

单词 耶稣受难节

See also:


suffer (e.g. under torture)
suffer a calamity


feel unwell
be difficult to bear
suffer pain

External sources (not reviewed)

除了宗教意义之外,复活节在澳大利亚还是一个为期四天的假期周末, 耶稣受难节 开 始 一直持续到复活节后的星期一结束。
In addition to its religious significance,
[...] Easter in Australia is enjoyed as a four-day holiday [...]
weekend starting on Good
Friday and ending on Easter Monday.
在本说明所述期间,东正 耶稣受难节 分 别为 2010 年 4 月 2 日(联 合国法定假日)和 2011 年 4 月 22 日。
This year Orthodox Good Friday falls on 2 April 2010 (which is an official United Nations holiday) and on 22 April 2011.
应当指出,在起草订正日历时,秘书处考虑到关于东正 耶稣受难节 和 法定 假日开斋节和宰牲节的第 66/233 [...]
号决议第一节第 4 段所述安排。
It should be noted that, in drafting the revised calendar, the
Secretariat has taken into account the
[...] arrangements referred to in section I, paragraph 4, of [...]
resolution 66/233 concerning Orthodox
Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
在其第 65/245 号决议同一节第 4 段中,大会满意地注意到秘书处已根据以 往的决议做出了照顾东正 耶稣受难节 以 及法定假日开斋节和宰牲节的安排。
In paragraph 4 of the same section of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly noted with
satisfaction that the
[...] Secretariat had taken into account the arrangements referred to in its previous resolutions concerning Orthodox Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr [...]
and Eid al-Adha.
4.满意地注意到秘书处已考虑到大会第 53/208 A、54/248、55/222、 56/242、57/283 B、58/250、59/265、60/236 A、61/236 和 62/225 号决议提及 的关于东正耶稣受难节以及 法定假日开斋节和宰牲节的安排,并请所有政府间 机构在规划会议时遵守这些决定
Notes with satisfaction that the Secretariat has taken into account the arrangements referred to in General Assembly resolutions 53/208 A, 54/248, 55/222, 56/242, 57/283 B, 58/250, 59/265, 60/236 A, 61/236 and 62/225 concerning Orthodox Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and requests all intergovernmental bodies to observe those decisions when planning their meetings
耶稣受难日协定》建立在以前的谈判基础之上是有用的,这要追溯到 1972 年《森宁代尔协定》。
It was helpful that the Good Friday Agreement built on previous negotiations, going back to the Sunningdale Agreement of 1972.
这意味着,耶稣受难日协 定》是能够建立在先前双方达成 共识的领域基础之上的。
This meant that the Good Friday Agreement was able to build on areas of consensus previously reached by the parties.
节流回路易受混入 回路里的空气影响,使速 难 以 控 制。
Meter-in controls can be adversely affected by any air in the  system.
在下一个两年期,东正耶稣受难日为 2012 年 4 月13日和2013年5月3日。
For the next biennium, Orthodox Good Friday occurs on 13 April in 2012 and on 3 May in 2013.
与其它国家一样,瑞士的复活节已经变得十分商业化,而该节日的起源似乎正被人们淡忘 耶稣受难 日 (G ood Friday)和复节星期 一(Easter Monday)成为人们外出度假的好时机,十分受欢迎。
And here, like in other countries where Easter has become
increasingly commercialised, the
[...] origins of this spring festival tend to fade into the background as Good [...]
Friday and Easter Monday
become a welcome extension to the weekend and a chance to go on a short break.
此外,还有一些专项的流行音乐节,如诺特登的布鲁斯音乐节和在复活节期间举办的“地狱”金属摇滚音 节 竟 然 令人啼笑皆非地安排在周五 耶稣受难 日。
There are also more specialised pop music festivals, such as the Notodden Blues Festival and the Inferno Metal Festival, which ironically enough takes place on Good Friday.
例如耶 稣受难日或 贝尔法斯特协定有三套环环相扣、相互关联的关系:北爱尔兰内部关 系、北爱尔兰和爱尔兰之间的关系以及英国和爱尔兰之间的关系。
By way of
[...] example, the Good Friday, or Belfast, Agreement had to deal [...]
with three sets of interlocking and interrelated relationships:
within Northern Ireland, between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and finally between Great Britain and Ireland.
节纪念的是耶稣基督 被钉死在十字架上后复活的日子。
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ following [...]
his death by crucifixion.
此外,特 别报告员并从以下的国际组织收到了回复:难民署、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组 织)、国际移徙组织(移徙组织)和以下的非政府组织:大赦国际、阿根廷公民社会协会、庇护
机会、伯特尔斯曼基金会、国际天主教儿童局、边缘儿童、保护儿童国际、荷兰难民事务理 事会、信仰与至福会、难民教育信托基金会、Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft、人权观
[...] 察、匈牙利赫尔辛基委员会、韩国移民联合理事会 耶稣 会 难 民 服 务社、国际无证件难民问 题合作平台和救助儿童组织。
In addition, the Special Rapporteur also received replies from the following international organizations: UNHCR, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and from the following NGOs: Amnesty International, Asociación de Derechos Civiles de Argentina, Asylum Access, Bertelsmann Foundation, Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance (et al.), Children on the Edge, Defense for Children International, Dutch Refugee Council, Fe y Alegria, Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust, Gewerschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Human Rights Watch, Hungarian
Helsinki Committee, Joint Committee with
[...] Migrants in Korea, Jesuit Refugee Service, Platform [...]
for International Cooperation on
Undocumented Migrants and Save the Children.
因此备份整个系统盘(创建磁盘映像)不仅能在计算机遭遇重大 难 时 为 您 节 约大 量宝贵时间,也可保护您受其他 麻烦。
So making a backup of your entire system disc (making a disc
image) will save you a lot of
[...] valuable time in case of a disaster, as well as safeguard you against other possible problems.
教科文组织/巴勒斯坦权力机构联合委员会会议 受 了 两 个旨在保护和宣传巴勒斯坦文 化遗产旗舰项目建议,即“伯利恒的基督诞生教堂 耶稣 诞 生 地和具有显著普遍价值的古 迹” 以及“文化路线耶稣基督之路”,涵盖从加沙地带(Nusseirat 遗址,圣希拉容修道 院所在地)到约旦河西岸(布尔津村和圣乔治教堂)的文化、宗教和考古景点,人们认识到 这一项目不仅包括与耶稣生前相关的景点和传统,还包括纳布卢斯的撒玛利亚传统这种宗教 传统和民间传统。
Two flagship
[...] project ideas were accepted by the Joint UNESCO-Palestinian Authority Committee meeting, aimed at the preservation and promotion of the Palestinian cultural heritage, namely “The Nativity Church in Bethlehem, Birthplace of Jesus and Monuments of Outstanding Universal Value” and “Cultural Itinerary of Jesus Christ Route”, covering [...]
cultural, religious
and archaeological sites in Gaza (the site of Nusseirat, location of the Saint Hilarion Monastery) and in the West Bank (the village of Burqin and the Church of Saint Georgos), it being understood that the project will include not only sites and traditions related to the life of Jesus Christ but also religious and popular traditions such as the Samaritan traditions in Nablus.
只有8月1日国庆节、新年假期耶稣 升 天 节 和 圣 诞节为全国性 的公众假期;各州的所有其他公众假期不尽相同。
Only August 1, New Year’s Day, Ascension Day and Christmas Day are days off throughout the country; all other public holidays vary from canton to canton.
这是因为,如果以色列受阿拉 伯和平倡议,就 会确保以色列结束其对自 1967 年以来所占领的所有 叙利亚领土以及在同一年所占领的其余黎巴嫩领土 的占领,确保建立一个以耶路撒 冷为首都的独立的 巴勒斯坦国;此外也因为这将保证达成协议,根据大 会第 194(III)号决议解决巴勒斯难民问 题;并且将 确保以色列同所有阿拉伯国家缔结和平协议,同其他 35 个伊斯兰国家建立正常关系。
That is because Israel’s acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative would guarantee the end of its occupation of all Syrian territories occupied since 1967 and the remaining Lebanese territories occupied in the same year and the establishment of an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital, and because it would guarantee an agreed resolution of the issue of Palestine refugees in accordance with [...]
General Assembly resolution
194 (III) and would secure for Israel peace agreements with all Arab States and normal relations with 35 other Islamic States.
位于南部意大利语区的门德里西奥(Mendrisio):在大斋期第四日,当地人会上 耶稣受难 复 活 剧,及罗马士兵、马背上的小号手。
In Mendrisio in the southern Italian-speaking canton of Ticino, the locals stage a performance of the Biblical Passion Play, complete with Roman soldiers and horseback trumpeters, on the last Thursday of Lent.
我们愈在基督里长大,就愈有真实的人性,也愈实际 受耶稣 那 拔 高、变化过 的人性。
We find that the more we grow in
Christ, the more truly human we become, and the more we enjoy in a practical way the
[...] uplifted, transformed humanity of Jesus.
我们的紧迫感来自如下事实:我们如此深爱耶稣,以至于我们想要尽可能快、尽可能充分地把每个族群带到他面前——使人们可以 受 在 耶稣 里 面的丰盛生命,并使他们有能力脱离在耶稣之外的无力、虚空的生命,从现在直到永远(以弗所书4.19以下)。
Our urgency comes from the fact that we are so in love with Jesus that we want to introduce every people group to Him as soon and as fully
as possible––to give people access to
[...] abundant life in Jesus and enable them to [...]
escape their powerless, futile lives outside
of him, now and in eternity (Ephesians 4.19ff).
一项由巴西矿业技术中心(CETEM)和国家艺术和历史遗产协会(PHAN)联合开展的损害分析发现,带着咸味的潮湿空气并不 耶稣 雕 像 受 损 的 唯一原因;他们同时还发现微生物在新陈代谢过程中会产生酸性物质。
A damage analysis by the Brazilian Center for Mineral Technology (CETEM) and the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) showed that the damp, salty air was not the only factor attacking the monument; they also identified microorganisms that produce acids as they metabolize.
[...] Nerva,唯一的参议员谁导致了无助和自杀的愚蠢跟他在一起,他在这里听 耶稣受难 之 前 ,他达到了78岁的龙岛Miseno的死亡别墅。
Within the walls of this house, frequented by the young Caligula, he was segregated for nine consecutive months after the foiled conspiracy of Sejanus, but bloody, and here he saw the helpless and suicidal folly of the wise old Coccee Nerva, the only
senator who had led with him, here he heard of
[...] the crucifixion of Jesus before he reached [...]
the villa of Lucullus's death at the age of 78 Miseno.




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