

单词 职要求

职要求 noun ()

entry requirement n

See also:

要求 (...) v

request v
demand (sth.) v
ask v
call for v

要求 n

request n
requirement n
requests pl


stake a claim


seek employment

External sources (not reviewed)

在实际情况中,一般是工作人员提出 职要求 , 其 上司告知总干事室。
In practice, separation is generally initiated by the staff member, whose direct supervisor refers the matter to the Directorate.
其他法律方面:诚信、行政和刑事处罚、等价赔偿、藏匿、 职要求等
Other legal aspects: good faith, administrative and criminal penalties, fair compensation,
[...] receiving, due diligence and so on
在联合国教科文组织的要求下,国际统一私法协会(UNIDROIT)于1995 年通过的关于被盗或非法出口文化财产的公约对1970年《公约》做了补充,并填补了1970年
[...] 《公约》在国际私法方面的多项空白,如:被盗文化财产的归还(尽管并未对这些财产进行登 记造册)、等价赔偿、职要求、诚 信等等。
At the request of UNESCO, in 1995 the Convention was supplemented by the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, which closed some of loopholes of the 1970 Convention in terms of international private law, such as the
restitution of stolen cultural property even if not inventoried, fair compensation,
[...] due diligence, good faith and so on.
应优先考虑征聘受过培训、有所需技能 可完成受聘职位要求职能的人员。
Priority should be given to recruiting trained personnel with the skills required to accomplish the
functions of the position for which they are hired, thereby limiting the need for
[...] training of staff in their current function.
另外,该网站亦可以让雇主于展能就业科登记职位空缺、物色合适的残求 职人士填补空缺,要求该科 引荐应征者参加遴选面试。
It also enables employers to place vacancy orders
with SPD, identify
[...] suitable job seekers with disabilities to fill their vacancies, or request SPD to refer [...]
candidates for selection interviews.
Schumer 表示“如果雇主无要求职者提供家里的钥匙或阅读他们的日记,那为什么就可以要求他们提供自己的 Facebook 密码?
Sen. Schumer stated that "employers have no right to ask job applicants [...]
for their house keys or to read their diaries, why
should they be able to ask them for their Facebook passwords?
但与此同时,咨询委员会强调继续现行招揽方法的 要 性 , 这些方法仍是吸引潜求职者的有效手段。
At the same time, however, the Committee
underlines the
[...] continued importance of existing outreach methods, which still remain an effective [...]
means of attracting potential applicants.
要的详 细分析,包含在失业人员的个 求职 计 划 中。
More detailed
[...] analysis of the needs is contained in an individual job seeking plan of an unemployed person.
一些与会者提到大众传要讲求职业 道 德, 并提到了自由的新闻媒体的重要性。
Some participants
[...] mentioned the need for professional ethics in mass media and the importance [...]
of a free press.
在这种情况下,求援助 是受影 响国根据国际人权文书和习惯国际法履行 要职 责 的另外一个因素。
In these
[...] circumstances, seeking assistance is additionally an element of the fulfilment of an affected State’s primary responsibilities [...]
under international
human rights instruments and customary international law.
如果您基于正在申请难民身份的理由而申请免除三 求职 活 动 的 要求 , 但 是 您的配偶可在加拿大合法地工作的话(即使您自己不能),您的配偶便必须进行 [...]
If you’re applying to waive the
three-week work search rule on the
[...] grounds that you’re seeking refugee protection but [...]
your spouse can legally work in Canada
(even if you can’t), then your spouse must do the threeweek work search.
为了在近期解决多国办事处补充人力资源方面的困难,确保工作人员的能力与其岗职责, 应发挥的作用和总部、地区办事处、多国/国家办事处及上述机构之间协同完成任务要求相适 应,向本国执行局会议提交了长期人事战略(本文件 B 部分),在制定这一战略 时考虑到负责审查非集中化情况的特设小组的工作。
In order to offset the difficulty in filling resource gaps in cluster
offices in the near
[...] future, and so as to ensure that staff skillsets are in line with the profiles, roles and task-sharing between Headquarters, regional bureaux, cluster/national offices [...]
and institutes
referred to above, the overall long-term staffing strategy submitted to the Executive Board at this same session (Part IB of this document) has been elaborated taking into account inter alia the work of the Decentralization Review Task Force.
(b) 至今为止,采用问卷形式进行了该通函所述的接触方面的工作,该问 要求职 员 表 明他 们对人员流动的意向。
(b) The contact mentioned in the Administrative
Circular has thus far taken the form of a
[...] questionnaire requesting staff to indicate [...]
their interest in applying for rotation.
职能内开展的活动将包括:(a) 制定从制止暴力侵害妇女行为直至增加 妇女对和平与安全的贡献,覆盖妇女署各个实务活动领域的国家、区域和全球各 级技术和方案指导意见;(b) 制定和协调多方利益攸关方综合国家方案,这些方 案涉及符合国家和区域政策及优先事项的机构间参与和国家伙伴,并与妇女署战 略计划一致;(c) 不断要求向妇 女署核心工作领域的国家合作伙伴和国家工作 队提供技术支助(例如,对全国妇女机构的支助;对妇女组织和网络的支助;对 驻地协调员和两性平等专题小组的支助;对报告和执行《消除对妇女歧视公约》 的支助);(d) 管理和监测全球方案和信托基金。
The activities
[...] undertaken within this function will include: (a) producing country, regional and global-level technical and programme guidance covering the substantive areas in which UN-Women works, from ending violence against women to increasing women’s contributions to peace and security; (b) devising and coordinating multi-stakeholder, holistic country programmes that involve inter-agency participation and national partners in line with national and regional policies and priorities and that are consistent with UN-Women’s Strategic Plan; (c) ongoing, on-demand technical support to [...]
national partners and UNCTs
in UN-Women’s core areas of work (e.g., support to NWMs; support to women’s organizations and networks; support to the Resident Coordinator and gender thematic groups; and support to reporting on and implementing CEDAW); and (d) the management and monitoring of global programmes and trust funds.
难民署的工作性要求职员从 一个地方调动到另一个地方。
The nature of UNHCR’s work requires the movement of staff from one location to another.
要求各国 机构履行与制定政策、参与国际法规制定、执行和协调知识产权协议有关的要职能,因此,地区组织可以起到补充而不全盘取代有效的国家知识产权基础机构。
This still leaves the requirement for national institutions to perform the important functions related to policymaking, participation in international [...]
enforcement and regulation of IPRs.
要的挑战是说服私营部门参加这个方案,留住学员和确保从方案毕业求职者在 私营部门而非公共部门找到工作,因为后者被认为提供更大的职业保 障。
The main challenges are to convince the private sector to participate in
[...] programme, retaining students and ensuring that candidates graduating from the programme find work with the private sector [...]
partner rather
than with the public sector, which is perceived to offer greater job security.
从 2001 年 1 月 1 日起任乌干达共和国审计长,要职 责 是有效执行《宪法》 第 163 条的规定,其要求审计 长对乌干达以及所有公共机构,包括法院、中央 和地方政府机关、大学、公用事业公司和议会法案所设机构的公共账户进行审计 并向议会提出年度报告。
From 1 January 2001, as the Auditor General of the Republic of Uganda, the responsibilities have mainly been to effectively implement the constitutional provision of Article 163, which requires the Auditor General to audit and report to Parliament annually on the public accounts of Uganda and all public offices including the courts, the central and local government administrations, universities, public corporations and such bodies as established by an Act of Parliament.
职业求职者的意见 Recruiterz队要时间 来审查网站的任何新用户,但我们建 求 职 者始终研究你所申请的公司从未提供银行的细节,为您的网上应用过程中的部分。
Career-seekers advice The Recruiterz team takes time to review any new users of the site but we advise that job seekers always research [...]
the company you are applying
to and never provide bank details as part of your application process online.
而且,连续合 同的保护程度不利于提高生产力,也无法鼓励工作人 员求职业发展,因为他们那些不 要 证 明 他们依然 对本组织有用。
Furthermore, the level of protection under continuing contracts would not improve productivity or encourage professional development in staff members who were not required to demonstrate their ongoing usefulness to the Organization.
总干事也将考虑引进新的模式,使总部外机构能够调动承担关键任务和 要职 能 所需 的高水平的专业知识和能力(如针对具体问题成立流动顾问小组)。
The Director-General will also consider introducing new modalities that might allow field units to mobilize the
high-level expertise required in the delivery of
[...] key services and functions (such as mobile advisory [...]
teams on specific issues).
[...] 管理股负责必要的规划,以确保联合国能够在任何情况下继续发挥其要职能,同时信息和通信技术灾后恢复方案则负责规划在发生损害关键 [...]
业 务 功 能 的中 断 事件 后, 如 何 恢 复信 息 和通 信技 术 基 础 设施
及 服务 (A/64/477,第 104 至 106 段)。
The Advisory Committee notes that the Unit addresses the planning needed to
ensure that the Organization can
[...] continue its critical functions under all circumstances, [...]
while the information and communications
technology disaster recovery programme deals with planning for the resumption of information and communications technology infrastructure and services after a disruption that adversely impacts critical business functions (A/64/477, paras. 104–106).
举办手工艺基本技能培训班,以及开设识字、识数和生活技能方面的非正 规教育课程,都是为处于社会边缘的青 求职 和 自谋职业打下基础。
Basic skills training workshops in a craft profession and non-formal education courses in literacy, numeracy and life skills are meant to provide the marginalized with outlets of employment and self-employment.
品質控制監工的資格和經驗的最 要求 ,應與《2009 年地盤監督作業守則》所訂明的註冊結構工程師工 作班子下 T3 職級適任技術人員的資格和經驗的最 要求相 同
The minimum qualifications and experience of the quality control supervisor are to be the same as grade T3 technically competent person (TCP) under the RSE’s stream, as stipulated in the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009.
於1973年成立巧新企業有限公司,以OEM型態,從事即熱式瓦斯熱水器的生產,交於國內各知名廠牌銷售,受到巿埸肯定,我們瞭解熱水器出廠後經由各銷售管道分佈於各個家庭使用,攸關人民生命財產安全,在品質方面是極為重要的,所以本公司以品質第一為目標的理念 要求 各 同 仁確實做到,提高與本公司往來的客戶對本公司產品信任、交貨準時、品質優良,彼此都能長期合作愉快。
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important,
therefore this company take the quality
[...] first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues [...]
truly to achieve, enhanced punctually
with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
各省自治要职责 包括:公共教育、健康宣传和保护、环境保 护、农村地区的现代化、公共道路、集中运 输、土地开发、文化、社会福利、旅游业、 抵制失业、激活当地劳动力市场。
The self-government executes tasks in the following scope: public education, health promotion and protection, environmental protection, modernising the rural areas, public roads, collective transport, land development, culture, social welfare, tourism, counteracting unemployment and activating the local labour market.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所有帳戶中持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下
應向聯名帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯名帳戶持有人的生存者(若所有聯名帳戶持有 人全部身故,則應當交予最後生存的聯名帳戶持有人的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人),而吾等就以 上所述完成的任何支付應當被視為已完全地、絕對地解除吾等針對所有聯名帳戶持有人的負值
[...] (包括已身故的聯名帳戶持有人及其繼承人),前提是吾等 要求 提 供 身故證明文件及/或身故者 遺產的相關法律受讓文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account holder) and any payment by us above shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate
and successor)
[...] provided that we may require the production [...]
of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
阿联酋代表要求国际 社会,作为紧急事项, 采取 A/64/339 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联 合国决议,即对以色列实施制裁 要求 以 色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土,以履行其使命;要求以色列政府对其给巴勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙 利亚戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补偿。
His delegation requested the international community, as a matter of urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter the occupied territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli [...]
Government to pay appropriate
compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.




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