形成促进和平与发展的协同作 用,并建立必要的机构。
The international community could lend a strong supportive hand wherever an acute gap was felt, especially by bringing all international and regional actors, stakeholders and partners together in a synchronized manner, through the Peacebuilding Commission, to create synergy in promoting peace, development and necessary institutions in conflictravaged countries.
What the author can see, however, is that the educational experts did not only evade expressing their standpoints on small-class teaching as the policy goal, but also willfully criticized the priority of the introduction of technical supporting measures such as number of students included, forms covered, training of teachers, flexibility of the system, etc. In fact these questions can be solved completely through discussions.
防范小组委员会可以明确表示, 洪都拉斯现行的制宪和立法标准不会阻碍人身保护权以各种形式得到应用,如避 免或阻止各种非法逮捕行动、或者拘留条件的极度恶化。
The Subcommittee has ascertained that the constitutional and legislative norms in force in Honduras do not impede the simple and speedy implementation of habeas corpus in its various forms, whether to prevent or terminate unlawful or arbitrary detention or to address any unlawful deterioration in the conditions of detention.
如同厄立特里亚当时强调的(S/2009/658),这些无端和不平 衡的措施,尤其是一边倒的武器禁运,对区域和平与安全带来危险的后果,因为 这些措施可能鼓励埃塞俄比亚考虑对厄立特里亚进一步实惮的侵略和 颠覆行动。
As Eritrea emphasized at the time (S/2009/658), those unwarranted and unbalanced measures, and particularly the lopsided arms embargo, were fraught with dangerous consequences for regional peace and stability as they could potentially encourage Ethiopia to contemplate reckless acts of further aggression and subversion against Eritrea.
y 全民健康,尤其是努力防洲大陆的重大流行性疾病和祸患,例 如艾滋病毒/艾滋病、麻风病、肺结核、线虫病和孤儿病,如镰刀型红血 球疾病。
Health for all and particularly efforts to combat major pandemics and scourges afflicting the African continent such as HIV/AIDS, leprosy, tuberculosis, Guinea worm disease and orphan diseases such as sickle-cell disease.
为打击该地毒品贩运,集安条约组织 和北约组织之间以及巴黎-莫斯科进程框架下开展了 国际合作。
In order to combat drug trafficking in the region,international cooperation had been established between CSTO and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and within the framework of the Paris-Moscow process.
在住宿的房子里索契春季收集几乎一切所需的休闲旅游客源市场: Aquapark 每 1000、 保龄球、 舞厅、 电影院、 酒吧、 餐厅、 强壮的海岸线完整的海上娱乐正在自己的专业服务、 足球场、 高尔夫、 网球、 客人的酒店优秀早餐自助餐,会令人羡慕的任何世界 Spa,桌球室,自己的医疗预防基地所有体育场馆健身房、 游泳池和其他浴缸,当然,按摩、 纪念品商店和旅游商品,在从索契的游客,因为他们知道有完全是最好的。
In the lodging house Spring in Sochi collected almost everything you need for leisure tourists: Aquapark per 1000, Bowling, a nightclub, Cinema, bars, restaurants, Well-groomed coastline full of entertainment at sea Are rolling your own professional service, football field, golf, tennis, restaurant for guests of hotel excellent breakfast buffet, which will be envied by any world Spa, billiard room, own medical-prophylactic baseUniquesports complex with gym, swimming pool and other baths, and, of course, massage, souvenir shops and tourist goods, in which tourists from Sochi, because they know that there's exactly is the best.
着重指出 着重指出 着重指出 着重指出,要解决小武器和轻武器非法贸易的各方面问题,就要在国家、 区域和国际各级作出协调一致的努力来防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器的非法 制造、转让和流通,而小武器和轻武器在世界许多地区散产生多种人道 主义和社会经济后果,在个人、地方、国家、区域和国际各级对和平、和解、安 全、安保、稳定和可持续发展构成严重威胁
the fact that the issue of the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects requires concerted efforts at the national, regional and international levels to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of small arms and light weapons, and that their uncontrolled spread in many regions of the world has a wide range of humanitarian and socio-economic consequences and poses a serious threat to peace, reconciliation, safety, security, stability and sustainable development at the individual, local, national, regional and international levels
满意地注意到国际社会比以往任何时候都更加意识到这些实际裁军措施的 重要性,特别是小武器和轻武器及其弹药的过度累积散引起越来越多的 问题,威胁许多地区的和平与安全,损害其经济发展的前景,特别是在冲突后地 区,强调需要进一步努力,在受影响地区制订和有效执行实际裁军方案,将其作 还欢迎第一、4
Noting with satisfaction that the international community is more than ever aware of the importance of such practical disarmament measures, especially with regard to the growing problems arising from the excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread of small arms and light weapons, including their ammunition, which pose a threat to peace and security and reduce the prospects for economic development in many regions, particularly in post-conflict situations




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