

单词 耶莱娜・扬科维奇

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,安全理事会还不妨 考虑塞尔维亚提出的两名候选人:奥莉薇拉·安杰尔科 奇 女 士 和塔 扬娜 ·武 科维奇女士
The Security Council may also wish to consider the
nomination by Serbia of Ms. Olivera Andjelkovic
[...] and Ms. Tatjana Vukovic, which was received after the extended [...]
耶雷奇先生于1975年在贝尔莱德出 生, 娜 塔 莎 • 耶 雷 米 奇 结 婚
Mr. Jeremić was born in Belgrade in 1975, and is married to Nataša Jeremić.
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿姆娜·阿里·苏韦迪、穆罕默德·塔拉瓦奈、曼苏 尔·艾哈迈德·乔杜里、玛丽·索莱达·西斯特纳斯、特蕾西娅·德格纳、加博尔·贡布 斯、法谛哈·哈吉-萨拉赫、金亨植、卢特菲·本·拉拉霍姆、施蒂格·朗瓦德、埃达 赫·万盖奇·马伊纳、罗纳德·麦卡勒姆、 娜 · 佩 莱 斯 ·纳瓦埃斯、西尔维娅·朱迪 思·光-张、卡洛斯·里奥斯·埃斯皮诺萨、达 扬 · 塔蒂 奇 , 赫 尔曼 · 哈 维 尔 ·托斯·科雷亚和杨佳。
The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Amna Ali Al-Suwaidi, Mohammed Al-Tarawneh, Monsur Ahmed Chowdhury, Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes, Theresia Degener, Gábor Gombos, Fatiha Hadj-Salah, Hyung Shik Kim, Lofti ben Lallahom, Stig Langvald, Edah Wangechi Maina, Ronald McCallum, Ana Pelaez Narvaez, Silvia Judith Quan-Chang, Carlos Rios Espinosa, Damjan Tatic, Germán Xavier Torres Correa and Jia Yang.
根据由副总干扬科维奇领导 的工作组的提议,内务部长批准了科索沃警察最高一级的结构 (高至部门首长级)。
The Minister of Internal Affairs
[...] approved the top level of the Kosovo Police structure [...]
(up to the head-of-department level),
as proposed by a working group headed by Deputy General Director Jankovic.
科索沃警察设立了一个由副总干 扬科维奇 领 导 的工作组 ,筹备在新城市 设立警察局。
The Kosovo Police established a working group led by Deputy General Director Jankovic to prepare for the establishment of police stations in the new municipalities.
谨随信转递耶路撒冷和以色列 45 位知名巴勒斯坦人士(包括基督教和伊斯兰 教人士、政界人士、工商界人士和民间社会活动家)写给联合国人权事务高级专 员纳瓦尼特姆·皮莱和联 合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)总干事伊娜·博科娃的 信和相关文件,其中促请她们采取行动,阻止以色列政府继续摧毁 位耶路撒 冷的马曼·阿拉公墓(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith relevant documents along with letters written by 45 prominent Palestinians from Jerusalem and Israel, including Christian and Muslim figures, politicians, businesspeople and civil society activists, addressed to the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Navanethem Pillay, and the Director-General of the
[...] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, urging that they take action to stop the continued destruction of Ma’man Allah Cemetery in Jerusalem by the Israeli Government (see annex).
也与那些在这个充满灾难时代仍然经常与巴勒斯坦人合作的人们举行了重要会谈,参 加会谈的组织有:佩雷斯和平中心(特 维 夫 ) ;犹太人和阿拉伯人和平中心(Givat Haviva),该中心是 2001 年教科文组织和平教育奖的得主;哈大沙医学中心的 科 病 房学 校耶路撒 冷),该学校为以色列的犹太人及阿拉伯人和巴勒斯坦的孩子提供医疗和住院期 间的学习;耶路撒冷以色列研究学院,该学院与也设在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦和平和合作中心 (IPCC)建立了姊妹学校的关系;鸟类迁移研究国际中心 莱 特 龙 )。
As for those cooperating regularly with Palestinians in spite of the inauspicious times, key meetings were held with:
the Peres Center for
[...] Peace (Tel Aviv); the Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace (Givat Haviva), winner of the 2001 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education; the School of Pediatric Wards at the Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) which provides medical and inhospital schooling to Israeli Jews and Arabs, as well as to Palestinian children; the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, twinned with the Palestinian International Peace and Cooperation Centre (IPCC), also based in Jerusalem; and the International Centre for the Study of Bird Migration (Latrun).
克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英语发 言):首先,我欢迎秘书长特别代表兰贝托·赞尼尔 先生、塞维亚外交部长武克·耶雷 米 奇 先 生 和 科索 沃代理外交部长 Vlora Çitaku 夫人今天来到安理会 会议厅。
(United Kingdom): I would like to start by welcoming
the Special
[...] Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Lamberto Zannier; the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Mr. Vuk Jeremić; and the Acting Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Mrs. Vlora Çitaku, to the Council Chamber today.
(c) 2010 年3月2 日举行的第三次会议:菲律宾外交部长阿尔韦托·罗慕 洛;瑞士外交部长米舍娜·卡尔 米-雷伊;大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国国务 大臣莱尼丝·金诺克女男爵;越南外交部常务副部长范平明;大韩民国负责多 边和全球事务的外交通商部次官赵贤;塞 维 亚 外 交部长武 克 · 耶 雷 米
(c) At the 3rd meeting, on 2 March 2010: Alberto G. Romulo, Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Philippines; Micheline Calmy-Rey, Minister for Foreign
Affairs of
[...] Switzerland; Baroness Glenys Kinnock, Minister of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Pham Binh Minh, First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam; Cho Hyun, Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs of the Republic of Korea; Vuk Jeremić, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia
境内流离失所者好几个回返地区,包括达西拉大区的莫 娜 、 科 洛 耶、 蒂埃罗莱纳和 洛伯体盖,以及阿松加地区的布罗塔,属于因人道主义援助准入 受限而最受影响的地区,乍得与苏丹边境沿线的若干地点同样如此。
Several areas of return for internally displaced persons, including Modeina, Koloye, Tiero, Marena and Louboutigue in the Dar Sila region and Borota in the Assoungha area, are among the most affected by limited humanitarian access, as are locations along the border between Chad and the Sudan.
耶莱娜·拉希奇藐视 法庭案目前正在上诉阶段。
Rašić was formerly the case manager in the
七名被告人均因其中部分指控而被认定有 罪,判刑如下:武亚丁·波波维奇和柳比沙·贝亚拉无期徒刑、德拉戈 · 尼 科利 奇有期徒刑 35 年、拉迪耶·米莱蒂奇有期徒刑 19 年、柳博米尔·博罗夫恰宁 有期徒刑 17 年、温科·潘杜维奇有期徒刑 13 年、米兰·格韦罗有期徒刑 5 年。
Vujadin Popović and Ljubiša Beara were each sentenced to life imprisonment; Drago Nikolić was sentenced to 35 years’ imprisonment; Radivoje Miletić to 19 years’ imprisonment; Ljubomir Borovčanin to 17 years’ imprisonment; Vinko Pandurević to 13 years’ imprisonment; and Milan Gvero to 5 years’ imprisonment.
沃伊斯拉 夫·舍舍利案比原先向安理会报告的时间又拖延 20 个月;米乔·斯塔尼希奇和斯扬·茹 普 利亚宁案又 拖延 14 个月;约维察·斯塔尼希奇和弗科· 西马 托维奇案又拖延 13 个月;兹德拉夫科·托利米尔案 又拖延 12 个月。
The case of Vojislav Sešelj is being drawn out for an additional 20 months beyond the information previously reported to the Council; that of Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin for an additional 14 months; that of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović for an additional 13 months; and that of Zdravko Tolimir for an additional 12 months.
第四,我要扬塞尔维亚和科索沃 双方领导人最 近为促进和解所作的发言,包括塔 奇 总 统 在东正教 圣诞节的贺词和塞伊迪乌总统就东正教复活节的讲 话。
Fourthly, let me commend the statements made recently to promote reconciliation by the leaders of both Serbia and Kosovo, including [...]
President Tadić’s
remarks on Orthodox Christmas and President Sejdiu’s remarks on Orthodox Easter.
前儿童权利委员会成员内娜·武 奇科维奇 · 萨 霍 维奇就这一议 题提交了一份文件。
A paper on the same topic was submitted by Nevena Vuckovic Sahovic, former member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child.
投票反对修正案的成员有:艾谢·费里德·阿贾尔、 科 尔 ·阿 梅利、马加利 斯·阿罗查·多明古埃斯、芭芭拉·贝利、奥林达·巴雷罗-博瓦迪利亚、尼克 拉斯·布鲁恩、露特·哈尔帕林-卡达里、林阳子、索莱达·穆里略·德拉韦加、 韦莱塔·诺伊鲍尔、西维娅·皮 门特尔、玛丽亚·海 娜 · 皮 雷斯 、 维 多利 亚·波佩斯库、帕特里夏·舒尔茨和杜布拉夫卡·西蒙 维奇。
The members who voted against the amendment were Ayse Feride Acar, Nicole Ameline, Magalys Arocha Dominguez, Barbara Bailey, Olinda Bareiro-Bobadilla, Niklas Bruun, Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Yoko Hayashi, Soledad Murillo de la Vega, Violeta Neubauer, Silvia Pimentel, Maria Helena Pires, Victoria Popescu, Patricia Schulz and Dubravka Šimonović.
我还要高兴地欢科索沃 外交部长恩维尔·霍扎 伊先生阁下和塞维亚外交部长武克 · 耶 雷 米 奇 先生 阁下来到安理会。
Excellency Mr. Enver
[...] Hoxhaj, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, and His Excellency Mr. Vuk Jeremić, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Serbia.
米兰·卢基奇案辩护团前成耶莱娜· 拉希 奇 对 五项藐视法庭罪指控认罪, 据指控,此人以金钱收买在检察官诉米兰·卢基奇和斯雷多耶·卢基奇案中被 传唤作为米兰·卢基奇的辩护证人的三人进行虚假陈述。
Jelena Rašić, a former member of the Milan Lukić defence team, pleaded guilty to five charges of contempt for procuring false statements in exchange for money from three persons to be called as witnesses for the defence for Milan Lukić in
主席(以法语发言):征得安理会同意,我提议根 据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条的规定,向主维持 和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊先生、主管外勤支助 事务副秘书长苏娜·马尔科拉女 士、秘书长特别代 表兼联合国海地稳定特派团团长赫迪·阿纳比先生、 以及非洲联盟常驻联合国观察莱拉 ·拉 齐凡德里亚 马纳纳女士发出邀请。
The President( spoke in French ): I propose, with the consent of the Council and in accordance with the provisions of article 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, to extend an invitation to Mr. Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations; Ms. Susana Malcorra, Under-SecretaryGeneral for Field Support; Mr. Hédi Annabi, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti; and Ms. Lila Ratsifandrihamanana, Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations.
我国代表团扬苏 珊娜·马尔科拉副 秘书长及其团队所作的努力,保证 通过务虚会、通报和研讨会,让会员国充分参加这一 进程。
My delegation applauds the efforts of Under-Secretary-General Susana Malcorra and her team [...]
to guarantee that Member States
are fully engaged in this process through retreats, briefings and workshops.
波斯尼亚和黑塞维那赞扬科索沃特派团在第 1244(1999)号决议框架内开展行动,在科索沃发挥了 [...]
Bosnia and Herzegovina commends UNMIK, operating [...]
within the framework of resolution 1244 (1999) in its role of maintaining
peace, security, stability and respect for human rights in Kosovo.
下列专家应邀参加了会议:卡尼科 · 赛 纳 (非洲 ) ; 耶莱 纳 ·普 兰格(北极 地区);米尔纳·坎宁安(中美洲、南美洲和加勒比); 娜 · 莱 坎 希纳(东欧、俄 罗斯联邦、中亚和外高加索);约翰·班巴(亚洲)和让内特·阿姆斯特朗(北美 洲)。
The following invited experts participated in the meeting: Kanyinke Sena (Africa); Jelena Poranger (Arctic); Myrna Cunningham (Central, South America and the Caribbean); Anna Naikanchina (Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia); John Bamba (Asia); and Jeannette C. Armstrong (North America).
印度尼西亚扬文莱达鲁萨兰国为履行其关于社会经济发展的人 权义务所作的努力,并赞赏该国政府自愿承诺就人权问题加强与公民社会的合 作。
Indonesia commended the efforts of Brunei Darussalam [...]
to fulfil its human rights obligations regarding socio-economic development,
and appreciated the Government’s voluntary pledges to strengthen cooperation with civil society on human rights issues.
在斯特鲁加尔、布拉斯基奇、莱迪 里奇 和马丁维奇及科尔迪 奇和切尔凯兹案件 中,审判厅不要求为确定这种犯罪要素的 存在而指称或证明武装冲突的性质。
In the cases Strugar, Blaskic, Naletilic and Martinovic, and Kordic and Cerkez, the Trial Chamber did not require pleading or proof of the nature of the armed conflict to satisfy the elements of this crime.
我们扬塞尔维亚政府抓捕姆拉奇先生 ,我们欢迎塔迪奇总统所说的话,即该国致 力于抓获前南问题国际法庭的最后一名逃犯戈兰·哈 [...]
We commend the Government of Serbia for apprehending Mr. Mladić, [...]
and we welcome President Tadić’s statement about his country’s
commitment to apprehending the final ICTY fugitive, Goran Hadžić.
该员额的这些职责较为敏感、并且具有挑战性, 要求有关员额的职等与莱波萨维奇 、 联 科 特 派 团驻米特罗维察行政部门和兹韦 钱等市所设的员额相当,这几个市的员额均为 P-3 职等。
The sensitive and challenging nature of the functions of the post require that it be at a level commensurate with those of the Deputy Municipal Representatives in the municipalities of Leposavić, the UNMIK Administration in Mitrovica and Zvečan, who are all at the P-3 level.
根据扩大的主席团的建议,委员会设立了由下列委员组成的规划组:雅各布 松女士(主席)、卡弗利施先生、坎迪奥蒂先生、科米萨里奥·阿丰索先生、杜加 尔德先生、埃斯科瓦尔·埃尔南德斯女士、加亚先生、加利茨基先生、哈苏纳先 生、哈穆德先生、卡姆托先生、法蒂·卡米沙先生 科 洛 德 金先生、 莱 斯 卡 努 先生、麦克雷先生、村濑先生、尼豪斯先生、诺尔特先生、 莱 先 生 、彼得奇 先生 、萨博亚先生、辛格先生、巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳先生、巴尔加斯·卡雷尼奥 先生、瓦钱尼先生、巴斯克斯-贝穆德斯先生 维 斯 努 穆尔蒂先生、伍德先生和 佩雷拉先生(当然成员)。
On the recommendation of the Enlarged Bureau, the Commission set up a Planning Group composed of the following members: Ms. M.G. Jacobsson (Chairperson), Mr. L. Caflisch, Mr. E. Candioti, Mr. P. Comissário Afonso, Mr. C.J.R. Dugard, Ms. C. Escobar Hernández, Mr. G. Gaja, Mr. Z. Galicki, Mr. H.A. Hassouna, Mr. M.D. Hmoud, Mr. M. Kamto, Mr. F. Kemicha, Mr. R.A. Kolodkin, Mr. T.V. Melescanu, Mr. D.M. McRae, Mr. S. Murase, Mr. B. Niehaus, Mr. G. Nolte, Mr. A. Pellet, Mr. E. Petrič, Mr. G.V. Saboia, Mr. N. Singh, Mr. E. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. E. Vargas Carreño, Mr. S.C. Vasciannie, Mr. M. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. N. Wisnumurti, Mr. M. Wood, and Mr. A.R. Perera (ex officio).
丘尔金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):我们感 谢负责科索沃问题的秘书长特别代表赞尼尔先生介 绍秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派 团 (科 索沃特派团)的报告(S/2011/281),欢迎塞 维 亚外 交部长武克·耶雷米奇先生参加今天的安全理事会会 议,我们赞同他的观点。
): We would like to thank Mr. Zannier, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Kosovo, for introducing the report [...]
(S/2011/281) of the Secretary-General
on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK).




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