

单词 联合国教科文组织

联合国教科文组织 ()

UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

See also:




UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

教科文 adj

intergovernmental adj

External sources (not reviewed)

我们敦联合国教科文 组织政府间海洋学委员会和联合国环境规划署世界 养护监测中心为实现这些目标而加倍努力。
We urge the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
[...] Commission of UNESCO and the United Nations Environment [...]
Programme’s World Conservation
Monitoring Centre to redouble their efforts to those ends.
在 2005 年 10 月 6 日的第五和第六次会议上,委员会审议了下列五个项目:项目 8.1:反对在 体育运动中使用兴奋剂国际公约草案;项目 5.3:关于阿拉伯被占领土的教育和文化机构的第 32 C/54 号决议的实施情况;项目 5.24:关于在布基纳法索瓦加杜古建立 联合国教科文组织 赞 助的非 洲女童和妇女教育国际中心(CIEFFA)的建议;项目 5.8:联合国教科文组织和经 济合作与发展组 织(OECD)合作,共同起草“保障高等教育跨国界办学质量”的指导方针;以及项目 5.23:关于国 际传统竞赛和体育运动宪章的可行性及范围的初步报告。
At its fifth and sixth meetings on 6 October 2005, the Commission examined the following five items: 8.1 “Draft international convention against doping in sport”, 5.3 “Implementation of 32 C/Resolution 54 concerning educational and cultural institutions in the occupied Arab territories”, 5.24 “Proposed establishment of the International Centre for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA) under the auspices of UNESCO, in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)”, 5.8 “Cooperation between UNESCO and OECD in drafting guidelines on ‘Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education’”, and 5.23 “Preliminary report on the desirability and scope of an international charter on traditional games and sports”.
联合国教科文组织在文 化领域的公约与《联合国土著人民权利宣言》以及与土著人民 交往政策相关信息之间的关联度已通过内部磋商以及与联合国原住民常设论坛及更广泛的研 [...]
The links between the UNESCO Conventions in the field of Culture and the United [...]
Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples and information on policies for engaging with indigenous peoples has been consolidated through in-house consultations, collaboration with the UNPFII and the wider research community.
此外联合国教科文组织于 2010 年为第一份全国妇女政策和国家妇女行动 计划的制定以及托克劳国家文化政策草案的编写提供了技术支持。
Furthermore, in 2010 UNESCO provided technical support for [...]
the development of the first national women’s policy and national
action plan for women, as well as for the preparation of a draft Tokelau national cultural policy.
此 外,还联合国教科文组织、美 国民间研究开发基金会签订了合作协议;ASM 与 INTAS 合作协定要求实施“2005 年摩尔多瓦-INTAS 合作研究计划”和“2005 [...]
年 摩尔多瓦-INTAS 青年科学家学术研究奖金”,同时摩尔多瓦共和国与国际原子能
机构技术合作部签订了《2005 年摩尔多瓦技术合作国别计划框架》。
[...] agreements have been concluded with UNESCO, the Civil Foundation of Research and Development [...]
from USA (CFRD), Convention
between ASM and INTAS on their cooperation in the collaborative call for research projects Moldova-INTAS 2005, Convention between ASM and INTAS on their cooperation in the collaborative call for Young Scientists Fellowships Moldova-INTAS 2005, International Atomic Energy Agency, Department of Technical Cooperation, Moldova Country programme Framework for technical cooperation, 2005 and others.
我们只有几步之遥,从著名的历史遗址和古迹的所有拉美和厄瓜多尔历史和文化,使我们的邻居 联合国教科文组织 遗 产地达到了高潮。
We are only steps away from famous historic sites and all of these
monuments to Latin and Ecuadorian
[...] history and culture have culminated in making our neighborhood a UNESCO heritage site.
[...] 面行动并阻止其任何作为或不作为,以免对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完整性、真 实性和文化遗产产生不利影响,1981 年约旦把这些场所列 联合国教科文组织世 界 遗产目录,1982 年又把它们列入处于危险的世界遗产目录。
The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan urges the United Nations to demand that the Israeli authorities refrain from such unilateral actions without delay and prevent any acts or omissions that adversely affect the integrity, authenticity and cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem and its
Walls, a site listed by
[...] Jordan in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981 and in the List of World Heritage Sites in [...]
Danger in 1982.
作为这项研究的一部分,并遵循常设论坛的建议,特别报告员提议并参与 了 2009 年 10 月在锡切斯(西班牙)举行的专家会议,此次会议是由非政府组织 Kreddha 和联合国教科文组织加泰 罗尼亚办事处组织的,会上分析了在土著居住 区进行采掘活动的企业活动所产生的冲突源,以及预防和解决这些冲突的可能机 制。
As part of that investigation, and following a recommendation by the Permanent Forum, the Special Rapporteur suggested and participated in a meeting of experts held in October 2009 in Sitges, Spain, and sponsored by the NGOs Kreddha and UNESCOCatalunya, during which the participants analysed sources of conflicts arising from extractive activities carried out by companies in indigenous territories, and possible ways of preventing and resolving such conflicts.
如今这 一争端复燃并演变为激烈的武装冲突,与两起事件
息息相关:泰国以色彩为代号的政治斗争,即 2006 年 9 月他信因政变而流亡后,在亲建制的“黄衫军”
[...] 和亲他信的“红衫军”之间发生的冲突; 以联合国 教科文组织于 2008 年 7 月接受申请,将柬埔寨柏 威夏古寺地区列入世界遗产名录。
The resurgence of a largely forgotten 50-year dispute into an active armed conflict was related to two events: the colourcoded struggle in Thailand between the pro-establishment “Yellow Shirts” and the pro-Thaksin “Red Shirts” sparked after Thaksin’s ouster in the September 2006
coup; and the decision of Cambodia to register Preah Vihear as
[...] a World Heritage Site, which UNESCO accepted in July 2008.
海勒叙尔特是位于盖朗特峡湾内的一个美丽的渡轮小港, 联合国教科文组织 列 为世界文化遗产。
Hellesylt is a beautiful tiny ferry port on the magnificent Geiranger fjord and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in western Norway.
香港公共图书馆一直以来均遵守联 合国教科文组织公共 图书馆宣言”的各项原则采购图书馆数据,为读者提供一个 均衡及多元化的馆藏,以配合不同年龄及各阶层人士对信息、研究、自学及善用 [...]
The Hong Kong Public Libraries have
been following the principles
[...] laid down in the UNESCO Public Library Manifesto in acquiring [...]
library materials for the provision
of a balanced and diversified library collection to meet the needs of people of different ages and sectors for information, research, self-learning and leisure reading.
这本手稿出自斯洛伐克布拉迪斯拉发大学图书馆馆藏的贝萨吉克伊斯兰手稿收藏集,该藏品于1997年入 联合国教科文组织 的 《世界记忆名录》。
The manuscript is from the Bašagić Collection of Islamic Manuscripts in
the University Library of Bratislava, Slovakia,
[...] which was inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register [...]
in 1997.
目前,摩尔多瓦已加联合国教科 文组织关于 禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的公约、欧洲理 事会关于文化遗产对社会的价值框架公约,以及共同制作电影欧洲公约。
The ratification of the UNESCO Convention on the measures for [...]
the prevention and fight against illegal import, export and
transfer of property over cultural goods; the Framework Convention of the Council of Europe on the value of the cultural heritage for the society and the European Convention on the cinema co-production have been signed.
历史城镇圣乔治及相关防御工事均联 合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
The historic town of St. George and
[...] related fortifications are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
鉴于柏威夏古寺有着非凡的文化意义和自然价值, 柬埔寨于 2001 年首先联合国教科文组织提出申 请将其列入世界遗产名录。
Cambodia first proposed to the UN Education, Scientific and
[...] Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2001 that Preah Vihear be added to the World Heritage list for properties of outstanding cultural or natural value.
最近,理事会不顾塞尔 维亚政府和塞尔维亚东正教会的意愿,决定撤出其在 另外四个塞族圣地周围的存在,其中包括属 联合国 教科文组织濒危世界遗产地的 14 世纪早期的格拉查 尼察修道院,这令人深感不安。
Its more recent decision to unfix its presence around four additional Serbian holy sites—including the early
fourteenthcentury Gračanica
[...] monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage in Danger site, against the will of the Government of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church, is deeply [...]
瑞典的维斯比联合国教科文组织认 定 的世界文化遗产,维斯比城可以说是在斯堪的纳维亚半岛上保存最完好的中世纪城市之一。
A UNESCO world heritage site, the city of Visby in Sweden [...]
is arguably one of the best-preserved medieval cities in Scandinavia.
正如世界知识产权织, 联合国教科文组 织 和 世界银行指出的,发展中国家建立机制来保 护其过去和现在创造性劳动的商业利用并从中获益是非常重要的。
As agencies such as WIPO, UNESCO and the World Bank have [...]
pointed out, it is important that developing countries develop
mechanisms to protect and benefit from the commercial exploitation of their own past and present creative works.
联合国教科文组织统计 研究所的代表对太平洋和中亚国家参与亚太 统计所培训课程人数较少表示关注。
The representative of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics expressed concern about low participation from the Pacific and Central Asian countries in SIAP training programmes.
为了最有效和全面的保护儿童权利,国家正在同民间团体积极开展合作, 其中包括联合国教科文组织的白 俄罗斯国际俱乐部协会、白俄罗斯残疾儿童和 残疾青少年援助协会、白俄罗斯儿童基金会、“儿童反对暴力”、“理解”等。
In order to ensure more effective all-round protection of children’s rights, the State actively cooperates
with civil society, including
[...] with voluntary organizations such as the Belarusian Association of UNESCO Clubs, the Belarusian Association for Assistance to Handicapped [...]
Children and Young
People, the Belarusian Children’s Fund, Children against Violence, Ponimanie (“Understanding”), etc. These organizations supplied information for the UPR on measures being taken in Belarus to implement the rights of the child.
活动组织者包括非洲工商圆桌会议、抓住全球机遇联盟 体、贝塔斯曼基金会、数字发展宽带委员会、农业优先组织、全球伙伴关系论坛、
国际电信联盟、国际贸易中心、伊斯坦布尔证券交易所、责任投资原则、土耳其 商品交易商会联盟、土耳其工商业协会、土耳其商人及企业家联合会、联合国妇
[...] 女署、美国商会、联合国贸发会议、土耳其财政署、联合国开发署、南南合作特 设局、合国教科文组织、联合国儿 童基金会、联合国全球信息和通信技术与发 展联盟、世界银行。
Event organizers included African Business Roundtable, Athgo International, Bertelsmann Foundation, Broadband Commission for Digital Development, Farming First, Global Partnership Forum, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), ITC, Istanbul Stock Exchange, Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), TOBB, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD), TUSKON, UN-Women, United States Chamber of Commerce, UNCTAD, Under-secretariat of the Treasury of Turkey, UNDP, Special Unit for
South-South Cooperation,
[...] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), [...]
United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development and World Bank.
报道描述了两种不同的自然保护区理念:德国勒恩地区 联合国教科文 组织生物 圈保护区以及中国武陵源山区 联合国教科文组织 世 界 遗产。
The reportage describes two very different
concepts of protected
[...] areas: the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Rhön area in Germany and the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Wuling Mountains of China.
2010 年 5 月联合国教科文组织协助 托克劳参加了在斐济楠迪举行的太平 洋区域教育系统负责人会议。
In May 2010, UNESCO supported the participation of Tokelau at a meeting of the heads of education systems of [...]
the Pacific region, held in Nadi, Fiji.
答: 星空联盟网络寻求与经验丰富、可信和具有国际知名度的环境保护组织合作,包括具有联合国身份联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO)。
A. The Star Alliance network sought experienced, credible and
internationally recognised environmental conservation organisations to partner with,
[...] including UNESCO, with its United Nations status.
通过援联合国教科文组织总干 事在国际语 文年活动上的致辞,发言人坚持认为保护语言多样 性很有必要,她指出新西兰已经采取了不同措施, 促使儿童从小开始在家和社区中学习和使用毛利 语,并在全国推广毛利语视听节目。
Citing a
[...] statement made by the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at [...]
the launching of the
International Year of Languages, she emphasized the need to preserve linguistic diversity and said that New Zealand had taken various measures in order to nourish, from a very early age, the learning and use of the Maori language in homes and communities and to promote the nationwide broadcast of television and radio programmes in Maori.
科尔文纳图书馆收藏集》于2005年入 联合国教科文组织 的 世 界记忆名录。
The Bibliotheca Corviniana Collection was inscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register in 2005.
联合国教科文组织 (UNESCO) 和国际自然保护联盟 (IUCN) 联合推出了该计划,让医学、生物多样性、生态学、气候学和 海洋考古学方面的专家能够开展研究,增加人们对海洋随着时间 [...]
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and [...]
the International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN) joined forces in launching the program, which is making it possible for experts in medicine, biodiversity, ecology, climatology and marine archaeology to conduct research that is increasing the understanding of changes in the ocean over time.
南迪任职于德里的发展中社会研究中心,他还是墨尔本后殖民研究所的杰出学者,以 联合国教科文组织 高 等 教育全球科学委员会成员。
Nandy is a Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, Distinguished Fellow at the Institute of Postcolonial Studies, Melbourne, and a member of the Global Scientific Committee for Higher Education (UNESCO).
该伙伴关系的第一年将支持三个联合国项目,分别是:“预防麻疹行动”,其目标是为撒南非洲的2亿儿童接种麻疹疫苗 联合国教科文组织 ( U N ES CO)的“世界遗产方案”,它旨在保护地球上最珍贵的地区(如科隆群岛、非洲的肯尼亚山国家公园);以及阻止艾滋病在全球蔓延。
Three UN causes will be supported in the first year of this partnership – The Measles Initiative, which aims to vaccinate 200 million children in sub-Saharan Africa against
measles, The World Heritage
[...] program of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), [...]
which seeks to protect
the world’s most valued places such as the Galapagos Islands and Mount Kenya National Park in Africa, and the global HIV/AIDS pandemic.
该方案由10联合国系统机构共同赞助,他们是联合国难民署,联合国儿童基金会,世界粮食计划署,联合国开发计划署,联合国人口基金,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室,国际劳工 织 ,联合国教科文组 织 , 世界卫生组织和世界银行。
The Programme is
[...] co-sponsored by 10 UN system agencies:  UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, the ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the [...]
World Bank.




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