

单词 联交所

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

认购或认购权是一个标题,你可以买到以收购公司股份 联交所 在 某 一特定日期或一定的价值。
Subscription or Subscription Right is a
title that you can buy in order to acquire shares of a company at a certain date or a
[...] certain value on the Stock Exchange.
客户服务热线之服务时间为星期一至星期五(公众假期,台风,黑色暴雨,香 联交所交 易时 段为半天除外) 早上八时三十分至下午十二时十分及下午十二时五十分至五时正。
Our hotline service hours are from 8:30am to 12:10pm and from
12:50pm to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays, typhoons,
[...] black rainstorms, and SEHK half-day sessions).
(e) 如果上市规则有此要求,董事不得就股东关于以他所知他或他的联系人有 重大利益的任何合约或安排或建议的任何决议表决(也不应被计算入法定 人数内),惟条件是此禁止(aa)不适用于上文第
[...] 118(b)条第(i)至(vii)点(包 括此两点)所述事项;及(bb)同时须符 联交所 授 予的任何豁免规定。
(e) In so far as it is required by the Listing Rules, a Director shall not vote (nor be counted in the quorum) on any resolution of the shareholders in respect of any contract or arrangement or proposal in which he or his Associate is to his knowledge materially interested provided that this prohibition (aa) shall not apply to any of the matters specified as (i) to
(vii) inclusive in Article 118(b) above; and (bb) is also subject to any waiver which
[...] may be granted by the Stock Exchange.
公司联交所的上 市公司,都必须经过这个过程被称为IPO。
To be listed
[...] on the stock exchange, a company must [...]
go through a process called IPO.
对重要风险因素的全部讨论见截至2012年4月30日的最新年度信息表(AIF)的“风险因素”一节、我们的管理层讨论与分析中的“风险管理”一节以及我们不时提交证券监管机构的其他文件中描述的风险因素,上述文件均可在香 联交所 www.hkexnews.hk 、SEDAR网站 www.sedar.com [...]
或我们公司的网站 www.sunshineoilsands.com 获取。
For a full discussion of our material risk factors, see "Risk Factors" in our most recent Annual Information Form dated April 30, 2012 ("AIF"), "Risk Management" in our current MD&A and risk factors described in other documents we file from time to time with securities regulatory
authorities, all of which are available on the
[...] Hong Kong Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hk, [...]
on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com
or our website at www.sunshineoilsands.com.
(iii) 本公司(如上市规则有所要求)已 联交所 发 出 通知,并根 联交 所的要 求令致在报章刊登广告,表示其有意按 联交所 要 求 的方式 出售该股份,而自该广告刊登之日起计 3 个月联交所许可的较短 期间已经过去。
(iii) the Company, if so required by the Listing Rules, has given notice to, and caused to place
advertisement in newspaper in
[...] accordance with the requirements of, the Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Stock Exchange, and a period of 3 months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
倘若股份证书受到毁损、毁灭或遗失,可在支付一笔为数不超 联交所 不 时 规定 的金额的费用,根据关于证明和赔偿的条款(如有),及支付本公司调查有关证 [...]
据而各董事认为合适的实付费用后,获得补发,惟不变的条件是如认股权证已经 发出,则不得发出新的认股权证以取代旧证,除非本公司毫无疑问信纳,原证书 已经毁灭。
If a share certificate is defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be replaced on payment of a
fee not exceeding the amount as
[...] prescribed by the Stock Exchange from time to time [...]
and on such terms (if any) as to evidence
and indemnity and the payment of out-of-pocket expenses of the Company of investigating evidence as the Directors think fit provided always that where share warrants have been issued, no new share warrant shall be issued to replace one that has been lost, unless the Company is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the original has been destroyed.
当然,我们知道如何使用和理解的几个指标 联交所 的 操 作,可以提高他们的工作效率,在时间打的购买和出售其股份的,提供了更多的利润。
Of course we know how to use and
understand the operation of several
[...] indicators of the stock exchange can increase their [...]
efficiency in time to hit the purchase
and sale of their shares, providing more profits.
招商局国际有限公司(简称:本公司,香 联交所 编 号 :0144)欣然宣布,于2012年12月27日,旗下全资子公司码来仓储(深圳)有限公司(简称:码来仓储)与中国南山开发(集团)股份有限公司(简称:南山集团)签署协议,收购南山集团所持有的深圳赤湾港航股份有限公司(简称:深赤湾,深圳交易所A股及B股上市)25%的A股股份,收购对价为17.87亿元人民币,即每股人民币11.088元,以现金支付。
China Merchants Holdings (International) Company Limited (Hong Kong Stock Code: 0144) [...]
("CMHI" or the "Company") is pleased
to announce that Shenzhen Malai Warehouse Company Limited ("Malai Warehouse"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMHI, entered into an agreement with China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation (the "Nanshan Group") on 27 December 2012 to acquire from the latter its 25% (in A-shares) of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited ("SZCWH", whose A shares and B shares are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) at a cash consideration of RMB1.787 billion, or RMB11.088 per share.
2011年1月3日: 联想集团 (香联交所:99 2)(地址:LNVGY)今日宣布推出两款新的笔记本电脑,精巧的设计提升小型到中型(豪华和SMB)与企业计算,尖端技术和额外的功能,超越业务计算。
(HKSE: 992) (ADR: LNVGY) today announced [...]
two new laptops that elevate small-to-medium (SMB) business computing with luxurious
and sophisticated design, cutting-edge technologies and extra features to go beyond business computing.
然而,在巴西,当我们谈论 市场 股份或 股票立即提醒BM交所(联交所,商 品及期货)。
In Brazil, however, when we talk about markets of shares or stock, Immediately reminded of BM
[...] & FBovespa (Stock Exchange, Commodities and [...]
联交所有限 公司邀请香港会计师公会发布指引,以协助香港上市公司了解和实施与内部控制相关的企业管治常规守则的规定,并制订其内部控制程序。
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited [...]
invited HKICPA to issue guidance to help Hong Kong listed companies understand and
implement the Code on Corporate Governance Practices requirements relating to internal control and devise their internal control procedures.
香港 - 伟易达集团(香联交所代号 :303;伦敦证交所代号:VTH;美国预托证券代号:VTKHY)旗下之全资附属公司VTech Elect ronics Europe plc在伦敦玩具展上宣布推出多款全新婴儿电子学习产品系列。
Hong Kong – VTech Electronics Europe plc, a wholly owned subsidiary of VTech Holdings Ltd (SEHK: 303; London [...]
announced the addition of various new products to the VTech Baby family at the London Toy Fair.
股份或任何类别股份的转让登记,可在指定报章以及(如适用者)根 联交所对 此 所要求的任何其他报章上刊登广告发出通知后暂停或者停止登记,每年不超过 30 天,或如根据该条例第 99(2)(a)条的规定在股东大会上得到本公司的批准,每 年不超过 60 天。
The registration of transfers of shares or of any class of shares may,
after notice has been
[...] given by advertisement in an appointed newspaper and, where applicable, any other newspapers in accordance with the requirements [...]
of the Stock Exchange
to that effect, be suspended or the register closed for not more than 30 days in any year or, with the approval of the Company in 14 general meeting in accordance with section 99(2)(a) of the Ordinance, 60 days in any year.
亚历山德罗·马丁斯是博客的一个新手投资者 联交所 的 编 辑和创始人。
Alessandro Martins is editor and founder of the blog A
[...] Newbie Investor in the Stock Exchange.
香港 - 伟易达集团( 香联交所代号:303; 伦敦证交所代号:VTH; [...]
美国预托证券代号:VTKHY)旗下之全资附属公司VTech Electronics Europe plc在伦敦玩具展上宣布推出革命性的全新教育娱乐系统V.Flash,并将於二零零六年秋季在市场发售。
VTech Electronics Europe plc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of
[...] VTech Holdings Ltd (SEHK: 303; London [...]
SE: VTH; ADR: VTKHY) announced the launch
of V.Flash at the London Toy Fair.
断路器 - “安全”按钮联交所”指香港联合交易所有限公司 - 断路器是一种机制,用于 [...]
Bovespa指数 允许的话,发生突然变动的市场,减震和平衡的采购订单及销售。
Circuit breaker - the
[...] "safety button" Stock Exchange - The Circuit [...]
Breaker is a mechanism used by Bovespa allows, the occurrence
of sudden movements of the market, the damping and rebalancing of purchase orders and sales.
动议批准及采纳组织章程细则(附于此之副本并标示「E」以供识别)为本公司之新 组 织章程细则,以替代本公司现有之所有组织章程细则,惟先决条件为包销协 议
[...] [...] 成为无条件(包括(如有关)由建银国际金融有限公司豁免任何条件) 及并无根据该 等协议之条款或其他原因终止在各情况下股份 联交所 开 始买 卖之日(预计为二 零一零年七月九日前后) 或该等较迟时间及╱或由建银国际金融有限公司与本公 [...]
7. THAT conditional upon the Underwriting Agreements becoming unconditional (including, if relevant, as a result of the waiver of any condition(s) by CCBIC) and not being terminated in accordance with the terms of such agreements or otherwise, in each case prior to 8:00 a.m. (Hong Kong time) on the day on which dealings in the Shares commence on the Stock Exchange (which is expected to be on or about 9 July 2010) (or such later time and/or date as may be agreed between CCBIC
and the Company in writing), the
[...] articles of association (a copy of which is annexed hereto and [...]
marked “E” for identification
purposes) be and are hereby approved and adopted as the new articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of all the existing articles of association of the Company.
2004年6月16日,腾讯公司在香联交所 主 板公开上市(股票代号700)。
On June 16, 2004, Tencent Holdings Limited (SEHK 700) went public on the main
[...] board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
成员转让他们已缴足的股份不应受到任何优先购买权的限制( 联交所 许 可 者除 外 )。
The right of Members to transfer
their fully-paid shares shall not be restricted by any rights of pre-emption (except
[...] when permitted by the Stock Exchange).
顾先生现时亦担任美国纽约证券交易所上市公司易居(中国)控股有限公司独立董事,并于2012年4月23日获委任担任深圳证券交易所上市的中粮地产(集团)股份有限公司的独立非执行董事,2012年11月担 联交所 上 市公司旭辉控股(集团)有限公司独立非执行董事。
Mr. Gu currently serves as an independent director of E-House (China)
Holdings Limited, a company listed on the
[...] New York Stock Exchange in the USA, and [...]
was appointed as an independent non-executive
director of COFCO Property (Group) Co.
(a) 已就此向本公司支联交所规定应付的最高款额或各董事不时要求的较 低款额的费用
(a) a fee of such maximum
[...] sum as the Stock Exchange may determine [...]
to be payable or such lesser sum as the Directors may
from time to time require is paid to the Company in respect thereof
为此,就本次超额配售,本公司以全球发售的H股每股发行价格(即每股9.08港元,不包括应付的1%经纪佣金,0.004%香港证监会交易征费,0.005%香 联交所交 易 费 )额外发行117,569,500股H股。
In this regard, 117,569,500 shares of over-allotment shares will be issued and allotted by the Bank at HK$9.08 per Share (excluding brokerage of 1.0%, SFC transaction
levy of 0.004% and Hong
[...] Kong Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%), being the Offer Price per Share [...]
in connection with the Global Offering.
叶先生为七家上市公司的独立非执行董事:自二零一零年六月起担任 联交所 创 业 板上市的非凡中国控股有限公司的董事,并自二零零八年九月起担任新昌管理集团有限公司的董事、自二零零九年十二月起担任丽新发展有限公司的董事、自二零一零年十月起担任金保利新能源有限公司的董事、自二零一一年四月起担任米兰站控股有限公司的董事、自二零一一年五月起担任建滔积层板控股有限公司的董事及自二零一一年十月起担任六福集团(国际)有限公司的董事(均 联交所 主 板 上市)。
Mr. IP has been appointed an
[...] independent non-executive director of seven publicly listed companies, namely Viva China Holdings Limited since June 2010, a company listed on the GEM board of the Stock Exchange; Synergis Holdings Limited since September 2008, Lai Sun Development Company Limited since December 2009, Goldpoly New Energy Holdings Limited since October 2010, Milan Station Holdings Limited since April 2011, Kingboard Laminates Holdings Limited since May 2011 and Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited since October 2011, all are companies listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange.
2013年4月16日,香港 — 龙杰智能卡有限公司(ACS,龙杰智能卡控股有限公司之全资附属公司,香 联交所 上 市 编号:8210),是亚太地区第一大、全球三大之一的连机智能卡读写器供应商(资料来源:Frost & Sullivan),今天宣布任命 Robert (Bob) Merkert 担任公司美洲区总裁。
(ACS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Card Systems Holdings Ltd., SEHK: 8210), Asia Pacific's top supplier and one of the world's top 3 suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers (Source: Frost & Sullivan), today announced the appointment of its President for the Americas, Mr. Robert (Bob) Merkert.
通知可以亲送、预付邮资邮件(倘登记地址在香港以外则以空邮)、电传、电报 或图文传真或其他长途电子资信系统等方式或以刊登广告方式发出,广告应根联交所的要求在报章上刊登。
A notice may be given by personal service, prepaid letter (airmail in the case of a registered address outside Hong Kong), cable, telex or facsimile transmission message or by other remote electronic information delivery system or by
advertisement such advertisement shall be published in the newspaper in
[...] accordance with the requirements of the Stock Exchange.
因此,发行人须自2013年9月1日后首个中期/半年度或年度报告期间起,在报告中提述有关期间是否已遵守经修订 联交所 上 市 规则附录14所载之《企业管治守则》及《企业管治报告》的守则条文(“守则条文”)A.5.6。
Accordingly, in its first interim/ half year or annual report covering a period after 1 September 2013, the issuer must state, in that report, whether it has, for that period, complied with code provision A.5.6 in the revised Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report (the “Code Provision”) set out in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange.
该刊物特别包含一套在香联交所上 市 的假定主体按照香港财务报告准则及香港《公司条例》和《上市规则》的相关披露要求编制的年度财务报表范例, 而该财务报表乃截止于2011年12月31日的年度。
This publication contains a set of illustrative annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 of an hypothetical entity with its shares listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited that are prepared in accordance with HKFRSs
从近来多项上市决策(例如LD71-1及LD80-1等)以及指引信订明的精简后海外公司上市程序看来 联交所 及 上市委员会现在倾向欢迎更多海外公司来港上市。
As seen from the various recent Listing Decisions (e.g. LD71-1 and LD80-1, etc.) on the subject and the streamlined procedures for
listing overseas companiesset out in the
[...] Guidance Letter, SEHK and the Listing [...]
Committee are currently in favour of bringing
more overseas companies to Hong Kong for listing.
2010年1月25日,香港 — 龙杰智能卡有限公司(ACS,龙杰智能卡控股有限公司之全资附属公司,香 联交所 上 市 编号:8210),亚太地区排名第一的连机智能卡读写器供应商,即日宣布其自主研发的 eH880健保卡终端被授予 "2009香港工商业奖:机器及机械工具设计优异证书"。
SEHK: 8210), Asia Pacific's number one supplier of PC-linked smart card readers, today announces that its eH880 eHealth Smart Card Terminal has been awarded the "2009 Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Machinery and Machine Tools Design Certificate of Merit".




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