

单词 聘金

See also:

betrothal gift
engage (a teacher etc)
get married (of woman)

External sources (not reviewed)

伊斯兰教法规定丈夫应付 给妻聘金且承担妻子的全部生活费用,离婚时还应付款给妻子,尽管妻子 [...]
The provisions of the sharia lay down that the husband
[...] shall pay bridal money tothe wife and [...]
maintain her fully and shall also make a
payment to her upon divorce, whereas the wife retains full rights over her property and is not obliged to spend anything on her keep.
阿拉伯联合酋长国认为,付给妻聘金离婚后负担女方生活是丈夫的义务, [...]
并且丈夫有权离婚,正如妻子享有独立的经济保障,对自己的财产有充分的权利 并且不用从自己财产中负担丈夫或自己的花销。
The United Arab Emirates
[...] considers thatthe payment ofadowry and [...]
support after divorce is an obligation of the husband,
and the husband has the right to divorce, just as the wife has her independent financial security and her full rights to her property and is not required to pay her husband’s or her own expenses out of her own property.
外迁的职能包括人力资源管理(人 员管理、),各类用品管理,财政和培训,以及某些采购与后勤 [...]
The outposted functions include human
resources management (personnel
[...] administration, payrolland recruitment),supply management, [...]
finance and training, as well as
some procurement and logistics functions.
专门为全球名调查咨询人员,以确保快速和有效解决 所称的影响开发署管理的全球基金赠款的错失行为。
An Investigations Advisor
[...] dedicatedto GlobalFund cases was recruited toensure that [...]
alleged wrongdoing affecting Global
Fund grants managed by UNDP is addressed quickly and effectively.
儿童格评价人员进行评价设计,并确保在政策宣传和信息流通促进发展等领域拥 [...]
UNICEFneeds tohire qualified evaluators [...]
for development of evaluation designs and ensure that technical skills are available
in areas such as policy advocacy and C4D.
4.1.6 负责就外聘核数师的委任、重新委任及撤换,向董事会提出建议, 以便於股东大会交由股东通过,并直接负责批准有关外聘核数师 之款,以及任何有关外聘核数师的请辞或辞退事 宜。
4.1.6 To be primarily responsible for making recommendations to the Board, for it to put to the shareholders for their approval in general meeting, on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditor, and shall be directly responsible for the approval of the remunerationand terms of engagement of the external auditor, and any questions of resignation or dismissal of the external auditor.
(a) 主要负责就外聘核数师的委任、重新委任及罢免向董事会提供建议、 批准外聘核数师的款,及处理任何有关该核数师辞职或 辞退的问题
(a) be primarily responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditor, and to approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditor, and any questions of its resignation or dismissal
(iii) approve the search firm and such other professionals’ fees and retention terms.
最后,主任宣布,根据与环境规划署达成的协议为提供财务管理服务设立一名 P-5 职等员额的第 51/53 号决定,并通过联合国银河系统的序,书处和 行政干事 Bouthena Bendahmane 女士已被任命从 2007 年 11 月 1 日起填补这项 P-5 职等的 工作。
In closing, the Chief Officer announced that, following decision 51/53 on the establishment of a P-5 position under the agreement with UNEP for the provision of
Treasury services, and
[...] as a result of the recruitmentprocess carried out under the United Nations Galaxy system,the Fund Secretariats Fund Management [...]
and Administrative Officer,
Ms. Bouthena Bendahmane, had been appointed to fulfil the P-5 function from 1 November 2007.
这些所需经费涉及法官的般临时人员以恢复在 2008-2009 年裁撤的 [...]
和定于 2010-2011 年裁撤的员额的职能、以及其他所 需的业务经费。
Those requirements
[...] related to judges’honorariums,generaltemporary [...]
assistance for the reinstatement of the functions of
posts abolished in 2008-2009 and scheduled to be abolished in 2010-2011, and other operational requirements.
审核委员会主要负责就委聘、续聘及罢免外聘核 数师向董事会提供建议,批准师之款,以及任何有关核数师辞任 或免职之问题;亦负责审阅本集团之中期报告及年报与账目,并监察本公司之财务汇报 系统及内部控制程序。
The Audit Committee is mainly responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors and to approve the remuneration andterms of engagement of theexternal auditors, and any questions of resignation or dismissal of such auditors; reviewing the interim and annual reports and accounts of the Group; and overseeing the Company’s financial reporting system and internal control procedures.
因此,建议多边金聘名在定性指标方面经验丰富并有专业知识的 顾问,帮助起草概念报告书并就定性指标和量度方法提出具体建议,建议要适合于基金下 所开展的项目和活动的种类。
Hence, it is proposed that a consultant with significant experience and expertise on the subject of qualitative indicators be hired by the MLF to develop a concept paper and specific suggestions for qualitative indicators and measurement methods, appropriate to the kinds of projects and activities conducted under the Fund.
投资管理司将继续与采购司合作,利用独立咨询人 的服务,按照行业最佳做法精简专门公司程。
The Investment Management Division will continue working with the Procurement Division and engage the services of an
independent consultant to streamline
[...] the process forhiring specializedfund managers, in keeping [...]
with industry best practices.
In accordance with the terms of reference of the International Advisory and Monitoring Board, the nomination and appointment
by the Government of Iraq of the external auditor for
[...] the Development Fundfor Iraq is subject [...]
to approval by the Board.
有代表团请儿童人员方面确保方案国有 足够的代表。
UNICEF was requested to ensure an adequate representation of programme countries in the hiringof staff.
维也纳的一个特色是采用“受训机会”安排,即用不太高的金聘未通 过竞争性考试的青年语文专业人员在现场工作,使他们既可受到仔细的指导,也 [...]
A special feature in Vienna had been the use of “traineeship” arrangements, in which young language
professionals who had not yet passed competitive
[...] examinations were hiredata modest salary [...]
to work on site, thus benefiting from
close mentoring while contributing to the output of the language services.
The Government hadhired,with United Nations Development Programmefunding,a consultant [...]
who would elaborate a communications
strategy for security sector reform.
[...] 2008-2009 两年期经常预算为气候变化工作提供 17 个新职位,但其 他组织不同,或者以预算外金聘时性专门工作人员,或者指派现有工作人 员承担新的气候变化职能。
Unlike the 17 new posts on climate change under the United Nations regular budget for the 2008-2009
biennium, other
[...] organizationseitherhire temporary dedicated staff with extrabudgetary fundsorhaveassigned [...]
existing staff to additional climate change functions.
尽管 2002
[...] 至 2005 年的在职人员和利用空缺职位金聘付酬合同人员的工作并不 完全是编制世界报告。
Admittedly, the incumbents of posts filled between 2002 and
[...] 2005 and the staff recruitedonfee contracts [...]
against the vacant posts did not work
solely on the preparation of the world report.
农工机械中心将继续争取获得更多的资金,包括来自成员国 的有助于调动资源、用于技术项目的种子设法借调的专家和 助理专家,但同时经社会亦不妨鼓励成员国和准成员国在增加财政捐助和专业 知识方面向亚太农工机械中心提供支持。
While the Centre will continue working towards securing more funding, including seedmoney from member countries for technical projects to help mobilize resources, and seek to engage non-reimbursable loan experts and associate experts, the Commission may wish to encourage member and associate member States to provide support to UNAPCAEM in terms of increased financial contributions and expertise.
秘书处特别指出, 2002 年 利用正常计划和预算外金聘顾问的总数比 2001 年下降了 9.2% (从 2001 年的 477 降 到 2002 年的 433 人)。
It highlights in particular the total
[...] number of consultantshired in 2002 against regular programme and extrabudgetary fundswhich hasdecreased [...]
by 9.2% compared
to 2001 (from 477 in 2001 to 433 in 2002).
不 过 , 这 类 诉 讼 人 的 情 况 却 不 尽 相 同 , 举 例 说 , 有 部 分 诉 讼 人 是 合 资 格 但 拒 绝 接 受 法 律 援 助 的 々 有 部 分 是 合 资 格 但 没 有 申 请 法 律 援 助 的 ( 可 能 他 们 不 知 道 有 法 律 援 助 )
々 有 部 分 是 不 合 资 格 申 请 普 通 法 律 援 助 或 法 律 援 助 辅 助 计 划 的 ,
[...] 而 他 们 又 没 有 足 够金 聘师 ( 他 们 有 时 被 [...]
称 为 ‘ 夹 心 阶 层 人 士 ’ ) 。
But there may be distinctions, for example those who are eligible for legal aid but have been refused it; those who are eligible for legal aid but have not applied for it, possibly because they are ignorant of its availability; and those who are not eligible for legal
aid or supplementary legal aid but do
[...] not havesufficient funds to pay for legal [...]
representation (sometimes referred to as „the sandwich class‟).
审核委员会可要 求本公司任何行政人员或雇员或本公司之或独立核数师,出席审核委员会会议,或与审核委员 会任何成员或顾问会晤。
The AC may request any officer or employee of the Company or the Company’s outside counsel or IAs to attend a meeting of the AC or to meet with any members of, or consultants to, the AC.
受公司法条文另行规 定所限,核数师酬金应由本公司於股东周年大会上厘定或授权厘 定,惟於任何个别年度本公司可於股东大会上转委董事会厘定核数 师任何获补任何临时空缺的核数师的酬金可由董 事厘定。
Subject as otherwise provided by the Companies Act, the remuneration of the Auditors shall be fixed by or on the authority of the Company in the annual general meeting except that in any particular year the Company in general meeting may delegate the fixing of such remuneration tothe Board and the remuneration of any Auditors appointed to fill any casual vacancy may be fixed by the Directors.
在开发 署、人权高专办、欧洲联盟、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处及索罗斯国际和国内专家的支持下,立法审查的内容当中有关人权和两性平等的议程得 到显着加强。
Within the parameters of the legislative review, the human rights and gender agenda were significantly strengthened with the support of international and national experts engaged by UNDP, OHCHR, the EuropeanUnion, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the Soros Foundation.
The Company willemploy an experienced professional [...]
logistics network company with a high pay to design and develop an IT
system outstanding in adaptability, technology and application, which can allow customers to achieve an optimized and integrated supply chain management with high degree of transparency(e.g. SCM supply chain management system), so as to provide focused services to clients at all levels and completely resolve many problems clients may encounter in the international logistics.
In order to meet the constant care needs of the frail elderly, we had employed additional staff including social worker, personal care workers and physiotherapist to provide special care and individual training to the frail elderly and the demented elderly under the provision of Infirmary Care Supplement and Dementia Supplement from the Social Welfare Department.




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