单词 | 聪慧 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 聪慧 —intelligentless common: witty See also:聪 adj—wise adj • acute adj 聪—sharp-witted • quick at hearing 慧—intelligent
过 去几天中我与在座许多人进行了很好的交谈,许多国 [...] 家已经迈出巨大步伐,以吸引全世界最优秀和 最 聪慧 青年人到它们那里就业和上大学。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have had great conversations over the past several days with many people here, and many [...] countries have made tremendous strides to attract the [...] world’s best and brightest youth to their [...]job markets and universities. daccess-ods.un.org |
堪培拉也大力重视满足天资聪慧之学 生的需求,开设了内容丰富的教学课程,以适应每个学生不同的智力、兴趣与能力水平。 australiachina.com.au | Canberra also has a strong focus on meeting the needs of gifted and talented students and offers a wide curriculum choice to suit the intellect, interest and capability of every student. australiachina.com.au |
服从、优雅、聪慧的本性造就了它那沉稳快乐的天性。 eukanuba.com.cn | The obedient, graceful, intelligent nature of the breed contributes to the stable, happy temperament associated with the Golden Retriever. fr.eukanuba.ch |
学校非常强调采取切实有效的方法,向天 资 聪慧 但 英 文尚 不流利的学生教授科学课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Great emphasis is placed on the teaching of science in ways that are effective for students of high ability who have not yet achieved fluency in English. daccess-ods.un.org |
就创造理念而言,聪慧仍然 比庞大更重要。 biggerbrains.com | Fortunately, in the creation of [...] ideas, being clever still counts [...]for more than being big. biggerbrains.com |
我们如果能够像谦恭的门徒那样,永远保持积极的探询之心,将变得更加有强壮 、 聪慧 与 高 效。 12manage.com | We are more effective the longer we can retain the spirit of inquiry of the everlasting beginner. 12manage.com |
我们还必须大量增加经费和人们 获取各个层次教育的机会,以确保像下面这些事一样 简单的事情都能办好:为所有人提供优质教育,为所 有需要者提供免费教育,而且为其他所有人提供充分 的经费,以实现这样的梦想,即,没有一个天 资 聪慧 的孩 子和年轻人不会因为其家庭的社会经济状况或 是因为资源匮乏而被拒于高等教育的大门之外。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must also substantially increase funding and access at all levels of education in order to ensure something as simple as quality education for all, free education for all those who need it and adequate funding for all others in order to realize the dream that no bright child or young person remains excluded from higher education owing to the socio-economic situation of their family or to scarce resources. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此要逐步采用“气候聪慧型农 业”,按其定义,这种农业应能够可持续 地提高生产率和复原力、减少温室气体并能够实现国家粮食安全和各项发展目 标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It involves moving towards “climate-smart agriculture”, which is defined as agriculture that sustainably increases productivity and resilience and reduces greenhouse gases, while enhancing the achievement of national food security and development goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
测试领导者是否是仆人领导的最好做法——对其本人来说或许也是最难的做法就是, [...] 去考察其服务对象—— 看看他们是否强壮、聪慧、自由、自主,也想成为助人为乐的公仆? 12manage.com | The best test, and difficult to administer, is: do those served grow [...] as persons; do they, while being served, [...] become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, [...]more likely themselves to become servants? 12manage.com |
赵龙先生于1999年加入慧聪,凭 借优异的业绩,2005年晋升 为 慧聪 研 究 院院长。 ece-china.com | Mr. Zhao Long joined Huicong in 1999 and was promoted to the president of Huicong Research Institute in 2005 for his splendid performance. ece-china.com |
一.44 咨询委员会获悉,所需资源的减少是针对秘书长关于所有方案主管都想 方设法“以更聪明的 方式开展工作”的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | I.44 The Advisory Committee was informed that the decrease in requirements responded to the Secretary-General’s request that all programme managers find ways to “work smarter”. daccess-ods.un.org |
慧聪五金网】10月24日,由苏州工业园区宏亿标准件有限公司独家冠名 , 慧聪 紧 固 件网 、 慧聪 五 金网及中国机械通用零部件工业协会联合主办,主题为“中国新势力”的宏亿螺丝 杯 - 慧聪 网 2012年度紧固件行业十大评选颁奖典礼,在北 京 慧聪 园 隆 重举行。 dg-jyd.com | HC Hardware Network] October 24, by the Suzhou [...] [...] Industrial Park Hongyi Standard Parts Co., Ltd. exclusive title, HC the fasteners Network, HC Hardware Network and the China General Machine Parts Industry Association jointly organized the theme "new forces2012 annual fastener industry macros million screws Cup - HC Network Ten award Presentation Ceremony, held in Beijing HC Park. dg-jyd.com |
慧聪网成 立于1992年,经过18年发展,已经成为国内领先的B2B电子商务服务提供商,依 托其核心互联网产品买卖通以及雄厚的传统营销渠道 – 慧聪 商 情 广告与中国资讯大全、研究院行业分析报告为客户提供线上、线下的全方位服务,这种优势互补,纵 横立体的架构,已成为中国B2B行业的典范,对电子商务的发展具有革命性影响。 2010.telcotvasia.com | Hui Cong network was established in 1992, after 18 years of development, has become a leading B2B electronic commerce service provider, relying on its core Internet products and strong tradition of trading through marketing channels - Hui Cong Business Advertisement [...] and information [...]Daquan, Research Institute of Industry Analysis Report to provide customers with online and offline full-service, this complementary, vertical and horizontal three-dimensional structure, has become a model of B2B industry, the development of the revolutionary impact of e-commerce. 2010.telcotvasia.com |
我希望局長也發揮民間智慧,多 接見環保團體和小型回收 商,看看有何積極措施,令我們可以真正落實政府的政策,可以真正搞好環 [...] 保回收的行業。 legco.gov.hk | I hope he can exploit [...] ordinary people's wisdom by meeting with [...]green groups and small recyclers more frequently to examine [...]what proactive measures can be taken to enable government policies to be truly implemented to better the development of environmental industries. legco.gov.hk |
2008年亲自运作慧聪研究 院的资本引入,成功与美国百年品牌邓白氏达成合作,并被任命为新合资公司CEO,带 领 慧聪 邓 氏 研究向更高的山峰挑战。 ece-china.com | In 2008, Mr. Zhao handled in person the capital [...] infusion into Huicong Research Institute and succeeded in partnering with the US centennial brand D&B. He was then appointed as the CEO of the new joint venture, leading Huicong D&B Market Research [...]to achieve new heights. ece-china.com |
主席建議王慧琼女 士蒐集有關不含鋁的泡打粉資料,供工 作小組考慮。 cfs.gov.hk | The Chairman suggested Ms. Waiky WONG collecting information about Al-free baking powders for the working group to consider. cfs.gov.hk |
由深圳市政府、中国电子商会、深圳市汽车电子行业协会 和 慧聪 汽 车电子网联合主办的“2011中国(深圳)国际汽车电子产品展览会”于7月15日至17日在深圳国际会展中心隆重举办,这次展会不仅是国内首个倡导“科技、国际、品牌”的汽车电子专业展览会,更是首个得到政府重视与大力支持的汽车电子展览会。 jjt-car.com | By the Shenzhen Municipal Government, China Electronic Chamber [...] of Commerce, Shenzhen Automotive Industry [...] Association and HC Automotive Network [...]co-sponsored the "2011 China (Shenzhen) [...]International Automobile Electronics Show "On 15 to 17 July in shenzhen international Convention & Exhibition Center held a grand, this exhibition is not only the first domestic advocate" science and technology, the international, the brand "car electronic professional exhibition, is the first to get more attention and support of government automobile electronic exhibition. jjt-car.com |
慧聪酒店 网作为行业的权威媒体,以助推行业发展为己任,联合行业协会、著名专家及优秀的企业,共同携手举办了“2010年中国酒店用品行业十大评选”活动,旨在引导企业品牌意识,诠释品牌企业形象,将拥有过硬产品质量、完善售后服务的优秀企业及精英人士推选出来,将品牌魅力最大化,充分彰显精英人物,映射品牌文化,促进酒店供需双方交易,提高品牌美誉度、可信度、知名度。 xianghehotel.com | HC hotel network, as the [...] authority of the media industry to boost development of the industry responsibility, joint industry [...]associations, experts and best-known companies to work together organized the "2010 Top Ten Award hotel supplies" campaign, designed to guide the corporate brand awareness, interpretation of the brand corporate image, will have excellent quality and perfect after-sales service and outstanding business elite elected, will maximize the brand appeal and demonstrates elite, mapping brand culture, both supply and demand for the hotel trade, improve brand reputation , credibility, reputation. xianghehotel.com |
單慧媚博士表示,衞生福利及食物局對基因改造食物的標籤規定至今並 [...] 無定論,但在研究需否推行強制標籤時,將會考慮業界的意見和市民健康。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Della SIN informed that the [...] Health, Welfare and Food Bureau (HWFB) did not have any predetermined decisions for the [...]labeling requirements for GM food so far; however, the views of the trade as well as the public health would be taken into account when considering whether there was a need to implement mandatory labelling. cfs.gov.hk |
执行支助股政治事务干事皮尔斯·米莱特先生和执行支助古政治事务协理干事努 蓬慧女士和乔舒亚·奇尔德雷斯先生为秘书处人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Piers Millett, Political Affairs Officer, Implementation [...] Support Unit, Ms. Ngoc Phuong Huynh, [...]Associate Political Affairs Officer, Implementation [...]Support Unit, and Mr. Joshua Childress served in the Secretariat. daccess-ods.un.org |
从“十大”组委会了解到,本次评选活动充分启用 了 慧聪 网 强大的资源背景,除了网络、网银和短信投票之外,还专门委托了“邓白氏研究机构”进行专业的问卷调查,获取大众的评分值;专家评审会也一改往年系统评分的方式,按产品线细化专家评委会成员的比例,针对每一个产品线的参选企业或个人,都有该领域的专业人士进行评审,实现由“专家中的专家”进行专业评审。 xianghehotel.com | From "Ten," the organizing committee learned that this selection event full HC network enabled powerful resource background, in addition to the network, internet banking and SMS to vote, a special commission of the "D & B research institution" for professional questionnaire score value for the public; expert evaluation system will also change its rate in previous years the way, according to experts, the jury members of the product line thinning ratio for each product line, run businesses or individuals, are in the field assessment professionals, to achieve the "expert of experts" for professional accreditation. xianghehotel.com |
萨马达尔聪明、严肃并且精力充沛,她先采访了做女仆的达斯,并解释了她为什么需要这方面的信息。 unicef.org | Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information. unicef.org |
事实上,投 资高质量和负担得起的信息基础设施、教育和知识,其中包括生态-信息和 传播技术解决办法,是一个通过创新摆脱危机 的 聪 明 方 式,尤其对发展中国 家是这样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Indeed, investing in high-quality and affordable information infrastructure, education and knowledge, including research in eco-ICT solutions, may be a smart way to innovate out of the crisis, especially for developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 “來臨,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在緊接句號 之前刪除“及 (四 ) [...] 從教育和社會文化入手,投放資源,提升網絡公 [...] 民素質,以及推廣理性、互信、互相尊重的溝通模式,從而有效 凝聚社會智慧”,並以“(四 ) 推廣社會對青年議政採開放態度,包 [...]括其表達意見的形式,以維護其表達的權利;(五 ) 完善選民登記 制度,使年滿十八歲的青年人可以盡快參與投票;及(六 [...] ) 修訂《電 訊條例》及廣播政策,提供大氣電波及電視廣播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言論及發表自由”代替。 legco.gov.hk | To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual [...] trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing [...] together social wisdom effectively" immediately [...]before the full stop and substitute [...]with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can participate in voting as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression. legco.gov.hk |
除上文所披露者外,(i)歐陽慧女士於過往三年並未於香港或海外任何證券市場上市的 [...] 任何公眾公司擔任任何其他董事職務;(ii)彼亦未於本公司及其附屬公司擔任任何其他職 務;及(iii)彼與本公司任何董事、高級管理層、主要股東或控股股東概無關係。 cre8ir.com | Save as disclosed above, (i) Ms. Au-Yeung Wai [...] has not held any other directorships in any public companies the securities [...]of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas in the past 3 years; (ii) she has not held any other positions in the Company and its subsidiaries; and (iii) she does not have any relationship with any Directors, senior management, substantial shareholders or controlling shareholders of the Company. cre8ir.com |
通过有 关行动计划是为了满足处于不利地位的弱势儿童的 特别需要,重点特别放在努力促进儿童权利和鼓励发 挥他们聪明才智上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The relevant action plan was adopted to address the special needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable children, with particular emphasis on efforts aimed at promoting children’s rights and encouraging their talents. daccess-ods.un.org |
附註: 對於 550 專業版智慧型網 路掃瞄站管理,按一下條碼 /OCR 螢幕上的 「掃 瞄」按鈕,將會提示管理員選取要匯入供 OCR/ 條碼選擇的影像檔案。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: For the Scan Station Pro 550 Administration, clicking the Scan button on the Barcode/OCR screen will result in prompting the administrator to select the image file to import for OCR/Barcode selection. graphics.kodak.com |