

单词 聚结

See also:

gather together

External sources (not reviewed)

一般可通过搅拌或摇动实现,但对于极精细的物质或强 聚结 块 , 则有时需使用超声处理。
Often this is through stirring or agitation, but for very fine materials or
[...] strongly bound agglomerates ultrasonic irradiation [...]
is sometimes used.
FRANKEN 相分离设备通过粗粒化原理润湿聚结 将 液 -液分散相中的小液滴分离。
With FRANKEN Phase Separators droplets are separated from liquid-liquid dispersions through coalescence processes.
蛋白糖基化的两个主要类型是N-糖基化 聚 糖 结 合 到 天冬酰胺)和O-糖基化 聚 糖 结 合 到 丝氨酸或苏氨酸)。
The two main types of protein glycosylation are N-glycosylation (in which the glycan is attached to an aspargine) and O-glycosylation (in which the glycan is attached to a serine or threonine).
在 Vechta-Calveslage 的大荷兰人公司总部以一个盛大聚 会 结 束 这次代理商大会。
The Agents' Meeting finished off with a large party at the Big Dutchman headquarters in Vechta-Calveslage.
西部肖肖尼防御项目称,许多 矿镇的经历显示,由于盐的暴露 聚结 以 及 长期储存在多孔岩石层中“化石”水 的耗尽,当地和下游土壤条件有所恶化。
The Western Shoshone Defense Project states that the deterioration of soil conditions, onsite and downstream, through the exposure and build-up of salts and the exhaustion of long-term “fossil” water stored in porous rock layers have been evident in many mining town experiences.
[...] 断产生的媒体所有权的集中,这就造成了媒 聚结 — — 该趋势有可能破坏媒体的多元 性和民主性。
195. With regard to communication and information,
there exists in the Caribbean countries a
[...] growing trend towards concentration [...]
of media ownership through amalgamation or
buy-outs leading to media conglomerates – a trend which could jeopardize media pluralism and democracy.
对于长途客运和货运关系进行的调查研究所得出的能源消耗和二氧化碳排放结果(上 海—武汉),以及城聚结地区 客运的能源消耗和二氧化碳排放结果(上海)。
emissions in case studies for long-distance
passenger and freight transport relations (Shanghai-Wuhan) and for the passenger
[...] transport in an urban agglomeration (Shanghai).
这个家族企业以一个盛大聚会结束 了 本次庆典,此次为员工和嘉宾举行 聚 会 结 合 了 第 5 届国际代理商大会,款待了来自世界各地的大荷兰人公司代理商。
The family enterprise finished off the
[...] festivities with a large party for staff and guests in combination with the 5th international agents' meeting that [...]
was hosted for Big
Dutchman agents from all over the world.
他们强调,应对危机决不能仅依靠金融措施,应铭记危机是严重的结构性和 系统性问题聚的结果, 超出了货币政策执行不利和金融部门监管失灵的范畴。
They stressed that the approach to the crisis must not be purely financial, bearing in mind that it is the result of an accumulation of serious structural and systemic problems that go beyond failures in the conduct of monetary policy and financial sector regulation.
为加快产业的发展,南海区已经在2009年10月份出台了加快半导体照明产业发展的相关扶持办法,建立总规模10亿~20亿元的产业发展专项资金,在提升自主创新能力、加强公共平台建设、建设示范工程、促进投融资等方面给予产业发展强有力的支持,将依靠自主创新和产业 聚 相 结 合 ,打造从芯片研究、装备制造、LED外延片和芯片制造、大功率封装、应用产品开发、中试及生产、产品检测到市场流通的半导体照明全产业链,未来3-5年内将形成300亿~500亿元的产业规模,成为国内知名半导体照明产业基地。
To speed up the development of the industry, the South China Sea area has been introduced in October 2009 to accelerate the development of semiconductor lighting industry related support measures, to establish the total size of one billion to 20 billion in special funds for industrial development, in enhancing the capability of independent innovation, strengthen the public platform construction, construction of demonstration projects to promote investment and financing, etc. to give strong support to industrial development,
will rely on independent
[...] innovation and the combination of industrial clustering, building [...]
from chip research, equipment manufacturing,
LED wafer and chip manufacturing, power package, applications development, pilot and production, product testing to the market circulation of semiconductor lighting the whole industry chain, will form the next 3-5 years 30 billion to 500 billion industry, size, and become well-known semiconductor lighting industrial base.
研讨会将重点讨论在城市周边地区和农村社区中社会和家庭 联系对于促进社会聚力和团结的作 用。
The workshop will focus on the role of social and family links in peri-urban areas and rural communities
[...] to promote social cohesion and solidarity.
业务单元总经理Kai Frühauf展示了可以承载大负荷的发动机悬置 聚 酰 胺 结 构 件,与传统的铝制发动机悬置相比,其重量最高可减轻了50%。
Kai Frühauf, head of the business unit,
demonstrated ultra-strong
[...] engine mounts and structural components made of polyamide that weigh [...]
up to 50% less than conventional aluminum engine mounts.
总部设在慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在INDEX 2011展览会上展出众多水聚合物粘结 剂, 用于给高级纺织品和无纺布进行涂层和改性。
At INDEX 2011, the Munich-based
WACKER Group will showcase a wide
[...] range of water-based polymer binders for coating [...]
and modifying high-quality textiles and nonwovens.
研究表明它们与浓度相关的抑制性质是非特 聚 合 的 结 果。
Studies indicate that their concentration dependent inhibitory nature is a
[...] consequence of non-specific aggregation.
此次会议根据一个团结强大的非洲的共同构想,推出了《非洲 联盟组织法》,以增强非洲人民之间的 聚 力 和 团 结。
In pursuit of that vision, the Government had hosted and played a significant role at a regional level at the 2002 African Union Summit where the Constitutive Act of the African Union was launched in
pursuance of a common vision of a united and strong Africa in order to
[...] strengthen cohesion and solidarity among its peoples.
总部设在德国慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在2013年3月19至21日于纽伦堡举办的欧洲国际涂料展览会(ECS)上展示最 聚 合 物 粘 结 剂, 这些混凝土改良用产品符合环保型建筑应用的全部要求。
At the European Coatings Show (ECS) in Nuremberg from March 19 to 21,
2013, the Munich-based WACKER Group is
[...] showcasing its latest polymer binders for concrete [...]
modification and environmentally sound construction applications.
These results indicated that the domestic polyether suppliers have solved the compatibility issue of cyclopentane and polyether.
第二次世界大结束后,51 个国聚到一 起, 决定创建一个为整个世界和平与繁荣而努力的 组织。
At the end of World War II, 51 nations came together to create an organisation that would work for peace and prosperity across the whole world.
政府建立了民族愈合、和解及融合机构主导争取独立的政治冲突之前及之 后的受害者实现民族愈合,聚和团 结 的 工 作。
Government established the Organ for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration to spearhead the national healing, cohesion and unity in respect of victims of pre and post independence political conflicts.
特瑞堡密封系统提供从各种弹性体 O形圈 到具有复结构的 聚四氟乙烯 和 聚氨酯 等材料的密封件。
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions offers you everything from the
[...] versatile elastomer O-Ring to complex multi-faceted PTFE based and polyurethane geometries.
此次行程的亮点是参观秦始皇兵马俑,丽贝卡将切身体验由努力、组织、 结 和 社会 凝 聚 力 创造的历史杰作。
As the highlight of the trip, Rebekkah will be taken to visit the Terracotta Warriors where
she will experience a historic vision of what can be achieved through hard
[...] work, organization, unity and social cohesion.
沙特阿拉伯政府将从 2014 年开始不提供 HCFC-142b 进口配额,在 2013 年底之前有结束挤压成聚苯乙 烯行业内的氟氯烃消费。
The Government of Saudi Arabia will not provide an import
quota for HCFC-142b beginning in 2014,
[...] effectively ending the consumption of HCFCs in the XPS sector by [...]
the end of 2013.
在生命周期评估 (LCA) 中,我们对采用埃奇得和埃能宝茂金属聚乙烯树脂制成的 25 千克(55
[...] 磅)自动成型灌装封口 (FFS) 包装袋与纸/聚乙烯/纸三结构的 传统解决方案进行了环境综合影响比较。
A life cycle assessment (LCA) evaluated the environmental impact profile of 25 kilogram (55 pound) form fill and seal (FFS) sacks
made from Exceed and Enable mPE resins compared with more conventional
[...] solutions of three-layer paper/PE/paper structures.
它必须能够使联合国系统结起来,聚集建 设和平的专业知识并为委员会的 审议意见提供可靠的投入。
It must be able to bring the United Nations system together, convene peacebuilding expertise and provide solid inputs to the deliberations of the Commission.
最后,我们赞扬联塞建和办作出的各项努力,尤 其是在以下方面作出的努力:呼吁塞拉利昂各方开展 对话,加强民族聚力和团结,促 进增强民间社会的 能力,为议会提供协助,支持开展能力建设以处理非 法贩运毒品和人权方面问题。
In conclusion, we commend the efforts of UNIPSIL, in particular in calling upon the Sierra Leone parties to establish dialogue and enhance national cohesion and unity, in promoting the capacities of civil society, and in providing parliamentary assistance through support for capacitybuilding in addressing illicit drug trafficking and human rights.
结构方 面预防冲突和 建设和平文化范围内编写了《非洲法语国家应用的历史教材一览:中小学教育实例》这份材 料提出了解除非洲历史教学武装的工作思路,做到课程设置进一步强调 聚 融 合 的历史因素 而非战争事实。
Drawn up in the
[...] context of the structural prevention of conflicts and the construction of a culture of peace, the critical inventory of history textbooks in use in French-speaking Africa: primary and secondary education offers pointers for disarming the teaching of history in Africa so that curricula place more emphasis on historical factors of convergence than on acts of war.
会外活动反映了改革后的粮安委结 构 和 愿景 聚 集 了亚洲及太平洋区域各 国政府、区域机构、私营部门机构、研究机构和学术界以及民间社会组织的代表。
Mirroring the reformed CFS structure and vision, the side [...]
event brought together representatives of national governments,
regional bodies, private sector institutions, research and academia as well as civil society organizations in the Asia and Pacific region.
[...] 景之下,他们强调,实现不结盟运动的原则、理念和宗旨取决于其成员之间在 互相尊重、尊重多样性和忍让的坚定基础之上的统一、 结 和 凝 聚 力。
In this context, they stressed that achieving the principles, ideals and
purposes of the Movement hinges upon the
[...] unity, solidarity and cohesion among its membership, [...]
firmly rooted on mutual respect,
respect for diversity and tolerance.
些都是土著人民非常熟悉的挑战:(a) “社会问题的超文化”,即把文化作为各
[...] 种问题的唯一原因;(b) 在假设文化是对民族结、社会凝聚 力 和 发展的威胁前 提下制定实施的同化政策;及(c) [...]
以独特之处为由而实施的隔离,或强调差别之 大以至于与公共生活水火不容。
Nevertheless, connecting culture and development entails challenges for contemporary, de facto plural, societies, challenges that are well known to indigenous peoples: (a) the “hyperculturalization” of social issues, which makes culture the single cause of all kinds of problems; (b) assimilation policies based on the
assumption that cultures are a threat
[...] to national unity, social cohesion and development; [...]
and (c) segregation in the name
of particularism, or stressing differences to the extent that they become incompatible with a public life.12 Indigenous cultures may furthermore be confronted with major risks of folklorization, mummification and commercialization.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴 西 聚 氨 酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬聚氨酯 整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent
with decision
[...] 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project [...]
by the Executive Committee.




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