

单词 聪明反被聪明误

External sources (not reviewed)

他的解释却是非常简单,甚至简单的,视频是相当差的,但 被 编 辑 了这 聪明 的 家伙是凉爽宜人。
He explains in a very simple and even simplistic, the video is quite poor, but it was edited so smart and the guy is nice and cool.
在这种情况下,有关案件会再被列 为未决案件,而工作组则 要在提交人权理事会的报告中做出具体解释, 明 上 述 错 误 或 偏 差。
In such instances, the case in question is again listed among
the outstanding
[...] cases and a specific explanation is given in the Group’s report to the Human Rights Council, describing the above-mentioned errors or discrepancies.
Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. [...]
Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information.
一.44 咨询委员会获悉,所需资源的减少是针对秘书长关于所有方案主管都想 方设法“以聪明的方 式开展工作”的要求。
I.44 The Advisory Committee was informed that the
decrease in requirements responded to the Secretary-General’s request that all programme
[...] managers find ways to “work smarter”.
在审被控严重违反国际人道主义法 的人的过程中,法庭发出明确无误 的 信 号,即让这些罪行的行为人逍遥法外是 无法容忍的。
In bringing to trial those accused of serious violations of international humanitarian law, this institution has issued the clear and unequivocal signal that [...]
impunity for such offences will not be tolerated.
被证明是机智聪明,精 明和狡猾,在需要的时候,救了他从许多情况下,尤其是当Omnitrix“环无法启动,或不提供他的形式,他本来想。
Ben proves to be resourceful, intelligent, shrewd and cunning when needed, which saved him from many situations, especially when the Omnitrix cannot activate or doesn’t provide him with the form he originally wanted.
以色列促请秘书长表达国际社明确 无 误 的 期 望,立刻释放 Shalit 上士, 及时纠正这一反最基 本的人权标准的严重情况。
Israel urges the Secretary-General
[...] to express the unequivocal expectation of the international community for the immediate release of Staff Sergeant Shalit, and for prompt rectification of this grave situation which is contrary to the most fundamental [...]
standards of human rights.
资产管理一直 不是优先事项反映于 以下方面:缺乏对相关特派团资产事务人员的指导和咨询 意见,造成工程资产数据库误; 未能 查 明 储 存过量、储存呆滞或陈旧的情况; 缺乏恰当的行动确保储存得到正当管理;缺乏对编纂和分类工作的支助,从而无 法确保资产说明前后一致,并且无法确保在数据库中对这些资产的记录统一。
Asset management has not been a priority, demonstrated by the lack of guidance and advice provided to relevant mission asset personnel, resulting in engineering asset database errors, lack of identification of excess stock, slow moving or obsolete stock and appropriate action to ensure the stocks are properly managed, and lack of support with codification and classification to ensure a consistent description of assets, thus ensuring homogenous recording of the assets in the database.
另外据称,虽然这些做法和其 他一些做法经被统称 为减少危害措施,但重要的不是支持某一个特定术语, 而是应当对拟实施的方案和政策作 明 白 无 误 的 说 明。
It was also stated that, although those and
other practices were frequently lumped together as harm
[...] reduction measures, it was not support for a particular term that was important but rather that the programmes and policies to be undertaken be described clearly and precisely.
因此,我反对安 理会今天审议的决议不 被误 解为我们支持定居点活动。
Our opposition to the resolution before this Council today should therefore not be misunderstood to mean we [...]
support settlement activity.
营造人员监督条件,确信设计和生产核武器的个人技术专长不 被误 用 于违 反禁止义务。
Create personnel oversight conditions to ensure confidence that
individuals’ know-how in the design and building of nuclear
[...] weapons will not be misapplied in violation of prohibition [...]
(e) 审计师关于是否需要成立和维持认购权利储备,而如是,储备的金额,关 于认购权利储备的用途,关被用以 弥补本公司的损失的程度,关于须要 分配给行权认股权证持有人并入账列为全部缴足股款的额外股份的票面 值,及关于任何其他与认购权利储备有关的事情的证明或报告,(在没明显谬误下) 应为最终证明或报告,对本公司及所有认股权证持有人和股 东有约束力。
(e) A certificate or report by the auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Rights Reserve is required to be established and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Rights Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of
the Company, as to the additional nominal
[...] amount of shares required to be allotted to an exercising warrantholder credited as fully paid and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Rights Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
因此,我 们必须充分发挥我们聪明才智 ,努力防微杜渐,并 且通过在实地采取的法律、政治和技术层面的具体行 动来这样做。
We therefore need to deploy all our human ingenuity by working to prevent problems early in the chain and through concrete action on the ground on the legal, political and technological levels.
通过有 关行动计划是为了满足处于不利地位的弱势儿童的
[...] 特别需要,重点特别放在努力促进儿童权利和鼓励发 挥他聪明才智上。
The relevant action plan was adopted to address the special needs of disadvantaged and
vulnerable children, with particular emphasis on efforts aimed at promoting children’s
[...] rights and encouraging their talents.
青岛啤酒的最大国外市场是在美国,还有什么比和NBA合作 聪明 的 方 法呢?
And as its biggest foreign market is indeed in the USA, what could have been smarter for Tsingtao than closing a partnership with NBA?
希望他在未来的岁月中能一切如愿,并有机会与国际社会分享自己 聪明 才 智 ,为人类的 伟大事业不懈努力。
Expresses the hope that the coming years will afford him many sources of satisfaction and offer him further opportunities of giving the international community the benefit of his wisdom and his tireless devotion to the great causes of humanity.
末底改和里格比发现,他们聪明了 他 们周围的世界和里格比的“RIG-果汁”可以哑了他们的正常的自我。
Mordecai and Rigby discover that they are now too smart for the world around them, and only Rigby’s “Rig-Juice” can dumb them down to their normal selves.
事实上,投 资高质量和负担得起的信息基础设施、教育和知识,其中包括生态-信息和
[...] 传播技术解决办法,是一个通过创新摆脱危机 聪明 方 式,尤其对发展中国 家是这样。
Indeed, investing in high-quality and affordable information infrastructure, education and
knowledge, including research in eco-ICT
[...] solutions, may be a smart way to innovate [...]
out of the crisis, especially for developing countries.
只需按一下按钮并把购物清单或是您刚想起来的精彩引语告诉您的手机就行了(您怎么这 聪明 呢 )
Simply press a button, and tell your phone your grocery list, or that snappy quote you just
[...] thought up (so clever, you).
甚至在项目规划的后期,当出口信贷机被要求 投资时,世界大坝委员会的建议也将会通 过提高遵守能力、降低风险、减少 反 对 造 成的误和成 本超支以及改善收益流和业绩等措施来保障 工程的经济利益和可行性。
Even at later stages of project planning when export credit agencies are asked to invest, the WCD’s recommendations will help to ensure the economic benefits and viability of the projects by improving compliance, reducing risks, reducing delays and cost overruns due to opposition, and improving benefit streams and performance.
如果作为听证结果,参与机构认定信息并非不准确 误 导 或 违 反 您 的 孩子的隐私权或其它 权利,则该机构必须通知您有权在其保管的纪录中加入一项 明 , 对 信息进行 明 , 或提 供您不同意参与机构决定的任何原因。
If, as a result of the hearing, the participating agency decides
that the information is
[...] not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of your child, it must inform you of your right to place in the records that it maintains on your child a statement commenting on [...]
the information or providing
any reasons you disagree with the decision of the participating agency.
事实上大部分宽光谱杀虫剂直接威胁水生生物和健康的鱼 类养殖聪明的农 民很不愿意喷洒杀虫剂。
Together with the fact that most broadspectrum insecticides are a direct threat to aquatic organisms and healthy fish culture, knowledgeable farmers are much less motivated to spray pesticides.
这一保障必须被理解为没有任何来自调查当局为获得认罪供词对被告的直 接或间接的肉体或过度的心理压力……国内法必须确保在 反 《 公约》第 7 条的情况下获得的声明或供词不得作为证据……在这种情况下, 明被告 的声明是自愿做出的举证责任在国家。
This safeguard must be understood in terms of the absence of any direct or indirect physical or undue psychological pressure from the investigating authorities on the accused, with a view to obtaining a confession of guilt … Domestic law must ensure that
statements or confessions
[...] obtained in violation of article 7 of the Covenant are excluded from the evidence … and that in such cases the burden is on the State to prove that statements made by the accused have been given [...]
of their own free will.
通常,如同解释性声明本身一样,这 反 应 可能 证 明 是 正 确或 误 的 , 但 这并不意味着他们是允许的或不允许的。
(2) As a general rule, like interpretative
[...] themselves, the approval or opposition they arouse may prove to be correct [...]
or erroneous, but that does not imply that they
are permissible or impermissible.
我国政府的这一行动可能被许多反 对 派人 士误 解为 用以影响 2012 年选举的一项努力,可能为对过 去的暴行进行新调查的各种要求开辟道路。
This action by the Government
[...] could be misunderstood by many in the opposition as an effort [...]
to influence the 2012 elections
and could open the way for demands for all sorts of new inquests into past atrocities.
我们认为,对以罗马法律制度为基础的国家来说,由于这些 法律制度中没有公平管辖权的概念,而且其中法院不习惯于采取此种自由裁量 做法,因此,如果建议草案不将其适用范 明 确 限 制在非常有限的情形内,实 质性合并就可被误用。
We believe that for countries based on Roman law legal systems, which do not have a concept of equitable jurisdiction and where the courts are not used to adopting such discretionary approach, substantive
consolidation could be
[...] misused if the draft recommendations do not clearly restrict its application to very limited circumstances.
78 有一个国家“支持第 21 条草案第 2 款提出的关于反措施的限制办 法”。79 另有一个国家建议在一个国际组织及其成员之间的关系中完全排除反措 施,或至少要“清晰明,反措施必 须 被 认 为 不符合该组织的规则,除非清晰指 明该组织的内部规则(可能也包括制裁)并不是要专门制约该组织与其成员之间 的关系”。
The expression “member State or international organization” is intended to cover all the States and international organizations that are members.78 One State “supported the restrictive approach taken with regard to countermeasures in draft article 21, paragraph 2”.79 Another State suggested excluding countermeasures altogether in the relations between an international organization and its members, or at least “to make it very clear that countermeasures have to be deemed
外聘审计员在审计中需要确证是:截止 2007 年 12 月 31 日财务期的财务报表中所列的 各项支出,是否与理事机构核准过的目标相符;各项收入和支出是否根据教科文组织《财务 条例》的规定分类记录;财务报表是否准确 误 地 反 映 出 截止 2007 年 12 月 31 日财务期的 财务状况。
The audit was undertaken so that the External Auditor could establish whether the expenditure shown in the financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2007 was fully in keeping with the objectives approved by the governing body, whether the income and expenditure were classified and recorded in accordance with the Financial Regulations and whether the financial statements presented fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of UNESCO as at 31 December 2007.




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