

单词 聘任

See also:

betrothal gift
get married (of woman)
engage (a teacher etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 金项目,在斯科普里建立了教科文组织威尼斯办事处的项目联络点,并重聘任家专业 干事(NPO)。
In order to start implementing the MDG-F project, a
project antenna of UNESCO Venice Office has been established in Skopje and a National
[...] Professional Officer (NPO) recruited.
还利用预算外资金,采用中期合同协 议为有期限的项聘任人员。
It has also introduced medium-term contractual
[...] arrangements tohire programme staff [...]
for projects of limited duration, financed under extrabudgetary funds.
聘任论其性质和级别如何,均须受安全部门的严格监督,后者要调 [...]
Any appointment, regardless of [...]
the nature and level of the position, has become subject to scrutiny by the security services,
who investigate the political affiliation of the person applying for the position, on the basis of which they determine his political suitability for the position.
各国的同行也不赞成实地机构的 高昂成本,他们建议尽聘任职员。
The national counterparts are also not in favour of high field presence costs, and recommend local staffing to the extent possible.
The money will be used to achieve four key objectives... It will fund an additional family support worker who will reach out to as many as1,000 more children.
评审时须考虑的事项包括一些可反 映评审准则的问题:申请人与准雇主曾否有任何合约事务、法 律事务或公务上的往来;申请人曾否参与任何政策制订或决策 工作,以致准雇主已经或可能因此而得益;申请人在任职政府
期间曾否接触某些敏感资料,以致其本人或其准雇主可能在不 公平的情况下,较准雇主的竞争对手享有优势;申请人曾否参 与任何与准雇主拟聘请其担任的工作在职责上有所关连的工
[...] 作/计划或规管/执法职务;以及申请人拟接受聘任否 引致公众产生任何负面观感或令政府尴尬。
The assessment covers questions which reflect the assessment criteria on whether the applicant had any contractual, legal or official dealings with the prospective employer; whether he was involved in the formulation of any policy or decisions, the effect of which benefited or could benefit the prospective employer; whether he or his prospective employer might gain an unfair advantage over the prospective employer's competitors because of his access to sensitive information while in government service; whether he was involved in any assignments/projects or regulatory/ enforcement duties which are connected in any way with his duties and responsibilities under the prospective work
with the prospective employer; and whether
[...] the proposed appointmentwould give rise [...]
to any negative public perception or cause
embarrassment to the Government.
h) 会员如发现有利益冲突,不论是合约或个人利益冲突,以致 可能违反本守则,须按情况申报利益并取得有关各方同意继聘任脱离利益冲突的情况或消除造成利益冲突的源 由。
h) Should a member find that his interests, whether contractual or personal, conflicts so as to risk a breach of this Code, he shall as the circumstances may require, either declare it and obtain the agreement of the parties concerned to the continuance of his engagement, or withdraw from the situation or remove the source of conflict.
在 选 举 新 的 董 事 前 一 个 月,提 名 委 员 会 向 董 事 会 提 出 董 事 候 选 人 的 建 议 和 相 关 材 料;聘 任高 级 管 理 人 员 前,提 名 委 员 会 向 董 事 会 提 出 新 聘 高 级 管 理 人 员 人 选 的 建 议 和 相 关 材 料。
Prior to the
[...] appointment of anynew senior management staff, the Nomination Committee will also propose to the Board of Directors candidates tobe appointedas senior management [...]
staff and furnish
the Board with relevant information.
除组织章 程明确另有规定外,管理委员会的成员由股东 大会决聘任雇。
Unless the Articles of Association
stipulate otherwise, members of the
[...] managementboard areappointed anddismissed by [...]
the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
More than two months have elapsed since the SAR Government
[...] announcedthe appointmentof these officials, [...]
but still more than half of them have zero recognition rate.
受限於联交所证券上市规则及规例不时订明之本公司董事轮值退任方式,及尽 管任何聘任之任何合约或其他条款有所规定,於每届股东周年大会上, 当时三分一董事(或倘并非为三(3)之倍数,则为最接近但不少於三分一之数目)须轮值 退任,惟每名董事(包括按特定任期获委任者)须最少每三年轮值退任一次。
Subject to the manner of retirement by rotation of directors of the Company as from time to time prescribed under the rules and regulations governing the listing of securities on the Stock Exchange and notwithstanding any contractual or other terms on whichany director may be appointed or engaged, at each annual general meeting, one-third of the Directors for the time being (or, if their number is not a multiple of three (3), the number nearest to but not less than one-third) shall retire from office by rotation, provided that every Director, including those appointed for a specific term, shall be subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years.
南联物业管 理有限公司就该聘任年度内提供之服务构成 持续关连交易,但符合最低豁免水平,根据上市规则 [...]
第 14A.33 条可获得豁免申报。
Services provided by WEML during the
[...] year under such appointmentconstituted continuing [...]
connected transactions and are exempted
under rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules for being de minimis transactions.
[...] 勒斯坦基本法》和《公务员法》(1998 年)的规定的违反,因为后者第 24 条详尽 地规定聘任件,聘任选人须为年龄不低于 18 岁,享有充分公民权利, 未被巴勒斯坦主管法庭判定犯有重罪或有损名誉或失信的轻罪(除非其道德名声 [...][...]
The Commission is of the view that this measure is unlawful and, moreover, represents a clear violation by Government bodies of the provisions of the Palestinian Basic Law and the Civil Service Law (1998), given that article 24 of the latter
exhaustively stipulates the
[...] conditions for appointment, namely,that the candidate forappointment should be Palestinian [...]
or Arab, no less
than 18 years of age, enjoy full civil rights, and not have been found guilty in a competent Palestinian court of a felony or a misdemeanour involving dishonour or breach of trust, unless his moral standing has been restored.
关于阿富汗,环境规划署已与该国新任国家臭氧事务官员进行了讨论并提供协助进 行清和加强沟通。
With respect to Afghanistan, UNEP had discussions with the new
National Ozone Officer (NOO) and offered
[...] assistance for recruitment, clarification [...]
of roles and enhanced communication.
[...] 表及董事会与核数师报告以及其他须附加於资产负债表之文件、选举董事聘任师及其他专责人员以替代退任者、厘定核数师酬金, [...]
以及对给予董事之酬金或额外酬 金作出投票除外)均被视作特别事项。
All business shall be deemed special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting, and also all business that is transacted at an annual general meeting with the exception of sanctioning dividends, making a call in accordance with the provisions of these Articles, the reading, considering and adopting of the accounts and balance sheet and the reports of the Directors and Auditors and other documents required to be
annexed to the balance sheet, the election of
[...] Directors andappointment of Auditors and [...]
other officers in the place of those retiring,
the fixing of the remuneration of the Auditors, and the voting of remuneration or extra remuneration to the Directors.
[...] 作,组织实施董事会决议;组织实施公司年度经营计划 和投资方案;拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案;拟订公 司的基本管理制度;制定公司的基本规章;提聘任解聘公司副经理、财务负责人聘任解聘除应由 董事聘任解聘以外的负责管理人员;本章程和董 事会授予的其它职权。
The general manager is accountable to the Board, and is responsible to take lead in the management of the Company’s production operations, to organise the implementation of the resolutions of the Board; to organise the implementation of the Company’s annual operation plans and investment plans; to formulate the deployment plans for the Company’s internal management bodies; to formulate the Company’s basic management system; to formulate the Company’s basic
rules and
[...] regulations; to propose for the appointment or removal of the Company’s deputy manager and financial controller; appointment orremoval of [...]
the management personnel other than those required tobe appointed orremoved by the Board; other
duties as conferred by the Articles of Association and the Board.
提供给资助及私立学校作參考用的「教师聘书」及随附的「服务条件」 以及「应聘书」样本,可於本局有聘任的网页下载。
A specimen letter of appointment for teachers, its accompanying sample conditions of service and
a sample letter of acceptance for both aided and private schools are available
[...] from EMB webpage on AppointmentMatters.
迫切需要增加教师的人数并提高他们的教学素质,其方法是制定全面、 跨部门的政策,解决和任职期间的培训、留用、职业发展、 评审、雇用和教学条件以及教师地位等问题。
There is urgent need to increase the number of teachers and enhance the quality of their teaching through
comprehensive cross-sectoral policies that
[...] address issues of recruitment, pre-service and [...]
in-service training, retention, professional
development, evaluation, employment and teaching conditions, as well as teacher status.
[...] 与公司绩效和个人业绩相联系;公司高级管理人员聘任按照有关法律、法规和《公司章程》的规定进行。
In 2011, the Salary and Remuneration and Assessment Commission under the Board of Directors of the company followed the Management Procedures for Salary and Remuneration and Performance of Officers to link salaries and remuneration for officers with the
company’s performance and
[...] individual performance The appointmentofofficers is strictly [...]
subject to the provisions specified
under the relevant laws and regulations and the Articles of Association of the company.
The AC shall have the authority to retain independent legal, accounting and other consultants to advise the AC.
本 公 司 董 事 会 下 辖 审 核 委 员 会 已 审 阅 本 公 司 二 零 一一年年度业 绩 、 截 至 二 零 一一年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年度的 财 务 报 表 、 年 报
草 稿 、 核 数 师 报 告 、 二 零 一一年 内 控 报 告 、 二 零 一一年 内 部 审 计 工 作 总 结 及 二 零 一二年 审
[...] 计计划 , 并 向 董 事 会 建聘 任师 及 建 议 核 数 师 费 用 。
The Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company has reviewed the Company’s Annual Results for 2011, the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011, the draft annual report, accountant report, the 2011 internal control report, the 2011 internal
audit summary and the 2012 audit plan
[...] and proposed the appointmentofauditor and [...]
proposed the auditor’s remuneration to the Board.
澳门公共行政工作人员通则》的第46 条规定了人员聘任选原 则,订明所有投考人均享有平等之条件及机会。
Article 46 of the SPAW provides that equality of conditions and opportunities for all candidates to civil service is a general principle for selection and recruitment.
[...] 务理事会等各种实体做出了其他方面的规定,授权这些实体对公务员的工作、晋升和纪律惩处实行监督,确保维护公民的人权。
Further, the Constitution also makes provision for other aspects of the Government and entities such as Judicial and Legal Service Commission, Public Service Commission, Public Service Board of Appeal and
empowers these entities to oversee
[...] the functioning, recruitment,appointment,promotionand discipline [...]
of public servants thereby
ensuring that citizen human rights are enhanced.
然而,有另一个部门持不同看法,坚持 不应把资历过高的应徵者摒诸门外,不让其获 考聘任理专业人员。
Yet another department held a different view and insisted that
a candidate who was
[...] overqualified should not be precluded from being considered for appointment as an assistant [...]
翟氏与本公司已订立一份新服务合约,获本公司继聘 任政总裁,直至二零一零年七月三十一日。
Mr. Jackson has entered into a new service contract with the Company whereby he will continue to be employed by the Company as CEO until 31 July 2010.
委员会也充当公 务员事务局局长的“智囊团”,聘任升 和纪律方面的政策和程序,以及各式各样与 [...]
人力资源管理相关的检讨和发展事宜,提供 意见。
The Commission also acts as a “think tank” to the Secretary for the Civil
Service on policy and procedural
[...] issues pertainingtoappointments,promotions and [...]
discipline as well as on a wide range
of subjects relating to the review and development of human resource management.
(14) 主管人员及教师的权力、职责、任期、任职条件及薪酬,由本条例、规程及其各别聘任订明; 但校务委员会可向任何主管人员或教师委予该委员会认为适当的其他权力及职责,但如有关主管人 员为校监,则须取得同意。
(14) The powers and duties of the officers and teachers, the periods and conditions for and upon which they hold office and their emoluments shall be such as are prescribed by this Ordinance, the statutes, and the terms of their respective appointments; but the Council may assign to any officer or teacher, subject in the case of the Chancellor to his consent, such further powers and duties as it may think fit.
负责研究董事、总裁及其他高级管理人员的聘任和程序,物色合格的董事、总裁人选,向董事会提出更换、 推荐新任董事、总裁或其他高级管理人员候选人的意见或建议。
Responsible for researchingappointment or employment standardand procedures [...]
of directors, president and other senior managers,
selecting eligible director and president candidate, proposing opinions or suggestions on replacing, recommending new director, president or other senior managers candidates to the Board of Directors.
(2) 根据法则条款,即使核数师聘任干漏洞或其於聘任不合 资格或之後被取消资格,就所有为本公司以诚信行事之人士而言,任 何作为核数师之人士所作之所有行为应属有效。
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Act, all acts done by any person acting as Auditor shall, as regards all persons dealing in good faith with the Company, be valid, notwithstanding that there was some defects in their appointment or that they were at the time of their appointment not qualified for appointment or subsequently became disqualified.
(1) 不论公司细则任何其他条文或可能聘任之任何合约或其 他条件所述如何,於每届股东周年大会上,当时董事之三份一数目(或 [...]
如其数目并非三之倍数,最接近但又不少於三份一数目)需要轮值退 任,惟每位董事需要最少每三年轮值退任一次。
(1) Notwithstanding any other provisions in the
Bye-laws or any contractual or other terms
[...] on which any Director maybe appointed or engaged, [...]
at each annual general meeting, one-third
of the Directors for the time being, or, if their number is not a multiple of three, then the number nearest to, but not less than one-third, shall retire from office by rotation, provided that every Director shall be subject to retirement by rotation at least once in every three years.




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