

单词 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会

See also:


a Christian

External sources (not reviewed)

国家宗教事务局设立了新部门负责管理民间宗教和五大宗教以外的宗教活动,其中包括东正教 耶稣基督末 期 圣徒教会。
SARA established a new administrative division responsible for the activities of folk religions and
religions outside the main five, including the Eastern Orthodox Church
[...] and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
当局允许在国外加耶稣基督末期 圣徒教会 的 教 徒回国后举行宗教活动。
Authorities permitted citizens who
[...] joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while outside of [...]
China to hold services after their return.
新“)约概念圆满(”未来的存在似乎是指无论现在和判断之前 continuing Salvation 救恩的徒在耶稣基督和第二字面来临基督带来邪恶 世 界 , 将。
The New Testament concept of Parousia ("coming presence") appears to refer to both the
present and the continuing
[...] Salvation among believers in Jesus Christ and the literal Second Coming of Christ that will bring an evil world to judgment before salvation.
末世只达到在基督和使徒教学的完成,而在民族 教末世 鲜 玫 瑰以上的个人看法,即使是这样,往往如此含糊,这么少的约束与任何 圣 的 正 义和道德观念就足够retribu - tion,它几乎没有值得被列为宗教教职。
Jewish eschatology only attained its completion in the teaching of Christ and the Apostles; while in ethnic religion eschatology seldom rose above the individual view, and even then was often so vague, [...]
and so little bound
up with any adequate notion of Divine justice and of moral retribu- tion, that it barely deserves to be ranked as religious teaching.
今天,我圣地、巴勒斯坦的土地、神谕和先 知穆罕默德升天之地以耶稣基督的 诞 生地来 到会。
the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the Prophet Muhammad and the birthplace of Jesus Christ”.
教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委 会会 议 接 受了两个旨在保护和宣传巴勒斯坦文 化遗产旗舰项目建议,即“伯利恒的 督 诞 生 教 堂 、 耶 稣 诞 生地和具有显著普遍价值的古 迹” 以及“文化路线耶稣基督之路 ”,涵盖从加沙地带(Nusseirat 遗址圣希拉 容修道 院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,人们认识到 这一项目不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括纳布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教 传统和民间传统。
Two flagship project ideas were accepted by the Joint UNESCO-Palestinian Authority Committee meeting, aimed at the preservation and promotion of the
Palestinian cultural
[...] heritage, namely “The Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Birthplace of Jesus and Monuments of Outstanding Universal Value” and “Cultural Itinerary of Jesus Christ Route”, covering cultural, religious and archaeological sites in Gaza (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) and in the West [...]
Bank (the village
of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos), it being understood that the project will include not only sites and traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
安全理会和国际社会必须 关注阿克萨清真寺 及其周围的紧张局势和对抗的升级,因为这一圣地以 及在被占领耶路撒 冷和其余巴勒斯坦被占领土上 的其他穆斯林基督教圣地, 继续受到极端主义的以 色列定居者的威胁、煽动和亵渎以及犹太复国主义官 员的不断挑衅,这不仅使巴勒斯坦人民而且 使 世 界各地穆斯林人民对于在这一圣地可能发生进一步的危 机越发感到担忧。
The Security Council and the world community must pay heed to the escalation of tension and confrontation in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, since that holy place, along with other Muslim and Christian holy sites in occupied Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory, continue to be subjected to threats, incitement and desecration by extremist settlers, as well as constant provocation by Zionist [...]
挖掘与保存、培训及文化旅游:“文化路 线 - - 耶稣基督 之 路 ”,涵盖从加沙地带 (Nusseirat 遗址圣希拉 容修道院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村 圣 乔 治教 堂)的文化、教和考 古景点,不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括 那布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教传统和民间传统。
Excavations and preservation, training, cultural tourism
[...] “Cultural Itinerary Jesus Christ Route”, covering the cultural, religious and archaeological sites from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) to the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos) including [...]
not only the sites
and the traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ, but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
2 月 7 日以色列定居者破坏东耶路撒冷 Beit Safafa 居民区的一所学校, 在学校墙壁上喷涂“阿拉伯人去死吧”等种族主义和暴力的口号,他们 还耶路撒冷城一座十世纪的 希腊东正教修道院的墙上喷涂 基督教 徒去死吧”的口号。
On 7 February, Israeli settlers vandalized a school in the Beit Safafa neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, spraying racist and violent
slogans such as “Death to Arabs”
[...] on the school walls and “Death to Christians” on the walls of an eleventh century Greek Orthodox monastery in the City.
我们彼此间的神学论战:关于传福音 末世 问 题 上的观点差异导致 基督教会 内 部 的误解和分裂,损耗了本来可以用在事工上的能量。
Theological battles among ourselves:
Differing views about
[...] evangelism and eschatology have led to misunderstandings and divisions in the Christian community, draining [...]
off energy that could be going into ministry.
这样,我 们看到(至少 27 次)“ekklesia”指的是这个世的 教会 , 即 在 耶稣基督 里 所有 信 徒 的 身 体, 包括已死的和健在的,是从各族、各方、各民和各国来的,是这个普世教会的一部分而不参与当 地教会的事工,不是新圣经的概念。
Thus, (at least 27 times) we see ekklesia denoting the universal Church which is that body of believers in Jesus Christ, living and dead, from every tribe, language, people and nation.
它代表了作教育部耶稣的实现末世' ; 作 为 对这个世界的影响'的世界大国来在一系列事件,空前绝后系列,在目前的实际进展”(同上,第51)。
It represents
[...] the ministry of Jesus as 'realized eschatology'; as the impact [...]
upon this world of the 'powers of the world to come' in a series of events,
unprecedented and unrepeatable, now in actual progress" (ibid., p. 51).
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功率决定性 末世 论 的 体现,对进一步的“最后的事”在未来后浓度betokened到犹太大 教 派 , 它降低到仅仅是“初步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音, 耶稣 的 信 息特色。
His redeeming work constituted
[...] the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating for the world's salvation; the later concentration on a further "last thing" in the future betokened a relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, which relegated to a merely "preliminary" role those elements of the gospel which were distinctive of Jesus' message.
享受新闻提要形式耶稣基督后期 圣徒教会 以 及 其他教会的资源网站。
Enjoy news feeds
[...] form the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as other church resource sites.
美国最大的新教团体,美南浸会, 拥 抱 基督教 原 则 ;的福音派的其他组件包括Pentecostalists,有魅力的重建(包括罗马天主教翼),阿民念主义 圣 洁 的 教 会 , 保 守confessionalists如路德教会,密苏里州主教,以及许多黑人浸信会,以及独立的“信念使命”,如跨瓦西蒂团契,学园传道会 世 界 展 望教派部委。
The largest US Protestant body, the Southern Baptist Convention, embraces Evangelical tenets; other components of Evangelicalism include Pentecostalists, the Charismatic Renewal (including its Roman Catholic wing), Arminian-Holiness churches, conservative confessionalists such as the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and numerous black Baptists, as well as independent "faith missions" and interdenominational ministries such as Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision.
圣经的缺乏:一方面教会一直 在集中力量影响与自己同类的主流人群,另一方面,许多族群却亟待听到以自己的母语所传讲 耶稣基督 的 福 音。
Bible poverty: While the Church continues to focus on reaching majority populations that are similar to them, many people groups have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in their own language.
最终,预计该计划将涵盖从加沙地带(Nusseirat 遗址、圣希拉容修道 院所在地)到西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教堂)的景点目录编制、保护、能力建设和文化旅游 发展,包括与稣基督 相关的那些景点,特别是“伯利恒 基督圣 诞 教 堂 、 耶稣 诞 生 地”, 以及非物质文化遗产的表达方式。
Eventually, it is expected that this programme will include the inventorying, preservation, capacity-building and cultural tourism development from the Gaza strip (the site of Nusseirat, location of Saint Hilarion Monastery) to the West Bank
(the village of Burqin
[...] and the Church of Saint Georgos) including the sites related to Jesus Christ, in particular “the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Birthplace of Jesus”, as well as intangible [...]
cultural heritage expressions.
我们并不怀疑基督徒受逼迫事件的真实性或 其严重性,然而值得注意的是每天有多少基督徒活动在进行,而这些活动在技术上来说应该是不被允许的,但是却没有受到检查......在每一个礼拜里,在中 国的某地,都市的信徒在租来的办公室建筑内聚会,数以百计的非官 圣 经 学 校提供课程,儿童上主日学和少年 会 , 内 含各 基督教 内 容 的书籍在全国各地的书店 公开贩售,企业为员工举行教堂敬拜,学生参加校园里的研经班,基 徒 经 营 的地方性非政府组织为具有多样化需要的个人和家庭提供大量的服务──参与这些活动 的基督徒完全没有受到政府的逼迫。
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian persecution or their seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes unchecked... In any given week, somewhere in China, urban believers hold services in rented
office buildings,
[...] hundreds of unofficial Bible schools offer classes, children attend Sunday schools and youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across the country, businesses conduct chapel services for their employees, students meet for campus Bible studies, [...]
local Christian-run
NGOs offer a host of services to individuals and families with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
的异端,诺斯替克林妥,谁对第世 纪 末 兴 起 之一,它在地球上宣布,他将与他的第二次来临后,复活 基督圣徒 灿 烂 的国度,并描绘这千年中的乐趣严重的,感性的颜色(凯斯在尤西比乌斯,“历史传道书。
One of the heretics, the Gnostic Cerinthus, who flourished
[...] towards the end of the first century, proclaimed a splendid kingdom of Christ on earth which He would establish with the risen saints upon His second advent, [...]
and pictured the
pleasures of this one thousand years in gross, sensual colours (Caius in Eusebius, "Hist.
由于许多属于这一节的神学理论科目将被视为适当的标题下,他们几个前professo,所以建议在本条仅仅采取这种看法的整个领域将有助于说明在一般地方的末世宗教的框架,解释其标的物的轮廓和它在人类的各种宗教的内容,并通过比较说明 基督教末世 论 的 教学优势。
As the numerous doctrinal subjects belonging to this section of theology will be treated ex professo under their several proper titles, it is proposed in this article merely to take such a view of the whole field as will serve to indicate the place of eschatology in the general framework of religion, explain its subject-matter and the outlines
of its content in the various religions of mankind, and illustrate by comparison the
[...] superiority of Christian eschatological teaching.
Christians believe that Jesus is 'the son of [...]
God', the Messiah sent from Heaven to save the world.
不过,也有在后使徒时代基督徒, 特别是在小亚细亚,人数众多,取得了迄今为犹太 世 界 末 日 的投 入 圣 约 翰 启示录这些描述一种字面上的意义,其结果是,千禧年的传播,取得了坚定的倡导者不仅在异端但其中也天 教教 徒。
Nevertheless, a
[...] large number of Christians of the post-Apostolic era, particularly in Asia Minor, yielded so far to Jewish apocalyptic as to put a literal meaning into these descriptions of St. John's Apocalypse; the result was that millenarianism spread and gained staunch advocates not only among the heretics but among the Catholic Christians as well.
诗篇从出生开始回圣人的 生平,叙述了他的军事才能、远见和成长,直到建 耶稣会 , 受 到 教 皇 保罗 三世 (Pope Paul III) 的祝福。
The poem
[...] relates the life of the saint from his birth and recounts his military prowess, vision, and the developments that led to the establishment of the Jesuit order and its blessing by Pope Paul III.
2010 年2月20 日,印度Batala 镇基督徒上街游行,抗议学教科 书 内刊 登一幅描耶稣一手 持啤酒一手持香烟的漫画。
On 20 February 2010, Christians in the town of Batala, India, took to the streets to protest against the publication of a cartoon from a school textbook that portrayed Jesus raising a can of [...]
beer in one hand and
holding a cigarette in the other.
这群年轻人,通过阅读圣经,並圣经 作为生命的中心,激励他们度真正信仰的生活,接 耶稣基督 自 古 来 , 世世 代 代 的邀请,成为祂的 徒。
By reading the Scriptures and placing them at the center of their lives, the young people who began the Community were challenged to
[...] live a more authentic life: they discovered the invitation to become disciples of his, it is the same invitation that Jesus addresses to all generations.
鉴于这一问题在教和精 神方面的极端重要性以及这些场所对于 世 界穆 斯林基督徒的重要意义,我们呼吁联合国相关机构,特别是安全理 会 , 担 负 起自身的责任并采取必要步骤,解决这一问题,并立即纠正以色列在包括 耶路 撒 冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土内对巴勒斯坦古迹和文化场所进行的上述非法行 动。
the importance of these sites to Muslims and Christians worldwide, we call on the relevant United Nations bodies, in particular the Security Council, to shoulder its responsibilities and take the necessary steps to address this issue and to have the above-mentioned illegal Israeli action against Palestinian [...]
archaeological and cultural sites
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, reversed immediately.
鉴于耶路撒冷对于穆斯林的重要意义以及其在 和平进程中的战略重要性圣城委员 会 主 席 国王穆 罕默德世敦促 有关各方不要采取任何有可能破坏 阿克萨清真寺耶路撒 冷其他场所的神圣性的行 动,从而维护该城市作为一个三大天启 教 的 和 平、 共存和宽容的圣地。
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in the peace process,
King Mohammed VI,
[...] Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had urged the parties involved not to take any action likely to impair the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sites in Jerusalem, thereby preserving the City as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among the three revealed religions.
在各种基教教义, 千年指的是1000年期间, 圣 经 启 示录预言,涉及的启示 世 界 末 尾 ) 和 耶稣基督 在 地 上执掌王权。
In various Christian doctrines, millennium refers to a 1,000-year period foretold in the Bible's Book of Revelation, involving the apocalypse (the end of the world) and the reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
今天,仍然存在针世界各 地很多宗教少数群 体、包括基督徒的宗教不容忍、歧视和暴力现象, 其形式是违反国际法攻击宗圣地和 压制个人公开 表达自己的信仰。
Today there remain instances of religious intolerance, discrimination and violence
directed against
[...] members of many religious minorities, including Christians, in various parts of the world, in the form of attacks on religious sites in violation of international law and suppression [...]
of individuals’
public expression of their beliefs.
这个故事告圣高利 奇迹工作者,他发现,但在Neocæsarea十 基督徒 时 , 他成为 教 , 他 离开了,但在同一城市中 17 异 教 徒 去 世 时 , 他(约270-5),必须大大如此。
The story told of St. Gregory the
[...] Wonder-Worker, that he found but seventeen Christians in Neocæsarea when he became bishop, and that he left but seventeen pagans in the same city when he died (c. 270-5), must be substantially true.




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