单词 | 耶稣基督後期圣徒教会 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 耶稣基督后期圣徒教会—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 基督教徒—a Christian
今年的主要项目包括︰香港仔伤健乐园、翔龙湾广场、九龙塘教育资源中心、九广铁路上水站、马鞍山站、落马洲支线、耶稣基督後期圣徒教会教堂、海洋公园、香港大学、将军澳广场及联合广场。 hksb.org.hk | ? Some of the major BFA projects were carried out for : Aberdeen P.H.A.B. Site, Grand Waterfront Plaza, Kowloon Tong Education Resource Centre, KCRC Sheung Shui [...] Station, KCRC Ma On Shan Station, [...] KCRC Lok Ma Chau Station,LDS Church, Ocean Centre, The University [...]of Hong Kong, Tseung Kwan O Arcade, Union Square. hksb.org.hk |
政府由 2003 年年初开始与甘棠第当时的业主耶稣基督後期 圣徒教会商议,研究可否以收购方式取得甘棠第业权,并在 2004 [...] 年 2 月 以 5,300 万元( 在 总目 701「土地徵用」项下拨款支付) 购入这座历史建 筑物。 legco.gov.hk | The Government commenced in early 2003 [...] negotiation with the Church ofJesus Christof Latter-day Saints, [...]the then owner of KTH, toexplore the possibility of acquiring KTH [...]through purchase, and acquired this historical building at a cost of $53 million (charged to Head 701 “Land Acquisition”) in February 2004. legco.gov.hk |
在黑暗之 中,在人的智慧穷尽之时,作为一个基督徒,我只可以学习教会历代圣徒,向我的上帝祈祷。 legco.gov.hk | In the dark, when the wisdom of man is at its [...] end, I being a Christiancanonly follow the steps of thesaints inthe history of the Church bypraying to my God. legco.gov.hk |
请 讀帖撒羅尼迦後书2:13,圣靈在信徒身上盖印,且证明耶 稣基督在我们心裡,祂有圣洁和公义,使我们有能力胜过老 我。 calvarygs.org | The Holy [...] Spirit seals the believer and testifiesof Jesus Christ within us, as He produces holiness, and righteousness [...]to empower us [...]to overcome the old flesh nature. calvarygs.org |
我奉圣父,圣子,圣靈的名,以台福基督教会总会,及本教会奉献这间 圣殿,做为宣扬福音,敬拜上帝,执行圣禮,虚心領受主耶稣的教训,圣徒与圣靈的团契,及服务社会的场所。 efcga.org | I dedicate this churchinthe name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and also on behalf of the General Assembly of EFC that this church shall be a location for evangelism, worshiping God, practicingthe churchordinances,followingJesus’teaching, fellowship of the Holy Spiritand saints, andsocial [...] service. efcga.org |
当局允许在国外加入耶稣基督末期圣徒教会的教徒回国后举行宗教活动。 embassyusa.cn | Authorities permitted citizens who [...] joinedthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints while [...]outside of China to hold services after their return. eng.embassyusa.cn |
教会的进步是基於圣灵丰满地向那些想认识真理的人作见证,耶稣是基督,约瑟斯密是神的一个先知,耶稣基督後期圣徙士教会是基督在地面上真正的教会。 mormon.org | The growth of the church can be attribute to outpouring of the Holy Spirit to testify to those who wants to know the truth, that Jesus is the [...] Christ, Joseph Smith is His prophet [...] and thatthe Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints is Christ'strue churchon earth. mormon.org.uk |
我奉圣父,圣子,圣靈的名,及台福基督教会总会(及______教会)的权 柄开设这间教会,做为宣扬耶稣救赎恩典,敬拜上帝,承受主耶稣的教训,与圣靈的团契,并执行圣禮典的所在,成为本地之福音灯台。 efcga.org | In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the authority ofthe Evangelical Formosan Church General Assembly, I proclaim ______(name of new church) to be a church of our denomination [...] in the fellowship period. efcga.org |
根据相关宗教节日准予休节假日,如穆斯林雇员有权在斋月期间休假一天,基督教徒可以选择星期日作为休息日。 daccess-ods.un.org | Holiday and vacation time is provided according to the relevant religious holidays, such that [...] Muslim employees are entitled to [...] a day off during the Ramadan,andChristians can choose Sunday as their day off [...]from work. daccess-ods.un.org |
(8) 若 有 关日期的翌日是圣诞节、耶 稣受难日 或星期日,该 书 记 根 据 上 开 第 ( 6 ) 款 的 职 责 是 安 排 裁 判 法 院 在 不 迟 於 有 关 日期後不是上 述 任 何 一 个 日 子 的 第 一 个 开 庭 日 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (8) Where the day next [...] following the relevant dayis Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Sunday, the duty of the clerk under subsection (6) above is a duty to arrange for a magistrates’ court to sit not later than the first day after therelevant day which [...]is not one of those days. hkreform.gov.hk |
y 第八届会议,对巴基斯坦进行普遍定期审议,讨论了反亵渎立法与人 权不相容,对阿尔及利亚进行普遍定期审议,讨论了对基督教徒的迫害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eighth session, on the universal periodic review of Pakistan, to discuss the incompatibility of [...] anti-blasphemy legislation with human rights, as well as [...] the universal periodic reviewof Algeria todiscuss Christian persecution. daccess-ods.un.org |
稍後教育统筹局局长亦会就《1999 年破产欠薪保障(修订)条例草案》 提出政府的修正案,删除有关书面承诺的规定及如雇员在终止雇用前 12 个 月内曾不止一次遭减薪,则破产欠薪保障基金会以该段期间内雇主承诺的最 高工资水平计算特惠款项。 legco.gov.hk | In a while, [...] the Secretaryfor Education and Manpower will also be proposing amendments to the Protection of Wages on Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 1999 to delete from it the requirement for an undertaking in writing, as well as to provide that if an employee's wages have been reduced more than once during a period of 12 months immediately before his dismissal, the Protection of Wages on InsolvencyFund (PWIF) shall calculate the ex gratia payment on the basis of the employee's [...]highest wage [...]level for which an undertaking has been made by his employer during that period. legco.gov.hk |
除了在元旦、农历年初一至三、耶稣受难节、圣诞节和圣诞节後第一个周日等 7 天公众假期全日休馆 外,所有公共图书馆在其他公众假期均按上述时间开放,为市民 提供服务。 legco.gov.hk | With the exception of seven public holidays, namely New Year's Day, [...] the first three [...] days of the Lunar New Year,Good Friday, ChristmasDay and the first weekday after Christmas Day, all public libraries [...]are open to [...]the public during the hours listed above on public holidays. legco.gov.hk |
3.1 根据第二条款, 凡重生得救, 经历过认罪悔改, 信靠主耶稣基督,并愿意遵 守本教会信条和支持本教会目标的基督徒,不论任何宗派都可以成为本教 会的会员. leedsccc.org.uk | 3.1 Membership, subject to Chapter 2, shall be open to all who have experienced the New [...] Birth through [...] repentance of sins and faith in theLord Jesus Christ andwho abide withthe doctrinal basis and subscribe to the aims [...]of the LCCC, regardless [...]of their denominational affiliation. leedsccc.org.uk |
我们愿意每个人首先让主耶稣的王权管理我们个人的生 命,以致我们能彼此相爱、接纳、饶恕、互相鼓励、造就、建立基督的身体(教会),好使神的国、主耶稣的王权扩展、 伸张至家庭、社会、城市及国家不同的层面。 nimenqu.net | Each one of us as an individual is willing to let King Jesus to rule over our life and has the first priority to our life, so that King Jesus can help us to love one another, to accept, forgive, encourage [...] each other to build up [...] the Bodyof Christ(The church);so that the Kingdom of God and Dominion and Rulership of King Jesuswill extend from [...]individuals, families, [...]societies, cities, nations and all over the world through His Body, the Church of Jesus Christ. nimenqu.net |
我们还须否像圣彼得般告知耶稣:不要害怕,主,稍後我一定会认你的。 legco.gov.hk | Do we have to act like Saint Peter intelling Jesus, "Do notbe afraid, my lord, I shall affirm [...] my love for you later. legco.gov.hk |
约瑟‧斐亭‧斯密会长教导说:「父母的职责是教导儿女明白耶稣基督福音中的这些拯救原则,这样他们就会知道为什麽要受洗,他们心里也会有强烈的意愿要在受洗後继续遵守神的诫命,使他们能回到神的面前。 kirche-jesu-christi.org | President Joseph [...] FieldingSmith taught: “Itis the duty ofparentsto teach theirchildren these saving principles of the gospel ofJesus Christ, sothat they will know why they are to be baptized and that they may be impressed in their hearts with a desire to continue to keep the commandmentsof Godafter they are baptized, [...]that they may come back into his presence. kirche-jesu-christi.org |
有时候,每当看到社会在最近两、三个星期发生了些甚 麽重大新闻,触动他们从基督教和《圣经》的角度教诲信徒,阐释社会存在甚麽不公义的情况时,他们也会提出讨论,甚至严厉批评某些 地产商是否要尽敛天下钱财,又或应否透过“发水楼”这种制度牟利, 钱财是否取之有道。 legco.gov.hk | For example, they will [...] review whether any major events have happened in the past two to three weeksthat can serve to illustrate to their congregations the teachings of [...]Christianity and the [...]Bible or the presence of injustices in society. legco.gov.hk |
基督教徒认为耶稣是“上帝的儿子”,是来自天堂拯救人类的弥赛亚。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Christians believe that Jesus is 'the son [...] of God', the Messiah sent from Heaven to save the world. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
今天,信徒因为在官方教会以外的地方聚会而被判刑的刑期大多是几个月或几年,而且大部分被拘捕的基督徒最後会被处以罚款,而非入狱。 amccsm.org | Today sentences for believers [...] arrested for meeting outside theofficial churches are more likely to be a few months or years and most detainedChristians end upfacing fines rather than [...]imprisonment. amccsm.org |
公义和平的上主,我们向祢祷告 天安门的母亲眼泪未乾 死难者的蒙冤咒诅未解求教我们以柔和谦卑的心 恒守心中的一份坚持 不让扭曲的历史掩合成结论 延续每年的祷告 继点心里的烛光 无论夜有多长 光明的盼望就有多长 因为耶和华的慈爱,永远长存奉基督耶稣的圣名祈祷 诚心所愿,阿们。 legco.gov.hk | Persist with the prayer each year, Keep the candle in our heart alight, No matter how long the night may be, Our hope will shine as long Because Jesus' lovewill last forever. legco.gov.hk |
我从风暴滑车急速上 升又下降 18 层楼的高度,紧接着一连串 的圈圈翻滚中,所经历的心情激动与兴奋,也正可描述当 我看到有人决定把美门教会做他们属灵的家时的心情, 愿在这里教养他们的子女,增长他们自己对耶稣基督的信心。 mccc.org | The thrill and excitement of going 18 stories straight up and then straight back down into a series of loops and barrel rolls describe the [...] exhilaration I have had [...] in seeing people find a spiritual home at MCCC where they can nurture their family, grow, and mature in their own faith inJesus Christ. mccc.org |
当年教会正第一年筹划将原有的音乐营扩展成为暑期儿童圣经营(VBS),当时同工约有五位弟兄姊妹,大家同心 寻求神的旨意,虽有许多的挑战,但都充满信心顺服神, 为了引领更多的孩童认识主耶稣,而将自己全然摆上, “爱神、爱人、同作主工,宣扬神的道“,秉着这一信念, 於 1993 年开办了美门的暑期儿童圣经营。 mccc.org | That was also the firstyearthe churchplanned to change the music camp to vacation bible school; there were five brothers and sisters, and they all sought God's will, despite the many challenges, they believed and obeyed God, and based on their faith in “love God, love people, do [...] the Lord's work together, [...]and spread His word,” they started MCCC VBS so more children could be led to Jesus. mccc.org |
此 外,自 本 年 5 月 1 日起, 所有公 共 图 书 馆 在 公 众假期均开放 予 市民使用( 新 历 新 年、农历 年 初 一至三、耶稣受难日、圣诞节及 圣诞节 翌 日 除 外 )。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, starting from 1 May this year, all [...] public libraries have been opened for public use on public holidays with theexception of the New Year's Day, the first three days of [...]the Lunar New Year, [...]Good Friday, Christmas Day and the following day. legco.gov.hk |
主耶稣是在吃祂在世上最後的一个逾越节晚餐时,设 立了圣餐的。其实,这逾越节的筵席也应是世人最後的一 次,因为祂就是逾越节的羔羊,除去世人的罪薛,带领了 我们走出为罪奴的埃及。 lordsgrace.ca | Jesusinstitutedthe Lord’s Supper at the last Passover that He ateon earth which should also [...] be the last Passover that [...]anyone ever needed to eat, because He is the Passover Lamb who has come to lead all mankind out of their “exodus” from sin. lordsgrace.ca |
在五旬节,彼得传福音时,对众人說:『你们各人要悔改,奉耶稣基督的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,就必領受所赐的圣靈,因为这应许是给你们和 你们的儿女,并一切在远方的人,就是主我们上帝所召來的人。 efcga.org | On the day of [...] Pentecost, when Peter preached the Gospel to people, he said, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, [...]in the name of Jesus Christ [...]for the forgiveness of your sins. efcga.org |
2 月 7 日以色列定居者破坏东耶路撒冷 Beit Safafa 居民区的一所学校, 在学校墙壁上喷涂“阿拉伯人去死吧”等种族主义和暴力的口号,他们 还在耶路撒冷城一座十一世纪的希腊东正教修道院的墙上喷涂“基督教 徒去死吧”的口号。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 7 February, Israeli settlers vandalized a school in the Beit Safafa neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, spraying racist and violent [...] slogans such as “Death to Arabs” [...] on the school walls and “Death toChristians”on the walls of an eleventh century GreekOrthodox monastery in the City. daccess-ods.un.org |
该剧呈现了他的职业生涯,从他在布列塔尼的早期教育和他到达康沃尔开始,讲述了他所做的各种奇事,然后表现他回到布列塔尼,成为瓦纳主教,并最终作为一个基督徒而死亡的人生经历。 wdl.org | The play presents his career, starting with his earlyeducation in [...] Brittany and his arrival in Cornwall, recounting the various miracles he performed, then moves on to his return to Brittany, where hebecame BishopofVannesand eventuallydied a Christian death. wdl.org |