单词 | 聪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 聪adjective—wiseadjacuteadj聪—sharp-witted quick at hearing Examples:聪明反被聪明误—too smart for one's own good a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself 聪明的adj—cleveradj 最聪明adj—smartestadj
萨马达尔聪明、严肃并且精力充沛,她先采访了做女仆的达斯,并解释了她为什么需要这方面的信息。 unicef.org | Smart, serious and energetic, Ms. Samaddar begins her interview with Ms. Das, a maid, explaining why she is seeking the information. unicef.org |
一.44 咨询委员会获悉,所需资源的减少是针对秘书长关于所有方案主管都想 方设法“以更聪明的方式开展工作”的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | I.44 The Advisory Committee was informed that the decrease in requirements responded to the Secretary-General’s request that all programme managers find ways to “work smarter”. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人争辩说,科学和技术职业必须更有吸引力,报酬更高,才能把更多聪明的年轻人吸引到这个领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was argued that careers in science and technology needed to be more attractive and rewarding so as to attract a larger section of bright young minds to the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过有 关行动计划是为了满足处于不利地位的弱势儿童的 特别需要,重点特别放在努力促进儿童权利和鼓励发 挥他们聪明才智上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The relevant action plan was adopted to address the special needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable children, with particular emphasis on efforts aimed at promoting children’s rights and encouraging their talents. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我 们必须充分发挥我们的聪明才智,努力防微杜渐,并 且通过在实地采取的法律、政治和技术层面的具体行 动来这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore need to deploy all our human ingenuity by working to prevent problems early in the chain and through concrete action on the ground on the legal, political and technological levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
青岛啤酒的最大国外市场是在美国,还有什么比和NBA合作更聪明的方法呢? labbrand.com | And as its biggest foreign market is indeed in the USA, what could have been smarter for Tsingtao than closing a partnership with NBA? labbrand.com |
希望他在未来的岁月中能一切如愿,并有机会与国际社会分享自己的聪明才智,为人类的 伟大事业不懈努力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Expresses the hope that the coming years will afford him many sources of satisfaction and offer him further opportunities of giving the international community the benefit of his wisdom and his tireless devotion to the great causes of humanity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过对最佳和最差状况问聪明的问题,答案中存在导致区别的原因。 shainin.cn | By asking clever questions of the [...] best and worst examples, the cause driving the differences is revealed in the answers. shainin.mx |
正在北京大学学习的来自奥斯陆大学的学生代表Tobias Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪威语以相声的形式分享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得了满堂喝彩。 norway.org.cn | Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance about learning Norwegian. norway.cn |
末底改和里格比发现,他们太聪明了他们周围的世界和里格比的“RIG-果汁”可以哑了他们的正常的自我。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Mordecai and Rigby discover that they are now too smart for the world around them, and only Rigby’s “Rig-Juice” can dumb them down to their normal selves. seekcartoon.com |
事实上,投 资高质量和负担得起的信息基础设施、教育和知识,其中包括生态-信息和 传播技术解决办法,是一个通过创新摆脱危机的聪明方式,尤其对发展中国 家是这样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Indeed, investing in high-quality and affordable information infrastructure, education and knowledge, including research in eco-ICT solutions, may be a smart way to innovate out of the crisis, especially for developing countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所以,最理 智的做法是挑选一名资深的物业管理人,并且这位管理人对您的投资也投入 了个人兴趣,用聪明才智来创造价值。 remminternational.com | It is best to focus on having the most qualified real estate manager who will take a personal interest in your investment and work hard and smart to create value. remminternational.com |
通过获取深入、全面的信息和洞察社交媒体生态系统正在发生的事情,企业、商家、公共关系机构和传播业者能够做出更聪明的商业和战略决策,找到建立更牢固的关系、增强忠诚度和提高销售的新的和不同的方法。 tipschina.gov.cn | By accessing in-depth, comprehensive information and gaining insight about what is happening within the social media ecosystem, corporations, marketers, public relations agencies and communication professionals can make smarter business and strategic decisions, and find new and different ways to build stronger relationships, enhance loyalty and increase sales. tipschina.gov.cn |
我们有很多的年轻人,想要了解中国,而且在中国这里,很多的年轻人想要了解美国,我们正在把两国关系交给很多充满活力、很聪明、很投入的人。 embassyusa.cn | And when you have a lot of young people who show an interest in understanding China, and here in China understanding the United States, we're passing off the relationship to a lot of very energetic and smart and engaged people, and I think that's going to yield some very important things for this relationship going forward. eng.embassyusa.cn |
只需按一下按钮并把购物清单或是您刚想起来的精彩引语告诉您的手机就行了(您怎么这么聪明呢)。 jabra.cn | Simply press a button, and tell your phone your grocery list, or that snappy quote you just [...] thought up(so clever, you). jabra.com |
14 如果这些聪明的辍学者能被 说服留在大学并完成他们的学业的话,他们很可能会成为研究生 院的理想的申请人。 fgereport.org | The college dropout problem is even more complicated because many talented students apparently drop out for nonacademic reasons.14 These talented dropouts might be ideal candidates for graduate education, if they could be persuaded to stay in college and complete their undergraduate education. fgereport.org |
我们总是在寻找更好、更快、更清洁以及像如今这般更为聪明的方法来喂饱自己。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | We have always searched for a better, faster, cleaner and, now, smarter way to feed ourselves. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
个人防护装备 在操作或维修设备时,或处于设备操作区时,必须佩戴适当的防护装备,以免受到严重伤害 (包括眼睛 损伤、失聪、吸入有毒烟雾以及灼伤)。 graco.com | You must wear appropriate protective equipment when operating, servicing, or when in the operating area of the equipment to help protect you from serious injury, including eye injury, hearing loss, inhalation of toxic fumes, and burns. graco.com |
事实上大部分宽光谱杀虫剂直接威胁水生生物和健康的鱼 类养殖,聪明的农民很不愿意喷洒杀虫剂。 fao.org | Together with the fact that most broadspectrum insecticides are a direct threat to aquatic organisms and healthy fish culture, knowledgeable farmers are much less motivated to spray pesticides. fao.org |
一位前志愿者将来还会继续在他/她的新工作中给为您的组织做广告,让人看到您 的组织在该领域培养了一位聪明、能力强并且知识渊博的领导者。 asiacatalyst.org | That former volunteer will also continue to be an advertisement for your organization in her or his new job, by showing others that your organization produces smart, highly-skilled and knowledgeable leaders in the field. asiacatalyst.org |
他的许多论文被写入扞卫自己的立场和他的rigorist学说,他这样做是相当暴力和匆忙的聪明和论证这是自然给他。 mb-soft.com | Many of his treatises are written to defend his position and his rigorist [...] doctrines, and he does so with considerable violence [...] and withthe clever and hasty argumentation [...]which is natural to him. mb-soft.com |
2008年亲自运作慧聪研究院的资本引入,成功与美国百年品牌邓白氏达成合作,并被任命为新合资公司CEO,带领慧聪邓氏研究向更高的山峰挑战。 ece-china.com | In 2008, Mr. Zhao handled in person the capital [...] infusion into Huicong ResearchInstitute and succeeded in partnering with the US centennial brand D&B. He was then appointed as the CEO of the new joint venture, leadingHuicong D&B Market Research [...]to achieve new heights. ece-china.com |
聪明的剪辑师巧妙地设计动物的运动轨迹就好 象它们有目的似的。 motion.kodak.com | Clever editing makes an animal's [...] random movements seem like they have a purpose. motion.kodak.com |
公司与国内外着名科研院所建立了长期的技术合作关系,在吸收意、德、美、法等世界一流先进技术和科研成果的基础上,充分发挥“奥科人”的聪明才智,经过多年苦心研制,于1998年推出了中国第一台电脑切割机,并且获得了该产品的中国专利权,其后相继推出了中国第一台裁皮机、中国第一台纸箱纸盒电脑打样机、中国第一台服装电脑裁床、中国第一台数控卡纸斜刻机等奥科(AOKE)系列专利产品。其中纸箱纸盒电脑打样机和服装电脑裁床获得了国家级重点新产品奖。 sino-corrugated.com | Especially, the carton box sample cutting machine and the garment computer cutting room was granted for the new product award in China. sino-corrugated.com |
为此要逐步采用“气候聪慧型农业”,按其定义,这种农业应能够可持续 地提高生产率和复原力、减少温室气体并能够实现国家粮食安全和各项发展目 标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It involves moving towards “climate-smart agriculture”, which is defined as agriculture that sustainably increases productivity and resilience and reduces greenhouse gases, while enhancing the achievement of national food security and development goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
本被证明是机智,聪明,精明和狡猾,在需要的时候,救了他从许多情况下,尤其是当Omnitrix“环无法启动,或不提供他的形式,他本来想。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Ben proves to be resourceful, intelligent, shrewd and cunning when needed, which saved him from many situations, especially when the Omnitrix cannot activate or doesn’t provide him with the form he originally wanted. seekcartoon.com |
复员,这个聪明的设计师,其使命的重要自然相信,在1923年提出了自动上弦手表的专利可以从中间蜿蜒干,由于建筑抵御灰尘的侵入,并的影响,引起轰动。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Demobilized,this clever designer, convinced [...] of the vital nature of its mission, in 1923 filed a patent for a self-winding [...]watch can thanks to a construction from winding stem through the middle, to resist intrusion of dust, and impact, splash. en.horloger-paris.com |
毫无疑问,百度将继续这样做,而且类似谷歌或腾讯(HKEx: 700)这样一个聪明而资金强大竞争对手应利用这种情形将这些告知公众,减少百度的流量。 youngchinabiz.com | I have no doubt that Baidu will continue to engage in such practices, and a smart, well-funded competitor like Google or Tencent (HKEx: 700) should take advantage of the situation to launch a campaign to inform the public and steal some of Baidu’s traffic. youngchinabiz.com |