

单词 联盟号

See also:


union n
ally n

league, a subdivision corresponding prefecture in Inner Mongolia

External sources (not reviewed)

目前,机队运输 能力限于俄罗联盟号发射 系统,但是,在不久的将来,由私营部门开发的太 [...]
Crew transport capabilities were currently limited
[...] to the Russian Soyuz launch system, [...]
but that would be complemented in the near
future by capsules developed by the private sector.
联盟号落户 在 法属圭亚那,库鲁,给欧洲提供了机会,为其系列发射服务增加了一个可靠性已 [...]
The establishment of Soyuz at Kourou, French [...]
Guiana, offers Europe the opportunity to add to its range of launch services
a medium-sized launcher whose reliability has been amply demonstrated.
已经联盟号(So yuz-2)和质子号(Proton-M) 运载火箭作了改进,目前正在开发今后的运载火箭,包括安加拉型运载火箭。
The Soyuz (Soyuz-2) and Proton (Proton-M) [...]
carrier rockets have been upgraded, and work is under way to develop future launch
vehicles, including the Angara family of carrier rockets.
2012 年 7 月 22 日,德国卫星 TET-1 号由“联盟”号火箭从哈萨克拜科努尔 成功发射。
On 22 July 2012, the German
[...] satellite TET-1 was successfully launched by a Soyuz rocket from [...]
过去 20 年间,5 名意大利宇航员搭乘美国的航天飞机和俄罗斯的 联盟” 号宇宙飞船升空,其中 4 名在国际空间站做了停留。
During the last 20 years, five Italian astronauts
[...] flew with the United States space shuttle and Russian Soyuz spacecraft, [...]
and four of them stayed on board ISS.
[...] 在空间站所在段的力量并在该段上开展各种科学实验外,俄罗斯联邦还使联 盟号载人 航天器和进步号货运航天器对国际空间站进行维护并向其提供服务, [...]
The Russian Federation, in addition to enhancing its segment of the Station and conducting a variety of scientific experiments aboard that segment while at the same
time fulfilling its international
[...] obligations, uses manned Soyuz spacecraft and Progress [...]
cargo spacecraft to maintain and
service ISS and ensure the safety of the crew in the event of emergency situations.
本周早些时候,俄罗斯联盟号执行 了把俄罗斯和美国国民送到国际空间 站的最近一次任务。
Earlier this
[...] week, Russia’s Soyuz mission was the [...]
latest to carry both Russian and American nationals to the International Space Station.
[...] 备了自主进入空间所需要的全套可供使用的火箭:阿里安 5 号用于重载发射联盟号用于 中载发射,低轨轻载则用维加号。
Europe now has at its disposal a complete range of operational launchers to meet its needs for
autonomy in access to space: Ariane 5
[...] for heavy launches, Soyuz for medium loads [...]
and Vega for light loads in a low orbit.
2003 年 11 月 7 日,法国和俄罗斯联邦签订了一项从法属圭亚那发 联盟号 的法律协议。
On 7 November 2003, France and the
[...] Russian Federation signed a legal agreement to launch Soyuz from French Guiana.
2010 年,根据其在研制和运行国际空间站方面所持的国际义务,俄罗斯联 邦发射了两架载联盟号 TMA 飞船和四架无人 Progress-M [...]
号货运飞船,对国际 空间站俄罗斯段的飞行情况实施了监控,并实施了计划中的研究和实验方案。
In 2010, the Russian Federation, in accordance with its international obligations regarding
the development and operation of ISS,
[...] launched two manned Soyuz TMA spacecraft [...]
and four unmanned Progress-M cargo spacecraft,
controlled and tracked the flight of the Russian segment of ISS and implemented a planned programme of research and experiments.
在这一合作框架内实施了各种大型多边 方案和项目,如阿波罗-联盟号计划 、国际宇航 计划以及和平号航天飞机计划。
Large-scale multilateral programmes and projects,
[...] namely, Apollo-Soyuz, Intercosmos and [...]
Shuttle-Mir, have been carried out within
the framework of that cooperation.
结果,越南首位宇航员、 英雄飞行员范遵与俄罗斯宇航员维克托·戈尔巴特科 共同乘联盟 37 号”飞船进行了飞行,飞行从 1980 年7月23日到31日,历时7天20小时42分钟。
As a result, the first Vietnamese cosmonaut, hero and pilot Pham
Tuan, successfully
[...] undertook his joint mission with Russian cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko in such a flight aboard Soyuz-37, which lasted [...]
7 days, 20 hours and
42 minutes, from 23 to 31 July 1980.
3.又回顾首次载人航天飞行以来人类进入外层空间的辉煌历史和非凡成 就,尤其是瓦伦蒂娜·捷列什科娃于 1963 年
6 月 16 日成为绕地球轨道飞行的第
[...] 一名女性,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗于 1969 年 7 月 20 日成为踏足月球表面的第一人, 阿波罗号航天器联盟号航天 器于 1975 年 7 月 17 日对接,这是人类在空间的第 一次国际飞行任务,并回顾过去十年来,人类利用国际空间站维持了多国人员在 [...]
the amazing history of human presence in outer space and the remarkable achievements since the first human spaceflight, in particular Valentina Tereshkova becoming the first woman to orbit the Earth on 16 June 1963, Neil Armstrong becoming the first human to set foot upon the surface of the Moon on 20 July 1969,
and the docking of the
[...] Apollo and Soyuz spacecrafts on 17 July 1975, being the first international human mission in space, [...]
and recall that for the
past decade humanity has maintained a multinational permanent human presence in outer space aboard the International Space Station
人民民联盟号召选 民们通过选“无”来抗 议“肮脏的政治游戏”,它也表示如果没有全面的政 治改革,大选只是空谈。
A month after the election, the new government was formed.216 The other significant aspect of the election was the weak showing by the PAD, which claimed that without comprehensive political reform, an election was a waste and called on its supporters to vote “no” in protest against “dirty politics”.
新西兰和新议联盟是大会第 64/57 号决议 的核心提案国,该 决议重申,核裁军和核不扩散进程相互促进,亟需在两个方面取得不可逆转的进 展。
New Zealand and
[...] the New Agenda Coalition were core sponsors of General Assembly resolution [...]
64/57, which reaffirmed that
nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation are mutually reinforcing processes requiring urgent irreversible progress on both fronts.
考虑到联合国安全理事会已通过第 1973(2011)号决议,非联盟希望明确, 这一访问不会有任何安全关切。
Taking into account the adoption, by the Security Council,
[...] of resolution 1973 (2011), the African Union would like to [...]
make sure that this mission is carried out without any safety concerns.
鉴于以上考虑,首脑峰会促请教科文组织执行第 180 EX/57 号决定(非联盟的决定见 附件)。
In the light of these considerations, the Summit of Heads of State urged UNESCO to implement 180
[...] EX/Decision 57 (African Union decision annexed hereto).
联盟欢迎第 2036(2012)号决议这个重要里 程碑,它进一步证明,联合国致力于协助非索特派团 [...]
和索马里领导人巩固为完成索马里过渡进程所取得 的重要进展。
The African Union welcomed resolution 2036 (2012) [...]
as an important milestone and further testimony to the commitment of the
United Nations to help AMISOM and the Somali leadership to consolidate the important progress made towards the completion of the transition process in Somalia.
联盟也欢迎第号议定 书缔约国所作出的决定,尤其 是关于继续就一般防范措施进行工作的决定,以保证取得长期的效果,以及关于 [...]
The European Union also welcomed the decisions [...]
taken by the States parties to Protocol V concerning, in particular, the
pursuit of work on generic preventive measures, which guaranteed longer-term effects, and the adoption of a plan of action on victim assistance.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11
[...] 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行 动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 [...]
1 款所述分遣队和符合第
5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,在悬挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para.
13 of this decree, and also in
[...] conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC [...]
of the Council, of 10 November
2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
[...] 款包括:提及大会专门讨论裁军问题的第一届特别会 议(第一届裁军特联大)的 最后文件(S- 10 /2 号决 议);不盟运动 首脑会议的发言;国际法院的咨询 意见;在规定时限内实现消除核武器的目标;裁军谈 [...]
会议下设一个核裁军特设委员会;以及呼吁尽早召开 一次讨论核裁军各个方面的国际会议,以确定和处理 具体的核裁军措施。
Those provisions include the reference to the Final Document
(resolution S-10/2) of the
[...] first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-I); NAM [...]
summit statements;
the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons within a specified framework of time; the role and work of the Conference on Disarmament, including the establishment of an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament in the Conference as a high priority; as well as the call to convene an international conference on nuclear disarmament in all its aspects at an early date to identify and deal with concrete measures of nuclear disarmament.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事 会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧 联盟 空 域 飞行、以及要求欧 联盟 成 员 国国民、 受欧联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲 盟 成 员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体做生意时保持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise vigilance when doing business with Libyan entities.
盟驻索马里特派团、欧联盟为打击海盗活动而采取的 “阿塔兰特行动”、北约的“海洋盾牌行动”、美国第 151 号联合特 遣舰队、索马里问题监察组以及来自中 国、印度、日本和俄罗斯联邦等国的打击海盗活动的各 国特遣队为打击索马里沿海海盗祸患所作的努力。
We commend the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, the African Union Mission in Somalia, the European Union’s Operation Atalanta to combat piracy, NATO’s Operation Ocean Shield, the United States Combined [...]
Task Force 151, the Monitoring
Group on Somalia and the counter-piracy missions of China, India, Japan and the Russian Federation, among other countries, for their efforts to combat the piracy scourge off the coast of Somalia.
因此,最近几年,某些旨在推动妇女人权的政治意愿 得到不断表达(联合国安理会第 1325 号决议,非联盟关于 性别平等的庄严声明,该地区 的某些宪法,2009 年 8 月 8 日在路萨卡召开大湖地区国家元首第三届国际峰会,峰会请教科 [...]
A degree of political commitment to the promotion of women’s rights
has thus emerged in
[...] recent years (United Nations Security Council resolution 1325, the African Union’s Solemn Declaration [...]
on Gender Equality
in Africa, certain Constitutions of the region, and the Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, which concluded its proceedings in Lusaka on 8 August 2009 by requesting UNESCO to grant special status to the Regional Information Centre on Women and Gender).
2004 年以来,盟理事 会通过了若干联合行动,支持国际原子能机构(原 子能机构)在核安全和核查领域以及在执行 盟 防 止 大规模杀伤性武器扩散 战略框架(即最近通过的 2008/314/CFSP 号联合行动)框架内的活动。
(6) Since 2004, the Council has adopted several Joint Actions on
support for
[...] International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) activities in the areas of nuclear security and verification and in the framework of the implementation of the EU strategy against Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, most recently Joint Action 2008/314/CFSP.
公民社会―― 公民参 与世联 盟欢迎新 通过的关于非政府组织和非盈利 组织的法律, [...]
请 政 府 公开、准 确 和全面 地 报告这些法律的执行情况,以及为 改善 对公民社会空 间 的保护,即确保言论、集 会、结社自由和 参 与公共生 活 和政治生
活 的权利、通过国家 行动计划改善人权状况、执行条约 机构关于和平集会 自由的 一 些 建议、调 查 所有关于侵犯人权维护者的报告、将 肇 事者绳 之 以 法 的各项建议 做了些 什么 。
Civicus - World Alliance For Citizen Participation [...]
welcomed new laws adopted on nongovernmental and non-profit organizations
asking the Government to report publicly, accurately and comprehensively how these laws had been implemented and what had been done in relation to various recommendations to improve the protection of civil society space, namely to ensure freedom of expression, assembly, association and the right to participate in public and political life, to adopt a National Plans of Action to improve the human rights situation and to implement some of the recommendations of the Treaty Bodies on freedom of peaceful assembly, to investigate all reports of assaults on human rights defenders and bring to justice those responsible.
提出的建议包括:近东救济工程处必须让 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为
[...] 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉 联盟 各 国部长在 开罗举行的一次会议上提请注意这一点,这些国家 [...]
对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机
构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus should be seen as an investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its donor base for the core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to
which he had drawn attention in Cairo at
[...] a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries [...]
gave welcome support to specific
projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
2006 年 12 月 12 日,盟理事会通过了 2006/419/CFSP 号联合行 动,并于 2008 年 5 月 14 日通过了 2008/368/CFSP 号联合行动,二者均支持执行联合国安全理事会第 1540(2004) 号决议,并在执行盟反对扩散大规模杀伤性武器战略的框架内落实。
14 May 2008, the Council adopted
[...] Joint Action 2008/368/CFSP, both in support of the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) and in the framework of the implementation of the EU strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
在特别委员会第 6 和
[...] 7 次会议上,多民族玻利维亚国、巴西、中国、科特迪 瓦、古巴、厄瓜多尔、萨尔瓦多、格林纳达、危地马拉、圭亚那(代表南美洲国联盟发言)、印度尼西亚、马里、尼加拉瓜、巴拉圭(代表南方共同市场成员国 和联系国发言)、秘鲁、俄罗斯联邦、塞拉利昂、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、乌拉圭 [...]
和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表也就福克兰群岛(马尔维纳斯)问题发了言(见 A/AC.109/2011/SR.6 和 7)。
At the 6th and 7th meetings of the Special Committee, the representatives of Bolivia
(Plurinational State
[...] of), Brazil, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana (speaking on behalf of UNASUR), Indonesia, [...]
Mali, Nicaragua, Paraguay
(speaking on behalf of the States members and associated States of MERCOSUR), Peru, the Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, the Syrian Arab Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) also made statements on the question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (see A/AC.109/2011/SR.6 and 7).




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