

单词 联盟国


苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟国家安全委员会 n



International Telecommunications Union


ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

See also:

盟国 n

ally n


united countries


union n
ally n

External sources (not reviewed)

以下非政府组织的观察员:开罗人权研究所、人权倡导者协会、人权 观察社、人联盟国际联合会
(e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Human Rights Advocates, Inc.
欧洲通信卫星组织的观察员向小组委员会通报了以下内容:2012 年世界无 线电通信会议的成果、宽带数字发展委员会(该委员会是国际电 联盟 ( 国际 电 联)秘书长和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事于 2010 年 成立的,目的是在该领域加速实现千年发展目标)的工作,以及欧洲通信卫星 [...]
2011 年第三十七次会议商定定期向缔约方报告通过欧洲通信卫 星组织的卫星进行播放的若干广播电视频道受到蓄意再三干扰的情况,强调指 出,自上次报告以来,这类干扰大幅度增加。
The Subcommittee was informed by the observer for EUTELSAT-IGO about the outcome of the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference, the work of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development,
established by the
[...] Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, [...]
and Cultural Organization in 2010 with the aim of accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in that field, and the agreement of the thirty-seventh meeting of the EUTELSAT Assembly of Parties in 2011 to provide regular reports to the parties on repeated deliberate interference on several radio and television channels broadcast via EUTELSAT satellites, stressing that since the previous such report there had been a large increase in such interference.
(c) 下列非政府组织的观察员:亚洲人权和发展论坛、亚洲法律资源中 心、人权观察社、人联盟国际联合 会 、联合国观察组织。
(c) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development,
Asian Legal Resource Centre,
[...] Human Rights Watch, International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, United Nations Watch.
经询问,咨询委员会获悉,禁毒办的工作重点仍是网络犯罪的犯罪预 防和刑事司法方面,而信息和通信技术的技术和安全部分由国际电 联盟(国际 电联)负责。
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the Office remained focused on the crime prevention and criminal justice aspects of cybercrime, whereas the technical and security
elements of information and communications technology were
[...] covered by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
尼日利亚民间资源开发和文献中心执行主任;纽约国际刑事法 联盟国 际指 导委员会成员;美国旧金山全球妇女基金咨询委员会成员;《消除对妇女歧视公 [...]
约》国家技术委员会成员;审查对妇女歧视性法律国家委员会成员;尼日利亚 2006 年《消除对妇女歧视公约》国家报告全国起草委员会成员;尼日利亚儿童运动成
Executive Director, CIRDDOC Nigeria; member — International
[...] Steering Committee, Coalition on the International [...]
Criminal Court (CICC), New York; Advisory
Board of Global Fund for Women, San Francisco, USA; Member, National Technical Committee on CEDAW; National Committee on the Review of Discriminatory Laws against Women; National Drafting Committee on the Nigeria Country Report on CEDAW 2006; Nigerian Movement for Children; Coordinator, National Coalition on Affirmative Action.
根据非洲联盟(AU)文化部长会议(肯尼亚,内罗毕,2005 年 12 月)的建议,非联盟国家元 首和政府总理大会第六届会议批准在 2006 年 5 月正式启动非洲世界遗产基金, 这项非洲倡议得到了全球的支持。
On the recommendation of the Conference of
Ministers of Culture of
[...] the African Union (AU) (Nairobi, Kenya, in December 2005), the sixth ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government [...]
of the AU
approved AWHF, which was formally launched in May 2006, as an African initiative with a global endorsement.
显而易见的是,亚美尼亚总统承认他自 1988 年以来一直积极参与“卡拉巴 赫运动”,亚美尼亚执政党共和党副主席 Razmik Zohrabyan 在谢尔日·萨尔基相
[...] 接受采访几天前告诉民众,所谓的“卡拉巴赫运动”是苏维埃社会主义共 国联 盟国家安全委员会(克格勃)的杰作。
It is notable that, while the President of Armenia acknowledged his active involvement in the “Garabagh movement” since 1988, the Vice-Chairman of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, Razmik Zohrabyan, informed the public several days before the interview of Serzh Sargsyan that the so-called
“Garabagh movement” had been a product of the State Security
[...] Committee (KGB) of the Union of Soviet Socialist [...]
以下专门机构和相关组织办事处的代表出席了会议:国际电联盟(国际电联)、联合国工业发展组织(工发组织)、世界卫生组 [...]
Representatives of the following offices of the specialized agencies and related
organizations attended: International
[...] Telecommunication Union (ITU); United Nations Industrial [...]
Development Organization (UNIDO);
World Health Organization (WHO); and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
此外,5 个联合国组织(国际劳工组织(劳工组织)、世界卫生组 织(世卫组织)、万国邮联盟、国际 减 少灾害战略秘书处和国际电 联盟(国际 电 联))在这场运动中发挥着积极的作用,它们把各自关于体面工作和生计、智能 城市、健康城市、致函世界和人人有地址、复原力城市的运动与世界城市运动结 合起来。
In addition, five United Nations organizations (the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Health
Organization (WHO), the
[...] Universal Postal Union, the secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the International Telecommunication Union) are playing an active [...]
role in the Campaign
by associating their respective campaigns on decent work and livelihoods, on smart cities, on healthy cities, on addressing the world and an address for everyone, and on resilient cities to the World Urban Campaign.
[...] 共和国、冰岛和黑山,参与稳定与结盟进程的可能候 选国阿尔巴尼亚以及欧洲自由贸 联盟国 家 列支敦 士登和挪威、欧洲经济区成员以及乌克兰和摩尔多瓦 [...]
The candidate countries Turkey, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland and Montenegro, the country of the Stabilization and Association Process and
potential candidate Albania and the
[...] European Free Trade Association countries Liechtenstein [...]
and Norway, members of the European
Economic Area, as well as Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, align themselves with this statement.
该项目计划延续至下两个双年度,可以在该项目下举办国际生物化学 和分子生物联盟/国际基 础科学计划(IUBMB/IBSP)分子和细胞生物学方面的高级培训学 校,如 2008 年在赫曼努斯(南非)举办的感染的分子和细胞学基础的培训学校或计划于 2009 年在新德里(印度)举办的关于自身免疫疾病的分子生物学的培训学校。
The project, which is planned to continue during the next two biennia, may incorporate IUBMB/IBSP advanced schools in molecular and cell biology such as that held in 2008 in Hermanus (South Africa) on Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection, or the one planned for 2009 in New Delhi (India) on Molecular Biology of Autoimmune Diseases.
联盟国家元 首和政府首脑下届峰会计划通过非洲土地 政策框架和准则。
The Framework and
[...] Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa are planned [...]
for adoption at the next Summit of African Union Heads of State and Government.
根据上文所述的论坛第十届会议报告第 41 段的建议,除《世界遗产公约》
[...] 法定会议外,还与咨询机构(国际自然保 联盟 、 国 际 名 胜古迹理事会和国际文 物保存和修复研究中心)以及教科文组织世界遗产中心举行了会议,以改进涉及 [...]
In response to the above-mentioned recommendations made in paragraph 41 of the report of the Forum on its tenth session and in addition to the statutory meetings under the World Heritage Convention, meetings were
held with the advisory bodies
[...] (the International Union for Conservation [...]
of Nature, the International Council on Monuments and
Sites and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre to improve processes related to the state of conservation and evaluation of new nominations with regard to indigenous issues.
[...] 西非经济和货币联盟(西非经货联盟)及其它组织开展合作并制定统一立法,西亚小组针 对海湾合作委员会和阿拉联盟国家 仿效了这一做法。
On the other hand, the CAP team for Africa took the lead in developing cooperation and unified legislation with several regional bodies like the West African Economic and Monetary Union
(UEMOA) and others, which was followed by the West Asia team for the Gulf
[...] Cooperation Council and the Arab League States.
委 员会处理利比亚问题分为三个特点鲜明的阶段:“之 前”局势,其间提交了许多侵犯移徙工人权利的报告;
过渡时期,其间最初出现一些混乱,委员会在收到人 权高专办和非政府组织关于许多移徙者在利比亚遇
[...] 到的困难的信息之后,呼吁面临类似问题的邻国保持 边境开放,呼吁欧联盟国家出 于人道主义接纳来自 地中海对岸的移徙者;有关当前形势,将在下次会议 [...]
There had been three distinct phases in the Committee’s dealings with Libya: the “before” situation, during which there had been many reports of violations of migrant workers’ rights; the transition period, during which there had been some initial confusion, and the Committee, receiving information from OHCHR and NGOs on the difficulties encountered by many migrants in Libya, had appealed to neighbouring states, which faced similar
problems for migrants, to keep borders open
[...] and to European Union countries to offer [...]
a humane reception to migrants coming
across the Mediterranean; and the current situation, which would be discussed at the next session.
与自然和谐相处的概念已载入各种多边及区域 宣言中,包括:《世界大自然宪章》、《里约环境与发 展宣言》、美国圣地亚哥宣言第二次首脑会议、喀尔 巴阡与多瑙河地区的《环境与可持续发展宣言》、《南 美国家联盟组织 条约》、《南亚区域合作联盟宣言》 第十五次首脑会议、《玻利瓦尔美洲人 联盟国 家元首与政府首脑第七次首脑会议最后宣言——人民通 商条约》。
The concept of harmony with nature had been enshrined in various multilateral and regional declarations, including the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Second Summit of the Americas Santiago Declaration, the Declaration on Environment and Sustainable Development in the Carpathian and Danube
Region, the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations, the fifteenth Summit Declaration of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Final Declaration of the seventh Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our Americans — Treaty of Commerce for the People.
包括国际电联盟(国际电联 在全球网络安全议程框架内开展了活动)在内的国际组织以及联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办公室收集了数据,筹备了各项研究。
[...] organizations, including the International Telecommunication Union, which has undertaken [...]
activities within
the framework of the Global Cybersecurity Agenda, and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime have collected data and prepared studies.
[...] 体、贝塔斯曼基金会、数字发展宽带委员会、农业优先组织、全球伙伴关系论坛、 国际电联盟、国际贸 易中心、伊斯坦布尔证券交易所、责任投资原则、土耳其 [...]
女署、美国商会、联合国贸发会议、土耳其财政署、联合国开发署、南南合作特 设局、联合国教科文组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国全球信息和通信技术与发 展联盟、世界银行。
Event organizers included African Business Roundtable, Athgo International, Bertelsmann Foundation, Broadband Commission for Digital Development, Farming First,
Global Partnership Forum, International
[...] Telecommunication Union (ITU), ITC, Istanbul [...]
Stock Exchange, Principles for Responsible
Investment (PRI), TOBB, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD), TUSKON, UN-Women, United States Chamber of Commerce, UNCTAD, Under-secretariat of the Treasury of Turkey, UNDP, Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development and World Bank.
[...] 的客户遍及全球,包括日本、欧洲、中国香港、中国大陆、东南 联盟国 家 和 美国,在海外市场的营业额占整体营业额的 85% [...]
Moreover, our customers come from all over the
world including Japan, Europe, Hong
[...] Kong, China, ASEAN nations, and the United States while [...]
our sales in foreign markets account for above 85% of the whole.
下列组织的观察员也作了发言:联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、欧洲委 员会、国际电联盟(国际电 联)、韩国犯罪学研究所、阿拉 国 家 联盟 、 国际 社会学协会和世界受害者研究学会。
Statements were also made by the
[...] observers for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Council of Europe, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Korean Institute of Criminology, the League of Arab States, the International [...]
Sociological Association
and the World Society of Victimology.
在各国 海关和 CFCFA 成员间进行了调查,初步的反馈信息是:新的过境文件不清晰,造成多斯托克 过境点的大量延误(FIATA
标准需要考虑新的贸易单据,CFCFA 的培训需要包括新的“关税
[...] 联盟”程序和单证);“关税联盟”边境的延误增加,特别是来自非关 联盟国 家 的 车辆;哈萨 克斯坦 – 俄罗斯跨境速度大幅度提高;更高的关税导致运输者将货物分装为 [...]
50 公斤的包装; 俄罗斯 –
白俄罗斯边境有歧视性收费,而且有可能是受到了“关税联盟”的推动,来自中国需要 入境司机的签证申请费用很高,而且需要提前很长时间申请。
A quick survey among customs agencies and CFCFA members was done and initial impressions indicate: lack of clarity in new transit document resulted in long queues in Dostyk BCP (FIATA standards will need to consider the new TD and training for CFCFA should include new CU procedures and documents); delays at the CU
borders have increased, especially for
[...] vehicles from non-CU member countries; much [...]
quicker crossing of the Kazakhstan-Russia
border; higher tariffs have resulted in transporters breaking cargo to 50kgs parcels; discriminatory payments on the RussianBelarusian border; and, possibly motivated by the CU, visas for drivers entering from the PRC are costly and issuance requires application well in advance.
[...] 国际宇宙航行科学院(宇航科学院)、国际宇宙航行联合会(宇航联合会)、国 际天文联盟、国际应 用系统分析研究所、国际摄影测量和遥感学会、国际空 [...]
The session was also attended by observers for the following non-governmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee: Association of Space Explorers, European Space Policy Institute, EURISY, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), International
Astronautical Federation (IAF),
[...] International Astronomical Union, International Institute [...]
for Applied Systems Analysis, International
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, International Space University, Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water, Secure World Foundation (SWF), Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), Planetary Society and World Space Week Association.
秘书处在 编写本说明时参考了下列机构的研究资源:巴塞尔银行监督委员会;援助贫穷 者协商小组,这是一个独立的政策和研究中心,设在世界银行;20
[...] 国集团金融 普惠问题专家组创新带动机会分组;美洲开发银行;金融普 联盟 ; 国 际 发 展 法组织(发展法组织);非洲开发银行;亚洲开发银行和国际货币基金组织(货 [...]
In its preparation, the Secretariat has referred to research resources of the following bodies: the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), an independent policy and research centre housed at the World Bank; the G-20 Financial Inclusion Experts Group/Access through Innovation Sub-Group;
the Inter-American
[...] Development Bank (IDB); Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI); the International [...]
Development Law Organization
(IDLO), the African Development Bank, the Asian development Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
根据议事规则第 44 条第 3 款,下列观察员机构出席了审议大会:非洲联盟、 拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器组织、巴西-阿根廷核材料衡算和控制机构、欧联盟、红十字国际委员会、各国议 联盟 、 国 际 科 学与技术中心、阿拉 国 家联 盟、北大西洋公约组织(北约)、北约议员大会、太平洋岛屿论坛、全面禁止核试 验条约组织筹备委员会和禁止化学武器组织。
In accordance with paragraph 3 of rule 44, the following observer agencies participated in the Conference: the African Union, the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of
Nuclear Materials, the
[...] European Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the International Science and Technology Centre, the League of Arab States, the North Atlantic [...]
Treaty Organization
(NATO), the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the Pacific Islands Forum, the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive NuclearTest-Ban Treaty Organization and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
以下政府间组织、非政府组织和其他组织派代表出席了会议: 亚洲开发银行、亚洲交通运输发展研究所、铁路合作组织委员会、亚
[...] 会、全球道路安全伙伴关系、道路交通教育研究所、国际航空运输协 会、国际货运承揽业协会联合会、国际道路运 联盟 、 国 际 铁路联合 会、韩国高速公路株式会社、韩国铁路研究所、韩国人类住区研究 [...]
所、韩国交通运输研究所、湄公河委员会、泰国国际货运代理商协 会。
Representatives of the following intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and other organizations were present: Asian Development Bank; Asian Institute of Transport Development; Organization for Cooperation between Railways; Conference on Interaction and Confidence-building Measures in Asia; Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan; Global Road Safety Partnership; Institute of Road Traffic Education; International Air Transport Association; International Federation of Freight
Forwarders Associations; International Road
[...] Transport Union; International Union of Railways; [...]
Korea Expressway Corporation; Korea
Railroad Research Institute; Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements; Korea Transport Institute; Mekong River Commission; and Thai International Freight Forwarders Association.
赞赏地注意到非联盟国家元首和政府首脑大会第十三届常会于 2009 年 7 月 3 日在阿拉伯利比亚民众国苏尔特作出决定,授权非洲联盟加入该《公约》,3 重申《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》),4 其中确认《公约》是消除贫穷的工具之一,并再次表明决心消除极端贫穷
Taking note with appreciation of the decision adopted in Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, on 3 July 2009 by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union at its thirteenth ordinary session, authorizing the African Union to accede to the Convention,3 Reaffirming the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”),4 in which the Convention is recognized as one of the tools for poverty eradication, and reiterating its resolve to eradicate extreme poverty
注意到 2008 年 6 月 30 日至 7
[...] 月 1 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的非 联盟国家 元 首和政府首脑大会第十一次首脑会议7 [...]
及 2009 年 7 月 11 日至 16 日在沙姆沙伊 赫举行的第十五次不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议关于推动联合国打击贩
运人口全球行动的决定、8 2009 年 10 月 19 日至 20 日在布鲁塞尔举行的主题为“推 动欧洲联盟打击贩运人口全球行动”的欧洲联盟部长级会议宣言,以及其他次区 域、区域和全球论坛就国际一级联合开展协调努力打击贩运人口的必要性所进行 的讨论,9
Taking note of the decisions of the eleventh
summit of the Assembl y of Heads of State and
[...] Government of the African Union, held in Sharm [...]
el-Sheikh, Egypt, on 30 June
and 1 July 2008,7 and of the Fifteenth Summit Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, held in Sharm el-Sheikh from 11 to 16 July 2009,8 on fostering United Nations global action against human trafficking, the declaration of the European Union Ministerial Conference on the theme “Towards Global European Union Action against Trafficking in Human Beings”, held in Brussels on 19 and 20 October 2009, and discussions at other subregional, regional and global forums9 on the need to unite and coordinate efforts in combating trafficking in persons at the international level
退休前在尼日利亚司法界担任 23 年的首席地方法官;管理运作一个为贫穷妇女
提供公益法律服务的非政府组织;《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、妇女权利和 性别平等培训员和协调员;30
[...] 多年期间一直站在尊重妇女权利、两性平等和善治 运动的前沿;在国际刑事法联盟国 际 指 导委员会担任非洲代表;宪法和选举改 [...]
革民间组织协调委员会的主席;国家平等权利行动联盟创建人和协调人,这是一 个民间社会组织的网络,致力于在国内贯彻《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》,
Retired from the Nigerian judiciary after 23 years as Chief Magistrate; runs an NGO that provides pro bono legal services to indigent women; trainer and facilitator on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, women’s rights and gender; in the forefront of the campaign for respect for gender equality for over three
decades; represents Africa on the Steering
[...] Committee of the Coalition for the International [...]
Criminal Court; Chairperson of the
civil society organizations Coordinating Committee on Constitutional and Electoral Reform; founding Coordinator of the National Coalition on Affirmative Action, a network of civil society organizations committed to the domestication of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the adoption of affirmative action for women’s increased participation in governance in Nigeria.
提出的建议包括:近东救济工程处必须让 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为
[...] 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉 联盟 各 国 部 长 在 开罗举行的一次会议上提请注意这一点,这些国家 [...]
对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机
构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus should be seen as an investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its donor base for the core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to
which he had drawn attention in Cairo at
[...] a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries [...]
gave welcome support to specific
projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
债务人向莫斯科地区联邦国家商事法院(二审法院)提起了上诉,理由是,该 仲裁裁决有违俄罗斯联邦的公共政策,因为仲裁庭在调查本案事实情况时犯了 错误,没有邀请适当的被申请人(即负责履行前苏维埃社会主义共 国联盟 (苏联)义务的俄罗斯国家主管机关)参加便解决了争议,还对债务人是否按 照合同负有赔偿责任以及这类赔偿责任的限度作了错误的裁决。
The debtor lodged a cassational appeal with the Moscow Area Federal State Commercial Court (the court of second instance), on the grounds that the arbitral award was contrary to the public policy of the Russian Federation, since the Arbitral Tribunal had erred in the investigation of the factual circumstances of the case, had settled the dispute without inviting the participation of an appropriate respondent, in the form of Russian State authorities responsible for fulfilling the obligations of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and had incorrectly ruled on whether the debtor had liabilities under the contract and on the extent of such liabilities.




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